RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (Full Version)

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nephandi -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:08:37 AM)


my recomendation is to ignore him. ome pepole are so afraide of being wrong they have to be right and ahve everyone else belive as they do. They be Christians, Muslims or Atheists. my Mama say that it is not any point in arguing whit fanatics, it do not matter what proof you give this man, or how much sense your words make, he have his opinion and everyone else is stupid or uninformed, it is a waste of time to even aswer him.

Every time something supernatrual is discussed somone like this show up, preaching what they belive is sience, calling all that belive in anything stupid, it alaways happens. i am sorry this post is insulting but i am just tired of pepole like that and have found it most productive to just ignore them.

i wish you well

firmobeisance -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:10:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: tsherpet
Thank you for making my point. When one is ignorant of basic knowledge one falls back on superstition. Cars are not magic, unless one has absolutely no idea of the last few centuries. All you've done is shown how ignorance causes us to reach for the simplest idea we can come up with just so we can tell ourselves we have an answer. As Asimov said "To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today". God, psychic powers, and superstition.

That's good, I thought your point was "that magic does not exist". I assume that you are agreeing that it is just not "provable", sort of like string theory.


ORIGINAL: tsherpet
"So once you have that one digested, let's move on to a Lear Jet. Or a mass spectrometer. Or a particle accelerator. As the science becomes esoteric and the experts thin, the work they perform becomes less understandable and more like magic"

Not true. That is the value of scientific knowledge, anyone can follow any part of it. It requires no special rituals or powers. Just thought and effort.

I would accuse you of using sweeping generalizations. The thought and effort required to understand many scientific processes is simply beyond the means of mundane humans. They "trust" (a form of belief) the scientists to develop teflon or transistors.


ORIGINAL: tsherpet
"It has been said that there is little difference between the scientists and magicians, save the scientists are better able to explain their tools, better able to allow the belief."

Scientists don't pretend their knowledge is something that it is not. Magicians used to pretend palour tricks were supernatural powers, much like modern psychics.
Now you are definately using sweeping generalizations as mock support for an unsubstantiated point. Billions of people used to pretend billions of things, congratulations. And I am sure we could research many cases of bogus scientific claims, alchemy anyone?
I accuse you of trying to decipher what is simply beyond your cognative abilities. There is no shame in innocence.

firmobeisance -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:12:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: nephandi


my recomendation is to ignore him.

I continue the converstaion for others' as well as his benefit.

came4U -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:17:12 AM)

I have an overwhelming feeling that Oprah (I luvsss Oprah) will have a fatal accident sometime soon.  I have had this vision since a year ago. It came to me in a long-seeming dream.  It was horrible. 

I envision a fall, an elevator, a mechanical failure, and her discussing something in hall while waiting for it and turning to enter it and there is nothing there. Strange thing about it, she does not even scream. Shudders, I hope I am not psychic.  To lose Oprah, would grieve a nation and beyond and we (society) would lose a great friend and mentor.

As far as I know, Harpo is one floor and she has a ground-level home.  Sooo, doubtful this would occur.

How does it effect my relationships? It doesn't, because I wouldn't tell this nutty thought to anyone I actually know lol.

nephandi -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:17:37 AM)


i am a Chaos magician, i have practiced magick, not parlor tricks, not show for fifteen years, and this guy's words just show that he do not know what he is talking about. Magicians as in show pepole do not really claim anything, everyone in the audience know what they do is show, and what is amasing is how they pull it of, their slight of hand and so on. Magicians as in real magicians do not do shows, what we do are real, and we do not need anyone to belive us for we work our craft for ourself. Magick is an ancient wisdom. As for ESP i know what i feel and i know what i can do, and that is what i know, it is proven to me, and to be frank that is much more inportant to me that to prove it to somone on a forum that do not know what he is talking about.


I continue the converstaion for others' as well as his benefit.

Yes perhaps you ahve a point there. Though i seriously doubth he will benefit from it.

May i wish you well.

BrazilianBitch -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:20:37 AM)

Some things are true whether you believe in them or not.

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:28:07 AM)

"The blackest billingsgate, the most ungentlemanly insolence, the most yahooist brutality, is patently endured, countenanced, propagated, and applauded. But touch a solemn truth in collision with the dogma of a sect, though capable of the clearest proof, and you will soon find you have disturbed a nest, and the hornets will swarm about your eyes and hand, and fly into your face and eyes." John Adams

"my recomendation is to ignore him. ome pepole are so afraide of being wrong they have to be right and ahve everyone else belive as they do."

I am not afraid of being wrong, in fact I would enjoy bieng wrong about this. I would like nothing more than for a psychic to be able to prove their abilities. But what would be nice or what I want has nothing to do with facts.
But you are right about one thing, if my ideas offend you just ignore me. Though the best thing to do would be to look into what I say and decide for yourself. I never want anyone to believe me, belief is lazy.

