RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (Full Version)

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RCdc -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 11:32:03 AM)

Some people read the posts one way - some another.  All subjective huh.  No one is perfect.
Adding more drama to a thread instead of discussing makes you no less a victim.

asubmissiveheart -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 11:33:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: bandit25

Actually, angelic, it is almost that easy.  Most of us don't have a static IP addy.  We use one ISP or another and "draw" our IP addy from a pool, so we don't have the same one all the time.  I've never heard of anyone getting anything from chat, but I guess it could be done.  This guy really has to know what he is doing, tho and I doubt if he does.

I'd do what erin suggests.  Change my profile, leave off all the personal stuff and be very wary of giving it out again. 

That's it in a nutshell, it has been said about 20 times throughout these pages.
Change your profile, take off your picture and real location, and stop spewing your life history
and personal information online, IF you have learned your lesson.
It not, keep right on doing the same thing.

mistoferin -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 11:40:22 AM)

Hiyas dark,
Just to correct you (because you asked me to), no, I am not trying to infer that the OP is seeking attention. I am trying to get her to see that on an unconcious level she may be contributing to her own victimization.....which I see strongly evidenced if this thread is an indication of how she interacts with someone who is trying to put her down or assume a measure of control over her. She is teasing the cat so to speak and if this is SOP then I would like her to consider that it may not be the means of interaction that is in her best interest.

Once again, I am not accusing her of anything, I am not trying to discount anything that she has shared and I am not trying to embarass her in any way. I am simply trying to suggest that she look objectively at her own role in the situation. I am also suggesting that there are other ways of dealing with this. Those ways may entail making some choices that are not necessarily the way she might choose in a perfect world where one can have things however they want....but this is not a perfect world and sometimes we have to make a few sacrifices in order to have it in a way that is tolerable to us.

RCdc -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 11:43:50 AM)

Thanks for clarifying Erin, as always, you rock.  Apology for misunderstanding.

bandit25 -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 11:48:27 AM)

I think the problem might be just as erin describes...Lockit may UNWITTINGLY be adding to the problem.  Now, I'm not saying that an extremely experienced and VERY (Kevin Metnick) knowledgeable hacker wouldn't be able to get information.  However, it's really not all that easy.  The easy part is that most of us leave footprints.  If we put ourselves out on the net often enough with enough information, sure someone can harvest that information.  But like I said, he has to be pretty knowledgeable or he's getting some really good help.  I've found that most cyber stalkers just aren't all that focused.  Turn off the PC...don't react and they'll move on to someone else.  I also am not so naive as to believe that ALL of them are like that.  If someone is fixated, well, then absolutely take as many precautions as possible. 

ShyMistress -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 12:53:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Petronius

If she's serious shouldn't she try to warn dominant women that they might get stalked?

Is this not what she originally stated within her post? A warning to all...not just Dominant women. So if she chooses to add a personal goodbye and reflection upon how it may be happening (remember she herself has admitted to her lack of technological knowledge) what right does that give you or any other one of us to decide that she must be lying and/or paranoid? And why should girl or guy down the street insist that she prove what she is saying is or is not true? Are you truly so arrogant as to believe that because you are not fully informed of every possible security issue in the world of instant messaging systems that it is an impossibility for these issues to exist? Do you honestly think there is a news article or documentation available for every little thing that microsoft or yahoo screws up on? Of course there isn't! Would people have much confidence in products that openly show all the various things that may go wrong if you happen across the wrong techy and pissed him off? Not really...or there goes any and all profit those services make via advertising and through the optional extra services that the average user can pay for (ie: pc to pc calling etc)


ORIGINAL: Petronius

But since I thought my points important then I think them important now.

In essence, they were:

1) Generic messenger software doesn't have the holes in it Lockit claimed that let's anybody "into your computer."

2) Corporate security, the Colorado legal system, and the FBI do not have the lackadaisical attitude toward security that Lockit claimed;

3) Contrary to Lockit's suggestions, modern security software prevents or disproves the notion that "anything can be traced."

1) Generic messengers do have "holes" in them. Often security issues are found on an almost daily basis, and after a culimation of many bugs and holes the company that produces the messenger releases a new *updated* messenger (how many times in just the last few years have we all had to redownload messy and yahell for the "newer versions"?...and where the hell do you think they got those nicknames?)

