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Piss Play - 6/27/2005 12:50:09 AM   

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From: Denver, CO
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I am a little confused.
I don't do a LOT of piss play, but I might someday.
This is what I heard: That only YOUR OWN urine is sterile TO if you had something funky going on it could possibly be trasnfered to another?

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RE: Piss Play - 6/27/2005 8:41:26 AM   

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Urine is normally sterile, but it can get contaminated through bacteria on the skin on it's way out. As far as I know if you keep yourself clean before dipping your toe in the watersports pool, you'll be fine. My recommendation is that if you're going to do anything, do it in the shower and after you wash. This not only minimizes the mess but also helps keep everyone clean and safe. So long as you do not have any sort of infection or problem, both urinating on someone and drinking urine are safe. Keeping yourself clean is the only safety percaution I see necessary. Try doing some research for yourself. is a fast and effective way to research most things. You might have to play around with key words for a few tries before you get good results, though. Best of luck to you and your partner!

(in reply to MDomme)
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RE: Piss Play - 6/27/2005 9:33:31 PM   

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This thread might interest you:

consumption of urine



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(in reply to MDomme)
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RE: Piss Play - 6/28/2005 6:31:45 PM   

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Urine is never sterile. Not to you nor no one else. It is waste along with wastefull bacterial exiting your body. Drinking it is not healthy but under most circumstances not life threatening. I'd recomend that you check out an Anatomy and Physiology book at the library to read what urine really is and isn't. I do remember taking a life survival class that indicated that by drinking your own sweat and urine you do increase your chances of making it out of a dessert where water is absent.

For thoughs who like urine I always sugest that both parties drink more water and to resist drink urine in the morning.


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RE: Piss Play - 6/28/2005 7:01:19 PM   

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ORIGINAL: FangsNfeet

Urine is never sterile. Not to you nor no one else.

That turns out not to be the case

"Normal urine is sterile. It contains fluids, salts, and waste products, but it is free of bacteria, viruses, and fungi"

Taken from The National Kidney and Urological Diseases Information Clearinghouse (so a fairly reliable source)

On the track of sterile things, though, as someone said in another version of this thread, just 'cause something is sterile ddoesn't mean it's good to drink. Gasoline is sterile. Don't drink it.


Drinking it is not healthy but under most circumstances not life threatening. I'd recomend that you check out an Anatomy and Physiology book at the library to read what urine really is and isn't.

While I wouldnt' say drinking urine is healthy, technically speaking, we drink lots of things that aren't healty. Sodas come to mind. :)


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RE: Piss Play - 6/28/2005 7:27:18 PM   

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Urine is sterile most of the time, however, if the person has a urinary tract infection it will be teeming with bacteria. It is full of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium as well as waste products like urea and creatinine both of which are toxic in large amounts. It also contains the excess of water soluble vitamins that are excreted from the body.

certainly not something I would enjoy drinking lol

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RE: Piss Play - 6/28/2005 10:17:17 PM   

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You can drink urine in large amounts (one "sit/standings" worth), maybe once a week without doing any real danger - It is a desert survival tool. Though since it contains so many salts, and it is waste ... it isn't reconmended alot.

If you want to get into steady piss play, drink ALOT of water ... to the point where it seems inhumanly impossible to be drinking the amount of water you are drinking.

Bathe (asap) don't let yourself go for hours or days or anything stupid like that because urine is waste. To feel less skeevy afterwards and not to break scene, incorporate into your session some After Care cleaning :)

Decrease your coffee, sports drinks, alcohol consumption - it will not only make your urine "more pure" but it will make it taste better, and you *semen, vaginal fluids* taste better as well.

< Message edited by SubBlue -- 6/28/2005 10:18:43 PM >

(in reply to quietkitten)
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RE: Piss Play - 6/28/2005 11:32:42 PM   

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ORIGINAL: quietkitten

Urine is sterile most of the time, however, if the person has a urinary tract infection it will be teeming with bacteria.

I knew I should have left in the rest of that quote ;) It goes on to say that this is only true if the person doesn't have a UTI.


~in the begining it is always dark~

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RE: Piss Play - 6/29/2005 10:41:10 PM   

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OK, well the issue of whether urine is sterile is a bit of a moot point. You'd probably get more coliform bacteria from eating the mushrooms served at your average salad bar than you would ingesting a cup of urine from a woman with a generic UTI (unless she was peeing frank pus and if you are crazy enough to drink piss that looks like snot... well that's natural selection.)

The question is really, can you catch something you don't want by drinking piss.

Can likely catch:
Herpes (if the pisser is shedding virus – not always the case with HSV, but you cannot count on the presence of ulcers to indicate whether someone is infectious.)
Gonorrhea (you can get gonococcal pharyngitis – imagine strep throat but with gonorrhea. Very treatable though if your doc knows what to look for – which means you have to fess up. I always ask people who have pharyngitis whether they perform oral sex on others, but 95% of providers won't unless you volunteer that info.)

