RE: Feelings of worthlessness (Full Version)

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LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/9/2007 6:59:40 PM)

It's never about the actions. 

In some ways I think Bita's experience is one of so few we find on the whole cyberspace world to show that life is too much for words, and that language really tends to fail us when it matters most.

FyreAngel -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/9/2007 8:58:31 PM)

Awesome post again Celeste.  You always write so beautifully.  I remember the dark.  I often called it hell.  The darkness that opens up doors to more darkness, until you are so lost inside you cant find the way out.  I remember those days.  I was SO ALIVE, so damn very alive and yet... at the same time... so very dead.  There was nothing on the planet that mattered, not me or anyone else.  Those were the times where i literally had no limits.  The sky was the limit and it was tested often.  What pulled me out of it was looking into my eyes in the mirror one night.  I cant even place where i was or even what i was on..... but i remember my eyes.  They were old and sad and what i had become was not what i was.  I looked around and knew there was no out.  I choose the only way i found.  Through death or more accuretly ICU.  I spent days in ICU, apparently not expected to live, until at some point the wires started to annoy me and i began to pull out all of the IV's and what not.  I lived.  So i ran.  Pulling myself back together and back to the light as fast as i could.  I havent ever really looked at the why's like you have and i havent ever really confronted the darkness.  I just ran.  So it stays a part of me and now i use it to my advantage.

addisonclarkgirl -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/9/2007 9:14:33 PM)

i know everyday that i'm closer and closer to stepping out of the darkness.  my feelings of worthlessness are so strong some days that i don't know if i can even take a baby step.  It helps so much to know that it can be done, though.  Thank you, Celeste, for giving me, us, that hope.

BitaTruble -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 12:09:35 AM)

thank you so much for sharing, fyreangel. i understand exactly what you meant in your post. sometimes it's a matter of surviving and thriving is a luxury and we do what we have to do to get through. your post touched me and it means a lot for me that you responded.


BitaTruble -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 12:10:58 AM)


i sent you a note on the other side.


Prinsexx -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 12:16:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble

This is pretty dark, definitely disgusting and so hard to write that I'm already crying and I haven't started yet.
I'm the one who made the choice and I'm the one who had so little self-esteem that if someone treated me like an absolute piece of shit, I adored them for it because it was, still, ultimately another human who 'saw' me. I did exist in their eyes. I might not have had a speck of value.. but I was here, damn it. That meant something. Back then, any hand hold a lifeline.

I choose the dog food. I can't fucking believe it. I sat there and made a choice to eat dog food as if I only had those two choices. Eat shit or eat dog food. I didn't even see that I had the choice to say, you know what, man, you're a sick muther fucker and I'm so done with this.

Gods, why couldn't I see that back then? In retrospect I know why .. being blinded by darkness is absolute.

A bad place. Really, really bad. The worst thing of it all, though .. that sorta shit made me so fucking hot. I mean, bounce off the walls, someone, something, please fuck me

Prinsexx -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 12:27:01 AM)

Celeste: Just got to your thread...OMG it's so beautifully written in its integrity I messed up on the reply sequence and wanted to say this:

I HAVE BEEN THERE......abused in such a way that it wasn't even in ther context of me at that time there didn't seem any know crawling on the floor with a broken wrist from cleaning and cowering from the blows and tired from being the bread winner and snivelling with snot and tears and clinging round his back and begging for sex.......

and now?

I STILL let myself get into situations where there doesn't feel like there is choice...on very very subtle levels but even so maybe, just maybe, that's the sort of submission I am looking for you know the one where there feels at least like there's no choice for me. That's when I feel wanted, that's when I feel near to be loved.
Maybe all I am doing is pprojecting MY need to have no opt out onto the dominant.
But whenever I get 'hooked' and then get 'tossed'....rejected or triggers those dark days all over again. I guess if I am no willling to get dismissed or disciplined by any form of negative reinforcement, I guess it's going to remain very difficult for me to remain submissive.
Unless there is a more highly evolved dominant out there that cares enough to train me differently.................

But sexual sadism exists ioutside of any consensus or sanity hon and I guess we just have to accept it and take our own roles seriously and learn to say NO.