2) You are correct on your second assumption...corporate security, most local law enforcement, and the FBI do not have a careless attitude towards internet security. It has been proven however, over a course of a few years now, that law enforcement is more interested in serious cases of internet fraud, child pornography rings, and other major crimes that are committed and conspired through online activities. Stalking, even under protection of apparent "anti-stalking" laws is not anything they care to commit resources to. As I pointed out in My previous post, getting help in that situation often doesn't happen until after violence has been commited. The fact that a person's mind can be as fragile (if not more fragile) then the body does not seem to occur to most who tout the "well he hasn't done anything yet...maybe you should hide out!!" As a recovering agoraphobic, I can verifibly state that is one of the unhealthiest ways of dealing with it.

3) This, unfortunately, I can and will not agree with at all. You can be traced in your new car (gps), buddy on his cell phone can be traced (both gps and through the service provider), and the girl down the street can change her internet provider, names, even get a dynamically changing ip and she can still be traced. It is a simple piece of hardware within most computers that defines them as traceable, and the thumbprint it leaves is called a "macaddy" (machine address for those that have not heard of it) and I can say through both experience and from years of being close to computers and computer gurus that unless you know exactly what piece of hardware it is to won't ever lose that "thumbprint". People such as Lockit, with their limited knowledge, would see a person who knows how to trace/misuse this kind of information as being genious and would portray that belief in the spirit of getting the urgency of her message across.


Finally, I thought that any computer-savy person would challenge Lockit's third contention. They didn't. When I mentioned technology like public key encryption and chains of anonymous remailers that were denied, I thought people who disagreed with me would try to show how you can still track messages. Instead they prefer name calling.

Have you seen half of what is available these days? Everything from keyloggers to spyware to cookie seeders, and you are surprised and disbelieving because this girl is not aware of the how and what of it? You sound as if you have at least some education, even if your stubborn holier-then-thou attitude has dwindled down the apparent intelligence you may possess. So My question to you would be really why did you feel the need to do more then say..."I have yet to see or hear of any of these issues" and leave it at that? You are complaining about others hurling insults and such at yourself, yet you do not step back and see how you yourself have been very insulting from your first post onward. If I had a serious issue that I tried to warn people about and I got that kind of response I would be infuriated as these people have not a clue as to who I am, and I treat all with open respect of their words until they give Me reason to not. Notice the only other post I made before yesterday was to simply remind someone of the Admin's warning? You have given Me reason to lose respect for anything you may post in the future, as I see most of what you have to say is supposition and defence of such suppositions, and when others try to point out where you are wrong you brush it off as if they have said nothing of import. You can brush this one off too like you do so many others, but I do suggest some serious time looking within yourself to find why you are so bitter and reluctant to take anybody's opinions or words as the truth, and why you would want to come across in what is mostly a friendly community as one who would rather lash out and be angry and arrogant...your not doing anything but alienating yourself and furthering your own unhappiness. Hope you find some balance there

{Edited as I found one more thing to respond to and would rather wrap it all up here}

ShyMistress -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 1:14:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: bandit25

I think the problem might be just as erin describes...Lockit may UNWITTINGLY be adding to the problem.  Now, I'm not saying that an extremely experienced and VERY (Kevin Metnick) knowledgeable hacker wouldn't be able to get information.  However, it's really not all that easy.  The easy part is that most of us leave footprints.  If we put ourselves out on the net often enough with enough information, sure someone can harvest that information.  But like I said, he has to be pretty knowledgeable or he's getting some really good help.  I've found that most cyber stalkers just aren't all that focused.  Turn off the PC...don't react and they'll move on to someone else.  I also am not so naive as to believe that ALL of them are like that.  If someone is fixated, well, then absolutely take as many precautions as possible. 

Unfortunately, most "victims" do unwittingly make themselves a target. It is in everything from your personal "footprints" you describe online to even our own personal body language out in the real world. The sad fact is though that most people do not realize what predators look for, nor what angles they may take to reach into their lives and mess with them. One who is bruised inside, one who is too trusting, one who is unaware of that look the other person gives is such a simple thing to give a predator the right "leads" when you do not know what they look for. The news has portrayed time and again girls and boys who met people online and were abused, harrassed, even killed in some cases...and half the time the perpetrators are the most innocent appearing people. Men with good standing in the community, women who teach children, the preacher even. It is a sad world when we should have to watch every step we take and every word we speak because it may give someone something to use to empower them over us, is it not?

