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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:32:31 AM   

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tsherpet: You are a killjoy. My life no longer has meaning.

- Susan

< Message edited by SusanofO -- 9/8/2007 5:33:05 AM >


"Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all". - Emily Dickinson

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:32:41 AM   

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The StarGate project, was an afterthought to the Philedelphia Project. 

I think they refer to it without naming it in a movie I saw recently, godam if I cannot recall the name of it.  Hot black dude had to go back in time to stop a terrorist attack on a boat full of sailors and their spouses??? grr. hate when I get brain farts.

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:33:44 AM   

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came4u: I am not sure what movie that was.
I think I will go look up a reference on The Stargate Project. Back in a sec...Here we go...


The remote viewing (RV) work at SRI (1972-1990) and at SAIC (1990-1995) is unique in the history of the field of parapsychology. For one thing, it is the only long-term psi- research program known to have been funded by the U.S. government (specifically, the Department of Defense and different intelligence agencies, such as the CIA); second, its raison d'ĂȘtre was, from the outset, driven by an interest in applications, i.e., the use of psi for intelligence operations; third, because of its sensitive nature, a majority of this work has been - and still is - classified.

Nevertheless, a recent Congressionally Directed Action induced a declassification of a small portion of the documents, as well as leading to an evaluation of the 24-year government-sponsored program, known as STARGATE.

The early SRI work, initiated by physicists Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ, focused on a few gifted individuals, such as New York artist Ingo Swann, and former police commissioner Pat Price. Pilot trials with these individuals produced some truly astonishing results.

For example, Swann suggested trying to remote view the planet Jupiter before the NASA Pioneer 10 spacecraft would photograph the planet. To his surprise, he reported seeing a ring around the planet - which seemed quite contradictory with all that was known about Jupiter; nevertheless, Targ & Puthoff mentioned Swann's statement in their report, and, soon afterwards, the photos taken by Pioneer 10 indeed revealed an unexpected ring around the planet.  Pat Price, in his first task for "psychic spying" on the Soviets, was simply given the coordinates of an "R & D facility" in the Soviet Union. Price went on to describe and draw, with amazing detail, a major structure at the site.

The first public (i.e.,unclassified) reports of the RV experiments at SRI , including over 50 trials with Price, Swann and a few other subjects, yielded solid qualitative and quantitative evidence for the reality of RV. Following report of these results in the interdisciplinary journal Nature, considerable controversy arose, as critics questioned both protocol and statistics. Nevertheless, even using conservative estimates of success, and independent evaluations, the SRI data seemed clearly supportive of the psi hypothesis.

A number of other experiments followed seeking to determine what, if any, were the limitations of RV. In one experiment, for example, the targets were small objects placed in metal film-containers (which exclude light), while in another they consisted of microdots (images shrunk to the size of a dot, and demanding a microscope to be seen). RV seemed to work just as well as ever. Even more interesting was a short experiment which involved not only considerable distances between sender and receiver, but also the tremendous physical barrier of the ocean depths, known to block almost all electromagnetic radiation. Two sessions were conducted, each involving a gifted subject (Hella Hammid and Ingo Swann) who was in a submersible, in the depths of the Pacific; the sender was located at a randomly selected site in the San Francisco Bay Area. Despite distance and the filtering action of the ocean, both sessions were successful, with each subject describing their targets with high precision, and the quantitative results being statistically significant.
Also worthy of note is some of the later work of Puthoff and Targ, attempting to enhance the accuracy and reliability of RV by using different error-correcting techniques (i.e., majority vote and Associational Remote Viewing).

The STARGATE project continued well into the 1990s, under the direction of physicist Edwin May, first at SRI and then at SAIC (Science Applications International Corp.). Extending earlier work of Puthoff and Targ, May and his colleagues conducted a number of studies exploring the potential of RV for intelligence-gathering, while also attempting to understand some of its underlying mechanisms. Working with a small, select group of "expert" remote viewers, the SRI/SAIC researchers continued to produce some very striking examples of the applied potential of remote viewing, while also exploring certain fundamental questions about the nature of this skill.

