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Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/16/2004 9:49:48 AM   

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From: New Zealand
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Curious to hear from dominants that have encountered other dominants, male or female, shrieking those immortal words 'don't dom me!'.

My first encounter with this was over dinner one night, out with a group of friends. Although we were all kinksters the evening was a vanilla birthday celebration. Over dinner fem dom friend asked the dinner guest, another dominant, closests to the water jug if they could 'please pass the water' and they loudly shrieked back 'Don't Dom Me!' ...ayecrumba...knowing the dom doing the asking as I do, the DDM dom was luckily to have left the restaurant with his balls intact.

But what makes them do it? Insecurity? Misunderstanding? Blowing their own ego? Competition?

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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/16/2004 10:47:16 AM   

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But what makes them do it? Insecurity? Misunderstanding? Blowing their own ego? Competition?

Specifically I would have to say it depends on the person, but generally I would say yes, yes, yes, and yes.

Most likely the dom in question has a pretty tenuous grasp on their dominance as it is, and feels that any external threat to their dominance might irreversably tip the scales.



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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/16/2004 12:26:05 PM   

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Hate to bring up the Gender issue..gasp... but I encounter it most frequently when interacting with some Male Doms. There is a seeming over awareness of their own personal testosterone levels when dealing with Female Doms. I will never forget the night a certain well known Dom did the Queen Victoria imperious wave to get my attention, being the polite person I am I headed in his direction. When I crossed the room sub trailing behind me.. he announced he was in the midst of aftercare and the choice of music the dungeon had on was not to his liking it was impinging on his concentration, and I quote.. "Change it would you". Apparently by asking early in the evening if he would show me at some point some of his fireflogging techniques I had become a member of his fan club or that I was in awe of this absolute Mastery. Either way without a by your leave, a kiss or anything I was apparently now in service to him.. I turned to the young person behind me and politely asked if they would mind dealing with Master whatshisnames request and then informed him that perhaps next time he should bring ear muffs, thanked the person who was waiting to be released to go do this thing for me and walked away. To this day I dont think Master whatisname is even aware how much that single interaction impacted my opinion of him. Some men seem to have a need to flex infront of Female Doms and in my mind it only makes them smaller..


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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/16/2004 4:56:24 PM   

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Most likely the dom in question has a pretty tenuous grasp on their dominance as it is, and feels that any external threat to their dominance might irreversably tip the scales.

I had an issue with this sentence, since I am having trouble perceiving somebody asking
the chudwah to pass the water as an external threat.

Apart from that, I suspect this is exactly what is going on. The person is so out of touch with and incapable of dominating themself that they bat away any perceived threat to the label they ascribe to themselves.



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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/16/2004 5:24:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Sylverdawn
Some men seem to have a need to flex infront of Female Doms and in my mind it only makes them smaller..

Reminds me of how I used to mess with the jocks in high school that were all musclebound and uffering from the same silly need to strut and pose, by asking ever so coyly if I could feel their bicep while they flexed it.

I'd then place my hand on their arm, and ask them to flex.

They'd flex, and I'd say, no really ... flex.

They'd strain harder and I'd say, oh stop playing around silly ... Im serious! I want to feel your muscle, flex!

It was amazing how long it could go on until their dim bulb flickered and managed to stay *on*.




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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/16/2004 5:25:09 PM   

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er suffering rather.



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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/16/2004 11:27:50 PM   

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Are you sure it was not said as a joke? Similar things have been said at vanilla events my kinky friends and I went to, and it was said to be funny. Sad case if he was not joking.

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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/16/2004 11:36:24 PM   

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Unfortunately it wasnt said in jest :(

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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/16/2004 11:58:37 PM   

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There are as many personalities in D/s as there are in the vanilla world. I have enjoyed evenings conversing with Doms and Dommes where the respect for both genders was flawless, but on other occassions the event turned into nothing more enjoyable that a golden shower contest. And not necessarily a Dom wanting to shoot the longest stream, smile. Some Dommes feel threatened around Doms as well. As to your friend not snatching his balls for ear bobs, well she was the true mature personality here, not spoiling a vanilla event for another.


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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/17/2004 4:23:18 AM   

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sounds to me like this male 'dom' went to the same school as DomRaymond and so believes that common courtesy or politeness somehow equates to submissiveness - i.e. any time you do something that is asked of you, you are in fact acting the submissive and not being Dominant.

I pity these people that they have to live in the strict confines of their own (IMX narrow) minds.


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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/17/2004 9:18:40 AM   

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Maybe he was really thirsty.

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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/18/2004 8:28:33 AM   

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Ummm Little Man Syndrome comes to mind. And yes, I know just as many women who suffer from that condition as I do men.



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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/18/2004 10:20:24 PM   

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Maybe he was really thirsty.

imho, a Really Thirsty Dom (RTD) would stand up, walk to the sink, pour him/herself a glass of water, and drink it.

Dominance starts (imho) with being able to control one's own life.



"There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

"Every so often you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You cant do that, it is gone, gone forever." J. Danforth Quayle

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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/19/2004 7:31:57 AM   

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Maybe he was really thirsty.

Sorry to have to disagree here Estring, but if he was really thirsty he would revert to his (IMX) gradeschool mentality self and shriek something like "NO this is MINE you get your own!!!!!!!" rather than "Don't dom me"


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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/19/2004 11:03:46 AM   

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It just occured to me...

Maybe the Dom in question was playing hard to get with the Domme? By presenting a challenge to her, he might have hoped she would take the bait. (grins.) I can only imagine at the bizzare mating rituals of Dominants with other Dominants.



"There is always some madness in love, but there is always some reason in madness." - F. Nietzsche

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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/19/2004 7:23:02 PM   

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Do you guys know that I was joking?

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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/19/2004 8:50:29 PM   

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Do you guys know that I was joking?

You give a smart ass answer on a board full of smart ass Dom/mes what do you expect???



A most rewarding compliment is an insult from the ill-informed.

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(in reply to Estring)
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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/19/2004 10:48:42 PM   

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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/20/2004 8:24:58 AM   

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Dollars to doughnuts those "Don't Dom Me" doms just haven't learned how much fun it is to be a switch :-P

Of course, if a guy was to come up to me and tell me that he wants to tie me up and do this, that, and the other with me, I tend to do the DDM myself.

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RE: Shrieking 'Don't Dom Me!' Doms - 6/20/2004 12:10:07 PM   

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I agree that the D in questions is just insecure. May I also add that reading this thread makes me feel validated that the people on this site are much more open minded and real then others I have been on. Thank you!


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