RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (Full Version)

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LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 1:39:25 PM)

You keep saying "I make my slave endure as a way to prove I own her"

This suggests that you are not SURE you own her because you keep having to prove it.

If you are SURE it happens, then there's no NEED to prove it. 

It would seem there are three possibilities:
1)  You really aren't sure you own her, and need to prove it
2)  You really are sure you own her, but just WANT to prove it
3)  You rmake her endure for some reason other than proving ownership

MzMia -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:25:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: daddysprop247


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

thing is, this slave wants to do Master's bidding...whatever that "bidding" might entail, even if there is suffering, distastefullness, sharing, unpleasanttry, which is it, is this slave being treated like property if she's willing and wants to do whatever Master directs to be done(no matter what), or is she only really, truly treated like property if Master manages to make her feel like responding "NO-WAY, Motherfucker, the slave doesn't want to do that!!!!" to one of his demands, at some point along the path? 

lmbo...if i even thought such a thing...forget about actually stating it aloud, but simply thought it, Daddy would sense it, knock my lights out, revive me with a bucket of water and some slaps, knock 'em back out again, revive me, then check me into the nearest mental health clinic, because i will have clearly lost my everlasting mind, lol.

wonderful post beth.

daddysprop I love your sense of humor.
I may not always see things your way, but I admire the way you stick to your guns.
Lately, I love the way you make your points, with your wicked sense of humor.

MzMia -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:27:55 PM)



I have told my slave that it is easy to be a slave when you are told to do something that you enjoy. The test is when you are told to do something you don't enjoy.
I think ownership goes beyond that though. You are owned when you wake up in the morning and instead of thinking, "what will I do today", you are thinking "what does Master need today". I may have my slave do something that she may enjoy, but it is done when I want it, not when she wants it.

Bravo [sm=applause.gif]
So many well written posts, you all are on fire lately.
I am copying this one down Estring, can I add it to my online journal?[:D]

MzMia -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:37:48 PM)

I am in the middle on this one, this is all about personal preferences really.
BUT, I have to admit, I am a control and humilation freak.
I do like to make someone uncomfortable and suffer a bit, because it gives me a power rush.
[:D] I can be a nasty bitch when I want, different strokes for different folks. 

We are all different aren't we?

NefertariReborn -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:39:33 PM)


I got you way back at post 1.  There's a certain "thrill?" "pleasure?" in reinforcing for yourself that it (he/she/shim) is yours.  you push it to the limits knowing it has no choice but to respond.  And to think of the car don't put your lumina in overdrive and head down the highway, the shit will fall apart.  your ferrari is built to do that, in fact if you run it too softly the damn thing's engine isn't happy.  Ppeople can claim all kinds of things until Tthey are in the trenches.  When the bullets fly that's when the true heroes, or at least those willing to do it scared but do it anyway, show themselves.  I like taking one to a friend's house and saying "Clean it!"  while she and I go shopping somewhere.  The look in My friend's eyes when she hears him say "Yes, Mistress!" and starts oganizing the clean up process, is enough adrenaline for a Mastercard afternoon.  Secretly inside I'm saying "Yes, girlfriend, I OWN that bitch!" and I get off on that.  To those who don't , bully for them. 

kittinSol -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:39:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: TallDarkAndWitty


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

I'm not convinced and wonder whether a slave wouldn't be a possession rather than a piece of property. Semantics, semantics.

Could you explain what you see as the difference?


I think so. 'Property' implies a legally protected right  to enjoy the use of an object - land, real estate, chattel. Property doesn't constitute an object or a thing, it just represents an action. The notion arises where one can have his/her right to land or chattels respected and enforced by a court of law. Property must be acquired legitimately in order to be enjoyed as such. It transpires from this that a slave cannot constitute a piece of property since no legal contract may bind the object to its 'owner'.

By contrast, possession is a much vaguer principal. Possession is somewhere between physical detention and absolute ownership (as in property). For possession to occur, it's necessary that there is a physical detention of an object and the intention to hold the thing in question as one's own. Possession is incomplete ownership. I think it may be more suitable for the purpose of describing 'ownership of a slave' for fun and play. Or whatever rocks your boat, huh...

