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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we should encourage?

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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:13:35 PM   

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Ah it was not . For that I apologise. Guilty no, defensive? Yes. I was accused of hating fat people, of several other things on this thread as well.. things I never said, never intended nor even thought.
That is why I left this thread alone 5 pages ago, it was senseless to try and discuss this due to the amount of emotion that was brought into this.
Again I do apologise for misreading that it was posted to me, I truly thought it had been.


*Unless I cite a source it is MO.

~ ssssh. i think i've just found freedom. ~

(in reply to NaughtyAngel)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:17:57 PM   

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I'm surprised this thread has gone on for so many pages without being dropped or at least hi-jacked.
I figured everyone would be tired of the fat debate by now.

Obviously not. But don't be surprised...we are a favorite topic around here. Perhaps we should actually be flattered...all that attention, and all...

Probably none of it is even worth reading anymore, if ever it was, since it always boils down to the same issue - "Women: what we look like and whether we are thin enough," Yet, it's almost always disguised as a discussion on health.

And with that, kind folks -- Flame on!


(in reply to MsLadySue)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:18:49 PM   

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Do you have a guilty conscience? The person you quoted didn't enen reply to you. Why do you feel the need to defend yourself from non attacks. Perhaps its because some of the statements you made in this thread were hurtful, hateful and predjudicial without intent and now you realize it?

Just say you are sorry, don't put up a wall of defense. It requires more work on your part than necessary.
/end quote

Excuse me but you are out of line here. NOWHERE IN THIS THREAD NOR ANYWHERE HAVE I SAID I HATE FAT PEOPLE. Hello?? Last year I was 225 pounds. My god, are you all so very defensive yourselves that you simply do not read?
I apologised for misreading that the reply was sent to me.
I will not apologise for saying that obese people are not attractive to me. That IMO obese people are putting an unnecessary strain on their bodies.
I'm sorry but get a grip.

Edited:forgot to quote

< Message edited by cjenny -- 5/13/2007 6:19:36 PM >


*Unless I cite a source it is MO.

~ ssssh. i think i've just found freedom. ~

(in reply to BBBTBW)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:21:09 PM   

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I hate fat people.


(in reply to cjenny)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:21:09 PM   

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*peeks inside*  did someone say hijack?


...2011 - year of the fabulous rock star life ...and i do it so well...

...announcing Mr. & Mrs. British Petrol ...yeah, marrying into oil is slick business...

(in reply to MsLadySue)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:24:30 PM   

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*thinks about slapping domiguy but somehow thinks he would secretly like it*

< Message edited by simplyangelic1 -- 5/13/2007 6:25:14 PM >

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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:34:02 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MistressNoName

Yet, it's almost always disguised as a discussion on health.

And with that, kind folks -- Flame on!


I mentioned this thread to a friend and we were discussing it and the motivations behind it and I found one particular response from her incredibly giggle-worthy. I quote her without name simply because I don't know that she'd wish to be identified:

"I don't get that. Like they know it's a repulsive sentiment, so they have to couch it in deep concern for the health of fat people. If you know it's such a repulsive sentiment that you can't say it without faking your reason for saying it, WHY ARE YOU SAYING IT? What could possibly be so important about saying, "ew, fatties" that makes it imperative to find a politically correct style of expressing it? I do not understand why the logic receptors go down and why this opinion needs constant expression, why every person who comes up with that has to post it on the intarwebs like they never heard it before. I just don't get it."

(in reply to MistressNoName)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:35:52 PM   

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I have been lurking, but I have to come out. Ok, so I am a fat chick. If someone does'nt like it or want to bump uglies with me because of it, who gives a damn? Why should I want to screw someone who does'nt want me? And why does this whole thing exist anyway? Look to your nearest media source. We use sex to market and we are a nation of consumers, plain and simple. I have been thin, a size US zero in fact. Was I healthy then? Hell no. I was self destructive and self loathing. Am I still that person? No. So what have I learned from this? Not to let someone else's idea of beauty dictate my thought patterns and behavior. Will I get flamed for this post? Probably. Do I give a damn? No. So obviously I have learned something that is important.

< Message edited by tatangel -- 5/13/2007 6:36:50 PM >


It used to be that being crazy meant everybody's crazy.

(in reply to simplyangelic1)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:37:33 PM   

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for the same reason everything else is politically correct.....we simply dont have enough umbrellas for the shit storms that follow if we dont. 

(in reply to NaughtyAngel)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:41:12 PM   

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.... <sigh>

Skimming through most of this, I think the point of the original post was entirely missed.

There exists the truely BBW out there, and I've had the pleasue of knowing one or two that knew it and didn't have problems with their body image, and knew how to dress to make the most of it... mmmmm squeezeable.... Ahem.. Sorry, flashbacks...

