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RE: Teenish Masters - 12/4/2006 8:38:27 PM   

Posts: 1024
Joined: 3/15/2005
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Have you thought about furthering your own training?


~Slave To Master Archer

(in reply to smilezz)
Profile   Post #: 61
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/4/2006 9:11:10 PM   

Posts: 14867
Joined: 12/27/2005
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ORIGINAL: Slavetrainer2007

1) polite. so its polite for the  first  thing said to a newcomer to be: can you valiadate your claims on your profile because i think you are a lier( even though this is the first thing ive ever said to you) again show me at least some common respect you would show  the average person in everyday life and ill do likewise. disrespect me  and try to discredit me publicly just cause you feel like and expect no  respect from me. Jump in on said convo and feel the effects of putting yourself in it.its not childish i stated my experience in my first reply. he attacked i defended... thats called instinct not childishness.

2)"if you are going to open your mouth to give advice,expected to be corrected if you are wrong.If you think you are right back yourself up with research or resources" Ok let me get this straight . First, your saying my opinion can be wrong, i did not realize you could give an opinion and be wrong.  Second, you do realize the books, manuals websites and everything else you read  that are considered research and  resources for this topic are OPINIONS given by said authors. and i say this  with one exception cause i know someone will feel the need to bring this up. documented history( which records events as they happened) is an exception. so the history of BDSM isnt included in this. Other than that learning this or that ,  research here. going to castledom  Going to bobs BDSM for beginners is someone opinion.  so  what you  "reference Dom/subs "are doing is using someone elses opinion as a reference instead of formulating your own opinion.  Their is no one person qualified in BDSM, no master ,no grand master, no super universal grand master to say what/ whos opinions are right or wrong. that is someone giving their opinion on someone elses opinion. BDSM is or was last time i looked an open community with  extremely loose guidelines. bascially if you were the B,D S, or the M ( and even the meaning of those letters have been debated. )  you were into BDSM. and everyone with interest in those was accepted with open arms.

Ill use the bible here cause its the best example its universally known.  The bible is in  many forms. this religion has their version that  religion has their version and so on. The bible is taken  from basically in a nutshell the opinions and views of men as God told them bestowed up on them. Its their interurptation. that interuptation  was then reinturpted rewrote and became the many slight varations of  what is now used. the bible is an opinion of an opinion of an opinion, etc but one religions version isnt wrong and neither is the other religions version of the same part of the bible. Its just what  the founders of that religion/ writers of that version interupt it to mean.  and that goes on right down to church( if you go there) the pastor priest  father whatever you call him/her  interurepts that inturpatation.  Thus its really hard to prove anyones view of it wrong..because they are all in then end a bunch of different views. and no one author/ religion can claim and back up their version is the right one.

taking it to BDSM... no ones person, group, community( unless its the entire BDSM community)  can say what is right or wrong because  in the end everything but the history of BDSM is someone elses opinions  and not a proven fact.  Granted this is going to be nitpicked for that special  circumstance or something retarded. like " its fact if you choke a slave long enough during play she will pass out"  so i just discredited you.

Edit: bare the typos,etc  my eyes  hurt and i dont feel like proof reading. I know such misspellings can imply a person doesnt know english, grammer and anything associated  with it. ( you would think people heard of a proofreader  by now)

Generally I'm not polite to those aren't being polite to others. Sometimes I manage it. This isn't one of those times. And honestly, yes we are going to question you if make fairly outragous claims. It's human nature. You don't get exempted just because you are a dominant. There are lots of people here with overblown claims of their domlyness. It's fun to poke holes in their inflated and ill-convieced egos. Frankly, your responses aren't exactly.

I'm not touching the Bible reference. That gets into way too many other issues.

BDSM has loose guidelines and open arms. We were talking about history. There are books, which are opinions yes but if those opinions are often agreed on by many different authors and experts across many fields then it's generally considered as "fact". That's how it works with everything. Why should BDSM be any different?


Without my dominance you cannot submit. Without your submission I cannot dominate. You are my equal in this, though our roles are different.-Val

It was ok for him to beat me but then he tried to cuddle me! - Me

Member:Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair

(in reply to Slavetrainer2007)
Profile   Post #: 62
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/4/2006 9:25:23 PM   

Posts: 3207
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Laughable, Trainer simply laughable,

Busy building houses all day and off in the winter (giving you a huge advantage in time available to actually READ some basic documented texts that many consider to be the basic foundation of what is today BDSM).
Living within the same state that houses the Leather Archives and Museum, training 130 submissives without the benefit of the most basic knowledge of the history of the lifestyle even since you came into it let alone where we have been since the 1940's.

And when pointed out that it is a gaping huge hole in your education about the lifestyle you get defensive rather than simply accepting the correction in your FALSE impression of what happened. I didn't attack you I attacked your opinion, which as a trainer should always be open to scrutiny since you put yourself forward as an authority on BDSM. How can anyone reading this believe that you have done enough research and learning to be able to teach the truth of things, when your grasp of the reality of BDSM history is so slight that you hold and defend an opinion so in conflict with documented facts?
How can someone believe they could come to you for training when it is so obvious from that lack of knowledge that you have not read the works of people like Guy Baldwin, Jay Wiseman, John Warren, Viola Johnson, Molly Devon, Gloria Brame, The people who's books were the first published on the modern practices of the subjects you want to train folks in?
Any one of the authors listed their works would have told you that your opinion was invalid and contrary to the facts.

