RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (Full Version)

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Nnanji -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/24/2017 8:00:51 AM)








ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

It is as absurd to credit Trump for the liberation of Raqqa, or the demise of IS generally as it is to blame Obama for its rise.

The hard work was done by a mixture of Syrian and Kurdish forces in Syria, and a mix of Kurdish, Shiite Iraqi and Iranian forces in Iraq. The US did offer some logistic and training support, and air support but that is the extent of the US contribution. IOW the US contribution was something more than minimal but not that much more, especially when one takes into account the enormous resources the US has at its disposal. As far as I know there wasn't a single US casualty, which tells its own story.

The credit lies with the forces on the ground, who risked their lives to liberate Raqqa, and all the other areas of the 'caliphate' in Syria and Iraq.

Except that the actual defeat of ISIl couldn't have happened without US and Russian air support, logistics and coordination. All of which Obama couldn't or wouldn't do because he was more in to making imaginary red lines in the sand and leading from behind so he wouldn't appear to be a war president.

Exactly. Under Obama, Isil prospered and made Raqqa their capital. Trump promised to defeat them and so it is with American forces providing leadership and support on the ground and in the air. To deny he is fulfilling his campaign promise is to live in a fantasy world full of participation trophies on your shelf.

Enough already. It's so obvious now. Obama's really to blame for the ambush deaths in Niger because years ago starting operations in Africa and in a neighboring country no less..

But even though this whole op was started over a year ago by Obama, oh no, that doesn't matter, it's now a Trump success despite apparently 8 months planning for this 4 mos. operation

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, backed by U.S. airstrikes and American special forces on the ground, said they had completed their four-month battle for the city Islamic State used as a nerve center to plan and stage attacks on the West.

Preparations for the recapture began nearly a year ago, with the SDF and U.S. special forces on the ground supported by American airstrikes taking the hinterlands of Raqqa to inch towards the city.


Look the right wants it both ways and then tell us it's all the left's fault and in this case, Obama's the problem. Horseshit.

Obama went to the repubs for direct war authorization to go into Syria and ISIS. Graham said no troops, McCain 10,000 troops, the repubs haggled while...NOT declaring war on ISIS as Obama asked and NOT a codified authorization to go in as Bush got with Afghan or Iraq.

You see world, the world is to join in when the right conveniently forgets [its] part in these 'failures' only to always blame the left for the consequences of [their] policy.

Then as in ACA and Medicaid money, just as here, take credit when the lefts policies (long term military operations money etc.) are in favor.

Oh bullshit. Obama wanted nothing more than to "Look" like the progressive good guy. His rules of engagement were designed to not get any US soldiers killed, confront Assad (who crossed obmam's red lines while laughing) or miff the Russians. If we were still doing things Obama's way the caliphate would be larger, not gone. Of course since you lefties can't stand the truth about this sort of thing I'll have to listen to your BS lies that it was all Obama for the rest of my life,

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 6:39:54 AM)



Oh bullshit. Obama wanted nothing more than to "Look" like the progressive good guy. His rules of engagement were designed to not get any US soldiers killed, confront Assad (who crossed obmam's red lines while laughing) or miff the Russians. If we were still doing things Obama's way the caliphate would be larger, not gone. Of course since you lefties can't stand the truth about this sort of thing I'll have to listen to your BS lies that it was all Obama for the rest of my life,

The proof of that was the explosive growth ISIS enjoyed under his watch

The things he did in Syria helped them grow

WhoreMods -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 7:10:28 AM)





Oh bullshit. Obama wanted nothing more than to "Look" like the progressive good guy. His rules of engagement were designed to not get any US soldiers killed, confront Assad (who crossed obmam's red lines while laughing) or miff the Russians. If we were still doing things Obama's way the caliphate would be larger, not gone. Of course since you lefties can't stand the truth about this sort of thing I'll have to listen to your BS lies that it was all Obama for the rest of my life,

The proof of that was the explosive growth ISIS enjoyed under his watch

The things he did in Syria helped them grow

And the things that Assad was doing in Syria didn't?
Weird how you feel that Obama's more culpable for that than the guy who was running Syria at the time, and who had spent his whole term in office funding every dickhead with a koran in one hand and a kalashnikov in the other that he possibly could.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 7:12:32 AM)



And the things that Assad was doing in Syria didn't?

You are such a befuddled little moron

Only in your delusional cartoonish reality did I write that, or anything like it... [:D]

WhoreMods -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 7:18:36 AM)





And the things that Assad was doing in Syria didn't?

You are such a befuddled little moron

Only in your delusional cartoonish reality did I write that, or anything like it... [:D]

You didn't say this then?

The proof of that was the explosive growth ISIS enjoyed under his watch

The things he did in Syria helped them grow

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 7:23:13 AM)







And the things that Assad was doing in Syria didn't?

You are such a befuddled little moron

Only in your delusional cartoonish reality did I write that, or anything like it... [:D]

You didn't say this then?

The proof of that was the explosive growth ISIS enjoyed under his watch

The things he did in Syria helped them grow

Maybe someone else has the patience to show you how stupid you are? [:D]

I don't

WhoreMods -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 7:32:41 AM)









And the things that Assad was doing in Syria didn't?

You are such a befuddled little moron

Only in your delusional cartoonish reality did I write that, or anything like it... [:D]

You didn't say this then?