Then there's the morbidly obese which "question" was talkling about, the ones that weigh two to four times what a typical american weighs.  In my jobless days I had the displeasure of seeing one of those daytime freak shows (Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, or something else) where they found some of these people who were obscenely out of perportion (about half of the grotesque display couldn't stand without assistance), who beyond all scientific reason or artistic asthetic, claimed that they were "Big Beautiful Women".

Mind you, just as the vast majority of the thread seemed to miss the point, so (in my own never all that humble opinion) did the original poster. For a morbidly obese woman to adopt the label of "BBW" is not societal encouragement, it is personal denial. It's the same denial, though in a different guise, that makes bulemics think they're attractive despite their emaciated (and in some cases skeletal) appearance.

There's a lot of people hung up on "Fault". "Something's wrong with you therefore -you- -did- something wrong". This is not always the case, and in many cases the cause of the weight issues are not even related directly to food. Genetic predisposition, glandular failures, stress (my own weight-demon), disease or injuries can all contribute to someone's isues with weight one way or another. However our society places a stigma on weight so that if you are not of a cerrtain ideal, you are worth less as a human being.

The grand upshot is that people who have morbid obesity (and realize, my definition of morbid isn't the same as the accepted medical definition, I'm more realistic about life in general) or who are dangerously underweight, cannot bring themselves to even think of themselves asbeing less than"Beautiful" for fear of damaging their value as a person, and without admitting that they have a problem puts them in serious medical danger.


All that said about those who are -wildly- out of the norm, both morbidly obese and morbidly underweight; I will agree that the culture of thin has run completely amok. Personally I find most "Supermodels" unattractive. They're too plastic looking and/or they simply lack the feminity and the curves that a woman should have, and yet these "dress-hangers" are paid ludicrous amounts of money to wear rediculus outfits. The entire fashon industry is a pack of lunatics that should be locked away in padded cells for their safety and our sanity (IMNSHO). I've seen dating site pictures of knockout women describing themselves as "BBW". I'm an artist, I know what the human body's perportions are supposed to be, and i'm aware of what reasonable variation in size looks like (you have to know that to draw individuals without making them look like characture cartoons), they werent' "Big" at all. They had been exposed to the insanely thin as the ideal for so long that they didn't realize that they actually were the ideal.

As always, just my own $0.02,


(in reply to cjenny)
Profile   Post #: 290
RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:49:52 PM   

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Well, first I must say I don't have the time to go reading through all the pages of replies to this.... I will read a few as soon as I do reply.....

I am more than 100 lbs over weight, and consider myself beautiful and have been considered beautiful by many men and women I have come in contact with.

Seeing as you say you work in the health care system, you should realize the difference between someone who is overweight by poor choices and one who is overweight due to poor genetics and developed health problems. Also, there is a difference being overweight due to poor health choices and being overweight due to the desire to be overweight. SOME - NOT ALL - but some people who are fairly overweight are healthy. Yes, weight can cause complications if something else is to pop up, but some people never see any problems. I had a friend while I was growing up who had a grandmother over 300 lbs much of her life who was in her 90's before passing away, never seeing any heart problems and barely ever getting sick.

I have health problems which have made me over weight. Better more than 100lbs over weight than 6 feet under ground! Wouldn't you agree? If this is how I have to be, why not carry myself well and beautifully? This is the body I have, and even though some shallow adults who act like middle school children can look down on me, why should I feel bad?

(in reply to question)
Profile   Post #: 291
RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 6:57:07 PM   

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From: Minnesooootah
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ORIGINAL: welshwmn3


ORIGINAL: merrysbrat

those of you who might speak out about what a crime against humanity fatness is here would never go up to a smoking stranger and take a cigarette out of their hand.

Yeah, having trouble with the quotes on here. But in response, no, none of us would go up to a smoking stranger and take their cig away, of course not. But would we go up to a really fat stranger who was eating a burger and take it away? Again, of course not.

Maybe not.  But there are a lot more people in the world who will go up to and lecture the fat person eating a burger about how bad it is for them than there are people who will lecture a smoker about how dangerous smoking is for them.

And where do you get this 'fact' from?  I'd like a source.


Does a four year old really have an ego?

R.I.P. River <3

(in reply to welshwmn3)
Profile   Post #: 292
RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 7:05:33 PM   

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. For a morbidly obese woman to adopt the label of "BBW" is not societal encouragement, it is personal denial. It's the same denial, though in a different guise, that makes bulemics think they're attractive despite their emaciated (and in some cases skeletal) appearance.

As always, just my own $0.02,


I don't believe the point was missed in the thread, I believe you missed the point of the responses.  Or at least some of them, in particular mine.

Everyone is attractive to someone. For one person, in this case you, to say that they should not be allowed to call themselves beautiful is utterly absurd.