Angel xx

ExquisiteFeline -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 12:27:25 AM)

Again i will go count my lucky stars for the Master that i have.

Is that what submission is really about...?!?

FullfigRIMaam -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 12:43:53 AM)

Thank you for sharing this with us...   I've always wondered how it was you married your intellect to your humanity so well.
I'd always fancied myself sympathetic to others until a recent tragedy...  I almost feel like none of that was real, because how deeply I feel today, how I see life/people around me, and what I allow to impact me are vastly different.   I'm glad you're in a different place now, and here to teach/share with us.   M 

taintedgypsy -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 6:01:36 AM)

I would like to thank all of those who have opened up their past in the hope of helping others, I for one know how hard it can be and I also know from my experience how valuable it can be to some to know that they are not alone … that others have survived and come out the other side to live full and happy lives. These things can give hope to others … some so deep in darkness can not see but it is worth it for those who can and receive hope that they too can achieve.

I worry about some of what Kimveri has posted. That your experience with group counseling was seen by you as a “pity pit”, people wallowing, “tear soaked pile of victims”, this is not my experience. I have been in group counseling years ago and I did not find it helpful, but would not have described it as harshly as you did. I have been in group counseling recently and found it a very positive experience and it provided a platform to move forward from. They were a group of positive people who supported the growth of each other and encouraged each other forward. I found the group members to be compassionate and understanding of the other members, a positive and purposeful compassion … not wallowing. You say you did not need validation as a victim … yet how did you become a survivor if you never validated what it was you survived?


... I look around me today at people who have experienced traumatic circumstances & I see a very stark demarcation amongst them. I look into the many pity-pits & I see the wailing, moaning, teeth-gnashing hordes of victims & there, scattered among them, a few brave souls, defiantly clawing their way out of the pit in which they find themselves. I’m astounded to see the many hands that grasp at them, trying with all the repressed fury of a violated human to drag those Survivors back down into the hopeless pit of victims.

I am sorry that you see the world like this … I am glad that you went from such trauma in your childhood to be placed in foster care with foster parents, a safe harbor and counseling, but not all were so fortunate. I am glad that through this care and safety you were able to move forward from group counseling which did not suit your needs, but I question if you had not had this safe harbor, if you would have had the strength to move on so quickly or with such confidence to the individual counseling and the path of a survivor. There are many paths to walk as a survivor and many ways to become one that are different to your choices and suit needs different to your own … it makes them not suited to you but that does not make less valuable to others.

I was one of these less fortunate children … no safe haven after the trauma of prolonged sexual abuse, it ended when I was almost 6yrs old to be followed by years and years of violence and emotional abuse. No counseling; just a family who hid what had happened, pretended that the “unspeakable” had not happened. I knew nothing but violence and shame; I was brought up to believe I was worthless and stupid. When my first serious relationship beat me senseless and told me how I deserved it, how worthless I was … of course I believed him, he was only reinforcing what I had been told all my life. At 22yrs of age my grandfather tricked me into traveling across the country and removed me from the life that he saw would be an early death for me. I lived with an Aunt and Uncle who tried to love me and “save me” if you like, but I wonder if I had not got to sick to return if things might have been different? If they had not sabotaged all efforts of contact between me and that past, if it would not have been different? If they had looked and seen a victim in a pity pit and kept walking if I would still be alive?

I understand your points and in many ways I agree with them, yet I find them to narrow and worry that they could be detrimental, taking hope away from those who need it, limiting their avenues by making them feel like “victims wallowing in a pity-pit” if they turn to group help, something that does work for many. Not all groups are as your experience suggests. I know the theory that a drowning person can pull another down, but sometimes people can work together, encouraging each other to take that next step? One candle in the dark is a pitiful light, yet many people with a candle each can make it easier to see.

...If you have to kick loose a few victims, do so with no regret. Don’t look back & get caught in the trap of the pity-pit. Kick free, & do like me – listen for those faint calls from the survivors as they climb, & answer them whenever possible.

