RE: Libertarian (Full Version)

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bounty44 -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 5:17:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
PS the ignorance was for the previous posts by others before you.
by hey whutevah

Yet, the first sentence in your statement was in direct response to something I said.

unfortunately, lucy, as is the case with so many of the comrades here, cannot distinguish between "ignorance" and "things I don't understand or don't agree with"

its a corollary to the "lie" theory.

Lucylastic -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 5:24:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

I wasnt arguing, I made a statement'

Not so.

Reality is, there are more bills against abortion(an not because of "substance abuse") and more punitive punishments since 2010 than in the previous 40. sensationalising with ignorance, doesnt help anything but add more ignorance to the issue.

So, I'm "ignorant" again because you don't have an argument?


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic 25 NOV 2017 4:58:11 PM


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

When the answers to a debate argument are:

"You're fat"

"Your clothes suck"

"You're stupid"

"You're a racist"

"Your skin is orange"

The person making such ground-breaking statements has already conceded.

oh thats very true, so very very true

That (and moving goal posts) to the side ...

There are no "bills against" abortion since they don't wipe out abortion. As Lefties like to scream from the rooftops, "abortion" has been "legal" in this country since 1973 (it's not, really, but that's a discussion for a different time).

Sure, there have been bills narrowing the instances/availability of abortion, but none have been "against" abortion by way of "making" it "illegal".

There are a plethora of laws, making it illegal for a pregnant woman to drink more than the equivalent of a couple of (small) glasses of wine and, I'll say, again: I wonder why?

Does this particular pregnant woman have less of a right to choose than one that walks into the "sacred ground" of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic? It sure seems that way to me. Why is that? I have yet to receive a reasonable answer to that question.

Let's suppose that a woman finds out she's pregnant, thinks "This pregnancy is going to ruin my life", gets "depressed" and goes out for a "night on the town". Suddenly, some "official" gets wind of this and here comes the police, prosecutors, and other sundry lawyers/talking heads/instigators.

Why is a pregnant woman who hasn't enlisted the help of PP or one of the AMA's other representatives a "criminal", as opposed to her opposite, who worships at the altar of PP?

Lets not suppose.
thats a bs argument.
it has nothing to do with officials getting wind of her drinking.
Please stop sensationalising it.
The difference ???? someone going to PP probably hasnt got the money to get an abortion privately, an abortion as a "D&C" without anyone noticing.
Lack of affordable healthcare, lack of education money and birth control,= unplanned pregnancy.
And socially, its Not something republicans are fond of funding.
They only care about it while its in the womb but even then, healthcare is needed and we all should know what the situation of healthcare is in the republicans eyes.
PS not even half the states have laws making drinking a crime.

Lucylastic -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 5:26:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
PS the ignorance was for the previous posts by others before you.
by hey whutevah

Yet, the first sentence in your statement was in direct response to something I said.

unfortunately, lucy, as is the case with so many of the comrades here, cannot distinguish between "ignorance" and "things I don't understand or don't agree with"

its a corollary to the "lie" theory.

you wont discuss anything with me but you think its ok to diss me with impunity
its not gonna fly,

YOU have no clue how to discuss the other side of an argument
so fuck off with your ignorant bullshit.

Lucylastic -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 5:34:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

I said bills not laws, talk about moving goalposts
A bill is not law until its passed and enacted.

Thank you for the brief civics lesson, but once again: a "bill" isn't law, but what I was discussing was the laws, on the books that criminalize a woman "making choices" in her life that seem to fly in the face of "abortion for everyone, if they choose it" position.

The people that vehemently agree with the latter certainly remain silent about the former.


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
Do you mean Alabama, Mississippi, missouri, new york, ohio, oklahoma, tennessee and WV havent tried to enact banning abortions past six weeks this year?

No. I didn't mean those since that wasn't what I was addressing (there's those goal posts, getting even further away).


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
PS the ignorance was for the previous posts by others before you.
by hey whutevah

Yet, the first sentence in your statement was in direct response to something I said.


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

I wasnt arguing, I made a statement'...

Perhaps you could have been a bit more clear?

I wasnt discussing laws, so your expectation of laws was your moving the goal posts, so YOUR issue
PS I responded to your post , listed links and then reacted to the ignorance, from bounty, from bosco, and your sensationalising it to be a common occurrence.
I dont care if you believe it or not, your bag...
Oh Im sorry the 8 states trying to ban abortions after 6 weeks is saving abortion, how????
You are ignoring the goalposts.
What is the reality of a six week pregnant woman????
she may not even know she is pregnant at six weeks.
If the fetus is found to have a fetal anomaly, it isnt likely to be discovered before 20 weeks(there are exceptions) but millions of women miss out on that test because they cant afford it, unless they are on medicare/medicaid.
Forced birthing is such a wonderful way of life.
putting a woman in jail for aborting a fetus works no?

