RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (Full Version)

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Prinsexx -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:09:36 AM)

How great Heartcream..........\i know it's really difficult with cards but it sounds like you have the perfect pack!!!
how amazing to have painted a deck yourself.....

and yes the Catholic thing goes deep....I just think it's hypocrisy to restrict to one H. Spirit AND accept miracles (eventually)...also the whole hierarchical issue......

Prinsexx -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:14:38 AM)

Asking for Lottery numbers is pushing it......
what a Psychic would probably be able to forsee is what sucha win might enable or not enable you to do....

and seriously for those of us with foresight of any degree there are always serious tests and the road ahead is always extremely difficult

feastie -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:16:36 AM)

Well, I'm not psychic and I haven't known anyone who actually was.  However, my former Master was quite the empath.  He used his talents fully, so that when I was at work or whatever, I could feel what he wanted me to feel.  He also could tell the moment, as he put it, my mouth went dry (because all the moisture went elsewhere) and found great joy in that.  He'd call me at work and say, "Take your pulse, it's XXX" and sure enough, it was whatever he'd said.  There were times when I could smell his scent, even.  The bad part of that, if one could call it bad, is that there were times at work I'd be a trembling bundle of wet sexual need and just had to deal!  (Running to the restroom for a quickie orgasm was not allowed).  One of the things he taught me is how to be receptive to another's energy.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  All in all, I'd have to say that this particular skill made for a very interesting and very powerful connection.  It also makes sex quite ... dramatic.  It still exists, to a slight degree.  He always knows when I need a shoulder to cry on and makes his available or even if I need someone to tell me to suck it up and stop feeling sorry for myself.

KiandPhoenix -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:17:13 AM)

I have my curses. I deal with them by not talking about them. Phoenix knows about some of them. She knows when I say "get inside" to go inside. There is no need to discuss it more than that. Anything more that needs be done I take care of myself quietly. The only need for it to effect relationships is to teach my subs to follow directions quickly and without question, but this applies to everything. I see dangers when my sub is blindfolded during a scene, and she needs to learn it anyhow.

liljoy -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:17:26 AM)

well i'm not sure if i believe that life from other planets are visiting us. Then again why not?
i think it would be pretty egotistical of us to believe we are the most evolved life form there is. Just because we are not yet able to do that kind of space travel doesn't mean it can't be done.

oh and i disagree with the odds being against the other things i listed :)

SusanofO -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:18:51 AM)

I am fascinated with "Remote Viewing" - and I know there are branches of the CIA that use remote viewers - some of them in the Iraq war, no doubt. I believe in that phenomena, without a doubt. It's been demostrated many times to be real, and has been tested again and again.

There is a very interesting book about it's use in the U.S. Military titled: "The Star-Gate project" by David Morehouse (who is himself a remote viewer). It's a good read (and slightly scary, but not due to the remote viewing, it's due to the way the Military treated some remote viewers. In short, they forced them to work on the project, and basically held them captive, until they got the work out of them they wanted, despite the psychological strain it caused them and their families).

For anyone who doesn't know, "Remote Viewing" is  the ability to literally  "get in someone else's mind" - and see what they are seeing, at the moment they are seeing it - while being strapped to a table in a lab, yourself (or while being in another location completely).

It's a fairly rare ability (at least as far as application is concerned), from what I've read.

- Susan

KiandPhoenix -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:20:22 AM)

Because I can't resist. . .All those wh believe in psychokinesis raise my hand!


liljoy -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:22:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: KiandPhoenix

Because I can't resist. . .All those wh believe in psychokinesis raise my hand!


~raises Ki's hand~ lol did it work? i believe in it but don't have the ability

KiandPhoenix -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:33:55 AM)

OK, please put it back down. I am trying to go to bed for the evening.

Thanks in advance.

liljoy -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:35:08 AM)

lol ~put's it back down~
sweet dreams

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:37:12 AM)

"One of the things he taught me is how to be receptive to another's energy.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't."

I would suggest that the times it works are the times your mind believes it works, not because of any connection to anothers mind. Also the times it seems to work will be more prominent in your mind, it's how our brains work.

"well i'm not sure if i believe that life from other planets are visiting us. Then again why not? "

While it is remotely possible, it's the same as god. If it exists it's not any of the stories we have come up with so far. If aliens have visited, they have gone unnoticed. The alien abductions stories started with sci fi, not alien abductions.

"i think it would be pretty egotistical of us to believe we are the most evolved life form there is. Just because we are not yet able to do that kind of space travel doesn't mean it can't be done. "

Of course not, but we have no evidence of it. We have no real recordings of aliens craft and we have no believable witnesses. The people with the best alien stories have always been sci fi writers, not the alien abduction people.

"oh and i disagree with the odds being against the other things i listed :) "

You can believe that, but the odds are what they are.