You see this is what I see as the primary problem that the internet has fostered greater than any automatic respect problem is the problem of folks without the facts making up history and passing that belief on to others who don't know. People might take your belief to be actual fact and give it some weight unless I challenge it here.

Even the most basic attempt to check your opinion against the facts would reveal that you had it wrong and yet it is obvious that you made no such attempt to find out the facts. One might easily assume you were as lazy in your research of the subjects you actually train folks in, as you were about the history of the terms Master and slave as they apply to the BDSM community

(in reply to LordODiscipline)
Profile   Post #: 63
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/4/2006 9:46:16 PM   

Posts: 231
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ORIGINAL: LordODiscipline


ORIGINAL: Slavetrainer2007

...but it is none of their places nor yours to  judge me, my interest,  my views, my opinions or validate anything in my life.

I do not believe they are trying to (or may even desire to) 'validate you' - that would be a monumental task (although, I know the man in the tuxedo can take care of parking)...

However, you wrote some patently silly (you may read this as 'stupid' or 'ignorant') things about the history of BDSM and made some personal allegations and assertions that are really indefensible (*I guess it is a good thing there is no need to defend yourself - although you do use a lot of verbage in *not* doing that successfully).

And once again - you have the followng incorrect -


1) you NEVER judge another person. 2) You always show common respect for people that show it for you

The 'mantra' that people believe as "you do not judge others" is actually (by most accounts) should not "judge another's kink"
It impossible to Not 'judge others' . Humans do that as a matter of course.
And, I am not sure about this "common respect". I do show courtesy where due to those who are well behaved (albeit - I am seldom so). It is courtesy - nothing more. A social amentity.. and, it does not mean that we (that is the collective "we" -rather than the regal "we") need to be bothered extending ourselves to someone portaining to a level of experience that they do not have (my overly eloquent way of saying 'you inflate yourself on the bouancy of your ego rather nicely').
If you want to 'puff yourself out' on line and claim that you have "trained" 130 submissives (or, there about), then you have to expect people to call you on that behavior and those statements which do not jibe with reality (or, simply sound contrived and patently silly).
People tend to be nice to people who are nice to them - and, fibbing to a person is a means of stating you believe they are a fool... not cool, dude.
But then - you do not care what I am saying - as I am among that 99.9% of that population...

BDSM has not "turned into" 'anything'... you obviously have some conception about "what it is about" garnered from some place that is not of this earth... as you do not belong to real life groups - and, therefore must believe that an on line and chat room experiential basis is where all is learned and gleaned from.
Show respect, get respect.

It is pretty simple....
And, please - actually lecturing others about what you learned in a chat room and from Castle realm?
Only one thing to say about that: "Wow"

Sincerely your's

FFS, does anyone that writes to me know reading comprehension? you know ive been on boards with people that are 10 and 12 years old ( not an adult board obvisiously) that take less things out of context.

what i stated concerning the history of BDSM i clearly stated  as  my opinion.  it was my view of the history of bdsm.  actually it was my opinion of how master/slave became so commonly misused. NOT how it came to be used.

i have the following incorrect
1)  you never judge another person
2)  you show common respect( this would be respect you show to the average person  you see everyday)

so by your standards im incorrect and the person who  taught me the above the values( NOT FACTS) is also incorrect.                                       

Humans judge as instinct: judging it what helps us formulate our opinions about something. this again would be taken as the way you wanted. hasnt your mother or father or some adult when you was younger  told you " you shouldnt judge people" this  is the same context  im using it in.  you dont know me well enough to "judge me accurately" or form an accurate opinion of me. ( also know as an impression.) i am judged on my name or profile, which is only  very small idea of who i am or might be. however i was judged on this  profile and name and it was decided that i was needed to validate myself and my ablitles to people who are interested in neither.

People tend to be nice to people who are nice to them - and, fibbing to a person is a means of stating you believe they are a fool... not cool, dude.
- you ASSUME im fibbing, lying or making false claims.. so back up your claim that im lying. i can prove and have stated that i can prove  who i am, what i do and the people that experience said relations with me ..  were satsified with my abilities, and sincereness.

What i stated as part of my lil resume post and as a clarification  to celeste of my resume post  was fact that i can back up.  my question is can you or anyone else on this board back up  your assumation  or rovers that i am lying? I also implied i wasnt posting said references   or in anyway making them available to every tom dick and mary that wanted to call me on them.

But then - you do not care what I am saying - as I am among that 99.9% of that population...
your right i dont but since this is the continued path a few would like to take this thread, i dont at all mind responding.  this in the very least spurs creative thinking. Though it is disrespectful to the OPs.but to hell with respect right?

BDSM has not "turned into" 'anything'... you obviously have some conception about "what it is about" garnered from some place that is not of this earth... as you do not belong to real life groups - and, therefore must believe that an on line and chat room experiential basis is where all is learned and gleaned from.
I gave my opinion/view and this is yours. from my point of view it has from yours it hasnt.. are we going to play these kiddy games all night?

Show respect, get respect.

It is pretty simple....

i was respectful until i was disrespected for unwarranted  and invalid reasons( IMO) and i remain respectful to those that show the same common respect towards me.  everyone else can join my 3rd grade class following me around like a bunch of puppies.