"They be Christians, Muslims or Atheists. "

LOL, but atheists don't believe. They just don't create a god first, they simply deal with what we do know instead of what we make up.

"my Mama say that it is not any point in arguing whit fanatics, it do not matter what proof you give this man, or how much sense your words make,"

But no one has given me any proof yet, and there has been more urban legends than word which make sense. You can't use that arguement until you actually provide proof or reasoned arguements.

"Every time something supernatrual is discussed somone like this show up, preaching what they belive is sience"

I am preaching nothing more than backing up ones own claims. It has nothing to do with me beliefs, of which I have none.

"i am sorry this post is insulting "

It's not insulting at all, at least not to me. It is insulting to you, as you say it doesn't matter what proof is provided, when there has been none.

"That's good, I thought your point was "that magic does not exist". "

That wass my point. There is nothing magical about a car, except to the ignorant. That doesn't make the car magical, it makes magic an easy answer for the ignorant.

"The thought and effort required to understand many scientific processes is simply beyond the means of mundane humans."

Beyond the effort more than the means. The scientific method is such that anyone can follow any scientific knowledge. Yes most people jsut go along with society, but don't put us all on that level.

"And I am sure we could research many cases of bogus scientific claims, alchemy anyone? "

And how do we know these claims are bogus? From the application of the scientific method, which proves they are bogus. Now if we apply the same principles to claims of psychic ability we are left with them being bogus as well.

mnottertail -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:28:14 AM)

I have generally found that the psychics are hard to discern from the psychos.

Norm Bates

beargonewild -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:30:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: nephandi


my recomendation is to ignore him. ome pepole are so afraide of being wrong they have to be right and ahve everyone else belive as they do. They be Christians, Muslims or Atheists. my Mama say that it is not any point in arguing whit fanatics, it do not matter what proof you give this man, or how much sense your words make, he have his opinion and everyone else is stupid or uninformed, it is a waste of time to even aswer him.

Every time something supernatrual is discussed somone like this show up, preaching what they belive is sience, calling all that belive in anything stupid, it alaways happens. i am sorry this post is insulting but i am just tired of pepole like that and have found it most productive to just ignore them.

i wish you well

It is unfortunate that everytime there is a discussion regarding the world of science and the world of psychic phenomena, some on one side always wants to disprove the other side. At one time, the men of science tried to use their knowledge to prove psychic abilities do exist. The Rhine Institute of Parapsychology is a prime example. My thoughts is I hope that sometime in the future, these two fields will learn to work side by side instead of against each other. Both try to explain things yet from different angles.
     My opnion is that both sides are right and both sides are also wrong in some cases. Science is not able to explain eveything and neither does the psychic (paranormal) community. It makes more sense to me to be able to keep that open mindedness and work with both sides to acheive the same results. I believe in science and believe in psychic abilities, in the same vein, I also maintain a level of disbelief or scepticism to mmaintain a sense of balance.

sweetNsmartBBW -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:30:12 AM)

"Some things are argued about, but that doesn't support the claims of psychics. Only their own results can support their claims. Also with pluto you are tlaking about word definitions not it's existence."

First, was not just a word definition that changed.  What changed was an accepted scientific 'fact' about what constitutes a planet; and what does not. 

Regarding psychics, the following comes from Jeffrey Mishlove, PHD:

Empirical Evidence Supports the Existence of Extra-Sensory Perception

By every normal, scientific standard, the case for the existence of a scientific anomaly called extra-sensory perception (ESP) – i.e., telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition; or, conversely, synchronicity – has been established.  This simple fact was  acknowledged 100 years ago in the annals of the Smithsonian Institute – based upon the careful case studies collected by psychical researchers in the nineteenth century.  Since then, this basic finding has been reaffirmed in hundreds of properly designed and conducted scientific experiments.  Meta-analyses of these experiments have further confirmed the basic finding – and replications are reported at regular scientific meetings.

This simple scientific finding has been subjected to more scrutiny and replication than almost any other finding concerning human mental capability.  It has enormous implications for our philosophical understanding of mind, space and time.  It is of interest to almost all people seeking knowledge of their own human potential.  It is relevant to many other sciences and human disciplines.

Knowledge of Extra-Sensory Perception Research has been Systematically Suppressed

It is a simple fact that – in spite of enormous popular interest – no accredited colleges or universities in the United States, and very few elsewhere in the world, offer degree programs in "parapsychology" – the scientific study of extra-sensory perception.  College courses on the subject are almost non-existent.  And, extra-sensory perception research is almost entirely excluded from discussion within college courses in psychology, physics or philosophy.  It is very rare for anyone receiving a college education to be exposed to the literature of extra-sensory perception research. 