"I believe in that phenomena, without a doubt. It's been demostrated many times to be real, and has been tested again and again. "

Do you have sources for those beliefs? Or is this like the psychics who claim to work for police departments but no one in those departments has ever met them?

SusanofO -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:41:30 AM)

tsherpet:  With all due respect, can you prove it's not "real"? Really? I mean, some Quantuum (sp?) physicists have supposedly proven there are something like 12 dimensions in the universe - and yet most humans can only perceive 4 of them.

To me, that means there is a lot that most humans could be missing, no matter what else some other scientists may think is "proveable", thus far. There are a lot of scientists out there, as well as (I believe) some probable psychics.

- Susan

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:44:15 AM)

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:48:02 AM)

"To me, that means there is a lot that most humans could be missing, no matter what else some other scientists may think is "proveable", thus far."

It's not about what we might be missing. It is all about psychics missing the mark.

"There are a lot of scientists out there, as well as a lot of psychics. "

What's your point? Do you want to compare the success rates and standards of proof?

"Ingo Swann and Harold Sherman claim to have done remote viewing of Mercury and Jupiter. Targ and Puthoff reported that their remote viewing compared favorably to the findings of the Mariner 10 and Pioneer 10 research spacecraft. Isaac Asimov did a similar comparison and found that 46% of the observation claims of the astral travelers were wrong. Also, only one out of 65 claims made by the remote viewers was a fact that either was not obvious or not obtainable from reference books (Randi 1982).
Targ and Puthoff, whom Randi refers to as the Laurel and Hardy of psi research, were not put off by the fact that Swann claimed he saw a 30,000 ft. mountain range on Jupiter on his astral voyage when there is no such thing."

SusanofO -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:48:22 AM)

Well, from what the author who was actually on the Stargate project stated in his book - remote viewing works (in the people who were recruited for the project anyway - more for some than for others - who knows why? It is a mystery). Maybe not from all of the folks who claim to have the ability, all of the time - but so what?

Lots of people claim to have lots of abilities that they are maybe mediocre at performing.

I could claim to be an athlete, when about the best I can do is swim pretty fast. Of course claiming to have an ability is relative (which is basically what Randi and his ilk say).

These things are relative. This is some big surprise?

But that (to me) doesn't necessarily negate there are likely people out there who possess them at a much higher level than some other people - anymore than it would make sense to say that simply because I am not an Olympic swimmer, there can be no other Olympic-quality swimmers.

- Susan

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:51:32 AM)

" With all due respect, can you prove it's not "real"? "

Lack of success.
If I claim I can fly, but everytime I try I fall flat on my face, then my claim of flying is not real. Same principle applies to psychics.

mnottertail -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:54:08 AM)

if all you guys are psychic, how am I doin'?

Ed Koch 

favesclava -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:58:31 AM)

i'm probably closer to being an empath. i feel other peoples feelings strongly. even when they try to hide them. i can also calm people by my touch. this is very helpful in my line of work dealing with alzheimers and dementia patients.
the downside? sometimes i feel the anger way too strong and i act on it without realizing at first. but only when its coming from strangers .
laugh if you want , we dont know everything about the capabilities of the human mind.

SusanofO -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 4:59:51 AM)

tsherpet: Well then your criteria is obviously highly stringent (and selective, too, I might add) in a field which is still a mystery to most. Which IMO doesn't exactly lend itself to producing more "proof" - therefore it's "unproveable" by any standard?

Whats the point? Protecting the "masses" who would like to believe in it, from becoming "mindless sheep", and being ripped off? I know I am not going to phone some "Pyshic hot-line" and bet my life's savings on their predictions. But I still think there are occurrences that cannot be explained.

With all due respect - If some skeptics ran the world, we'd have all fallen off a flat Earth by now, because Copernicus would have been burned at a stake for saying the Earth revolved around the sun. There were plenty of skeptics back then too. Maybe 500 years from now, you'll feel differently - if your spirit is out there, floating around somewhere, and this stuff has been proven to exist, according to your current standards.

Until then, I think it's interesting to contemplate the possibilities.

- Susan 

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 5:00:10 AM)

"Well, from what the author who was actually on the project stated in his book - it works"

Well being on the project and having books to sell might have something to do with that. The fact the project was shut down says much more than a self serving anecdotal book.

"Maybe not from all of the folks who claim to have the ability - but so what?"

Not from any. They get right what any analyst can get right, and get wrong all the rest which they make up.

"Lots of people claim to have lots of abiolities that they are maybe mediocre at performing. "

A medicore performance would be a massive improvement from complete failure.

"These things are relative. This is some big surprise? "

Relative failure? You have pretty low standards. Relative to psychologists, analysts and conmen psychics are complete failures. If you can't outperform plain knowledge, you don't have superpowers, however attractive and self fulfilling the idea of superpowers may be.

"But that (to me) doesn't necessarily negate there are likely people out there who possess them at a much higher level than some other people "

You just don't get it. If these higher level people exist, they are hiding better than the Loch Ness Monster.

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