**July 1st Roll Call** (Full Version)

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MzMia -> **July 1st Roll Call** (6/30/2007 11:46:12 PM)

***Okay it's July 1st, I would love to start the Ask A Master roll call***
---here is a caveat, just share whatever you want to share, what you would like others
on here to know about you, its just a coming together--
I will start![;)]
I am enjoying my summer and I am busy, busy, busy.
I have a Season Pass to 6 Flags, I mainly joined for the water rides and to take the Um's.
You should see MzMia on the water slides.[sm=smile.gif]
I still have not found my submissive soulmate{ as far as I know}.
I have had the pleasure to develop several online friendships with a variety of people from Collarme
{Dominant and submissive}, and I enjoy the comradery.
Isn't it nice to have friends in this lifestyle {Dominant or submissive} that you can share with?

I plan to actually start doing yoga again, I still plan to learn to belly dance, and I am ordering Hip Hop Abs.
I need a form of exercise, that I will really want to do and enjoy.
So yes, MzMia will soon be a hiphop booty shaking machine and belly dancer.
I am not going on any major trips this summer, but I am having a lot of fun locally.
I went to the Native American museum last Sunday and I loved it.
**I am also working on adding to my little toy box, item by item, it is getting there!**
I have a few small health issues, but my life is great so I am not complaining.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July and summer.

DommeChains -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 5:40:33 AM)

Ohhh, goody! I get to be the first to reply to MzMia's monthly roll call lol.  I think (fingers crossed) I might have the right job lined up......finally!  Our mentors group has lost apprentices and is down to 6 members.  We are having a great time at the weekend intensive brainstorming ways to use pervertables and our imaginations.  Today will be electrical play.....should be stimulating (pun intended..he he).

Health wise I have purchased a fastrocker exercise platform and am slowly learning to use it without busting my ass lol.  It does help with stretching my hip and back without requiring me to get into positions that are too painful to maintain.

And, my husband and I are looking into doing some pro dom sessions at a start up local dungeon.  So, anyone who is already a pro dom I am all ears for tips, etc.  We are negotiating details with the owner of the facility right now.

We are beginning to dry out from the unbelievable amounts of rain we have experienced in Central Texas.  18 inches in one day in some places.  That's Texas for ya.....one extreme to another.

Looking forward to hearing what everyone else is up to.....have fun ya'll.

Arastella -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 6:19:31 AM)

And I get to be second, go me!  Uhhh... here!

This is bad news, I know, but I'm ending my relationship with my current Mistress.  She is too immature and has NO career goals and happens to be a hypochondriac.  I need to take care of myself now.  Sorry to those who had high hopes for us.  Thanks for your support.

beargonewild -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 7:57:50 AM)

Looks like I get to be third!!!!

Life's been going great in the past three months! Have gone through tremendous personal growth, all positive and enjoying every single minute! Out of all of this, I find I acquired myself a boy, totally unexpected yet exciting at the same time. been working with him over the past 2 months and the long term goal is to have him with me when he has settled some issues in his own life and we can start ours together.
  Health is good and feeling quite balanced physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Much has to do with my own change of attitude and mindset and partially from pushing myself to learn and grow.Be well everyone - Bear

cuddleheart50 -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 8:02:59 AM)

Life was going pretty slow for the first part of the year...just working and coming home.....then I met my daddy!  Life is good now!

BOUNTYHUNTER -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 8:30:48 AM)

I"LL go next,So far a lazy easy summer,just working the garden and breakin' a few horses and training a few lovies...Summer is here so quick and very fleeting.I saw leafs falling from our big maple trees.I won't be long until the wind will be blowing,cutting thur any thing you put on..WE have a small ranch on a mountain top,any where you go its either up or down..WELL enough about me..next

RaynaSub -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 10:33:15 AM)

I am enjoying these roll calls, Mz Mia.
My partner and I are planning a week long road trip to
Atlanta, Georgia the last week in July.
He has family there and we also plan to go to a dungeon party.
We are going to Ocean City tomorrow night, and celebrating
the 4th of July there.
I have not been to Ocean City for a couple of years, so I am really
looking forward to it.
I hope everyone enjoys the holiday.

ready4srvce4all -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 10:49:33 AM)

I'm looking forward to July, and a new month of growth and changes.  I start my new job on the 9th, and we are looking to make a few trips to the roller coaster park.  Mistress has found some fun family outings that we hope to make, as June was a very rough month, and we deserve some fun dang it!!!

On a personal side, I'll be learning dungeons and dragons (though I'll never become a "geek" about it), the job I noted, and continuing to learn from and grow with Mistress.  I'm truly excited about what is on the horizon...Go July!!!  Good riddance June!!!!

Areflectionofyou -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 11:22:33 AM)

Well for me i moved in with my Master on April 1st. We have our ups and downs which are hard at times to deal with. But overall im pretty happy.

MySweetSubmssive -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 11:34:40 AM)

I've decided to go back to school (in 12 days!) to complete an undergraduate degree I started a while ago.  I am a little nervous and very excited to do this (particularly as it will take me to one of my favorite places to be -- Vermont).

I've been talking to a submissive lately who is kind-hearted and loved to be obedient.  I'm looking forward to getting to know more of him.


