RE: Attached at the hip !! (Full Version)

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kc692 -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 5:34:21 PM)

Not trying to be rude, but you are not even taking into account what your dominant may want.  I do not want my slave around me all the time, HOWEVER, I expect her near me whenever the hell I desire.  I do not expect to hear from her "I need some me time"  I do expect her to have interests and definitely promote other interests besides me, but if I want her there at that moment, I expect her there.

mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 5:37:56 PM)


missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 5:41:56 PM)



Not trying to be rude, but you are not even taking into account what your dominant may want.  I do not want my slave around me all the time, HOWEVER, I expect her near me whenever the hell I desire.  I do not expect to hear from her "I need some me time"  I do expect her to have interests and definitely promote other interests besides me, but if I want her there at that moment, I expect her there.

Ok and you obviously havent read all my posts in here. Im not saying that your slave shouldnt be there when you want, what im saying is that giving up all your hobbies and outside interests in my opinion is unhealthy.
I know exactly what my dominant wants and i give him it too. In return he gives me me time, it fits and works for us. What works for others is all good too.
To stop being me and just become an 'us' is not for me and i dont understand it. Thats what this thread is about, trying to understand those who feel opposite to me.

TemptingNviceSub -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 5:48:15 PM)

I would not understand attached at the hip either...however..there are many Dominants who encourage and train their submissive to have no other outside thus, much of this co-dependancy may be Dominant inspired...Tempting

kc692 -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 5:49:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: missturbation



Not trying to be rude, but you are not even taking into account what your dominant may want.  I do not want my slave around me all the time, HOWEVER, I expect her near me whenever the hell I desire.  I do not expect to hear from her "I need some me time"  I do expect her to have interests and definitely promote other interests besides me, but if I want her there at that moment, I expect her there.

Ok and you obviously havent read all my posts in here. Im not saying that your slave shouldnt be there when you want, what im saying is that giving up all your hobbies and outside interests in my opinion is unhealthy.
I know exactly what my dominant wants and i give him it too. In return he gives me me time, it fits and works for us. What works for others is all good too.
To stop being me and just become an 'us' is not for me and i dont understand it. Thats what this thread is about, trying to understand those who feel opposite to me.

I HAVE read all your posts in here, and I am not disagreeing with you on the need fore seperate interests.  "I also truly meant the I was not trying to be rude" remark, although apparently you seem not to believe it.  The question I am posing is because of how adamant you are of the abundance of time you need for yourself.  There is nothing wrong needing time.  My question is, and is only theoretical since I understand you are unowned, but when in a power dynamic, are you going to be the one that decides how much time you are going to spend with "you" time,  or is the dominant?

kc692 -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 5:50:34 PM)


missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 5:55:06 PM)

I'm not owned but i am part of a poly family which works for all of us. The primary sub lives with Sir and i live alone. I spend around half a week with them / Him and the other half here. He ultimately decides if i am to be there or here and i would not dream of saying 'i need me time, i wont come over'. Even when over there He gives me time to read, do my own thing but of course His needs come first, and if He requests something whilst im having Me time i obey gladly.

mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 5:57:47 PM)

Well, that's kinda special, how long you been at that?

Ice Pick

KatyLied -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 6:01:24 PM)


but when in a power dynamic, are you going to be the one that decides how much time you are going to spend with "you" time,  or is the dominant?

If it were me, and it was necessary, I would negotiate freedom-from-sub time, the amount negotiable, but I need to have some solitude.  And if a Dom were needy about having to be around me all of the time it wouldn't work, because I can't do clingy, insecure people.

missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 6:04:18 PM)

A couple of weeks now. I've been spending time with them as friends for months though. They have supported me through some difficult times recently and it just feels so right. He is mala fuente de mi serenidad.
foetid and rotten cunt x

kc692 -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 6:10:55 PM)

Well, I wish you luck, and hope it works out for the three of you, smiles.

mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 6:16:06 PM)