The proof of that was the explosive growth ISIS enjoyed under his watch

The things he did in Syria helped them grow

Maybe someone else has the patience to show you how stupid you are? [:D]

I don't

You're evidently far too busy flaunting how stupid you are yourself every chance you get, yes.

Nnanji -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 8:08:52 AM)







Oh bullshit. Obama wanted nothing more than to "Look" like the progressive good guy. His rules of engagement were designed to not get any US soldiers killed, confront Assad (who crossed obmam's red lines while laughing) or miff the Russians. If we were still doing things Obama's way the caliphate would be larger, not gone. Of course since you lefties can't stand the truth about this sort of thing I'll have to listen to your BS lies that it was all Obama for the rest of my life,

The proof of that was the explosive growth ISIS enjoyed under his watch

The things he did in Syria helped them grow

And the things that Assad was doing in Syria didn't?
Weird how you feel that Obama's more culpable for that than the guy who was running Syria at the time, and who had spent his whole term in office funding every dickhead with a koran in one hand and a kalashnikov in the other that he possibly could.

That's actually not true. Assad was a pass through for Iranian money. Iran only funds Shi'a dickheads with a Quran.

WhoreMods -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 8:34:53 AM)









Oh bullshit. Obama wanted nothing more than to "Look" like the progressive good guy. His rules of engagement were designed to not get any US soldiers killed, confront Assad (who crossed obmam's red lines while laughing) or miff the Russians. If we were still doing things Obama's way the caliphate would be larger, not gone. Of course since you lefties can't stand the truth about this sort of thing I'll have to listen to your BS lies that it was all Obama for the rest of my life,

The proof of that was the explosive growth ISIS enjoyed under his watch

The things he did in Syria helped them grow

And the things that Assad was doing in Syria didn't?
Weird how you feel that Obama's more culpable for that than the guy who was running Syria at the time, and who had spent his whole term in office funding every dickhead with a koran in one hand and a kalashnikov in the other that he possibly could.

That's actually not true. Assad was a pass through for Iranian money. Iran only funds Shi'a dickheads with a Quran.

Assad's father was funding fundamentalists in Palestine before the regime change in Iran put the current shi'ite theocracy in power. Black September ring any bells?

Danemora -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 8:35:56 AM)

Iran and Syria have a strategic alliance together. And just to point out, while Syria is predominantly Sunni...Assad is Alawite, which is a Shiite sect.

Nnanji -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 8:41:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: Danemora

Iran and Syria have a strategic alliance together. And just to point out, while Syria is predominantly Sunni...Assad is Alawite, which is a Shiite sect.

And how does that affect what I said? Or are you jut confirming what I said?

WhoreMods -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 8:45:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: Danemora

Iran and Syria have a strategic alliance together. And just to point out, while Syria is predominantly Sunni...Assad is Alawite, which is a Shiite sect.

I've always got the impression that the Assad family's support of Islamic fundamentalism throughout the middle east has more to do with Syria being on the losing side in the six day war than hair splitting about varieties of islam in any case. The Syrians accepted that a lot less gracefully than the Egyptians or the Jordanians, which is no mean feat, really.

Danemora -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 8:46:43 AM)

You said Iran only funds Shia, yes? And that Syria was only a pass through because they are only interested in funding Shiites and Syria itself is Sunni. Im pointing out to you that while Assad is Syrian, he is Alawite...which shares a Shia link

For not being Shiite, Iran sure is spilling a shit ton of dough towards supporting the Assad regime through Syria's civil. So what you said wasnt exactly correct because they arent just funneling money to other groups through Syria...they are sponsoring Syria itself

Nnanji -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 9:02:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: Danemora

You said Iran only funds Shia, yes? And that Syria was only a pass through because they are only interested in funding Shiites and Syria itself is Sunni. Im pointing out to you that while Assad is Syrian, he is Alawite...which shares a Shia link

For not being Shiite, Iran sure is spilling a shit ton of dough towards supporting the Assad regime through Syria's civil. So what you said wasnt exactly correct because they arent just funneling money to other groups through Syria...they are sponsoring Syria itself

I hadn't tried to go that large. What you're saying is correct. Syria has been Iran's proxy army.

Danemora -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 9:14:37 AM)

I am of the opinion that Assad wants to preserve his power and knows Iran is the only way to do it. And Iran tends to like to be a big player in the state sponsored scene with their hands in a lot of cookie jars you'd think Iran wouldnt back. Its like strict religious dogma takes a backseat sometimes so that Iran can stir up a lot more shit and ugliness in a lot of different places.

Nnanji -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 9:27:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Danemora

I am of the opinion that Assad wants to preserve his power and knows Iran is the only way to do it. And Iran tends to like to be a big player in the state sponsored scene with their hands in a lot of cookie jars you'd think Iran wouldnt back. Its like strict religious dogma takes a backseat sometimes so that Iran can stir up a lot more shit and ugliness in a lot of different places.

However, Iran is trying to establish an end of world caliphate which would be Shiite.

Danemora -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/25/2017 9:33:08 AM)

No argument from me as far as the caliphate being Shiite in Iran's opinion. I think if they could have their way, Iran would be the caliphate.

But that doesnt stop them from throwing money at non-Shiite causes as well. Iran does like to stir the ol' shit pot, especially when it will give grief to Iran's hated enemies...Israel and the US.

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