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RE: Inappropriate Topics?! - 7/22/2005 4:01:37 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Tormentius


ORIGINAL: subcheryl


ORIGINAL: Dragonzaymaster


You are truely an asshole!

sorry this may be consider a flame but I agree, sounds as if he is in denial himself

So pointing out that someone made a sweeping assumption which was completely baseless means I hear voices and have alternate personalities? My, thats sure an interesting leap in logic. So tell me, do you have to work on being this stupid or does it just come naturally to you?

first off don't even get the idea of what you are saying here, I just said you are in denial, second of all the op wasn't attempting to discuse this issue in her way was asking if anyone else had DID here in the forums if they would like to discuse this with her that is all, it was others who really got the ball rolling and the op and her Master where trying to explain what they knew and there where some of you who tried to force your opinions on them, and because they didn't agree with you you kept up the attack, I happen to beleive there are people who really do have this disorder, but also agree with those who say there are more people and their lawyers who are using the disorder to get out of things that they have done to others, just to get a lesser sentence or none at all but a vaction of sorts at a state mental institute. So please just back off you have your veiws and they know their reality as told to them by professionals.

(in reply to Tormentius)
Profile   Post #: 61
RE: Inappropriate Topics?! - 7/23/2005 8:22:10 AM   

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hey cheryl,

"...a vaction of sorts at a state mental institute."
just thought i'd share that recently the psych professionals have reinstated electric shock therapy as a supposed "cure" and i'm sure they are applying this to multiples, or people who are multiples that are misdiagnosed as having some other type of mental problem that they think they can be cured with this type of treatement.

electric shock treatment doesn't work on multiples... after the person's brain slowly recuperates from being fried, the multiples show up again.... they can't be erased as they are an integral part of the person as a whole....

there's also a high incidence of abuse in mental care facilities....

a vacation in one of those places? not for me! ~ zay

< Message edited by zaynab -- 7/23/2005 8:23:30 AM >

(in reply to subcheryl)
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RE: Inappropriate Topics?! - 7/23/2005 8:42:18 AM   

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"The person that began this thread seems at once to want to talk about this subject but also unable to address the subject with any real strength behind her statements."

why are you picking on me? geez... without any real strength behind her statements? argh!
almost everything i said on here was from what i've learned from the professional websites about DID, note the word "professional".
and the information is on many of the sites, not just one site, or some back woods "expert-wanna-be" therapist!

im not a brain surgeon! im just an average person.... i do know one thing.... i know a lot more about DID than you do!

"She's fairly insistent that we might all have played with MPD/DID afflicted persons because she believes this 85% claptrap without any real support. "
im not insistent on anything... im a fence sitter actually.... there are no absolutes and everything is relative to something else....

"Funny how the rest of the people on the planet don't have this MPD/DID problem."
can't believe you even took the time to type this sentence. do you ever contemplate your sentences at all before you type them out?

"I guess they are just the ignorant and unwashed, eh?"
the people who have DID and don't know it aren't ignorant and unwashed.... they are in denial and dissociative.

"And hey, zaynab, if you want to stop talking about - then stop talking about it. WTF?"
i can't, it's too hard not to respond when someone's throwing pebbles at me! it's annoying!

"Anyway, I have to go get myself abducted by a UFO and engage in Satanic sacrificial rituals."
scoffing? pride goeth before a fall.....

(in reply to junkyard)
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RE: Inappropriate Topics?! - 7/23/2005 3:33:41 PM   

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Are dick sizing contests a fetish,or a sport?

I was always confused by that.

what are dick sizing contests?

(in reply to Gemeni)
Profile   Post #: 64
RE: Inappropriate Topics?! - 7/23/2005 6:24:26 PM   

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ORIGINAL: zaynab

hey cheryl,

"...a vaction of sorts at a state mental institute."
just thought i'd share that recently the psych professionals have reinstated electric shock therapy as a supposed "cure" and i'm sure they are applying this to multiples, or people who are multiples that are misdiagnosed as having some other type of mental problem that they think they can be cured with this type of treatement.

electric shock treatment doesn't work on multiples... after the person's brain slowly recuperates from being fried, the multiples show up again.... they can't be erased as they are an integral part of the person as a whole....

there's also a high incidence of abuse in mental care facilities....

a vacation in one of those places? not for me! ~ zay

zaynab, didn't mean that as a VACATION, but more the idea they think it better and more cushy than a prison cell. Hmmm did not know they were bringing out the electro shock therapy again that has to be scarey going thru that can't imagine that. yikes.

(in reply to zaynab)
Profile   Post #: 65
RE: Inappropriate Topics?! - 7/24/2005 8:55:09 PM   

Posts: 377
Joined: 6/20/2005
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zaynab, didn't mean that as a VACATION, but more the idea they think it better and more cushy than a prison cell. Hmmm did not know they were bringing out the electro shock therapy again that has to be scarey going thru that can't imagine that. yikes.


oh... ok, thanks for clarifying for me... the electro shock therapy being back was told to me by my DID therapist (psychologist) who seems to be always up to date with what's going on lately with all this stuff... and I know I read it on the net somewhere in a few spots but can't remember where.... oh, and my mom said she knew it was also.... 3 highly qualified resources of info about it... that's good enough for me! *smile



i used to care... but now i take a pill for that

(in reply to subcheryl)
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