DaddySatyr -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 5:41:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Lets not suppose.

You're right. let's not.

I assume "Slate" is a legitimate (Non-RW) source?


By 2013, nearly every state in the U.S. had put laws on the books addressing alcohol and pregnancy. Some laws, like those allowing the prosecution of pregnant women for child abuse if they drank, were punitive. Others, like those providing education on alcohol risks and giving pregnant women and new mothers priority placement in substance-abuse treatment programs, were supportive. Many states have a mix of supportive and punitive policies, though punitive policies have become more common over time. According to a new report published in Alcohol and Alcoholism, states with a greater number of punitive pregnancy and alcohol laws are more likely to have greater restrictions on women’s reproductive rights.

If Slate isn't good enough I can give you (with apologies for posting a .pdf):

Center for Reproductive Rights

Start at page 11, if you want actual law citations. 21 out of 22 doesn't equal "more than half" in our 50 state union.


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
PS not even half the states have laws making drinking a crime.


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
The difference ???? someone going to PP probably hasnt got the money to get an abortion privately, an abortion as a "D&C" without anyone noticing.
Lack of affordable healthcare, lack of education money and birth control,= unplanned pregnancy.
And socially, its Not something republicans are fond of funding.

One might assume that a lady, turning to alcohol or drugs to end a pregnancy doesn't have all the resources you mention, but, if they choose to handle it privately, they're criminals.

I get it. Really.

BoscoX -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 5:41:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

I wasnt arguing, I made a statement'

Not so.

Reality is, there are more bills against abortion(an not because of "substance abuse") and more punitive punishments since 2010 than in the previous 40. sensationalising with ignorance, doesnt help anything but add more ignorance to the issue.

So, I'm "ignorant" again because you don't have an argument?


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic 25 NOV 2017 4:58:11 PM


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

When the answers to a debate argument are:

"You're fat"

"Your clothes suck"

"You're stupid"

"You're a racist"

"Your skin is orange"

The person making such ground-breaking statements has already conceded.

oh thats very true, so very very true

That (and moving goal posts) to the side ...

There are no "bills against" abortion since they don't wipe out abortion. As Lefties like to scream from the rooftops, "abortion" has been "legal" in this country since 1973 (it's not, really, but that's a discussion for a different time).

Sure, there have been bills narrowing the instances/availability of abortion, but none have been "against" abortion by way of "making" it "illegal".

There are a plethora of laws, making it illegal for a pregnant woman to drink more than the equivalent of a couple of (small) glasses of wine and, I'll say, again: I wonder why?

Does this particular pregnant woman have less of a right to choose than one that walks into the "sacred ground" of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic? It sure seems that way to me. Why is that? I have yet to receive a reasonable answer to that question.

Let's suppose that a woman finds out she's pregnant, thinks "This pregnancy is going to ruin my life", gets "depressed" and goes out for a "night on the town". Suddenly, some "official" gets wind of this and here comes the police, prosecutors, and other sundry lawyers/talking heads/instigators.

Why is a pregnant woman who hasn't enlisted the help of PP or one of the AMA's other representatives a "criminal", as opposed to her opposite, who worships at the altar of PP?

Lets not suppose.
thats a bs argument.
it has nothing to do with officials getting wind of her drinking.
Please stop sensationalising it.
The difference ???? someone going to PP probably hasnt got the money to get an abortion privately, an abortion as a "D&C" without anyone noticing.
Lack of affordable healthcare, lack of education money and birth control,= unplanned pregnancy.
And socially, its Not something republicans are fond of funding.
They only care about it while its in the womb but even then, healthcare is needed and we all should know what the situation of healthcare is in the republicans eyes.
PS not even half the states have laws making drinking a crime.

You are far too stupid to realize that you didn't even remotely address what he wrote, aren't you

It is not a bs argument, or you would have ignored it rather than try to obfuscate and deflect with your standard robo "hate Republicans" mindlessness

Lucylastic -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 5:52:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Lets not suppose.

You're right. let's not.

I assume "Slate" is a legitimate (Non-RW) source?