There are plenty of supposedly pretty people that I think are downright ugly. Paris Hilton, for one. And so-called ugly people that I find attractive like Ric Ocasek. But that's my personal opinion and I would never in a million years try to impress it upon someone else like some of these people do.
Everyone is beautiful to someone.

In fact, I've recently been chatting with someone who said he wished I weighed 550 pounds.  That would be his fantasy, anyhow.  I wouldn't dream it, especially since I'm trying to get healthier and that would be the exact opposite direction.  But that would be his perfect vision of me.  You may not think that is an appetizing idea but that doesn't mean you can decide for everyone else that a person of that size will never be beautiful to anyone, anywhere, ever.

(in reply to Dauric)
Profile   Post #: 293
RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 7:13:35 PM   

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From: Minnesooootah
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Mind you, just as the vast majority of the thread seemed to miss the point, so (in my own never all that humble opinion) did the original poster. For a morbidly obese woman to adopt the label of "BBW" is not societal encouragement, it is personal denial. It's the same denial, though in a different guise, that makes bulemics think they're attractive despite their emaciated (and in some cases skeletal) appearance.

Finally someone sane? I think you just put into words what I was struggling to say. At least, part of what I was trying to say.


Does a four year old really have an ego?

R.I.P. River <3

(in reply to NaughtyAngel)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 7:18:31 PM   

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Almost every female in my ex's family has a "weight problem". This could be This tells me that it must be something genetic that causes it - some trigger within them that causes them to put on weight in adulthood.

hypo theyroidism will do it, otherwise i cant think of anything else that could cause it.

Well, I am almost certain that within the next 10 pages there are at least a handful of replies to this, but seeing as I haven't read them yet, and I do have a couple view points on it, I'll share!

I believe it was in the UK in the last few months they declared to have found something of a "fat gene" which they are now striving to learn more about. They claim it is something that at the very least makes it easier to put on weight and keep it.

Also, nearly my whole biological family is overweight, not due to poor eating (I, and a couple others, was raised far away from them and we are heavy as well)...... *shrugs* There are many reasons out there....

(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 7:21:37 PM   

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Well it shouldn't be encouraged if only because it's just unhealthy. I like women of all sizes, for bdsm/sex/friendship, but wouldn't marry a bbw mostly because my partner would literally have to keep up with vanilla activities, ie hiking, biking, etc.....

I know many BBWs who could probably keep up better than some skinny women! I'm not one of those people due to OTHER health problems unrelated to weight... Oh well......

(in reply to MellowSir)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 7:34:18 PM   

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To the OP

Here OP, OP!!!! Where did you go, we miss you SO much!!! Are you sitting back enjoying this??? I bet you are.......sheesh.

What will you do when this thread (if ever it does) dies??? 


Anyone can overpower; not many can INSPIRE.....

This is only MY opinion. If it's not yours, let's agree in advance to agree to disagree, OR, you can just get the fuck over what I had to say:)

(in reply to tulipgoose)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 7:37:01 PM   

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From: Minnesooootah
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He'll probably make a new screenname, along with a new thread, and sit back and enjoy once more.


Does a four year old really have an ego?

R.I.P. River <3

(in reply to kc692)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 7:48:48 PM   

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The OP's point wasn't about attractiveness, it was about health, and this is the missing point. You said it yourself, you wouldn't want to be 550 lbs for health reasons. Question was pointing out that there are some women who are so morbidly overweight, and use "BBW" as an excuse for their weight that it was putting them in jeopardy of near-term health issues. This gets in to matters of public policy, namely: Who pays for their medical care? In most cases of morbid obesity, they are on Medicare, which means that you and I are the ones paying for diabetes medicaion, heart medication, all kinds of medication, special transportation, oxygen, emergency care, pacemakers, artificial hearts..... Thus: if society is encouraging people to be overweight as "Question" postulates, why would we as a society want to encourage this tax on the resources of our government, which are ultimately -our- resources. I'm saying it's not encouragement in those cases, it's escapism.

If you can stand on your own two feet, and don't need a resperator after walking down the hall, I'm not talking about you. If you can hold a job and pay your own medical expenses, I've got no concern what your weight is. There's an edge of personal attack in your post. I try very hard to avoid that, and I'd like to keep it that way if you please. Civil discourse is far more plesant than a flamewar.

As far as what is attractive I'm in agreement that there is no universal standard. I'm certain that everyone has someone that is attracted to them, such is the nature of life.

I completely agree that Paris Hilton is ugly. She's just rich and a media-slut.

Of course this is just my own $0.02, that and the change in my wallet won't even get you a cheap coffee.


(in reply to NaughtyAngel)
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RE: BBW's, Is this something as a society that we shoul... - 5/13/2007 7:53:44 PM   

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From: Minnesooootah
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My god, is Paris Hilton is ugly I don't even want to know what that would qualify me as...


Does a four year old really have an ego?

R.I.P. River <3

(in reply to Dauric)
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