I shall leave the definition of erotic possession out of the way for fear of scrambling things any further - plus, eroticism implies eros, or physical love. And that's a term that has been firmly left out of the whole slavery debate: unsurprisingly so, in my opinion.

MzMia -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:41:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: NefertariReborn


I got you way back at post 1.  There's a certain "thrill?" "pleasure?" in reinforcing for yourself that it (he/she/shim) is yours.  you push it to the limits knowing it has no choice but to respond.  And to think of the car don't put your lumina in overdrive and head down the highway, the shit will fall apart.  your ferrari is built to do that, in fact if you run it too soft the damn thing's engine isn't happy.  Ppeople can claim all kinds of things until Tthey are in the trenches.  When the bullets fly that's when the true heroes, or at least those willing to do it scared but do it anyway, show themselves.  I like sending one to a friend's house and saying "Clean it!"  while she and I go shopping somewhere.  The look in My friend's eyes when she hears him say "Yes, Mistress!" and starts oganizing the clean up process, is enough adrenaline for a Mastercard afternoon.  Secretly inside I'm saying "Yes, girlfriend, I OWN that bitch!" and I get off on that.  To those who don't , bully for them. 

I understand TOTALLY what Taggard means by {needing proof}, I need a lot of fucking proof.
Nefertari, you are my new collarme hero, YOU excite me.
Okay Taggard, Nefertari and I are going to have a party and do some evil, nasty, and wicked things---
cause we like it like that.
Nefertari? how low can you go girl?

Lordandmaster -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:42:54 PM)

Well, I get what you're saying, but "possession" has a legal definition too, and it's no more applicable to what we do in BDSM than "property."


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

'Property' implies a legally protected right  to enjoy the use of an object - land, real estate, chattel. Property doesn't constitute an object or a thing, it just represents an action. The notion arises where one can have his/her right to land or chattels respected and enforced by a court of law. Property must be acquired legitimately in order to be enjoyed as such. It transpires from this that a slave cannot constitute a piece of property since no legal contract may bind the object to its 'owner'.

By contrast, possession is a much vaguer principal. Possession is somewhere between physical detention and absolute ownership (as in property). For possession to occur, it's necessary that there is a physical detention of an object and the intention to hold the thing in question as one's own. Possession is incomplete ownership. I think it may be more suitable for the purpose of describing 'ownership of a slave' for fun and play. Or whatever rocks your boat, huh...

NefertariReborn -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:44:24 PM)

How low can I go?  I can take it to the flo'    LMAO.

kittinSol -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:47:27 PM)

This is what I said though:


I think it may be more suitable for the purpose of describing 'ownership of a slave' for fun and play. Or whatever rocks your boat, huh...

I think it's more accurate to describe a BDSM slave as a possession rather than as a property. Not perfect: just better :-)

Plus, it has a nicer ring to it, doesn't it? And a nice package makes a gift [:)].

NefertariReborn -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:49:13 PM)




ORIGINAL: NefertariReborn


I got you way back at post 1.  There's a certain "thrill?" "pleasure?" in reinforcing for yourself that it (he/she/shim) is yours.  you push it to the limits knowing it has no choice but to respond.  And to think of the car don't put your lumina in overdrive and head down the highway, the shit will fall apart.  your ferrari is built to do that, in fact if you run it too soft the damn thing's engine isn't happy.  Ppeople can claim all kinds of things until Tthey are in the trenches.  When the bullets fly that's when the true heroes, or at least those willing to do it scared but do it anyway, show themselves.  I like sending one to a friend's house and saying "Clean it!"  while she and I go shopping somewhere.  The look in My friend's eyes when she hears him say "Yes, Mistress!" and starts oganizing the clean up process, is enough adrenaline for a Mastercard afternoon.  Secretly inside I'm saying "Yes, girlfriend, I OWN that bitch!" and I get off on that.  To those who don't , bully for them. 

I understand TOTALLY what Taggard means by {needing proof}, I need a lot of fucking proof.
Nefertari, you are my new collarme hero, YOU excite me.
Okay Taggard, Nefertari and I are going to have a party and do some evil, nasty, and wicked things---
cause we like it like that.
Nefertari? how low can you go girl?

