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tsatske -> Gun Play (9/25/2007 1:59:40 AM)

Any one with any experience or advice? Beyond the obvious,please, I am well aware that this is very RACK play.

MrDiscipline44 -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 7:15:16 AM)

Personally, I would remove the firing pin from the weapon. Some people seem to think it safe to play with blanks or dummy rounds but removing the FP removes any chance of the weapon going off accidentally or grabbing the wrong rounds by mistake.

GhitaAmati -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 7:38:53 AM)

tsatske, I have had experiance with this kind of play only once in my life, and I will have to admit, the firing pin was in, the saftey was off, and there was a round in the chamber. A live round, not a blank. Wouldnt matter anyway, at that distance a blank would be just as fatal. Anyway, I would not recommend it, I didnt know it was going to happen when it did, was kind of pulled on my by surprise by an ex (gee, I wonder why he is an ex?). It was pretty fucking intense, that amount of fear and adrenilne is pretty powerful.

For anyone who is actually thinking about incorporating this into a more sane scene than the one I went through, I guess it would depend on the type of weapon being used, and how much the person its being pulled on knows about weapons. Some people can realize some guns arent loaded just by looking at them...and well, that would king of defeat the fear...there is always the possibility of showing your sub a loaded weapon, then blind fold them, then unload (dont forget the one in the chamber..duh)...and then press the weapon to the sub....(works kinda like the sharp knife/dull knife switch) Of course, youd need to have music playing to mask the sound of the weapon being unloaded if your sub would recognize that sound. I like Mr. Disciplines idea about removing the firing pin, then the weapon can compleatly appear to be in firing order, without any chance of it happening. But that would only work with certain weapons and would depend on whether or not you had the knowlege to be able to do that without destroying your weapon. Unless you wanted to go buy a cheap used pistol that doesnt work anymore from a pawn shop, machine it to the point you KNOW its never going to fire anymore, and keep it as a part of your toy bag. (Id still keep it locked in a gun case, most officers searching your car for any reason arent going to take the time to take apart the weapon to see if youve modified it to not fire)

Id say this would work the best as long as only YOU know the weapon is compleatly safe, for me personally knowing you were using a comepleatly safe weapon would defeat the feelings of the scene....but I am hoping you would know the people involved in your scene well enough to know all that....for some people, even the thought of a gun, loaded or not, is pretty scary, but Im not going to get into a "guns dont kill people, people kill people" discussion on this thread, their are plently of those threads in the off topic section.

Redandtreasure -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 7:46:45 AM)

If you do decide to keep the firing pin intact and alter the round in any way to make it seem real IE: take out the powder and keep the primer and lead. Rember this there is still enough force with just the primer to send the bullet threw the gun. It may not have th power it wued to but it is still effective and not recomended for use with play. The Best advice I can give is to find a cap gun that looks like your gun remove the orange tip and have fun. switching fire arms at to correct time of corse. Play safe and have fun.

EclipseAbove -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 7:47:31 AM)

I agree with removing the firing pin if you are going to use a real gun.  There are some very good replicas out there and could be an alternative to using a real gun.  I haven't done much gun play (only a few times) but my advice would be to be prepared for the possibility that your partner may freak out at some point (even a few days later).  And if they do start to freak out, it will escalate much faster than if you were doing something else.  Gun play can touch some really deep places - like the flight or fight response.  Other than that, have fun.

celticlord2112 -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 7:58:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: tsatske

Any one with any experience or advice? Beyond the obvious,please, I am well aware that this is very RACK play.

Do not use a real firearm.  If it can's dangerous.  It may be obvious, but it should still be said.  Guns are not toys, and they are not for "playing".

This is one of those cases where consent doesn't mean a damn thing.  If that weapon goes off and somebody gets hurt or perchance dies, you're going to jail. 

And deservedly so.

stef -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 8:15:11 AM)

What kind of advice are you looking for?  You can always write to Kimberly Grosset and ask her for some helpful tips.


