RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (Full Version)

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JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/9/2023 10:24:32 PM)

Oh, it was actually cooler here today, low 67F high 77F. Misty sort of rain in the evening. Maybe it rained last night? Idk. I slept through it. It's a nice break from the 90'sF we've been having.

BoscoX -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/10/2023 5:53:44 AM)



Oh, it was actually cooler here today, low 67F high 77F. Misty sort of rain in the evening. Maybe it rained last night? Idk. I slept through it. It's a nice break from the 90'sF we've been having.

"Derrr.... It's warmer in Floriduh.... Derrrrr"

BoscoX -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/13/2023 7:07:03 AM)

"The year with no springtime"

More snow today in Jarbidge



"Derrrr.... Its warmer in Floriduh.... Derrr"

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/13/2023 7:51:36 PM)



"The year with no springtime"

More snow today in Jarbidge



"Derrrr.... Its warmer in Floriduh.... Derrr"

So now this thread has devolved into periodic weather reports?

blnymph -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/18/2023 10:57:22 AM)

It is obviously not the very first thread about that

see for example

What might be the reason to reveal not having learned anything about it within 6 years' time, for example the difference between weather and climate, one might wonder.

BoscoX -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/18/2023 1:49:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: blnymph

It is obviously not the very first thread about that

see for example

So you're the nanny now that is forbidding threads on subjects that have been previously discusses? Yeah, nah - you can just go fuck yourself with that crooked old broomstick of yours


ORIGINAL: blnymph

What might be the reason to reveal not having learned anything about it within 6 years' time, for example the difference between weather and climate, one might wonder.

Pro tip - read the thread THEN comment



Oh, we get it alright. Normal summer heat waves are climate

Longer, colder winters than average? Are weather

AGAIN - according to NASA, there is no global warming

BoscoX -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/19/2023 7:16:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

How dare you talk about the weather in a thread about the weather!!!! [sm=annoyed_smiley.gif]

More record-breaking winter. Studded snow tires are banned in these parts after April 15th because it never snows after April 15th.

The weather report?

Fair skies this morning, then more afternoon rain/snow/t-storms. Fair skies this morning, then more afternoon rain/snow/t-storms.

Fair skies this morning, then more afternoon rain/snow/t-storms.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/21/2023 5:24:07 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

How dare you talk about the weather in a thread about the weather!!!! [sm=annoyed_smiley.gif]

More record-breaking winter. Studded snow tires are banned in these parts after April 15th because it never snows after April 15th.

The weather report?

Fair skies this morning, then more afternoon rain/snow/t-storms. Fair skies this morning, then more afternoon rain/snow/t-storms.

Fair skies this morning, then more afternoon rain/snow/t-storms.

This is a violation of the sacred unwritten rule. You NEVER deliberately misquote another poster. I did it purely by mistake many years agao, and NEVER did it again.
I NEVER said that or posted that and you know it.

That being said. The title of this thread is "Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go"

There is no global weather, so I thought it was a discussion of our warming planet.

It seems to have devolved into a series of weather reports. You indicate this is by design.

Sorry BoscoX, my friend. You clearly have NO idea of the difference between climate and weather

You are like a circus clown running around shouting nonsense into the audience..

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/21/2023 5:40:02 PM)


AGAIN - according to NASA, there is no global warming

AGAIN - according to NASA, the planet IS warming
Understanding our planet to benefit humankind

We already have been over this. You keep repeating the same lie.

It's like your clown cult hasn't taught you how to proceed with facts, so you just keep repeating the same lie.

blnymph -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/29/2023 2:50:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


AGAIN - according to NASA, there is no global warming

AGAIN - according to NASA, the planet IS warming
Understanding our planet to benefit humankind

Yes it is: going on, and one would not need NASA to watch it.

Last year:

This spring: heat wave in Spain with temperatures common for usual July (39° C) in April - and going on.

It is evidently happening right now, and since it's global it may be more easily visible and felt outside the USA, and thus less known to some USians.
But the globe is more, and you are even part of it, though some tell you otherwise.

BoscoX -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (4/29/2023 8:33:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: blnymph


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


AGAIN - according to NASA, there is no global warming

AGAIN - according to NASA, the planet IS warming
Understanding our planet to benefit humankind

Yes it is: going on, and one would not need NASA to watch it.