Pressure to Suppress ESP Research Comes Primarily from "Rationalists"

There are, undoubtedly, many motivations for those who ridicule, debunk and endeavor to suppress the research findings in extra-sensory perception.  However, as a broad generalization, it would be fair to say that this pressure comes from approximately 25% of the population who believe that, in spite of the purported evidence, ESP cannot exist because it appears to be inconsistent with the "rational" picture of the universe that has been developed by modern science over the past four-hundred years.

To these people, acceptance of the scientific evidence in support of ESP would throw open the doors to numerous, irrational superstitions and dogmas against which the scientific establishment has been struggling for centuries.  Some go so far as to suggest that ESP cannot exist, because if it did, the entire scientific edifice – and our fundamental understanding of causality – would crumble.   For this reason, they believe it is safer to assume that there are errors (or fraud) in the ESP data rather than accept the existence of ESP.

This assumption concerning error or fraud is so implicit and so strong that researchers whose data suggests the existence of ESP are automatically stigmatized and marginalized.

"Scholarly, "rationalist" critics such as Ray Hyman and the late Carl Sagan, by their own admission, have been unable to find actual – or even potential – flaws in significant bodies of ESP research.  Their strongest argument has simply been that, given enough time, they believed that it would be possible to detect such fatal flaws.  This argument, however, is simply a stalling tactic; and, furthermore, it is one that – in principle – could continue forever.  It is an unfalsifiable argument, and stands outside the domain of science.

The skeptics and debunkers have had 120 years to find fatal flaws in the vast body of empirical evidence for extra-sensory perception.  While the process has been a valuable one, the "rationalists" have failed to make their case.  Some frauds have been exposed.  Many experimental weaknesses have been uncovered and corrected.  However, the basic findings of telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition have withstood over a century of scrutiny and examination.  Those findings continue to be robust – under conditions of continually improving experimental controls.  For 120 years, all of the criticisms of the skeptics and debunkers have been answered in a systematic and scholarly fashion by researchers investigating ESP.  Every skeptical claim has been thoroughly and meticulously rebutted in an appropriate scientific manner.

Today, the skeptics and debunkers are simply repeating tired, old arguments – and acting as if a substantial body of scientific data simply does not exist.  However, it is simply no longer credible to continue to deny the data.  The "rationalist" attack against ESP research has failed miserably."

Skepticism is about enquiry and doubt, not about denial:

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:34:08 AM)

"i am a Chaos magician, i have practiced magick, not parlor tricks, not show for fifteen years, and this guy's words just show that he do not know what he is talking about."

I've met many practicing magicians, witches and psychics. None had anything more than palour tricks, and most didn't even have that. Also while many people claim to be the real deal, none have ever been able to match their own claims.

"Magicians as in real magicians do not do shows, what we do are real, and we do not need anyone to belive us for we work our craft for ourself. Magick is an ancient wisdom."

An ancient superstition. And I have no doubt your magic is just as effective as curses, gods and other superstitions.

"As for ESP i know what i feel and i know what i can do, and that is what i know, it is proven to me"

Have you ever worked in a psych ward? They are filled with people who know what they know, it is proven to them. Belief does not prove anything.

"Yes perhaps you ahve a point there. Though i seriously doubth he will benefit from it."

Of course not, the only way I could get what you call benefit is if a psychic can live up to their claims. But at least one person has benefitted from this discussion, with the 10% of the brain myth being exposed.

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:50:48 AM)

"It is unfortunate that everytime there is a discussion regarding the world of science and the world of psychic phenomena, some on one side always wants to disprove the other side. "

It's unfortunate that my experiences and the accumulated knowledge of humanity is so easily dismissed while people will use their own beliefs as real phemmena that must be accepted, if not believed.
Whenever science encounters beliefs, the beliefs must meet the scientific standards or be placed with all the other unfounded beliefs.
There is no special treatment in science for the individuals beliefs.

"At one time, the men of science tried to use their knowledge to prove psychic abilities do exist."

Yes. With no success. But the investigation was not fruitless. We learnt a lot about pychology and brain functions. But that was detailed and boring, so much of the populous missed it.

"My thoughts is I hope that sometime in the future, these two fields will learn to work side by side instead of against each other."

Um, they did work side by side. Lack of results does not mean science is working against psychics, it means until the psychics learn a new trick there is nothing there for science to investigate.

"Science is not able to explain eveything and neither does the psychic (paranormal) community."

Science is a tool, it will only explain what we can understand. Psychics can't explain their low success rate, but science can.

"It makes more sense to me to be able to keep that open mindedness and work with both sides to acheive the same results. "

Openmindedness is fine, but not so open that everything falls out. And both can only work to acheive the same results if both want truth and understanding. Unfortunately the psychics want an explaination that makes their beliefs real, not an explaination.