By 2013, nearly every state in the U.S. had put laws on the books addressing alcohol and pregnancy. Some laws, like those allowing the prosecution of pregnant women for child abuse if they drank, were punitive. Others, like those providing education on alcohol risks and giving pregnant women and new mothers priority placement in substance-abuse treatment programs, were supportive. Many states have a mix of supportive and punitive policies, though punitive policies have become more common over time. According to a new report published in Alcohol and Alcoholism, states with a greater number of punitive pregnancy and alcohol laws are more likely to have greater restrictions on women’s reproductive rights.

If Slate isn't good enough I can give you (with apologies for posting a .pdf):

Center for Reproductive Rights

Start at page 11, if you want actual law citations. 21 out of 22 doesn't equal "more than half" in our 50 state union.


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
PS not even half the states have laws making drinking a crime.


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
The difference ???? someone going to PP probably hasnt got the money to get an abortion privately, an abortion as a "D&C" without anyone noticing.
Lack of affordable healthcare, lack of education money and birth control,= unplanned pregnancy.
And socially, its Not something republicans are fond of funding.

One might assume that a lady, turning to alcohol or drugs to end a pregnancy doesn't have all the resources you mention, but, if they choose to handle it privately, they're criminals.

I get it. Really.

I gave you the link, I know whats in it.
you obviously get very little.
Its not as simple as you stated, thats why its bogus.
PS I did mention bills since 2010
2013 is between 2010 and 2017.
DId you pick on slate because its left wing? did you simply ignore the others.
PS your link to the PDF didnt work.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 5:59:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
PS your link to the PDF didnt work.


Link (.pdf)

Lucylastic -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 6:00:05 AM)

is this the pdf you mean??
Punishing Women for their Behavior During Pregnancy: An Approach That Undermines Women's Health and Children's Interest (PDF, 0.2 MB)
if so I have downloaded it.
but the first thing that jumps out at me is the date....2000
You wanna see what they say last year
it might help to see challenges to bills etc here®ion=50
their search only goes back to 2008.

Lucylastic -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 6:01:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
PS your link to the PDF didnt work.


Link (.pdf)

reading, thankyou

DesideriScuri -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 8:55:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
There are a plethora of laws, making it illegal for a pregnant woman to drink more than the equivalent of a couple of (small) glasses of wine and, I'll say, again: I wonder why?
Does this particular pregnant woman have less of a right to choose than one that walks into the "sacred ground" of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic? It sure seems that way to me. Why is that? I have yet to receive a reasonable answer to that question.
Let's suppose that a woman finds out she's pregnant, thinks "This pregnancy is going to ruin my life", gets "depressed" and goes out for a "night on the town". Suddenly, some "official" gets wind of this and here comes the police, prosecutors, and other sundry lawyers/talking heads/instigators.
Why is a pregnant woman who hasn't enlisted the help of PP or one of the AMA's other representatives a "criminal", as opposed to her opposite, who worships at the altar of PP?[/color]

How would anyone know that a woman who just found out she was pregnant and goes out for a drink is pregnant? Unless she's spouting off about it, wouldn't there be some HIPAA laws broken?

I think part of the issue is that a pregnant woman who hasn't terminated her pregnancy might be looked at as accepting or wanting to take the pregnancy to term, and, therefore, there are more rights conferred onto the fetus. Almost as if the pregnant woman has 'ceded' some of her rights to choose her behaviors and granted them to the fetus (in the form of the Right to Life) until the fetus has his/her full complement of Rights. If that be the case, then the pregnant woman engaging in behaviors that are a serious risk to the health and wellbeing of the growing fetus might constitute an illegal action

On the other side of that example is the pregnant woman who decides she doesn't want to take the pregnancy to term and decides to abort. She does not cede any of her Rights, so none get conferred to the fetus.

Even if all that ends up being the case, we still will have to make some sort of decision as to when a fetus is conferred its full complement of Rights. Is it "at birth?" At the age of viability? At the beginning of the 3rd trimester?

DaddySatyr -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 9:17:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
How would anyone know that a woman who just found out she was pregnant and goes out for a drink is pregnant? Unless she's spouting off about it, wouldn't there be some HIPAA laws broken?

Your first question is a point well-taken, but let's not make it quite so literal? Maybe she's told her parents and her partner or some friends ... I really didn't mean she'd just peed on the stick. HIPAA? Only if one is a medical professional or an insurance professional, no?


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
I think part of the issue is that a pregnant woman who hasn't terminated her pregnancy might be looked at as accepting or wanting to take the pregnancy to term, and, therefore, there are more rights conferred onto the fetus. Almost as if the pregnant woman has 'ceded' some of her rights to choose her behaviors and granted them to the fetus (in the form of the Right to Life) until the fetus has his/her full complement of Rights. If that be the case, then the pregnant woman engaging in behaviors that are a serious risk to the health and wellbeing of the growing fetus might constitute an illegal action.