And, please - actually lecturing others about what you learned in a chat room and from Castle realm? 
  Interesting how in part of your post you state  my 130 slaves ( which means you read the whole resume post) yet you only speak of my online experience, this would be commonly be taken as an insult.. but i can only laugh and tell you join the rest of my 3rd graders. btw ill need your resume that qualifies you to validate me, my experience, or my history on my desk my 3 pm.

I do not believe they are trying to (or may even desire to) 'validate you' - that would be a monumental task (although, I know the man in the tuxedo can take care of parking)...

this was an ill attempt( im going to take it that way but this may not be how you attended.) and making a crack about me using validate in my post, as it is most commonly associated with one parking their  automobile... or having someone else do it for them instead.

courtesy of webster dictionary ( this is my reference for this fact)
Main Entry: val·i·date
Pronunciation: 'va-l&-"dAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -dat·ed; -dat·ing
1 a : to make legally valid : RATIFY b : to grant official sanction to by marking <validated her passport> c : to confirm the validity of (an election); also : to declare (a person) elected
2 a : to support or corroborate on a sound or authoritative basis <experiments designed to validate the hypothesis> b : to recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of <validate his concerns>
synonym see CONFIRM

The form you imply would be defination 1B. The defination i use would be 2B.

You know the10-50 year olds on the RPG forums that are flamers are MUCH better at this than the flamers here.

(in reply to LordODiscipline)
Profile   Post #: 64
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/4/2006 9:57:30 PM   

Posts: 3207
Joined: 3/11/2005
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ORIGINAL: Slavetrainer2007


courtesy of webster dictionary ( this is my reference for this fact)
Main Entry: val·i·date
Pronunciation: 'va-l&-"dAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -dat·ed; -dat·ing
1 a : to make legally valid : RATIFY b : to grant official sanction to by marking <validated her passport> c : to confirm the validity of (an election); also : to declare (a person) elected
2 a : to support or corroborate on a sound or authoritative basis <experiments designed to validate the hypothesis> b : to recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of <validate his concerns>
synonym see CONFIRM

The form you imply would be defination 1B. The defination i use would be 2B.

You know the10-50 year olds on the RPG forums that are flamers are MUCH better at this than the flamers here.

It's called a double entendre Trainer, a well recognized form of literary humor.

(in reply to Slavetrainer2007)
Profile   Post #: 65
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/4/2006 10:09:31 PM   

Posts: 9779
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From: Texas
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Celeste may be the greatest sub on earth. but it is none of their places nor yours to  judge me, my interest,  my views, my opinions or validate anything in my life.

You may be the nicest boy on the planet but that doesn't mean people won't judge you and call you to the carpet if you misspeak regarding factual events or question your claims when they appear to be outrageous. (Hopefully it won't bother you to be called 'boy' any more than it bothers me to be called 'sub'.)

If you don't want your views judged, then forums aren't the place for you.

I never judged your interests nor do I recall anyone else judging them so I'm not sure why you brought it up especially in reference to my name. I will never be in a scene with you, so don't really care what your interests may or may not include.

As far as validating you, personally, I don't believe it's possible and frankly, I don't really care. I was much more interested in the question I asked you, twice now, that you have yet to answer.



"Oh, so it's just like
Rock, paper, scissors."

He laughed. "You are the wisest woman I know."

(in reply to Slavetrainer2007)
Profile   Post #: 66
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/4/2006 10:32:14 PM   

Posts: 2911
Joined: 4/7/2004
From: Philadelphia, PA
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ORIGINAL: Slavetrainer2007

Its sad its really sad THIS is what BDSM has turned into. and no it wasnt like that before, not like this  you had a few idiots  that did stuff like this  but the majority of people that actually knew what it was to be Dom/sub or wanted to learn kept  them from taking over. yes i am ASHAMED of the BDSM community and this doesnt apply for everyone  cause im sure their are some really good people here.

My dear, this isn't BDSM.  This is a message board where like-minded adults go to converse about things -- interests, attitudes, opinions, and random chatter. 

From your petulant behavior, namecalling and sourceless arrogance, you are the only one that you should be ashamed of.  You've been politely redirected on a number of occasions in this thread (on just the history lessons alone, you owe a few people a thank you) but sadly, you fail to grasp that you've put yourself out here, made claims that have been unfounded and have nothing to do but to spin more defensive nonsensical rigamarole.  I'm sure you wouldn't tolerate a submissive who did that (I sure don't), so why should we tolerate a PEER who behaves in such a manner?


Ms World Leather 2004
Ms Philadelphia Leather 2004

"Simply put, if you want a real femdom to love you, give her reasons to love you." Gloria Brame

(in reply to Slavetrainer2007)
Profile   Post #: 67
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/4/2006 10:39:07 PM   

Posts: 2911
Joined: 4/7/2004
From: Philadelphia, PA
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Have you thought about furthering your own training?

*grins* Are you volunteering?


Ms World Leather 2004
Ms Philadelphia Leather 2004

"Simply put, if you want a real femdom to love you, give her reasons to love you." Gloria Brame

(in reply to Elegant)
Profile   Post #: 68
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/4/2006 10:54:15 PM   

Posts: 231
Joined: 12/2/2006
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ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: Slavetrainer2007

1) polite. so its polite for the  first  thing said to a newcomer to be: can you valiadate your claims on your profile because i think you are a lier( even though this is the first thing ive ever said to you) again show me at least some common respect you would show  the average person in everyday life and ill do likewise. disrespect me  and try to discredit me publicly just cause you feel like and expect no  respect from me. Jump in on said convo and feel the effects of putting yourself in it.its not childish i stated my experience in my first reply. he attacked i defended... thats called instinct not childishness.