"First, was not just a word definition that changed.  What changed was an accepted scientific 'fact' about what constitutes a planet; and what does not.  "

Exactly, the word planet. The existence of pluto was not in question, just what to call it. This is quite different to psychic abilities.

Jeffery Mishlove has quite a few business interests to support, and he is using the word skeptic for credibility. He does not have links to the recognised sceptic organistions. By all means read what he has to say, but read more also.
Notice that when he talks about empirical evidence he doesn't actually give any? He only hints at one 100 year old study.

sapphirepleasure -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 6:56:51 AM)

I have read tarot professionally for the last 6 or 7 years.  I don't call myself psychic but some of my clients do.  I consider myself more of an empathic reader, able to connect with the feelings and intentions of those I read and those connected to them.  Many of my clients swear by my readings and come back regularly for updates because of the accuracy of past readings.

In relationships, I tend to sense things (attitudes, perceptions, contradictions) and question the person to check my perceptions and theirs.  I don't claim to know everything (professionally or personally) but I do pick up on things that give clarity and allow for wiser choices.

sweetNsmartBBW -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 7:00:26 AM)

Jeffrey Mishlove also holds the only doctoral diploma in parapsychology ever awarded by an accredited, American university. 

..and I have read more; plenty more...there is a lot of fascinating reading material on the Skeptical Investigations site that I provided a link for; and that's just the tip of the iceberg. 

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 7:01:55 AM)

When dealing with science you can have theories and ideas, but they must be based on what is known, not what is believed or made up. Also when one has an idea, one must then attempt to prove it. If it can't be proven, the idea is not accepted.
At best that is where psychic ability is at, a rejected idea pending further evidence.

LivingInSin -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 7:03:59 AM)

i get the dreams and "flashes" of sight. my dreams show me alternative paths. a situation will come up and ive already "seen" how it will turn out if i stay on that path. i have yet to be wrong when i predict death. sometimes it can be avoided in say a car accident. i can tell someone to take a different way home or something. then there are times that even when i say to take another way, they still die. sometimes things just cannot be altered. no matter what.
i have a degree of empathy that i try hard to shut down. i appreciate the "edge" it gives me when im walking into a situation or meeting with someone. its to the point now where i have to activly "turn the ability on" except for with friends, family, and i discovered folks that are going to impact my life.
ive been pretty fortunate when it comes to dealing with BDSM with all of this. A friend of mine is empathic and teaches me things just by being around him. my ex husband was not a believer and riducled me for it. case by case basis i would say.

tsherpet -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 7:06:08 AM)

"there is a lot of fascinating reading material on the Skeptical Investigations site that I provided a link for"

Read it all, and read other sceptic sites.
I found it interesting that Mishlove had no links to respected sceptic organisations? To me that is a warning sign that he is using the word skeptic to pretend he is a thinker instead of a believer. The same way people use open mindedness while clinging to superstitions thought up thousands of years ago with none of the knowledge we have today.

liljoy -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 7:11:34 AM)

This is fun :) Perhaps we just haven't come up with a way to prove these things exist yet. There was a time that we couldn't prove that cells, bacteria or sounds waves existed. Did that make them any less real? There was even a time when we couldn't prove the world was not infact flat


ORIGINAL: tsherpet

" With all due respect, can you prove it's not "real"? "

Lack of success.
If I claim I can fly, but everytime I try I fall flat on my face, then my claim of flying is not real. Same principle applies to psychics.

beargonewild -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 7:20:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: tsherpet

When dealing with science you can have theories and ideas, but they must be based on what is known, not what is believed or made up. Also when one has an idea, one must then attempt to prove it. If it can't be proven, the idea is not accepted.
At best that is where psychic ability is at, a rejected idea pending further evidence.

Yet the first ancient alchemists work wasn't based upon any known fact but the "wild" idea that there is a "magical" substance that had the ability to turn an invaluable substance (lead) into a valuable substance (gold). As alchemy became popular, the prceeding alchemist did take their predescesors (sp) failures and used that to work with.
   The end result of much of that work done by these alchemists is what we now know as Chemistry which is a science.

SusanofO -> RE: Are you Psychic and how does this affect your relationships? (9/7/2007 7:23:08 AM)

tsherpet: Where do you think hypotheses come from?

Let's face this: Without hypotheses, you would simply have none of your "facts", because there would have been nothing to ever investigate to begin with. This is my basic problem with hard-core skeptics - they don't ever seem to acknowldege this. 

But since hard-core skeptics don't believe in hypotheses - only "proven facts" - I am left wondering how they ever hope to establish "facts" (that don't already exist), and thus to ever advance their world of dearly-held "scientific facts" and not let it just remain static? 

This is not (to me) an insignificant question.

- Susan

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