On the other side of that example is the pregnant woman who decides she doesn't want to take the pregnancy to term and decides to abort. She does not cede any of her Rights, so none get conferred to the fetus.

Well, I'll be honest: I don't agree with all rights of citizenship being conferred on people under the age of majority; drinking, smoking, voting, driving ... You know what I mean. Certainly, I believe some rights are basic and should go without saying. Obviously, I think life is one of those basic rights.

I do believe in those that have no voice being spoken for by those of us who have reached the age of majority. I've made this case, before: we treat animals (in some regards) better than we treat humans. Maybe, if my dog bites me, he understands that he'll face some consequences. Maybe those consequences will include a bullet in the brain? That's how they used to do it in the "old days".

Of course I don't think that's how a dog should be treated, but why do I think that way? Because the voiceless have been given voice by others for decades. In my humble opinion, babies are no less deserving of such consideration.


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
Even if all that ends up being the case, we still will have to make some sort of decision as to when a fetus is conferred its full complement of Rights. Is it "at birth?" At the age of viability? At the beginning of the 3rd trimester?

As I just sort of said: I don't think a fetus should ever possess a full complement of rights, but again, your point is well taken. At what point do we decide that the most defenseless amongst us need a defense? Certainly we can't ask the fetus, but if we could, I wonder how many would choose abortion? My guess would be: an infinitesimally small percentage.

I am on record as saying that I think we should take pain response into consideration. That idea has been met with derision and accusations of my wanting to use women as "breeding stock", but it's more of a humanitarian bent, really.

I could REALLY muddy the waters, here:

A woman tells her friend she's on her way to the abortion mil ... err ... Planned Parenthood to get an abortion and, on her way, a drunk driver hits her and kills her and her baby. Has the driver committed a crime other than DUI?



DesideriScuri -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 9:36:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
How would anyone know that a woman who just found out she was pregnant and goes out for a drink is pregnant? Unless she's spouting off about it, wouldn't there be some HIPAA laws broken?

Your first question is a point well-taken, but let's not make it quite so literal? Maybe she's told her parents and her partner or some friends ... I really didn't mean she'd just peed on the stick. HIPAA? Only if one is a medical professional or an insurance professional, no?

Your previous comment brought up the AMA, and most often, non-peestick tests are done to verify. In that case, a medical professional would be involved. Plus, are parents and friends likely to report an individual to an "official?" A medical official, on the other hand, could be compelled by law to report it.



ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
I think part of the issue is that a pregnant woman who hasn't terminated her pregnancy might be looked at as accepting or wanting to take the pregnancy to term, and, therefore, there are more rights conferred onto the fetus. Almost as if the pregnant woman has 'ceded' some of her rights to choose her behaviors and granted them to the fetus (in the form of the Right to Life) until the fetus has his/her full complement of Rights. If that be the case, then the pregnant woman engaging in behaviors that are a serious risk to the health and wellbeing of the growing fetus might constitute an illegal action.
On the other side of that example is the pregnant woman who decides she doesn't want to take the pregnancy to term and decides to abort. She does not cede any of her Rights, so none get conferred to the fetus.

Well, I'll be honest: I don't agree with all rights of citizenship being conferred on people under the age of majority; drinking, smoking, voting, driving ... You know what I mean. Certainly, I believe some rights are basic and should go without saying. Obviously, I think life is one of those basic rights.
I do believe in those that have no voice being spoken for by those of us who have reached the age of majority. I've made this case, before: we treat animals (in some regards) better than we treat humans. Maybe, if my dog bites me, he understands that he'll face some consequences. Maybe those consequences will include a bullet in the brain? That's how they used to do it in the "old days".
Of course I don't think that's how a dog should be treated, but why do I think that way? Because the voiceless have been given voice by others for decades. In my humble opinion, babies are no less deserving of such consideration.

I would even agree that babies are more deserving of such consideration. But, you've changed verbiage. In most cases, a 'baby' is a fetus that has been brought to term and has been 'born.' Since most people will figure the basic human rights (I think smoking, driving, voting, etc. are more likely to fall into the category of "privileges" than Rights, but I do tend to be picky about shit like that) are conferred at birth, a baby would have the full complement of basic human rights.



ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
Even if all that ends up being the case, we still will have to make some sort of decision as to when a fetus is conferred its full complement of Rights. Is it "at birth?" At the age of viability? At the beginning of the 3rd trimester?