2)"if you are going to open your mouth to give advice,expected to be corrected if you are wrong.If you think you are right back yourself up with research or resources" Ok let me get this straight . First, your saying my opinion can be wrong, i did not realize you could give an opinion and be wrong.  Second, you do realize the books, manuals websites and everything else you read  that are considered research and  resources for this topic are OPINIONS given by said authors. and i say this  with one exception cause i know someone will feel the need to bring this up. documented history( which records events as they happened) is an exception. so the history of BDSM isnt included in this. Other than that learning this or that ,  research here. going to castledom  Going to bobs BDSM for beginners is someone opinion.  so  what you  "reference Dom/subs "are doing is using someone elses opinion as a reference instead of formulating your own opinion.  Their is no one person qualified in BDSM, no master ,no grand master, no super universal grand master to say what/ whos opinions are right or wrong. that is someone giving their opinion on someone elses opinion. BDSM is or was last time i looked an open community with  extremely loose guidelines. bascially if you were the B,D S, or the M ( and even the meaning of those letters have been debated. )  you were into BDSM. and everyone with interest in those was accepted with open arms.

Ill use the bible here cause its the best example its universally known.  The bible is in  many forms. this religion has their version that  religion has their version and so on. The bible is taken  from basically in a nutshell the opinions and views of men as God told them bestowed up on them. Its their interurptation. that interuptation  was then reinturpted rewrote and became the many slight varations of  what is now used. the bible is an opinion of an opinion of an opinion, etc but one religions version isnt wrong and neither is the other religions version of the same part of the bible. Its just what  the founders of that religion/ writers of that version interupt it to mean.  and that goes on right down to church( if you go there) the pastor priest  father whatever you call him/her  interurepts that inturpatation.  Thus its really hard to prove anyones view of it wrong..because they are all in then end a bunch of different views. and no one author/ religion can claim and back up their version is the right one.

taking it to BDSM... no ones person, group, community( unless its the entire BDSM community)  can say what is right or wrong because  in the end everything but the history of BDSM is someone elses opinions  and not a proven fact.  Granted this is going to be nitpicked for that special  circumstance or something retarded. like " its fact if you choke a slave long enough during play she will pass out"  so i just discredited you.

Edit: bare the typos,etc  my eyes  hurt and i dont feel like proof reading. I know such misspellings can imply a person doesnt know english, grammer and anything associated  with it. ( you would think people heard of a proofreader  by now)

Generally I'm not polite to those aren't being polite to others. Sometimes I manage it. This isn't one of those times. And honestly, yes we are going to question you if make fairly outragous claims. It's human nature. You don't get exempted just because you are a dominant. There are lots of people here with overblown claims of their domlyness. It's fun to poke holes in their inflated and ill-convieced egos. Frankly, your responses aren't exactly.

I'm not touching the Bible reference. That gets into way too many other issues.

BDSM has loose guidelines and open arms. We were talking about history. There are books, which are opinions yes but if those opinions are often agreed on by many different authors and experts across many fields then it's generally considered as "fact". That's how it works with everything. Why should BDSM be any different?

See this was a nice post.  It is ok to question me, im questioned all the time.  That dont bother me. Its not that you question but how you question. I didnt come to these boards with a post saying " who is going to be my slave tonight?" i replied to a topic and gave my opinion on that topic. this right their should of told you before we start pointing our flamethrowers at him we should read a few more of his post .

Most people can decide if they like  or dislike someone  by  taking in their replies on topics, in real life or online. i wasnt given that chance i made one post with an at least semi reasonable opinion that disrespected no one and i was immidately decided  to be a lier, fraud and everything else  and i needed to give proof i wasnt. My experience to some may seem impossible.. then again i thought to swallow a 21" sword and not seriously injure yourself was impossible too until i saw it was possible. I can think of many things in the lifestyle( the whole lifestyle  when i was  teen surprised me as i though theirs no way people do those things and are like that)  that i thought were impossible and someone at one point or another showed me different.

The reference to the bible is touchy subject however it is one that most everyone understands, so to get everyone on the same level i had to use it.

It seems alot of people here are wrapped up in facts. as if they are trying to define their way of life based on what someone else has wrote( which by all means is fine the Goreans do it all the time)  but dont try to impose your beliefs based on what you give credit too as that by "experts" and everything else is wrong. it may be wrong  to you but its not to me..i think living your life "by the book" and thats any book is wrong, but thats my opinion and if anyone  feels the need /desire to live that way, more power to them.

I agree if a general majority agree on a topic( those  in the majority being  people who have been actively involved with said subject for a lengthy amount of time, i will refrain from calling them experts at this point as i do not believe they are)  then it pretty much is agreed on to be fact for that subject/topic. However, In bdsm  getting anyone group to agree with any other group all  being part of the same community, to agree on anything is highly unlikely. Opinions are to diverse. Ive actually sat throught lengthy discussions( but did not actively particpate)   of people debating the meaning of each letter in BDSM. and  none of the sides could neither prove they was right or the other side was wrong.