Last year:

This spring: heat wave in Spain with temperatures common for usual July (39° C) in April - and going on.

It is evidently happening right now, and since it's global it may be more easily visible and felt outside the USA, and thus less known to some USians.
But the globe is more, and you are even part of it, though some tell you otherwise.

After what you posted above, it is fun seeing you post a weather report as proof of climate

BoscoX -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/4/2023 5:38:51 AM)

"Let us cut your throat, if you want to live."

EU Backs Dutch Scheme to Forcibly Close Thousands of Farms for �The Climate�

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/8/2023 12:14:33 AM)

There seems to be an answer for everything huh? But is it the truth?

Like in most threads, Bosco refuses to get the point of anything said, so that a valid discussion can take place, cuz derr derr derr... Idk. Maybe he's just a terrible human being.

But Bosco's strings are pulled by his masters, so what is the actual problem that the right refuses to accept global warming (now rightfully called climate change) as real?

With most of what the right does, it all comes down to money. It's not a matter of climate change being real, but who is gonna pay to fix it? But we can't even get to that discussion with the right refusing to move on from arguments resolved half a century ago.

Really, one only has to look at the US budget "negotiations" to figure out their playbook. If the conservatives just dig their heels in now, the big bad liberal meanie heads can't be all reasonable with solutions that might fix stuff!

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/8/2023 12:55:58 AM)

Yeah, I know Russia likes money, and has oil. That just seemed a bit too obvious. Anyway, Siberia snow melting could provide water for all those damn countries whining about needing more of it. Not like for free or anything, but if they have money, sure.

blnymph -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/8/2023 2:43:20 AM)

now please: do your so-called schoolteachers do teach you anything about geography? Seriously: countering nonsense with more nonsense does not generate any sense

Siberian rivers/water are flowing northward to the arctic sea
any attempts untertaken during the Stalin era to reverse that to get water southwards to Central Asia wasted a lot of money and labour to either disastrous or no effects at all

neither Stalin nor American dreamers could nor can make water flow uphill

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/8/2023 3:07:44 AM)

Dont give Bosco any ideas. I'm sure he'd gladly send them Dreamers over there to prove you wrong. Or not. Either way, he'd be rid of them. Maybe DeSantis can have us Florida taxpayers pay for it too!

We didn't really learn much about Russia in geography class. Maybe cuz it was the USSR the last time I had a geography class?

It's probably OH2 or some shit over there anyway. Just gotta be backasswards from us.

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/8/2023 3:33:31 AM)

Speaking of geography, the St John's River, located roughly 30 minutes from me, also flows south to north.

But only because the Army Corps of Engineers says it can. See, there's really no need to convince water to travel uphill when you can just use enough dynamite to blow the damn hill up.

And the water would need to go into barrels, or bottles. Not a sea. Maybe you should have one those fancy geography teachers explain how bottled water works?

BoscoX -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/8/2023 8:36:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: blnymph

This spring: heat wave in Spain with temperatures common for usual July (39° C) in April - and going on.

Exactly as I have posted throughout the thread - when it is convenient to the Global Warming Cult? Weather is indeed climate.

Thanks for the backup. [:)]

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/8/2023 1:25:11 PM)

Nope. Different words, cuz different things. Related, but not the same.

Ask Siri what's the climate in London, and she'll tell you it's foggy and rainy.
Ask Siri what the weather is in London, and she'll get drunk and say "I jus feckin told yaz, it's pissin down rain and ye can't see shit cuza the damn fog!"

blnymph -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/9/2023 5:59:06 AM)



Speaking of geography, the St John's River, located roughly 30 minutes from me, also flows south to north.

But only because the Army Corps of Engineers says it can. See, there's really no need to convince water to travel uphill when you can just use enough dynamite to blow the damn hill up.

And the water would need to go into barrels, or bottles. Not a sea. Maybe you should have one those fancy geography teachers explain how bottled water works?

Just to make clear what you are speculating about: the Ob-Irtysh, Lena and Yenissei rivers are among the 10 longest on earth - Mississippi+Missouri-style!
The Soviet plans calculated not with sticks of dynamite but about 250 nuclear explosions to divert them. Maybe a little brain exercise and maybe assisted by some math teacher: Can you calculate how many bottles or barrels would be required to drain and fill one Mississippi river into, or three of them?

Honestly, you deserve the best teachers.

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