I am sorry but I read this and shiver, this is a price I would not be willing to pay, I will not cease to be a victim by becoming a victimizer. To walk away because I do not have the strength to help another … yes … to pull free rather than be pulled down … probably … but to kick free, to cause pain to another who is already in pain? To purchase my own forward momentum at the price of another falling … no … it may take longer to move up, it may even cost me time, I may even fall but I will not be that which caused me to be the victim in the first place … someone with no conscience who damaged another without thought for anything but themselves.

I accept that this is your experience and it is a powerful one. I acknowledge your strength and your path to recovery as a beacon in the darkness to those still on their journey. I just feel it is a shame that you can not recognize that there are as many differing paths for recovery as there are many different traumas that create victims. Each needs to find the path that suits their needs, no path is better than another; the one that works for you is the right one for you, but not necessarily for the next person.

Survivor is a powerful word, to move from picturing yourself as a victim to seeing yourself as a survivor is a huge step along the road to recovery. That you did not give up and end it all; that you got up the next day and stepped forth; that you made that difficult step and said “I need help”: that you kept going against all odds and you are still trying. All these things can be defined as surviving, and hence one step away from being a victim and one step closer to being a survivor.

SweetSarijane -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 7:58:22 AM)

Celeste, thank you for this thread, for opening up as you have; and thank you to the others who have opened up in this thread. It's touched me on so many levels and brought up my own times of hell and darkness. I'm not alone and it means more than I can say knowing that, knowing others are out there who can relate to and understand my experiences. It takes so much courage to open up like that and share such things.

I was subjected to molestation by more than one (2 being family members) and for so many years and it warped my thinking, affected me on many levels. How could it not? I've been through counselling, meds and still as an adult spent many years in an abusive relationship. All this combined to make/encourage me to believe I was worthless, useless, less than others, at times, many times, subhuman. I felt so bad about myself that I attempted suicide at one point and deliberately gained weight to make myself look on the outside how I felt on the inside; ugly, nasty, bad, gross, not worth anything, and as a way to make men leave me alone.

It's taken several years for me to reach the point I'm at now. To accept myself, to love myself, to see the good and beauty in myself, though that is still very difficult for me. I fought my demons and learned who I really am and a new way of thinking. I'm sitting here in tears for what you and others have gone through. Sometimes living is the hardest thing to do. Bless you and thank you again, Celeste for sharing this.

domiguy -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 8:14:48 AM)

I can't wait for more of the senior members of CM to come out here and post about all of the stupid things they did in their youth...In case you forgot you are on A bdsm website!!!!

Here is a secret (Domiguy looks over both shoulders to see if anyone is listening)  Everyone out here is relatively fucked up...Out of the norm. Some are even super fucked up....And then there are those that are super duper supremely fucked up....

So where are you going to start the healing process?  Remember pretty much everybody out here is fucked up.  Why not send out a mass mailing looking  for people to save?  Do you read these posts...This site is a clinical psychologists wet dream.

I'm sorry that any of you had to endure some pretty awful shit...So now you are all better...And you are hanging out on a bdsm site...Great recovery and good luck.

BitaTruble -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 9:51:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: ExquisiteFeline

Is that what submission is really about...?!?

no, exquisite, that had nothing to do with submission. d/s was just where i turned to try to find some peace and get rid of my demons. submission should bring you joy and fulfillment or perhaps a sense of purpose or pride, just about everything opposite to what i did. my post wasn't an example of submission it was a piece of my history presented so that people who needed to hear it or who are expericing it themselves would know they weren't alone.


Squeakers -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 10:07:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: taintedgypsy

I would like to thank all of those who have opened up their past in the hope of helping others, I for one know how hard it can be and I also know from my experience how valuable it can be to some to know that they are not alone … that others have survived and come out the other side to live full and happy lives. These things can give hope to others … some so deep in darkness can not see but it is worth it for those who can and receive hope that they too can achieve.

I worry about some of what Kimveri has posted. That your experience with group counseling was seen by you as a “pity pit”, people wallowing, “tear soaked pile of victims”, this is not my experience. I have been in group counseling years ago and I did not find it helpful, but would not have described it as harshly as you did. I have been in group counseling recently and found it a very positive experience and it provided a platform to move forward from. They were a group of positive people who supported the growth of each other and encouraged each other forward. I found the group members to be compassionate and understanding of the other members, a positive and purposeful compassion … not wallowing. You say you did not need validation as a victim … yet how did you become a survivor if you never validated what it was you survived?