I just was in a discussion last week about  the defination of master and how it was intended, implied, used, and misused. everyone had an opinion no one had facts. BDSM is so diverse and has so many interuptations and so many different opinions  you cant really  make a decent book of facts about it unless it involves historic facts.  and the diversatity of BDSM is  one thing that makes it appealing to newcomers ( IMO) Those taboo  things people fantasize about  they can pretty much do here. and again IMO they dont have to be a Dom/sub to enjoy those freedoms that come with this lifestyle. they can "play" in it, discuss it with others that have done or want to do it, or simply ask about it and no one is going to think they are weird insane strange or belong in a nuthouse. BDSM needs that appeal of openess and welcome all. Not  judgements and criticism and discrediations and disrespect.

Those who been on CM a while and have 6 million post. newcomers look at that. they look at how you act, how you talk to them , how you treat people.  they have other way offhand to tell who new and who has been around awhile. and TBH in general those are the same exact people that start the flames and not just on me. ive seen it on quite a few others that were new to these boards. If i wasnt use to flamers and i didnt have the experience  i have in this lifestyle, you would of scared the hell out of me. i would of left and never came back. Imagine how many inexperienced doms and subs havent even posted and seen some of the flames at newcomers on here and tucked tail and ran like hell .

This is an overwhelming lifestyle when your new to it. it seems as vast as the universe which is damn scary in itself.  you feel like columbus discovering america and the first thing they see is guns pointed and every newcomers head. This is what makes me feel ashamed. Dom or not if your new it can be pretty scary especially with people with thosands of post counts flaming at you. How many people read the boards felt overwhelmed and never came back? how many of those people that were drove off before they could prove they wasnt here for an e-lay?What are they doing now? are they attempting to whip some girl with a cat whip?are they  trying to dom vanillas and becoming overly agressive through frustation at not know why this isnt working?

I was a noob once to this lifestyle and thank god i had subs and Doms both that were patient enough with me to answer my neverending stupid questions( especially the ones about" what does that mean?") i am alot more experienced now. i have Dom/sub relationships under my belt. Ive learned to manage more than one girl at a time( and those girls have the understanding their will be other other girls or that possiblity)  though i cant managed two "serious" relationships at the same time( though ive tried and it didnt work to well, needing more practice im guessing) Ive done alot of chatting and reading online as well and tried to take in( but fail to remember) everyones points of views.

I think of myself as a trainer and teacher. I think i have  enough experience to  at least give the noobs a start and direction to go in instead of wondering around this realm lost.  This is why i classify myself as a trainer.i dont classifiy myself as an expert in anything regarding BDSM ( though it may say so on my profile  on  things i really love just because i love and spend alot of time in that area). I want to return the courtesy and patiences shown to me by my former " trainers" who helped to make all this lifestyle has to offer not so damn overwhelming.

The slave part of the my name of course means i want to train /teach subs. I do help doms, if i can, with questions, but nowhere near to the extent of  subs. I think a well versed sub would do a better job at teaching a dom about this lifestyle and vice versa but thats my opinion.

I would of gladly told  everyone here this had i been asked in a polite way instead of instantly accused  of being a criminal looking for my next victim.

I would like to see some  the extremely active posters be more newcomer friendly.. or at least quit trying to scare them off.  Im sure everyone reading this has had help from someone along the way, How about "paying forward" that  favor someone did you when you was a noob to BDSM.  Instead of trying to scare the living daylights out of everyone . In the least, at least leave the noobs alone for a while and let them at least prove they are sincere before you go circling them.


Have you thought about furthering your own training?
  i dont think about it i do it everyday, or try to. Im human, i make mistakes, i try to learn from them and not repeat them. I figure when i can go an indefinate amount of time  without making a single mistake i will be both perfect and Master.Until then i cannot claim to be either.

(in reply to AquaticSub)
Profile   Post #: 69
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 12:07:03 AM   

Posts: 9779
Joined: 1/12/2006
From: Texas
Status: offline

I think of myself as a trainer and teacher. I think i have  enough experience to  at least give the noobs a start and direction to go in instead of wondering around this realm lost.  This is why i classify myself as a trainer.i dont classifiy myself as an expert in anything regarding BDSM ( though it may say so on my profile  on  things i really love just because i love and spend alot of time in that area). I want to return the courtesy and patiences shown to me by my former " trainers" who helped to make all this lifestyle has to offer not so damn overwhelming.

It's too bad you didn't start off saying this and it actually answers one of the questions I asked you.  

Despite your belief, most of those who wander into the forums for the first time are not flamed, roasted, toasted and spit out.

BDSM is a rough way to live life. It's not mainstream, it's not purple roses and pink posies. It's raw, it's savage, it's brutal (amazingly, just like real life) and if a few pixels on a screen can scare someone away, it's probably not a lifestyle they should pursue.

I question because I care .. If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here. I suspect most of those who have 20+ years of r/t under their belts wouldn't be here either. Yes, I can be a bit jaded and yes, it's hard to earn trust and it damn well should be hard to earn it because you know what.. it's worth something. Gaining someone's trust has meaning and value. It's not some cheap commodity that you can trade away or bargain for with every dom, dick and hairy that comes along. Giving people the benefit of the doubt may be fine and dandy in 'nilla life (I don't think it's all that wise in any lifestyle choice, but that's just me), but doing so in a life which is inherently dangerous if for no other reason than the vast selection of weapons at our disposal is foolhardy. Why should you, a stranger, be taken at your word? Why do you believe that trust and respect should automatically be given to you? This is the land of the stalker and predator and someone with 100+ submissives under their belt can raise the eyebrows of a lot of very reasonable, sensible people as it has done here. If you had clarified your 'training' definition in the beginning, you'd have avoided much of this mess. Take some personal responsiblity for what you've wraught here.