Might be able to catch:
Hep B or C (mostly if the urine comes in contact with non-intact skin or mucous membranes... on that same note, if you are worried, get your Hep B series.)
CMV (virus – not really an issue for healthy people. Causes problems with AIDS patients and transplant recipients.)

Not to worry:
HIV – never been documented and knowing what we do about transmission of the virus about as likely as George W Bush supporting an amendment legalizing same sex marriage.

The biggest risk overall though is if the piss comes in contact with non-intact skin (whether in your mouth or anywhere else it falls.) So I would avoid drinking piss if you have any lesions in your mouth, and whatever you do, don't brush before or directly after you drink piss – you are more likely to open small cuts in the mucous membrane. Also, if it burns when the piss touches (mouth or skin) your can assume your skin is not intact.

The next issue is 'if its not infectious is it safe.' The answer to this is it depends on the physical health of the pissee. That is, if you have salt sensitive hypertension, kidney insufficiency, any kind of significant immune compromise (mostly for the infectious stuff), any kind of fluid retention issues (like congestive heart failure) its probably not the best of ideas. However, if you are young, healthy, and not significantly dehydrated, you will readily recycle the electrolytes and wastes through your own kidneys.


If you want to get into steady piss play, drink ALOT of water ... to the point where it seems inhumanly impossible to be drinking the amount of water you are drinking.

Do not do that! Too much water is just as bad as not enough. You can readily give yourself water intoxication, drop your sodium to the low 120s and do what is sometimes referred by health care providers in the ER as ATD: actively trying to die.

This has actually been in the news recently... I recall an article in the NYTimes about endurance athletes popping themselves off because they drink too much water without adequate replacement of electrolytes. You know that you are adequately hydrated when you are not thirsty. But then you have to actually pay attention to what your body is saying (which we don't as much in our culture.) Most westerners are a little dry at baseline, so drinking a little extra water is a good idea. However, don't drink past what your body tells you to.

Now, as far as the pissee is concerned, it would probably not be a bad idea to drink about an equal amount of plain water that you ingest of urine – especially if it is more concentrated. This will basically give you the free water necessary to 'recycle' the waste. ;)

Lastly, as far as the survival question is concerned: drink the first time you piss, but not after. When you are dehydrated, your kidneys dramatically increase the concentration of the salts in the urine. That way all the extra salt and waste can be eliminated in a small volume of water, preserving what you have. So if you get dropped in the middle of the Sahara, your first urine won't be as concentrated and drinking it will help you. However, once your body starts making your urine more concentrated than the concentration of your serum, you are causing more harm than good by drinking your own piss as you are getting more solutes back than water and you will just have to re-excrete those solutes losing even more water with them.

Or as a really smart nephrologist once told me: “Oliguria in the face of dehydration isn't renal failure, its renal success!” (Oliguria is severely decreased urine output.)


(in reply to perverseangelic)
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RE: Piss Play - 6/30/2005 12:46:41 PM   

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Thank you for all the good information Nick.



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RE: Piss Play - 6/30/2005 3:50:01 PM   

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ORIGINAL: boynicholas
Do not do that! Too much water is just as bad as not enough. You can readily give yourself water intoxication, drop your sodium to the low 120s and do what is sometimes referred by health care providers in the ER as ATD: actively trying to die.

It is -hard- to give yourself water intoxication from simply ingesting water. (though I can imagine it's much easier if you're working out while doing it.)

I take a medication which makes it -necessary- for me to drink a lot of water to be comfortable. I drink to the effect of several gallons of water a day. Seriously. Aside from having to pee a lot, the only side effects I get are from the medication itself.

I mean, I'm not advocating going out and gorging on water. Just saying that it is -difficult- to drink too much water. One's stomach hurts quite a bit way before you get to the point o doing damage.

If you're sweating/losing sodium etc, I'd be more careful, of course.


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RE: Piss Play - 6/30/2005 4:02:03 PM   

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It is -hard- to give yourself water intoxication from simply ingesting water.

I remember reading an article during the college days about all the "legal" methods of getting "high". They ranged from spinning in a barber chair for 10 minutes to the legendary "water intoxication". I don't know of anyone ever attempting it deliberately, but I did recall a story that someone died from water intoxication but there was some debate about the drug Ecstasy being a contributing factor.


Anna Victoria WOOD died on 24 October, 1995 at Royal North Shore Hospital, St. Leonards, N.S.W. of hypoxic encephalopathy, following acute water intoxication secondary to ingestion of MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine). It is clear that Miss Wood had ingested ecstasy (MDMA), had been dancing intermittently and had drunk large amounts of fluid. Her illness and death bore all the hallmarks of cerebral oedema, and it can be concluded that she died of acute water intoxication, secondary to MDMA ingestion.