As I just sort of said: I don't think a fetus should ever possess a full complement of rights, but again, your point is well taken. At what point do we decide that the most defenseless amongst us need a defense? Certainly we can't ask the fetus, but if we could, I wonder how many would choose abortion? My guess would be: an infinitesimally small percentage.
I am on record as saying that I think we should take pain response into consideration. That idea has been met with derision and accusations of my wanting to use women as "breeding stock", but it's more of a humanitarian bent, really.
I could REALLY muddy the waters, here:
A woman tells her friend she's on her way to the abortion mil ... err ... Planned Parenthood to get an abortion and, on her way, a drunk driver hits her and kills her and her baby. Has the driver committed a crime other than DUI?

Vehicular homicide or vehicular manslaughter for the death of the pregnant woman. I would assume the State would also tack on the death of the fetus, too, but that may vary by State, and, if the defense knew the mother's intentions, might be able to get that additional penalty thrown out.

bounty44 -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 9:45:21 AM)

"fetus" is both a correct medical term, and unfortunately, a pro-abortion usage designed to dehumanize what the thing is, a human baby. and also, to desensitize people to the act of killing.

nevertheless, people in the medical profession will often use the word baby. the ob-gyn women go to when they are pregnant, say the word "baby." even women who are pro-abortion but who are pregnant and want to keep the kid, will use the word "baby."

PeonForHer -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 10:03:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44

"fetus" is both a correct medical term, and unfortunately, a pro-abortion usage designed to dehumanize what the thing is, a human baby. and also, to desensitize people to the act of killing.

It'd be nice to see those on the right in the USA being so concerned about the desensitazation of of people to the act of killing in relation to humans after they've been born, rather than just before. Just saying.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 12:29:52 PM)



It'd be nice to see those on the right in the USA being so concerned about the desensitazation of of people to the act of killing in relation to humans after they've been born, rather than just before. Just saying.

Yes! Those "evil" Americans and their bent for killing. Where would the world be if Americans would just civilize?

. o 0 (You're welcome, by the way, for being able to type that scathing review in English, instead of German)

DesideriScuri -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 2:02:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44
"fetus" is both a correct medical term, and unfortunately, a pro-abortion usage designed to dehumanize what the thing is, a human baby. and also, to desensitize people to the act of killing.
nevertheless, people in the medical profession will often use the word baby. the ob-gyn women go to when they are pregnant, say the word "baby." even women who are pro-abortion but who are pregnant and want to keep the kid, will use the word "baby."

So, what you're saying, is that it has to do with the viewpoint of the owner of the hosting uterus. If it's not wanted, it's a fetus (which, it is from about 2 months after conception until it's born, biologically speaking). But, if it's wanted, it's a baby (nope, still a fetus).

I would imagine OB/GYN's use the term baby because it is a warmer term and helps create that emotional bond between the growing fetus and the mother (and father, if he's involved). But, biologically speaking, it's a fetus until it's born. After that it's either an infant, or a baby.

DesideriScuri -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 2:06:23 PM)



ORIGINAL: bounty44
"fetus" is both a correct medical term, and unfortunately, a pro-abortion usage designed to dehumanize what the thing is, a human baby. and also, to desensitize people to the act of killing.

It'd be nice to see those on the right in the USA being so concerned about the desensitazation of of people to the act of killing in relation to humans after they've been born, rather than just before. Just saying.

PFH, you have a deluded viewpoint of the American Right. You've bought into the rhetoric of those on the American Left.

The people who continue to do the killing are desensitizing the general public to the act of killing. If only we could get all those who don't follow our laws to actually follow them. That would be fantastic, imo. But, they don't. And, adding another law they aren't likely to follow isn't really productive either.

PeonForHer -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 2:32:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr



It'd be nice to see those on the right in the USA being so concerned about the desensitazation of of people to the act of killing in relation to humans after they've been born, rather than just before. Just saying.

Yes! Those "evil" Americans and their bent for killing. Where would the world be if Americans would just civilize?

. o 0 (You're welcome, by the way, for being able to type that scathing review in English, instead of German)

God you're a fragile wee snowflake, DS. Any criticism of one section of the USA's political spectrum, and you have to invoke WW2 in order to show how you have saved the lives of every non-American here. And this, after your starting a thread where you make it abundantly clear how much you want to attack extremist Muslims *along with the people around them* and - in passing - pass your usual slur on what you call 'socialist Europe'. Frankly, if you can't take it, don't dish it - would be my advice.

bounty44 -> RE: Libertarian (12/11/2017 2:33:30 PM)

I think im in agreement with your assessment of what I said desi yes, but id add this also:

apart from the distinctions already made, all the term "fetus" does is designate the difference between "baby in the womb" as opposed to "baby outside the womb"

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