I will take some responsiblity myself because I am highly skeptical of 'trainer's' to begin with and have met very few who did not have some sort of ulterior motive looking for a quick and easy lay with as many women as possible, but you see, what you call training, I call mentoring and I do view that as something completely different. So, I will apologize for my own preconceived notions regarding your 'slave training' nick but I will not apologize for the questions I've asked, nor for my behavior, because I have been courteous throughout despite my skepticism. I don't believe you can say the same thing.

Hell, man, above all I want good players, good people permeating this life that I love so well. When it's my time to go, I'd like to feel comfortable passing the torch along to people who will encourage education and embrace diversity because that's what I believe in, but at the same time, one needs a thick skin and some balls to engage in it without allowing it to overwhelm them and tough love is a course of action to take which is valid and desireable when it's needed. Believe it or not, I have a very tender soul and when someone comes here in pain, I hurt with them ..  when they come in with guns blaring, I put up my shields and get out the napalm. I dont' think you can begrudge me for that.



"Oh, so it's just like
Rock, paper, scissors."

He laughed. "You are the wisest woman I know."

(in reply to Slavetrainer2007)
Profile   Post #: 70
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 12:44:13 AM   

Posts: 231
Joined: 12/2/2006
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ORIGINAL: BitaTruble

Celeste may be the greatest sub on earth. but it is none of their places nor yours to  judge me, my interest,  my views, my opinions or validate anything in my life.

You may be the nicest boy on the planet but that doesn't mean people won't judge you and call you to the carpet if you misspeak regarding factual events or question your claims when they appear to be outrageous. (Hopefully it won't bother you to be called 'boy' any more than it bothers me to be called 'sub'.)
If you don't want your views judged, then forums aren't the place for you.
I never judged your interests nor do I recall anyone else judging them so I'm not sure why you brought it up especially in reference to my name. I will never be in a scene with you, so don't really care what your interests may or may not include.
As far as validating you, personally, I don't believe it's possible and frankly, I don't really care. I was much more interested in the question I asked you, twice now, that you have yet to answer.

The question you asked , i believe,  i answered in  my last post. If , i did not, and you would like it  answered, either mail it to me or post it again and ill answer it. Im not sifting through post to try to find atm though. However, i believe i remember the question and  was going to respond and got sidetracked. You were the first or one of the first to jump on Rovers flaming bandwagon. Your post(s) seemed to judge me( i stress the phrase "judge me" ). If this nor an insult was your intentions, then i apologize for the miscommunication and including you in said bandwagon.

As for the other post made:

This isnt a BDSM board, your right its a collarme board. The majority of people here are involved in the BDSM lifestyle unless their is lifestyle, which is  very similar  BDSM, im not aware of.  The likemindedness seems  to be the " we need resources  and research "to back up what you might say so it can be proven as fact.  So far thats the only likeness and the general flames at various newcomers i see.

Ive been politely redirected  on a number of occassions...
the only politeness ive experienced here is from newcomers, those that actually  think of their "peers" as "peers" instead of dogs they can kick around( besides those in that tight lil we are better than everyone else group ive been noticing) , as far as the redirecting you should read the threads  before you post on them. entire threads have been derailed, hijacked and redirected just to flame at me. the sad part is i can post one thing in one thread as an opinion and what you call a "peer"  usually one of my followers, i now have" comes following up tossing insults my way.

If your(now using "you" and all varations thereof  in the general sense)  that insecure about you, your lifestyle, or your beliefs that you constantly need references and research material to justify  every post that is not by someone that your lil "circle" has  decided can be credited without posting such references/research, then thats your own agenda/ problem not mine.

Im not looking for your or anyone elses approval, im here for the newcomers that are at least interested enough to look this site up. I also dont care " how you do things" or how you credit discredit or justify your life or anyone elses. your approval and abilities mean nothing to me. You will in time( maybe) prove you are a compenent person in this lifestyle( This entire board, except maybe that small general discussion area is fueled by  and centered around BDSM, how you can say this isnt a BDSM  related{ im going to assume you mean BDSM  related since its obvious this is a "Collarme"  board.}) until  then your opinion is taken lightly in regards to me. and thats all ive seen so far is a bunch of opinions as is common in this lifestyle.