... I look around me today at people who have experienced traumatic circumstances & I see a very stark demarcation amongst them. I look into the many pity-pits & I see the wailing, moaning, teeth-gnashing hordes of victims & there, scattered among them, a few brave souls, defiantly clawing their way out of the pit in which they find themselves. I’m astounded to see the many hands that grasp at them, trying with all the repressed fury of a violated human to drag those Survivors back down into the hopeless pit of victims.

I am sorry that you see the world like this … I am glad that you went from such trauma in your childhood to be placed in foster care with foster parents, a safe harbor and counseling, but not all were so fortunate. I am glad that through this care and safety you were able to move forward from group counseling which did not suit your needs, but I question if you had not had this safe harbor, if you would have had the strength to move on so quickly or with such confidence to the individual counseling and the path of a survivor. There are many paths to walk as a survivor and many ways to become one that are different to your choices and suit needs different to your own … it makes them not suited to you but that does not make less valuable to others.

I was one of these less fortunate children … no safe haven after the trauma of prolonged sexual abuse, it ended when I was almost 6yrs old to be followed by years and years of violence and emotional abuse. No counseling; just a family who hid what had happened, pretended that the “unspeakable” had not happened. I knew nothing but violence and shame; I was brought up to believe I was worthless and stupid. When my first serious relationship beat me senseless and told me how I deserved it, how worthless I was … of course I believed him, he was only reinforcing what I had been told all my life. At 22yrs of age my grandfather tricked me into traveling across the country and removed me from the life that he saw would be an early death for me. I lived with an Aunt and Uncle who tried to love me and “save me” if you like, but I wonder if I had not got to sick to return if things might have been different? If they had not sabotaged all efforts of contact between me and that past, if it would not have been different? If they had looked and seen a victim in a pity pit and kept walking if I would still be alive?

I understand your points and in many ways I agree with them, yet I find them to narrow and worry that they could be detrimental, taking hope away from those who need it, limiting their avenues by making them feel like “victims wallowing in a pity-pit” if they turn to group help, something that does work for many. Not all groups are as your experience suggests. I know the theory that a drowning person can pull another down, but sometimes people can work together, encouraging each other to take that next step? One candle in the dark is a pitiful light, yet many people with a candle each can make it easier to see.

...If you have to kick loose a few victims, do so with no regret. Don’t look back & get caught in the trap of the pity-pit. Kick free, & do like me – listen for those faint calls from the survivors as they climb, & answer them whenever possible.

I am sorry but I read this and shiver, this is a price I would not be willing to pay, I will not cease to be a victim by becoming a victimizer. To walk away because I do not have the strength to help another … yes … to pull free rather than be pulled down … probably … but to kick free, to cause pain to another who is already in pain? To purchase my own forward momentum at the price of another falling … no … it may take longer to move up, it may even cost me time, I may even fall but I will not be that which caused me to be the victim in the first place … someone with no conscience who damaged another without thought for anything but themselves.

I accept that this is your experience and it is a powerful one. I acknowledge your strength and your path to recovery as a beacon in the darkness to those still on their journey. I just feel it is a shame that you can not recognize that there are as many differing paths for recovery as there are many different traumas that create victims. Each needs to find the path that suits their needs, no path is better than another; the one that works for you is the right one for you, but not necessarily for the next person.

Survivor is a powerful word, to move from picturing yourself as a victim to seeing yourself as a survivor is a huge step along the road to recovery. That you did not give up and end it all; that you got up the next day and stepped forth; that you made that difficult step and said “I need help”: that you kept going against all odds and you are still trying. All these things can be defined as surviving, and hence one step away from being a victim and one step closer to being a survivor.
    APPLAUDS LOUDLY!!!!   Taintedgypsy, I have returned to this thread a million times and wanted to say exactly what you said.    I just do not feel comfortable bringing my own shit to the table. You are so not alone, many have had their issues swept under the rug.   Some are NEVER removed from the abuse and put into foster care and therapy.  Hugs to you!    
       The choices people make are based on the experience AND the strength they possess.   Some person may SUFFER a million times worse than someone else and STILL make it to the top.   Another may not has it as severe as another yet they do not possess the strength to stop themselves from wandering down the self destructive path.   SOME OF THESE PEOPLE DO MAKE THE CHOICE TO DIE VERSUS DEAL WITH THE PAIN.    For each and every person, who does not have enough strength to make it to survior mode, I shed a tear and apologise for what happened to you.   If I could give each and every one of these 'victims'  my personal strength, I would in a second but I would NEVER condemn them nor have an issue with it.  