In its totality, the STARGATE work provides some of the most solid evidence for psi to date - as can be witnessed by the recently declassified documents. Nevertheless, an agency contracted by the CIA to evaluate the 24-year program (American Institutes for Research or AIR) managed to give a mixed review, with a positive assessment by statistician Jessica Utts, a negative one by psychologist Ray Hyman, and an overall recommendation by the AIR staff to terminate the STARGATE program. Although accepting that a significant effect had been shown under scientifically rigorous conditions, the AIR report suggests that there is no need to accept the reality of RV, and that, in any event, its pragmatic utility for intelligence-gathering had not been demonstrated. Following this, Edwin May made several public appearances strongly challenging the objectivity of the AIR, and questioning the true motives driving its report. An article by May, detailing some of the more objectionable aspects of this affair, has appeared in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, along with articles by SRI researchers Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ and AIR consultants Jessica Utts and Ray Hyman.
[For more detailed information on Stargate, go to Cognitive Sciences Laboratory website.

- Susan

< Message edited by SusanofO -- 9/8/2007 5:48:28 AM >


"Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all". - Emily Dickinson

(in reply to came4U)
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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:37:39 AM   

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From: London, Ontario
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Denzel Washington, Deja Vu

that is kinda similar to the StarGate project but using machine/computers/video to generate the views or honing in on the person.

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:38:08 AM   

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"ok, and on Nostradamus, ok so he predicted an anti-Christ named Hister. Being off by one letter. ok, some of his predictions are kinda freaky.  "

You might want to look further.

And if you want freaky predictions, look at Jules Verne. A man who studied cutting edge technology and then wrote very insightful science fiction.

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:42:56 AM   

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I have studied Nostradamus.  Quite interesting, but if you read his stuff long enough, and compare notes to current events even the biggest skepetic would turn believer.

Yes, Jules Verne is another one.  He was very interesting in his ideas of the future to the point that some writing is just plain scary how accurate it has become.  If he were born in a different generation he would have been drown for being a witch. lol

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:47:10 AM   

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and on Nostradamus, ok so he predicted an anti-Christ named Hister. Being off by one letter.
Not to seem like an advocate for the opposition, but if Nostrodamus had predicted the name "Hitser", he would have off by one letter. Not to fret and this is the wonderful thing about his quatrains, there may yet be an even anti-er-Christ who's name starts with H.

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:50:45 AM   

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Hister is off by one letter, remove the s and add l after t.

I didn't realize it would be necessary to be so technical since we all get the jist that Hitler/Hister could be the same.

(in reply to firmobeisance)
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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:53:20 AM   

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"You are a killjoy. My life no longer has meaning."

"The great tragedy of science -- the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact." Thomas Huxley

"I think I will go look uop a reference on The Stargate Project. Back in a sec"

I gave you one earlier in the thread. So the whole time you were questioning me looking at what you had posted, you were ignoring what I was posting?

"I have studied Nostradamus.  Quite interesting, but if you read his stuff long enough, and compare notes to current events even the biggest skepetic would turn believer. "

Not true. One needs a lot of imagination to make things fit, and nostradamus was vague and played on inevitable events like war and rise and fall of leaders and empires.

"Yes, Jules Verne is another one.  He was very interesting in his ideas of the future to the point that some writing is just plain scary how accurate it has become.  If he were born in a different generation he would have been drown for being a witch. lol"

No, Jules Verne is not a psychic. Jules Verne studied the technology of the time, he put in an enormous amount of work, and made sound extrapolations based on what was known. He was not a psychic in any way, and to think he was detracts from his true genius.
It is closer to compare him to DaVinci than a witch.

"Ignorance and superstition ever bear a close and mathematical relation to each other." James Fenimore Cooper

"Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." Thomas Jefferson

"Because they know not the forces of nature, and in order that they may have comrades in their ignorance, they suffer not that others should search out anything, and would have us believe like rustics and ask no reason... But we ask in all things a reason must be sought." William of Conches

"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know. " Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is the exact opposite." Bertrand Russell

"It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf." Walter Lippman

(in reply to firmobeisance)
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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 5:57:21 AM   

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tsherpet: I appreciate what you posted, I just sometimes prefer to also do my own research, and draw my own conclusions. Surely this cannot be an unfamiliar idea - especially to you.

- Susan 

< Message edited by SusanofO -- 9/8/2007 6:25:13 AM >


"Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all". - Emily Dickinson

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:01:15 AM   

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No, Jules Verne is not a psychic. Jules Verne studied the technology of the time, he put in an enormous amount of work, and made sound extrapolations based on what was known. He was not a psychic in any way, and to think he was detracts from his true genius.
It is closer to compare him to DaVinci than a witch.