Entire Article:

This article from the U of Florida is more generic regarding "water intoxication":

(in reply to perverseangelic)
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RE: Piss Play - 6/30/2005 4:04:23 PM   

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It is actually really easy to suffer from water intoxication - or - HYPONATREMIA.

It occurs in activities where you consume vast amounts of water in a short space of time (6 hrs give or take) - this usually occurs in people who are taking part in some sort of strenuous activity (like marathons, militery manouvers, taking drugs like ecstacy, gym, extreme sports, the elderly, women who are menstuating, continuous exercise or physical activities or whilst out partying at raves, clubs and discos and people in warm climates or experiences sudden weather alteration say going on holiday abroad - or caught in a sudden heatwave) - so for someone to say to drink lots whilst partaking in piss drinking would be an unsafe message to give out. Also urine is sterile - it maybe a waste product, but urine itself is one of the most sterile natural resources available. However, urine infections cause urine to be non sterile - but its not the urine itself - just the bugs.

Its all to do with the amount of water Vs. sodium/salt in your body and the amount your body needs.

Peace and Love



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RE: Piss Play - 6/30/2005 4:29:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: dark~angel

It is actually really easy to suffer from water intoxication - or - HYPONATREMIA.

It occurs in activities where you consume vast amounts of water in a short space of time (6 hrs give or take) - this usually occurs in people who are taking part in some sort of strenuous activity (like marathons, militery manouvers, taking drugs like ecstacy, gym, extreme sports, the elderly, women who are menstuating, continuous exercise or physical activities or whilst out partying at raves, clubs and discos and people in warm climates or experiences sudden weather alteration say going on holiday abroad - or caught in a sudden heatwave) - so for someone to say to drink lots whilst partaking in piss drinking would be an unsafe message to give out. Also urine is sterile - it maybe a waste product, but urine itself is one of the most sterile natural resources available. However, urine infections cause urine to be non sterile - but its not the urine itself - just the bugs.

Its all to do with the amount of water Vs. sodium/salt in your body and the amount your body needs.

Peace and Love

I dunno, I guess this just hasn't been borne out in my experience. I drink -so- much water, if it were easy to do during normal activity, I think I would have experienced it by now.

Again, I'm not talking about strenuous activity. I dunno. This is, of course, only personal experience, but again, I drink -so- much water in a day, it seems that if one could do it simply, Id have done it by now.


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RE: Piss Play - 6/30/2005 5:19:36 PM   

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I am not sure on how much you ahve consumed, but I would say that if you have ever suffered from lightheadedness or even a slight feeling of being 'wafty' or 'high'... for no apperent reason and you put it down to tiredness - just make sure its not a lack of sodium becuase of the water intake - I had servere kidney problems and had to drink lots, but my doctor gave me some special stuff - can't remember the name but it contained sodium to help counter the amount of fluid I took - I admit that during 'normal' day to day stuff - heavy water intake Vs. sweating would be a very slight chance of hyponatremia coming into play, but during a session - involving piss play, where exercise due to taking part in a scene - and drinking excessive amounts of water to help balence out the piss drinking - combining with sweating during the scene - especially if using bondage/wearing leather-pvc-rubber.... or using any fetish constriction wear all might lead to hyponatremia attacks...

As long as people are aware that fluid and salt are vital to the body - and sugar(or lack of depending on your metabolism) then your taking the best care you can.

Peace and Love



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(in reply to perverseangelic)
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RE: Piss Play - 6/30/2005 11:44:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: perverseangelic

It is -hard- to give yourself water intoxication from simply ingesting water. (though I can imagine it's much easier if you're working out while doing it.)


I mean, I'm not advocating going out and gorging on water. Just saying that it is -difficult- to drink too much water. One's stomach hurts quite a bit way before you get to the point o doing damage.

What are you talking about? That is THE way you do it, and people do so much more frequently than you'd think.

My personal two largest experiences with it are in kids who use MDMA recreationally then in a well meaning attempt to avoid the dehydration that can come with use of ecstasy drink themselves down to a sodium of 120 and start seizing. Also, practicing as a physician in the southern US I saw water intoxication fairly frequently during the summer. Again, people drinking 'extra water' in a well meaning attempt to avoid problems.

Its also (sadly) not uncommon in infants of poor moms who try to 'stretch out' the formula mix by making it more dilute than it should be and thereby giving their infants too much free water.

So yes, it is quite easy, and not at all uncommon to give yourself water intoxication – especially when drinking above and beyond the dictates of your thirst.


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RE: Piss Play - 7/2/2005 5:10:41 PM   

Posts: 3149
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Hasnt anyone ever heard about Leah Betts?

the girl that got sorted and then distorted? She did some E on her birthday and drank a certian amount of water (dunno the amount) and blew up. well not like "blown up" But her body swelled up. Heh i heard about this 10 years ago....

If anyones got any more info on it ....

(in reply to boynicholas)
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