BitaTruble -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 10:25:51 AM)


i'm in tears from reading some of these responses and can't thank enough those who've shared. what a remarkable group of people you are. if you're still struggling, hang in there, write me on the other side if you ever have the need. i'm always willing to provide a phone number to talk as well.


Kimveri -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 11:42:15 AM)

Hello, taintedgypsy,


ORIGINAL: taintedgypsy
You say you did not need validation as a victim … yet how did you become a survivor if you never validated what it was you survived?

My experience with the group was not devoid of value. There was validation there, but in some others (not the whole group or it's methods) I saw a refusal to move forward. It was in some of my fellow victims that I saw a clinging to that role of "victim". THAT was what I rejected, not the therapy itself.


IRIGINAL: taintedgypsy
I am sorry that you see the world like this …

Not the whole world....most assuredly not the whole world. That is actually a part of the point -- there is MORE to life & the world than what can be found in the depths of despair, in the pits filled with pity & victims. I was trying (& clearly not doing a grand job of it ;-D) to describe the profundity of that moment when one chooses to cease being a victim, choosing to become a survivor & move PAST the suffering.


ORIGINAL: taintedgypsy
I am glad that through this care and safety you were able to move forward from group counseling which did not suit your needs, but I question if you had not had this safe harbor, if you would have had the strength to move on so quickly or with such confidence to the individual counseling and the path of a survivor.

Actually, the group therapy DID help, it just didn't help for very long. I needed more, especially more growth, some sense of moving beyond what had happened & the powerlessness it left within me. In foster parents, I was indeed amazingly lucky. It is one of those things where I still marvel at my good fortune. Most do not have such luck, as you so rightly stated. But let me assure you, it was neither “quick” nor done with easy “confidence”.


ORIGINAL: taintedgypsy 
If they had looked and seen a victim in a pity pit and kept walking if I would still be alive?

While I won't say "never" or "always", I have found, in my personal & professional experience, that one cannot often help those who do not wish to BE helped. It's painful to keep reaching for someone who is in the pit, year after year, letting other things in your life go as you focus on reaching for that person in the pit....only to realize they do not WANT your help. Sometimes it works....often it does not. Each person must choose for themselves if they will reach into the pit, how long they will keep reaching, & when they must stop reaching.


ORIGINAL: taintedgypsy
{...}they could be detrimental, {…}limiting their avenues by making them feel like “victims wallowing in a pity-pit” if they turn to group help

It was not my intent to suggest that group is NOT a good starting point, or NOT productive. It most certainly is both. It simply may not be sufficient for some, or may entail a recovery pace that is not universal.


ORIGINAL: taintedgypsy

...If you have to kick loose a few victims, do so with no regret. Don’t look back & get caught in the trap of the pity-pit. Kick free, & do like me – listen for those faint calls from the survivors as they climb, & answer them whenever possible.

I am sorry but I read this and shiver, this is a price I would not be willing to pay, I will not cease to be a victim by becoming a victimizer.{...}To purchase my own forward momentum at the price of another falling … no

No apology needed, I understand. It is a harsh statement. I wanted it to be harsh, because it was a harsh & hard & brutal moment for me. I had to choose between my own survival or remaining a victim. However, the only one who risks "falling" is the one climbing out. Those standing on the bottom of the pit do not risk falling. They often clutch at their fellow victims, seeking only validation of their own pain & refusing to LET GO of  those who have decided it’s time to move forward. 


ORIGINAL: taintedgypsy
… it may take longer {...}I may even fall but I will not be that which caused me to be the victim in the first place … someone with no conscience who damaged another without thought for anything but themselves.