I agree that the best you can do online is to be really smart and really safe to the best of your abilities. There are multitudes of ways, and a haitus from online activities for a short period could be helpful, though in reality it is not broaching the subject of feeling victimized, now is it decreasing that feeling. If someone is supposed to stop acting like a victim they need to stop feeling like one, and to stop feeling like one they need to take the power of control back in their own hands and find their own absolution to it. Some it would be "hunt him down beat him up", others it would be "play his game" and yet others such as angelic decide to say "you can't make me not live". I personally like that third option...mind you I also have the techy in Myself to avoid these types of situations...and what I don't know Lothlauren is quick to teach Me.

To any being victimized in any way...hiding it won't help. Of all the options out there...that is one that just doesn't cut it.

angelic -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 1:50:10 PM)

~fast reply~ After reading the past few responses, Dark, erin and bandit... i absolutely agree with what you are saying.  After reading what you said i have adjusted my way of thinking.  (Occassionally, it does happen) ;)  i know that what you are all saying is absolutely what Lockit should do.  The thing is, i understand why she's doing it.  The best advice is very difficult to follow sometimes and when we are right in the thick of it, damned near impossible for some of us. 

nonu -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 2:03:26 PM)

And all this while i was thinking that the OP was the victim! Now it turns out that the victim is actually someone who is just having a hard time, trying to make the world spin in the opposite direction!

Did i hear someone say "Goomba"?

To the OP: Not to worry, Ma'am. Apparently, Satan has already sent his team to re-capture atleast one of the 'missing' devils!

Lockit -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 2:14:54 PM)

Well now… where to start?

First of all… I have a hacker/stalker and this could be considered victimization, but I do not live as a victim!  I refuse.  This man has ruined computers and harassed and changed my life in ways, but he does not have the power to change me for life.  If I am afraid and change my life… afraid to be online and take part in the work, fun, intellect, and all that you all enjoy… then he has controlled my life hasn’t he? 

Yes… I will go offline… I will secure myself and then one day I will venture out again and take my life back.  For a time he will control a bit, but that is all.

I do not fear this man coming here to harm me because he hasn’t done so!  He only plays a power trip to isolate me because he knows that would be the most hurtful thing to me because of the online work I do, because of the benefit of social things I can have online, because I am housebound and I cannot work on my adult son’s case if I am not online.  He is a sick dominant that is pissed off because he didn’t get what he wanted and is now punishing me.  It feeds right into what he wants if I do as many of you suggest.

Shall I give this sick f that kind of power?  Shall I allow him to scare me to the point of mental and emotional victimization?  Shall I allow him to win?

Not in this lifetime and not with me!

You call me many things and infer many things and to those that know me… they see this as slanderous because they know me and they know that I am not about to let this sick f win!  Many have remained silent here and have watched me handle my own because that is what I expect in my friends.  I will handle it until I ask someone to step in.  I did not wish for them to speak up on this thread in my defense for many reasons. 

Should a victim play victim and allow a victimizer such control?  I happen to think not and I too have worked with victims for many years and those I worked with went on to live happy lives NOT being a VICTIM!  So my way is different… who says my way is wrong in MY situation?

This man caused me to do the victim thing and I can attest to that by people at this site known to me from another site in which this man ran me from.  I did the typical victim things and will again go into hiding and do the victim thing… but I give you my word… this man is going to lose and I am going to win and I will have my life back!  I no longer care what any of you think or how I respect you or how I wanted to have some respect from some of you! 

When is it wise to tell a victim to play the victim?  When they are in physical danger.  I am not!  This is a freak behind a computer who only works behind a computer…. He dares not meet me face to face… for then… it would be something I could battle and have a more solid playing field.

Have you once thought that this thread protects me in many ways?  I could get no assistance from local authorities… but if in fact this man was ever any physical danger… and anything does happen to me… there is proof on a number of different fronts that I tried to speak about it and get assistance.  My calls to legal authorities would then be brought forth proving I did try to get their assistance in this.  One day someone will listen if even after I have the evidence without their help. This thread has also taught me many things about online security that I didn’t understand even though I spoke to dozens of so called computer experts, spent many hours on the phone with techs, etc.

Whether you agree with me or not, whether you feel I am crying out for help or whatever… I have not attacked anyone except P… but I have been subjected to numerous attacks.  Your judgments of how a victim might act may be well and fine, but I AM NOT GOING TO ALLOW THIS PERSON OR ANY OTHER, MAKE ME THINK LIKE A VICTIM!   Is it unwise to put my personal life out there… the story… information?  Come on!  This man already knows it all.  What the hell danger am I in more so today than when I started this thread?  Actually I think I am more secure… more informed and with some things that have come to light… I am in a far better position after this thread.  Those of you who are assisting… know that I am…

Now… I am done with this insane thread and done defending my honor… I leave… but not only because of a hacker/stalker… but because of those who know so much that they can see my emotional state through their interpretations of life, victims, victimization and all things.