If he had done anything with his life other than the theatre and writing fiction in arts he could or would have been considered a genius.  He chose the path of 'guestimation' via summations of what was currently available.  He and DaVinchi both shared one common thread: ability to hide within their given choice of artistic ability.  Taken out of that context, both would be considered as mad as a hillbilly on fire.   Genius? up to the reader/viewer of their works, not for me to decide.  Some of his (Verne's) works I found un-descript and void of any transparent common sense thus why he is a writer of science fiction, and DaVinchi, I find the Mona Lisa a hideous painting.  To each his own.

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:08:42 AM   

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Hister is off by one letter, remove the s and add l after t.

I didn't realize it would be necessary to be so technical since we all get the jist that Hitler/Hister could be the same.
The term "off by one letter" would imply the substitution letter. While I was mostly joking, I think generalizations are much less necessary than technicality. Just my opinion, but I think it is a sensible one. My facetious comment was intended to imply history has not yet finished, perhaps the name "Hister" will yet prove to be entirely accurate.

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:10:30 AM   

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Why change Hister to Hitler? There are more than enough reasons to think Hister means just that.

"I just sometimes prefer to also do my own research, and draw my own conclusions. Surely this cannot be an unfamiliar idea - especially to you. "

I encourage people to do their own research, but I also encourage them to rationally assess what they research. Your efforts so far appear to need help in identifying marketing.

"Some of his (Verne's) works I found un-descript and void of any transparent common sense thus why he is a writer of science fiction, and DaVinchi, I find the Mona Lisa a hideous painting.  To each his own"

How much have you actually read? And how much is b grade movies? Your assessment is certainly a unique one.
As for DaVinci, it was his inventive, technical, and biological genius I was referring to.
I really doubt you know very much about either man.

< Message edited by tsherpet -- 9/8/2007 6:12:46 AM >

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:15:13 AM   

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tsherpet: Because they want to? Because given the rest of that Nostradamus prediction, it seems to fit (for many people)? Because everyone has a right to their own opinion?

I was a Marketing Management college major (magna) - I know what marketing is.  

- Susan

< Message edited by SusanofO -- 9/8/2007 6:20:17 AM >


"Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all". - Emily Dickinson

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:15:44 AM   

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I have yet to see a movie from a Verne novel lol.

are you saying you are psychic and you KNOW what I know or don't know?

If you did, you would KNOW for a fact that I don't tolerate someone's ideals of who is genius and who isn't (in your opinion) up my arse.

I would use my crystal ball as a benwa before I allow someone to sway my persuasion of who I find 'smart' in my life.

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:17:28 AM   

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came4u: I saw a 1950's movie version of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" once, that I definitely could have lived my life without seeing.

- Susan

< Message edited by SusanofO -- 9/8/2007 6:29:14 AM >


"Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all". - Emily Dickinson

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:20:05 AM   

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I envision bowling leagues, 20,000 seamen and omg

Now I'm horny for sailors and big balls.

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:21:13 AM   

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came4u: It was an absolutely terrible movie - it didn't turn me on at all. If you could watch it, I am sure it would "cure you" of those feelings (not that they need to be cured - not at all).

Well, I got stuff I gotta do - but it's been an interesting thread, and I will pop in later. Have a good Saturday, ya'll. 

- Susan

< Message edited by SusanofO -- 9/8/2007 6:24:16 AM >


"Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all". - Emily Dickinson

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:24:42 AM   

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Is it like a bad, smelly, cheap date?

even those types get laid , yeah someone in the world would like him - eventually.

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RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relat... - 9/8/2007 6:28:17 AM   

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"Because they want to? Because given the rest of that Nostradamus prediction, it seems to fit (for many people)? Because everyone has a right to their own opinion?"

Actually Hister fits better than Hitler. It's not like Hister is nothing.
You are right about one thing, people want it.

"I was a Marketing Management college major (magna) - I know what marketing is."

Really? Actions and words, I can only go by your actions which showed a fondness for marketing over substance.

"are you saying you are psychic and you KNOW what I know or don't know? "

Not at all, what you posted was a very unique perspective of Jules Verne. It didn't seem to come from reading his stories or knowing anything about him.

"you would KNOW for a fact that I don't tolerate someone's ideals of who is genius and who isn't (in your opinion)"

It not a matter of my opinion, their actions speak for themselves. I cannot believe anyone could be so ignorant to think either of those two didn't fall into the category of genius.

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