A  least you have learned something (not sure that it is plausible or useful) but fuente is not foetid by a damn sight, but they will diverge shortly----much to anothers chagrin.....but you bounce well---there are still many on the earth-------------the aggregious and heineous fates that have befallen you are of passing nature.........
LOL again,

But each comes to Valhalla in their own time--------


missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 6:24:35 PM)

I've learnt a lot and you taught me some of it. Fuente means source so unsure what that has to do with foetid!! I have no intentions of bouncing anywhere but you are entitled to your opinion and i respect it. Not sure what you are referring to in the fates that have befallen me because there are none but *shrugs*.
Valhalla - the hall of Odin into which the souls of heroes slain in battle and others who have died bravely are received
Hmm hells more my kind of place but im sure you already know that.
Cloth eared bint x

mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 6:42:53 PM)

So, you are hanging out with this shibari couple for a few weeks, and sleeping with the dominant and his girl at the flat (lets say in colloquial fahion, I know you understand that) and buying chain and leather dresses and one thing leads to another and you didnt hurt anyone and all that (well not by meaning to) and you just dont get it, but you are in a world of love and hurt and now you are heppin' advice to the inside crowd---------- somebody says hold on and you have a compendium, of certain knowledge , all of a sudden?

That about right, did I miss something?
Gi' us a wee lesson in life then, ha'penny


ExSteelAgain -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 7:08:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: missturbation

The thing is that I've been in a relationship or two where the clingy aspects surfaced and it wasn't necessarily bad at that point in time for that duration. Whether it would work permanently is another question.
I'm not sure how well im coming across here. I dont think clingy to a certain point is an issue. Im talking about the reality of me and you just becoming us.

If I thought you meant that suddenly the Dom and sub start sharing electrons in every suborbital level until a grotesque 4 eyed individual emerged whipping itself faster and faster until it erupted into a supernova like Chernobyl, I’d be against it too.

missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 7:08:38 PM)

Well as i see it my private life is my business but yes i sleep with them both and yes i have ordered a chain and leather dress from someone who makes them at my local much though i fail to see what that has to do with anything.
Not sure what the rest of your little speech is about but do enlighten me and i will do my utmost to answer your questions.

Ice pick victim. 

mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 7:42:09 PM)
This right here would be you would it not?

There is more, and let this be sufficient for today, but there are other honorable fellows about, and I am sure they  are mortified at this moment, but can be called upon in the hours of their service.

You would be civil in public and a ----------(lol) in all else?

At this particular point, you would be wise you take a word, you seem to have no wherewithal in keeping yours.

Patience perforce, with willful choler--- meeting makes my flesh tremble in this different greeting, but this intrusion shall now, seeming sweet, convert to bitterest gall............

Rather than review in a tour de force, for all those assembled, give you heed for your words ; having much to remember;  I am remembered out of hand.


missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 7:45:59 PM)

Yes that would be me ....................and?

Edited to add:- If you are referring to the timing then i was honest about sleeping and playing with others to the second Dom. I made my apologies to the first, admitted i had messed up. I've paid my dues over this and learnt from my mistakes.

hisannabelle -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 7:45:59 PM)

i found the post a bit difficult to understand as well. while i do have my moments of loneliness, i couldn't ever say that life in His absence is boring or that i NEED things to fill up the "space" or anything like that. i mean, we complement each other, and yes, i miss Him when we are not together, but i don't feel like there's a hole there or something. all that other stuff that's still, work, piano, art, etc. is still there.

while i think i can understand this phenomenon for others, i can't imagine experiencing it to the level talked about in the thread you mentioned, for myself. He'd hate having me around every minute of every day, and if He knew that i pined for Him  all thet ime when He was gone, He'd probably release me. He prefers slaves who have lives of their own in addition to their lives with Him.

cindyhypno -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 7:54:36 PM)

Don't you think any dominant that encourage/train their submissive to be joined on their hip is rather insecure about themselves and the relationship between them?  How does a submissive grow as a person without external contacts?

Just a thoughts

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