To those of you who have offered kindness, information and the like… I thank you from my soul and your efforts will not be wasted.  I thank you!

ShyMistress -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 2:40:05 PM)

I sent you a note on the other side....

mistoferin -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 3:04:59 PM)

I actually typed out a long response to you in which I was going to try to explain my responses to you once again. I've decided though that it simply isn't worth it. If you are going to see nothing but malice and attack in the constructive criticism and opinions of those who can look at it objectively from a different vantage point than the one you are in, then there really is not much more I can say. Once I got to this paragraph I knew that my attempt at getting you to see this from another perspective is futile:

Now… I am done with this insane thread and done defending my honor… I leave… but not only because of a hacker/stalker… but because of those who know so much that they can see my emotional state through their interpretations of life, victims, victimization and all things.

Once again, we are all against you and attacking you...and once again you are the victim. You may not wish to see that and decry loudly in bold and capital type that no one is going to make you think like a victim....but the reality is that you don't need anyone to, you're doing a great job all by yourself.

I know you said you were leaving this thread but I see that you are still hanging out up top refreshing and reading. So in the hopes that I can catch you before you go I would like to say that I sincerely wish you well and hope that one day you can get it all worked out, develop and enforce healthy boundaries for yourself and find peace.

Lockit -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 3:21:41 PM)

I posted and read it to assure it was what I needed and then left and was asked to come back to read your post.

I can see your point, but I will no longer defend mine.  I have been bashed for two days... in between some great post and I am tired.  I will not argue any further.  I am done.  I stayed to gather information, resource and to defend my honor.  I tried... I failed... I move on now to do what I must do as a victim... and a dysfunctional one at that.

Petronius -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 3:22:22 PM)

Shymistress wrote something that actually addressed issues in an adult responsive way. What a joy!

While I have some disagreements with her overall analysis, let me try to respond appropriately.

Since her post "RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning - 7/15/2007 12:53:29 PM. p. 14" was quite long I won't republish it. If she thinks I missed something important I'll try to go back and respond to it.

My reference to warning dominant women and others was made in "RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning - 7/15/2007 7:04:51 AM. p. 12."

It was in response to suggestions published by Aileen68 that I, personally, was the stalker that had harassed Lockit.

I argued, in essence, that Aileen68 was simply taking cheap shots or was a tad paranoid or both.

My suggestion in the entire post, and not a one-sentence selection, was that anybody who thought I was the nefarious criminal should not be content to post her accusations in this isolated thread but do their damn'dness to inform everybody on the c.m. board.

So in answer to Shymistress's question, no, I don't think that simply publishing an accusation on this thread is really warning dom women or anybody else in a very responsible manner.


Of course law enforcement has priorities and, sadly, cyberstalking isn't one of them as Shymistress correctly pointed out. But I thought Lockit wrote not simply of cyberstalking but cyberstalking of a particular form. It resulted, she claimed, for a massive security hole in messenger software.

I responded with the facts that people who work for major corporations like banks use messenger software at work. If the hole existed that simply let somebody into a computer it would constitute a MASSIVE security breach for such things as the big banks. It wasn't the ostensible disinterest by the FBI and the Colorado police to the cyberstalking that concerned me but the security hole. Can you imagine somebody at the Pentagon running Yahoo i.m. that would let others (bin Laden's friends?) "get into" the Pentagon computers and have the FBI express disinterest? I can't.

Yes, Shymistress is quite correct about massive holes in software. I don't think a week goes by without Microsoft putting out yet another security advisory about a patch. But the dispute wasn't about buggy software in general but a particular type of bug in a particular type of software.

In logical terms, the existence of a general phenomenon isn't proof of a specific phenomenon; the existence of one specific phenomenon isn't proof of a second specific phenomenon.

In English, so to speak, that means that the fact that presidents get assassinated (the general phenomenon) isn't proof that Truman was assassinated (the specific phenomenon.) The fact that Kennedy was assassinated (a specific phenomenon) also isn't proof that Truman was assassinated (a second specific phenomenon.)