Dang you replied to that before I edited lol..No worries just some semantics here and there...same day same shit!

daddyscherry -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:52:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: BossyShoeBitch


ORIGINAL: daddyscherry

Although i don't think that it all has to be unpleasant and distasteful i do agree with Taggard that there is something to be said for having to do things like this.

my Daddy said to me once that obeying when it was easy didn't mean as much as obeying when it was really difficult to do...where is the submission in obeying only the things that you want to obey or find pleasurable to do? If not challenged to submit in the face of something you might not readily agree with,desire or whatever then where is the submission?

It doesn't have to be a sharing thing and i am really not trying to say that what i described above is right or true or anything.....because a state of mind, regardless, can be a very powerful thing....

It can be something as simple as having to wear something that you don't want to wear....My Daddy once had me wear an outfit that just SCREAMED hooker out to meet an old friend of his....we were supposed to go to dinner in Beverly Hills to some posh place and here I was gonna look like I was rented entertainment....It felt awful at first....then i just accepted that my Daddy wanted me to wear was a struggle though. But as HIS he can chose to have me dressed any way he chooses.

That's a small example...there have been other bigger ones, that i have just hd to grin and bear because that was what he wanted. Each time, it makes me personally feel more like his slave.

I have also had fantasies about this very thing, considering writing a story about it for my site....

It seems to me that you did write about something like this on your site (and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.)[image][/image]

Aww thank you [:)] And yes, there have been a few things that seem to stem back to this topic on some level....Not sure if you mean the Selfish Giving essays or something other in my blog (which is quite possible)....It seems that there are alot of instances that feed back to this whole idea.

And now that you've gotten me thinking, as in the Selfish Giving essays, where i sited the instance of doing something for a friend while you were out running errands and happen to be in the neighborhood to help out is NOT as selfless as say waking up at the ass crack of dawn to go pick them up and take them to the airport. Both things are helpful and giving, because there is the choice to be helpful or is just going that extra mile, so to speak.

This is not too dissimilar at all from this whole thread...submitting to that which you would already want to do is submitting because you are doing it for the other person when they want you to etc. but doing something that you don't wish to do quite as much is just going alittle deeper in submission.

JUST MY OPINION though [:)]

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 2:58:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: daddyscherry
This is not too dissimilar at all from this whole thread...submitting to that which you would already want to do is submitting because you are doing it for the other person when they want you to etc. but doing something that you don't wish to do quite as much is just going alittle deeper in submission.

And that comparison is where the problem lies.

Is a mother more devoted because her birth was painful rather than easy?

bandit25 -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 3:05:03 PM)

I'm with you LA.  And everyone is beating a dead horse here.  Who really gives a flying fuck if that one is a slave or if that one doesn't think the first one is.  Does it really make a damn bit of difference?  If you are happy and fulfilled in your relationship, no matter what you call yourself, don't sweat a label.

heartfeltsub -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 3:06:30 PM)

Actually LA it depends on the mother, sometimes it makes not difference at all how hard or easy the delivery was, sometimes if it was really difficult or it looked like the baby was going to be lost, the mother is more devoted and sometimes if a delivery is really difficult, a mother can hold the baby responsible (doesn't make sense but it does happen). Not trying to comment about the thread per se, just that point.

MzMia -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 3:13:49 PM)

We like this dead horse we will continue to beat it.

BeingChewsie -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 3:19:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: daddyscherry
This is not too dissimilar at all from this whole thread...submitting to that which you would already want to do is submitting because you are doing it for the other person when they want you to etc. but doing something that you don't wish to do quite as much is just going alittle deeper in submission.

And that comparison is where the problem lies.

Is a mother more devoted because her birth was painful rather than easy?

It is a great analogy. I think the the thing being overlooked in the like it or not like it piece is just because I don't want  to in the moment to do something it doesn't mean it causes me any hardship or any suffering. It isn't that I'm told to do only things I like. Tomorrow morning I'm going to caddy for a round of whack the little ball around some grass and sand..I'd rather be getting a pedicure and reading a good trashy book by the pool. Being the caddy for 18 holes when I'd rather be doing something else doesn't cause me to suffer. In fact I look at like wow, I could be waking up tomorrow morning dumpster diving for breakfast, or the kiddo could be really ill...instead I get to spend the day with my owner and my kiddo together doing something they love to what do I have to feel put upon or stressed by again,?...ya I could spend all my time bemoaning my lot in life but would it change what I'll be doing tomorrow morning? Not a chance in hell. Is taking a positve approach better for my long term happiness, growth and health. I think so. Your mileage may vary.