You didnt ask for an opinion or anyone else that  decided to stick their  unwanted 2 cent about me in my face. my opinion was given to those who asked the general population  on topic. if you dont like my opinion on a topic, thats your choice  but acting childish and say im right and your wrong isnt doing nothing but proving your inability to function  amoung a group of people that dont have the same exact opinion you do. In short, your showing a weakness. see i deal with submissives but dealing with Doms trying to prove their domainance by pushing around a noob doesnt at all scare me. You challanged, i answered. Its not my fault i didnt back down  on my opinion and give in and submit and say  " you are right i am wrong" Im a Dom, being Dom is herdiatary for me.i was dom since my first memory. . if a group of dominatants on a mesage board think they can bully me around like im a noob to the scene, they got a big headache coming. Im not new to  being "gangbanged" either. usually this means one side( this would be the group of people flaming me)  feels they are losing and friends either step in to help on their own accord or  are asked to help.

so far about the only valid  thing said on these boards about me is the fact i called someone a name, if you can make someone believe that you not even say in the last 3 months called someone a name they are naive.  everything else has been pure "trash"  alot of which was  parts of my post there of taken out of context. in which i discredited almost every attempt( hard to catch them all  since your  "side" has multiple posters and mine has one. )

So far the only thing i have learned here is:

1) their is severe lack of reading comprehension. I would like to say to  its a language barrier but most of the posters write well ( and use big words common folk might have to look up and most of them probably had to look up themselves)  so  i cant dismiss as a language barrier.

2)  their is a group of people that seem to think they control this board( maybe they count it as one of their slaves)  and you must meet their approval . if you do not you will be flamed by one at first then 2 and then 3 until their are so many posters  you cant possibly keep up.( we will have to exclude the assumption they are right i am wrong ... since its not really possible on opinions... at least not in my world.. i live in the real world btw)

3) despite my sometimes unapproved( by mods) way of beating off my fans. it seems the only people getting the discredit around here are the ones trying to discredit me. Everything you come up with  to try to discredit me i discredit your discreditation. thus you move on to another post and quote it out of contex or simply just twist it into what every you want..

I stated in  one of the first post i made that was a reply to flame at me that " im not someone you want to play forum war with"  while playing your forum war with the rookies may scare them off. it doesnt bother me one bit.Im not new to forums  flamers trolls or anything else associated with boards. ive dealt with them all 8 to 80 in a dozen or so different languages on this side and the mod side of a forum that has 10 times the post of this board on any given day. . Flame on and keep making your lil "circle " look bad and immature  and ill continue to point out your flaws in trying to discredit me.

so we are at a crossroads. you can either shutup and leave me alone and let me tend to the noobs you stomp on or we can continue this childish game and ill continue to make you look bad. Its your choice. no hard feelings either way.

(in reply to BitaTruble)
Profile   Post #: 71
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 1:06:00 AM   

Posts: 9779
Joined: 1/12/2006
From: Texas
Status: offline

You were the first or one of the first to jump on Rovers flaming bandwagon. Your post(s) seemed to judge me( i stress the phrase "judge me" ). If this nor an insult was your intentions, then i apologize for the miscommunication and including you in said bandwagon.

I posted because I had questions. Period. No other reason, no other motive.

If you view questions as flames, then, indeed, we live in two different worlds and communication is effectively shut down, so, I leave you to your wars as I wish no part of it.



"Oh, so it's just like
Rock, paper, scissors."

He laughed. "You are the wisest woman I know."

(in reply to Slavetrainer2007)
Profile   Post #: 72
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 4:14:02 AM   

Posts: 1024
Joined: 3/15/2005
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1) their is severe lack of reading comprehension. I would like to say to  its a language barrier but most of the posters write well ( and use big words common folk might have to look up and most of them probably had to look up themselves)  so  i cant dismiss as a language barrier.

In many cases there is a severe lack of grammatical, spelling and punctuation ability.


~Slave To Master Archer

(in reply to BitaTruble)
Profile   Post #: 73
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 5:00:34 AM   

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Joined: 6/28/2004
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ORIGINAL: Slavetrainer2007

FFS, does anyone that writes to me know reading comprehension?

"Do you know grammer and proper word usage?", is also a good question to scream while you are ranting to the gods of cyber  ;)


you know ive been on boards with people that are 10 and 12 years old ( not an adult board obvisiously) that take less things out of context.

You (too) judge others and, rather critically (albeit ineffectively) as well!


what i stated concerning the history of BDSM i clearly stated  as  my opinion.  it was my view of the history of bdsm.  actually it was my opinion of how master/slave became so commonly misused. NOT how it came to be used.

Say what you like - but, a misrepresentation of history is not exactly something which can be colored as opinion - it is either 'right' or it is 'wrong'

And, yes - there are means by which opinion can color it... but, those are minor -and, not the major imaginings of entire sections of it.


i have the following incorrect
1)  you never judge another person
2)  you show common respect( this would be respect you show to the average person  you see everyday)

so by your standards im incorrect and the person who  taught me the above the values( NOT FACTS) is also incorrect.

Seperate issues entirely... but, nice try at muddying the waters...
You made statements about BDSM history.. and, in your last posting you made the statement about 'judging others' - seperate times and seperate instances.
You stated that no one could (or, should) "judge you" and that it was frowned upon in BDSM when "you were taught it".
I pointed out that you were full of horse hockey and that the edict was "do not judge another's kink"
But, your's is a common misconception among people on line.


Humans judge as instinct: judging it what helps us formulate our opinions about something. this again would be taken as the way you wanted. hasnt your mother or father or some adult when you was younger  told you " you shouldnt judge people" this  is the same context  im using it in.  you dont know me well enough to "judge me accurately" or form an accurate opinion of me. ( also know as an impression.) i am judged on my name or profile, which is only  very small idea of who i am or might be. however i was judged on this  profile and name and it was decided that i was needed to validate myself and my ablitles to people who are interested in neither.

My parents never told me that. In fact they encouraged me to question others when they said something which is rather - well - "fabricated"... they are good people and did not want their little boy to be seen as a fool to everyone with a shiney story and a lollypop.