To express the same thing more technically, the fact that there's a hole in Internet Explorer doesn't mean there's a hole in Firefox. A bug that lets somebody run a zombie spamming program on your computer isn't necessarily a bug that lets them reprogram space satellites. And none of the problems with Microsoft that people have documented have the least to do, as far as I could tell, from Yahoo i.m. bugs. Or as somebody pointed out, a particular newly discovered buy in Yahoo that was never exploited (and might be unexploitable) isn't necessarily the problem that Lockit claimed.

Shymistress also wrote:


As I pointed out in My previous post, getting help in that situation often doesn't happen until after violence has been committed. The fact that a person's mind can be as fragile (if not more fragile) then the body does not seem to occur to most who tout the "well he hasn't done anything yet...maybe you should hide out!!" As a recovering agoraphobic, I can verifiably state that is one of the unhealthiest ways of dealing with it.

This isn't relevant to anything I wrote earlier ... but I agree with her. Simply hiding out is usually a really bad way to deal with stalkers. I'm glad she made that point.

Shymistress and I disagree about her third point concerning tracability. She wrote:


This, unfortunately, I can and will not agree with at all. You can be traced in your new car (gps), buddy on his cell phone can be traced (both gps and through the service provider), and the girl down the street can change her internet provider, names, even get a dynamically changing ip and she can still be traced. It is a simple piece of hardware within most computers that defines them as traceable, and the thumbprint it leaves is called a "macaddy" (machine address for those that have not heard of it) and I can say through both experience and from years of being close to computers and computer gurus that unless you know exactly what piece of hardware it is to won't ever lose that "thumbprint".

Actually Osama bin Laden doesn't seem to be traceable despite the Bush government's proclamation several years ago that "he can run but he can't hide." I also don't think anybody can trace my fifth grade report card or the twenty dollar bill I had in my wallet on April 17, 1972. But in fairness to Lockit I think she meant to limit her concerns to traced messages on computers, not terrorists, school papers, or currency. The dispute wasn't about whether something could be traced under conditions ideal for the trace but under all conditions (i.e. remove the gps from your car; remove the keylogger from your computer perhaps via discovery with hijackthis as Lothlauren suggested.)

I can't lay any special claim to expertise about MAC addresses but I believe they are hardware based on the modem. In other words, change the modem, change the MAC address. It's been so long since I had to deal with things like TCP/IP stacks and packet codes that I've forgotten if MAC addresses are built into every packet. But even if they are that address only remains in the first leg of a post. Anything that my first anonymous remailer sends out won't carry my MAC but, perhaps, the remailer's MAC.

I've mentioned public key encryption and chains of anonymous remailers. People have denounced that as sci or fairy tales but nobody has challenged my claim by showing how you can trace through that technology assuming it was properly used.

Shymistress commented "Have you seen half of what is available these days? Everything from keyloggers to spyware to cookie seeders, and you are surprised and disbelieving because this girl is not aware of the how and what of it?"

There's so much available that I probably have not seen even the quarter of it these days. But luckily for the world state of the art security does not require my personal knowledge. Again, the point isn't that people can do stupid things with security that royally fuck them up; it's that people can, e.g. be traced no matter what they do.

Am I surprised because Lockit doesn't know a lot of this? To the contrary, I've been one of the people stating precisely that! I am not DISbelieving but very believing about Lockit's lack of knowledge about what she writes.

Why did I take the particular tack I took toward Lockit's claims, Shymistress asked.

I'm writing lots more on this and I'll publish soon. But to provide a bit of information ....

There's a lot of highly politicized and hysterical bullshit presented on the Internet.

I'm not talking about spoofs that get believed -- "Microsoft To Merge With Vatican" or my favorite "Microsoft Buys Rights To Christmas" ("Due to design flaws the release of Christmas 2007 will be rolled back to the second quarter of 2008.")

I'm talking about absolute bullshit concerning technology, released with utter hype and warnings about various dangers.

Some years ago a whopper surfaced, ostensibly written by a "concerned mother" who had to tell the world about the horrid problems with computer security and the problems they produced for her. In the story the mother got a free AOL disk in the mail. She put it on the table with the rest of the mail and went to take the trash out. When she got back less than five minutes later she discovered, to her horror, that her five-year-old had opened the AOL package, put the disk in the computer, and had been instantly taken to "pornographic chatrooms" where he was staring at the pictures.

It was pure technological bullshit, invented by somebody and massively circulated by others, complete with horrid tales of the consequences of modern technology and the lurking evils of the modern world..

In a related matter, I recently had a talk with a neighbor who kept her children off the net because she thought it was limited to "myspace" and "myspace" limited to adult predators. There's no sin in being misinformed; the sin is staying misinformed.