AquaticSub -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 8:56:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112


ORIGINAL: tsatske

Any one with any experience or advice? Beyond the obvious,please, I am well aware that this is very RACK play.

Do not use a real firearm.  If it can's dangerous.  It may be obvious, but it should still be said.  Guns are not toys, and they are not for "playing".

This is one of those cases where consent doesn't mean a damn thing.  If that weapon goes off and somebody gets hurt or perchance dies, you're going to jail. 

And deservedly so.

I'll just echo this... [8|]

goalie62 -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 9:39:38 AM)

My firearm is most certainly NOT a toy, so gun play doesn't happen here.

junecleaver -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 10:10:59 AM)

I think it sounds pretty effing hot.  But have no advice or experience to give you.

VaWolf -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 10:55:42 AM)

I have grown up around guns since I was a kid. My Father was career Army and a Country Boy who enjoyed Hunting on the Weekends. I am also prior Navy and I currently work in the field of Armed Security. I have to say that the idea of gun play, terrifies me. I understand that there are different aspect to BDSM. And I DARE NOT judge ANYONE, but I would be very very careful, more so than you would with Knife Play or Fire Play. I would remove the firing pin and ensure time and time again that it was unloaded.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 11:04:56 AM)


Gun "Play" - Any one with any experience or advice?

No experience or desire for any. However I think Phil Specter's advice is best; "It looks more like suicide if you wipe off your prints and change your clothes before calling the cops." (Results pending...)

LadyLynx -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 11:18:08 AM)

Use a toy gun that very closely resembles a real gun.  Have your Dom hypnotize you into thinking it is a real gun.  I am usually not judgemental about anyone's kinks, but this particular one, well I think anyone is nuts for going down this road. If you, DO NOT play with blanks or dummy bullets. MAKE SURE the gun is completely empty before scening.  ESPECIALLY if someone else has used it.  (One time my dad was cleaning a gun after my uncle had borrowed it, and lets just say that we had a good start on making a sun roof in the living room.)

servantheart -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 11:49:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112


ORIGINAL: tsatske

Any one with any experience or advice? Beyond the obvious,please, I am well aware that this is very RACK play.

Do not use a real firearm.  If it can's dangerous.  It may be obvious, but it should still be said.  Guns are not toys, and they are not for "playing".

This is one of those cases where consent doesn't mean a damn thing.  If that weapon goes off and somebody gets hurt or perchance dies, you're going to jail. 

And deservedly so.

I'll just echo this... [8|]

It just isn't worth the risk.  Do you honestly think you can live with yourself after blowing your partner's brains all over the wall?!  Geez Louise!!


celticlord2112 -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 11:53:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: junecleaver

I think it sounds pretty effing hot.  But have no advice or experience to give you.

I did not realize competition for the Darwin Award was so intense.....

TotalState -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 12:21:55 PM)

What's next?  Dynamite play? 


daddysprop247 -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 12:38:22 PM)

no advice to give, but will echo june in that i've always found the fantasy very erotic and intense, and wouldn't mind experiencing something in this realm.

MamaDomme -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 12:45:22 PM)

I grew  up with guns, was taught to shoot at a young age, and keep guns in  my house. The first thing I was taught by my father (an ex-Army Ranger & cop) was to never pull a gun without the intention of using it and to never pull the trigger without the intention of killing the person or animal.

When I hunt, I kill what I aim at.  I would only pull a gun on a person if I feared for my life........ and I would certainly not leave a talking & maimed, angry person.

celticlord2112 -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 1:02:46 PM)


The first thing I was taught by my father (an ex-Army Ranger & cop) was to never pull a gun without the intention of using it and to never pull the trigger without the intention of killing the person or animal.

Allow me to emphasize this by repeating it.

A gun is designed to kill.  Using a gun "properly" means ending a life.  Such is the nature of guns.

MrDiscipline44 -> RE: Gun Play (9/25/2007 1:45:47 PM)

Wow, the narrowmindedness is staggering around here.

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