By deciding to move from group to more intensive individual therapy, I was not becoming a victimizer. In my opinion, it was those "victims" trying to KEEP me in the pit that felt like more victimization.

As for not having a conscience or a thought for "anything but" myself...well...I disagree.  I needed to move forward in the process of recovery, while some felt they needed me to remain with them & delay my recovery, for their sake. To whom do I owe the highest responsibility? I believe it to be to myself. Surprisingly, in that act of choosing my OWN survival, I provided an example (just one of many possible) of HOW to move onward to survival.

I had to accept the fact that human beings sometimes hurt each other, & when that is done for the most basic purpose of survival, it is NOT the same as the intentional malice of victimization. In accepting that, I found some internal strength to deal with both the pain *I* may cause others  as well as the pain others may cause ME, in the natural drive to survive. It is not “ok” to remain a victim simply to avoid the possibility of hurting anyone else, ever again. Pain, suffering are a part of life, & learning to handle that is necessary. HOW each person learns this varies. I won’t apologize for learning it my way.


ORIGINAL: taintedgypsy
I just feel it is a shame that you can not recognize that there are as many differing paths for recovery as there are many different traumas that create victims. Each needs to find the path that suits their needs, no path is better than another; the one that works for you is the right one for you, but not necessarily for the next person. {emphasis mine}

I am saddened that this piece, harsh as I admit it is, left you with the impression that I felt the path I chose was the ONLY path to recovery. The words you said, which I emphasized with bold, are words that I totally agree with & attempt to convey to most everyone I encounter. I work hard in my job assisting vulnerable people in gaining the degree of independence & freedom that THEY choose for themselves. Freedom & independence from victimization (past or potential) they often face in this world. I do this because I believe those same words to be true.

My whole point was to assure survivors that there need be no shame in surviving, by whatever means they must, including the unfortunate “kicking loose” of those who prefer the seeming “harmlessness” of eternal victimhood, not only for themselves but also for all those in the darkness with them. Difficult as that may be to accept, I can’t apologize for the unrelenting truth of it.

I wish you well, & enough,


liljoy -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 12:08:48 PM)

i grew up with a father that i would never be able to please because i was too much like him. his self hatred spilled over on all of us but much more on me because i was the most like him. At school i was the girl with the cooties whatever that is lol. i was disliked and picked on by even the geeks and rejects.
i know well the lesson that even negative attention was at least attention. i made some really screwed up dicisions in my life due in part to that lesson and my messed up self image. Yes i too know that black hole that you think will keep you forever sucked under.
Today i am able to look at myself in the mirror and like what i see. Not because i see beauty because i don't but i do see a warm, loving and good person. There are still days that i don't like that person very much but for the most part i think she's pretty darn wonderful

BitaTruble -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 12:31:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: liljoy

Today i am able to look at myself in the mirror and like what i see. Not because i see beauty because i don't but i do see a warm, loving and good person. There are still days that i don't like that person very much but for the most part i think she's pretty darn wonderful

there are few things in life more beautiful than a warm, loving and good person. look again. [:)]


liljoy -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 12:53:13 PM)

dang celeste you made me all teary again lol.
i forgot to say thank you for sharing to you and the others that shared. It taught me a lot about you but it also made me realize a lot about myself and why i react to some things the way i do

Squeakers -> RE: Feelings of worthlessness (9/10/2007 2:30:15 PM)

     I AM a victim
   Each time I look at
   my picture from 1969
   I AM a victim
   When choices I have made
    Affect my present
    BECAUSE of my past
    I AM a victim

   When I know
   The paycheck I work hard for
   helps keep my abuser alive on the welfare rolls
   I AM a victim

   When I wake up
    Sometimes unable to cope
    And I cry
    I AM a victim

   Sometimes, the pain is so BAD
   Death seems the only relief
   I look around at the goodness in my life
   THEN I am a  survior!

    38 years of hell and here I am.
     Smiling, feeling good most of the time
     I AM a victim, I AM a survior
     But mostly I AM ME.  
     I will have a pity party
     And wallow if I want
     It's short lived, I do smile
     Because I AM ME.   

      Pity me, hug me
      Love me, hate me
      Victim, Survior; Labels
       I AM me. 

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