We had a nice talk about this and I ultimately invited her to my place to look at the real net. I recall we tracked the cheapest price of beer in Manhattan, the death of actor Raul Julia, and soccer in Panama. In short, the fun stuff you can do with the net. She ended by realizing how she had been misinformed about technology.

People can't engage in some discussion based on their knowledge and experience and then demand special treatment because they don't really know what they're talking about. People can't meaningfully claim their personal experience provides them with a special qualification to be an expert and then retreat from documenting the experience they claimed. People especially can't make some claim to knowledge and then demand that they go unquestioned because they're a "victim." Yet the hysterics and hucksters do these things.

I sensed, in Lockit's first post, more than a tad of this. As I read Lockit's next few claims I was more convinced, on a personal and subjective level, that something else was going on. I'm writing more about that.

Thank you for your focused response to some of my writings, however critical it might have been.

Let me know if you think I've missed something important.

farglebargle -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 4:23:57 PM)


But since I thought my points important then I think them important now.

In essence, they were:

1) Generic messenger software doesn't have the holes in it Lockit claimed that let's anybody "into your computer."

Of course, the vulnerabilities present can permit the installation of a rootkit, and therefore be a possible vector towards total computer pwnership.


2) Corporate security, the Colorado legal system, and the FBI do not have the lackadaisical attitude toward security that Lockit claimed;

I've seen some pretty dumb fucking shit from Corporate Security, the legal system, and the FBI? Don't make me laugh.


3) Contrary to Lockit's suggestions, modern security software prevents or disproves the notion that "anything can be traced."

REALLY? Explain EFF v. AT&T.

farglebargle -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 4:25:11 PM)


It was in response to suggestions published by Aileen68 that I, personally, was the stalker that had harassed Lockit.

I argued, in essence, that Aileen68 was simply taking cheap shots or was a tad paranoid or both.

You're new here, aren't you?

Sinergy -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 6:39:47 PM)

I am not sure whether these were phased out, but the MAC address on some old address cards were programmable.  Whether or not this is the case, when you log in to a computer the computer sends your user ID and password for verification to determine whether you belong on the system.  Alternately, in a network the computer is given a dynamic IP address (either dynamic or static) by the network controller.  The network knows who it gave the IP address to, knows the MAC address that IP address is given to, whatever.

The reason law enforcement dont deal extensively with cyber stalking is more due to resource allocation than desire.  Yes, it is against the law.  But to find a person allegedly stalking you requires multiple search warrants, lots of discovery, research, etc.  It is too freaking expensive for law enforcement agencies to actively pursue real life stalkers, so unless a prosecutable crime is committed and they need backup information for it, they generally wont do much.  Besides which, most cybercrime units are concerned with credit card fraud and child pornography.

On the other hand, it is similar to stalking in real life.  If one does not respond to the stalker in any way whatsoever, the lack of feedback for their stalking efforts means they will eventually turn their efforts to somebody else.


Aileen68 -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 6:46:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Petronius

It was in response to suggestions published by Aileen68 that I, personally, was the stalker that had harassed Lockit.

I argued, in essence, that Aileen68 was simply taking cheap shots or was a tad paranoid or both.

It was a fucking joke.  I didn't bother to read the rest of your blah blah blah.  It's pointless.

Sinergy -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 6:50:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Aileen68


ORIGINAL: Petronius

It was in response to suggestions published by Aileen68 that I, personally, was the stalker that had harassed Lockit.

I argued, in essence, that Aileen68 was simply taking cheap shots or was a tad paranoid or both.

It was a fucking joke.  I didn't bother to read the rest of your blah blah blah.  It's pointless.

Im still waiting for him to clarify why he brought diagnostic methods and DSM-IV into this discussion.


Lothlauren -> RE: Maybe leaving CM.. A warning (7/15/2007 7:14:06 PM)

Hey Sinenergy

The Mac addresses still exist and are even more revelant on a wireless network where you can block all mac addresses except for permitted ones. Also some of the applications I have worked on seemed to encode identies and have security protocols tied to the mac address much to the corporate users dismay as a means of identification... imagine their dismay when the server app denies them access even though they provided the right credentials...of course thats another story lol

BTW to all others who are using wireless routers I also recommend turning the broadcast off (AS you already know your SSID and dont need to see it to capture it)

with mac filtering on and broadcasting off... you actually prevent alot of base attacks...
and defeat alot of the simpler sniffing routines

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