MasterFireMaam -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 3:39:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

Internal and external validation is something I still struggle with, sometimes I can subsist on internal and sometimes I need external but internal sure is a hell of a lot nicer.

I deal with this, too. In an effort to keep it healthy, I ask myself, "Do I want this as proof of my worthiness or do I want it as an affirmation of what I already know and feel?" It's a fine, fine line.

Sorry to go off on a tangent...

Master Fire

slavegirljoy -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 3:57:40 PM)



I have told my slave that it is easy to be a slave when you are told to do something that you enjoy. The test is when you are told to do something you don't enjoy.
 i understand this idea, in theory, and it makes sense to me but, honestly, this doesn't work for me.  i do plenty of things that, under any other circumstances or with any other person, i would never have any interest or desire doing, but as my Master's slave, i thoroughly enjoy it all.  There has never been anything my Master has done to me or had me do, no matter how nasty, frightening, or physically or emotionally difficult that i didn't absolutely enjoy doing, not because they were pleasant things to do, but just because i knew how much it was pleasing my Master and that fact, all by itself, is what gets me so excited that i feel as though i can do anything He tells me to do.  Just knowing that He owns me, makes everything enjoyable to me. There have been a lot of things that i would never do, either on my own or for anyone else, that i have been required to do for my Master,  and it feels amazing to me, doing them and knowing that He makes me do things that i would otherwise consider unthinkable to do.  Afterwards, just thinking about what i did or was done to me, is so wonderful that i just want to do more.  i can't even imagine there ever being anything my Master would have me do that i would not enjoy. 

I think ownership goes beyond that though.  You are owned when you wake up in the morning and instead of thinking, "what will I do today", you are thinking "what does Master need today". I may have my slave do something that she may enjoy, but it is done when I want it, not when she wants it.
 This is something i do everyday.  Not only that, but every night i reflect on the day and ask myself, "did this slave make her Master's life better today?"  and "what can this slave do tomorrow to help her Master's life be happier, easier, and more enjoyable?" slave joyOwned property of Master David "Commitment transforms a promise into a reality."

daddyscherry -> RE: Are you really owned if you are not treated like property? (7/20/2007 4:44:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: daddyscherry
This is not too dissimilar at all from this whole thread...submitting to that which you would already want to do is submitting because you are doing it for the other person when they want you to etc. but doing something that you don't wish to do quite as much is just going alittle deeper in submission.

And that comparison is where the problem lies.

Is a mother more devoted because her birth was painful rather than easy?

i'm not talking about devotion, please don't misunderstand...submission and devotion are entirely different.

And the above analogy would depend upon the Mother herself.

i guess what i am talking about, as a few others have touched on, is the validation or solidification that is apparent when i go through something that i'd rather not, or pain that is more than i think i can handle and i accept it for my Daddy's pleasure (the internal validation makes me feel more owned)

That's a big part of it anyway.

The idea of him sharing me like a "tool" or something because he can, regardless of whether or not i want to do the said activity, or am turned on by it or not validates his ownership of me within ME.

To me it is no different than if you have a friend that you hang out might shop together, you might go out together, you might have cook outs or whatever. You have what seems to be a good solid friendship going.

Now let something happen that is more intense, something where you didn't want to put  your friend out, but in thinking that she was your friend you aksed her a really big favor. (for me it was a friend that allowed me to sleep on a pull out bed at her house when i ran away from my ex husband)

This deepened our friendship. We were always friends, would've always remained friends even if she couldn't/wouldn't let me stay there (because i am still friends with others who couldn't/wouldn't) she would've still been my friend...but living through that, with her, and her doing it simply because she is my friend and wanted to keep me safe, even though there was not much room and stuff made an impact....told me internally how deeply our friendship went.

So to me this is kinda what i am talking about, what i mean personally.

Maybe it was the way i was never know someone's character until something comes up and it's tested....we can say all we want how we would be there or do this, but until actually faced with it we never know.

Each time, i am faced with something and i go through it, it helps me know more.....

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