Evanesce -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 2:11:52 PM)

My first roll call!
My younger UM (soon to be not UM) will be here in 3 days for the entire month, so we're going vanilla.
The lifestyle group I co-founded years ago is still alive and kicking, and for our July meeting/discussion/play party, we're going to a Victorian home/museum, and then back to our house for a vanilla barbecue and game night (UMs invited).
I'm still looking for a houseboy/slave, and doubt I'll find him this month.
I'm making jewelry and other stuff like crazy in preparation for a show in September.
Neither the Kaptin nor I have seen our dungeon in 2 months.  There's something very wrong with that.
The Kaptin will actually be home for two weeks straight for vacation!
Oh... and we've rented a 40-foot boom lift so we can finish painting the eaves while the Kaptin is home on "vacation."

MzMia -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 5:27:58 PM)

Thanks for all the updates, it is so nice to hear how everyone is doing.

skaterboy -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 5:36:44 PM)

I've been burn't so many times that I should go by toast....but I' m soooo HOT, that they all toast me.
A wink, a lick and a lash.


psykocloud -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 8:33:43 PM)

Life is great right now. I had a lot of personnel growth since I met Sir and Kitten. We spend as much time as we can together and there are plans to move in the near future closer to them. I can't wait. For the 4th, we're going to spend the day at a local park and watch the fireworks later that night. And if I am lucky, Sir will use me that night  [;)]

uwinceismile -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 8:46:11 PM)

my first roll call as well,
im a relative newcommer to cm, but so far have enjoyed my time here. i will be spending the holiday in ocean city as well with my um's and my newest interest and possible new slave :) ill cross my fingers that all goes well for all of us. pleae have a safe and happy 4th of july celebration. i hope to see u all back here on the fith, with all ur fingers and toes accounted for ;)

MzMia -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/1/2007 8:58:53 PM)

psykocloud, I hope you have a bang on the 4th!!

YouwinceIsmile, I love your screen name, enjoy Ocean City!

SexyCazzy -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/2/2007 5:35:38 AM)

OK my turn!

I have joined CM last month, starting to get involved in the message boards, posting here and there. Have been busy at work, tying loose ends up before I am on my holidays from work for 8 weeks (I am a tutor, so no classes during the summer months). Last weekend, been across the boarder to England from Scotland, to visit a friend, stayed there for one night, before coming back home, a brilliant night out with her and her friends, first time I met her friends, all very nice and friendly.

From tomorrow, I am off to Cyprus for one week, chilling out and relaxing - well expect Friday, where I am expected to do my bridesmaid duties - my mother is getting married to my step-dad, and I am really, really looking forward to it. They have been together 15 years and about bloody time they got married!! [:D]

Coming back home from holiday, who knows? Will I find my dream Dom? Maybe not.... but is looking forward to exchanging more messages/chats with some Doms and seeing where it leads to....an exciting time for me!

earthycouple -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/2/2007 9:48:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: ready4srvce4all

On a personal side, I'll be learning dungeons and dragons (though I'll never become a "geek" about it

That's what he thinks *S*
I am ready for a new month as well.  My MBA classes are going as well as ever, still maintaining my A and B no Cs allowed status. 

Robert is wonderful and I can't believe he's only been here a short time.  I continue to look forward to the rest of my life with him as part of the family.

My UM's are killing me slowly with their constant bickering. 

My husband's job continues to go wonderfully and has been employee of the month and the employee to retain the most client contracts...which is very cool. 

We have been well on our way to accomplishing many things around the house this summer, from smaller projects like pulling out plants and weeds to building rooms in the basement.  A few more projects (shelves and a clean garage) will about cover this year's extra work around the house.

I hope to get out of the house for the summer and do some fun time day trips.  No long vacations planned this summer but maybe come next we will.

We have some new friends I met through CM...I met her (a dominant) because we seem to know a couple of the same submissives and she has a husband and a roommate who both enjoy RPGing.  Of course my husband and I love to RPG too...so the four of us are going to teach both Robert and my new gal pal how to play and convert em to full geeky gamer standards whether they like it or not! *S*  I really enjoy table top gaming...

Enjoy the summer!

LadyPact -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/2/2007 10:21:42 AM)

Well, I've been looking forward to the Roll Call this month.  I do miss it being on the Ask A Mistress forum, but it seems that more folks are crossing over to answer it here.
June really was a good month for Me.  I got to attend more lifestyle events than I have in longer than I can remember!  Most of the time, that has involved making trips to Atlanta, but SELF, Sultan's Harem, and the Atlanta Regional Munch were all certainly worth it.  I had so much fun at all of these.  There is nothing like getting out and enjoying activities with like-minded people!  I got to meet face to face with some of the people here from CM, and a couple of other places, where before, I had only cyber-met them.  I'm starting to make some really good connections, even if most of them are two hours away.  I also attended a small munch here in town with some really good people, and I hope to get to know more of them better in the coming months.
While I am still on the search for that ever-elusive submissive to call My own, I have had some wonderful play opportunities in this past month.  Since I've been doing more public play, I'm fortunate to have some additional upcoming opportunities.  I can't think of a better way to make new friends.  I will go so far as to say that My reputation in certain circles is becoming quite good.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!  Play safe, and let's hear from you.

Masque66 -> RE: **July 1st Roll Call** (7/2/2007 11:04:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: ready4srvce4all
On a personal side, I'll be learning dungeons and dragons (though I'll never become a "geek" about it),

Don't resist, just accept it.  It's good on the geek side.

Hm...hadn't seen role calls before, this month will see the second half of my microbiology class, and so far my fight for an A is paying off.  Gradually developing some real connections in the d/s field and studying any texts  I can find.  Combined with my attempts to develop my own RPG it seems studying is all I do this summer.  Which works for me, that during the day and bartending weekends.  Bike week pretty much paid for classes this year.  Plus my brother and I decided to compete in weight training.  I love summer.  Except for the lack of skiing.

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