- you ASSUME im fibbing, lying or making false claims.. so back up your claim that im lying. i can prove and have stated that i can prove  who i am, what i do and the people that experience said relations with me ..  were satsified with my abilities, and sincereness.
What i stated as part of my lil resume post and as a clarification  to celeste of my resume post  was fact that i can back up.  my question is can you or anyone else on this board back up  your assumation  or rovers that i am lying? I also implied i wasnt posting said references   or in anyway making them available to every tom dick and mary that wanted to call me on them.

Then prove it - until you actually do prove your specious allegations you may weedle about all you desire to no result.


your right i dont but since this is the continued path a few would like to take this thread, i dont at all mind responding.  this in the very least spurs creative thinking. Though it is disrespectful to the OPs.but to hell with respect right?

Hey - you are the one who started posting about your 'grand self'... rather hypocritical of you.


I gave my opinion/view and this is yours. from my point of view it has from yours it hasnt.. are we going to play these kiddy games all night?

I refer to them as "on line games" - as I know I would never run into you off line.


i was respectful until i was disrespected for unwarranted  and invalid reasons( IMO) and i remain respectful to those that show the same common respect towards me.  everyone else can join my 3rd grade class following me around like a bunch of puppies.

I am having fun actually... if it were not that your claims were so outrageous, I would not be here talking to you.
I canot speak for the others, but YOU are a magnet for this puppy!


  Interesting how in part of your post you state  my 130 slaves ( which means you read the whole resume post) yet you only speak of my online experience, this would be commonly be taken as an insult.. but i can only laugh and tell you join the rest of my 3rd graders. btw ill need your resume that qualifies you to validate me, my experience, or my history on my desk my 3 pm.

I did not read it - but, what would it matter if I 'did' or 'did not'? And, I am not "validating you"..LOL... you invalidated yourself with the assertions..


this was an ill attempt( im going to take it that way but this may not be how you attended.) and making a crack about me using validate in my post, as it is most commonly associated with one parking their  automobile... or having someone else do it for them instead.

I told the other third graders you were not dense! You can read and everything! 


You know the10-50 year olds on the RPG forums that are flamers are MUCH better at this than the flamers here.

They probably believe your stories too. After all - having that much experienc at RPGs really prepares one for training slaves and speaking to the adults
Good talking to you... say hello to Spock for me.



"Anyone who thinks they're important is usually just a pompous moron who can't deal with his or her own pathetic insignificance and the fact that what they do is meaningless and inconsequential."
William Thomas

(in reply to Slavetrainer2007)
Profile   Post #: 74
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 5:42:25 AM   

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Gives LordODiscipline a thumbs up.


~Slave To Master Archer

(in reply to LordODiscipline)
Profile   Post #: 75
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 6:06:49 AM   

Posts: 954
Joined: 10/9/2006
From: Fort Wayne Indiana
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Gives LordODiscipline a thumbs up.

same here

at first, I thought that superslavetrainer was just I am actually enjoying seeing him make a complete and total ass of himself.


Facilius Per Partes In Cognitionem Totius Adducimur
We are more easily led part by part to an understanding of the whole.

Damnant Quod Non Intellegunt

(in reply to Elegant)
Profile   Post #: 76
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 6:20:06 AM   

Posts: 6334
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From: Domme Emeritus
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Gives LordODiscipline a thumbs up.

same here

at first, I thought that superslavetrainer was just I am actually enjoying seeing him make a complete and total ass of himself.

... but can all those interested do it on some other thread?


Life Lesson #1

I'm not your type.
I'm not inflatable.

(in reply to Kalira)
Profile   Post #: 77
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 6:38:52 AM   

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From: Fort Wayne Indiana
Status: offline

... but can all those interested do it on some other thread?

Believe me Lotus, when I make an ass of myself, it is brought to my attention very quickly  Something that I really do not mind.

If superslavetrainer is taking offense...well, is obviously in the wrong place.


Facilius Per Partes In Cognitionem Totius Adducimur
We are more easily led part by part to an understanding of the whole.

Damnant Quod Non Intellegunt

(in reply to LotusSong)
Profile   Post #: 78
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 6:58:00 AM   

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Oh man. I go away for just alittle while, and I miss ALL the fun


~~@ cass @~~

(in reply to Kalira)
Profile   Post #: 79
RE: Teenish Masters - 12/5/2006 6:59:12 AM   

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Joined: 8/8/2006
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ORIGINAL: Slavetrainer2007

I was never good as a teenager, in vanilla relationships. Im not very good at them to this day even with friends. 

Wow....thanks...I have found that with a lot of men in the Lifestyle but have never heard one own up to it.  Kudos.

I do think a lot of people get involved in the scene because they fail at 'vanilla' relationships and having the roles so clearly defined makes it easier for them.  If it works for them...great.  Personally I need someone who is good in less defined role relationships as well as understanding D/s ones.

As for the young Dominants, well, there are bad older Dominants too....I think it all depends on life experiences and what you learned from them.  I have a young friend, not lifestyle, who has been through a lot at her young age of eighteen and she is wise beyond her years because of though I do find most young Dominants rather amusing and sometimes scarey in their inexperience I do believe it's possible to be a decent Dom/me when young.....however, I've yet to see it.

(in reply to Slavetrainer2007)
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