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RE: It is Sad - 7/5/2004 9:15:25 PM   

Posts: 1005
Joined: 3/31/2004
From: Sacramento, California
Status: offline
I didn't see anything remotely hyprocritical about the original post.

He was attracted to the photo - but was NOT attracted to the fact that she was dissing folks for their shells being less than hers.

Being attracted to the shell doesn't mean you would insult or put someone down for having a less pretty shell than another.

I think he was put off by the character trait of needing to put someone down in order to feel better about themselves or to attempt to make themselves appear better than they are - especially when there doesn't seem to be a NEED to do so.

I think you called it dead on in terms of insecurity.

And I personally think you weren't being all that harsh or judgmental, and certainly weren't flaming, IMO.

I say to you - way to go. Look for the insides of people to match that shell you might find yourself attracted to. Very often complete garbage is wrapped in the prettiest of packages.



My projects of love:

(in reply to MistressDREAD)
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RE: It is Sad - 7/6/2004 4:18:50 AM   

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Whatever we write will be interpreted by the reader. As the reader does not, in any way, have the same experiences, upbringing, ethics, morality, and education (plus all the other life footings) someone else has, yes, we will have different opinions.

I hope what I just wrote is clear. If it isn't, well, la di da, I wish the world well and good fortune, just like I wish myself well and good fortune and feel free to take umbrage with whatever I write. Equality is my heavenly dream for all: maybe some day it will be a reality. La di da.

Actually, I'm glad there is disagreement. Means we are one hell of a collective that thinks and stands up for their beliefs, opinions, etc.



If we all agreed, I'd be petrified. Blueberries are in season.

(in reply to MistressDREAD)
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RE: It is Sad - 7/6/2004 5:11:05 AM   

Posts: 205
Joined: 1/1/2004
From: Utah
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I word my ads/profiles to attract a specific type of male submissive. (Moreso on other sites as I primarily use collarme to chat with friends) They are worded in such a way to target an exact "kind" of boy...... as that is the kind of boy most suitable for my needs.

Those that do not share my interests, typically do not reply or respond to my ads. I am simply passed over without pause during their profile searches. (Much like channel surfing)

I assume her profile was written with the same intent. Perhaps you were just not the audience to whom she was aiming.

Ms Sandi


"The Masochist desires to experience stronger sensations, but desires that it should be inflicted with Love. The Sadist desires to inflict stronger sensations, but desires that it should be felt as Love" Havelock Ellis The Project Gutenberg

(in reply to italianalala)
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RE: It is Sad - 7/6/2004 6:36:59 AM   

Posts: 865
Joined: 2/4/2004
From: Scotland/Tennessee
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Profiles, can take em, or leave em. That's the good news, lol.

Like Sandi said, and I'm going to agree...that Domme was addressing a certain type of sub, and obviously, Athrosub, you weren't that "type".


Lady Beckett


"Submissive boys yearn to fall into their proper place, so the rest of their life will." ~ Lady Beckett

(in reply to UtahGoddess)
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RE: It is Sad - 7/6/2004 1:45:19 PM   

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Thank You ShadeDiva...thank You. You're the only person who seems to have gotten the gist of what i wrote and why i wrote it. i'm sure others have as well but wonder why they couldn't say so along with the "spin" they posted on what they think is making me tick.

Since this thread is becoming a bit of a dead horse, i thought i would quote what i read and subsequently began this thread...


"It cracks me up when these homely, overweight women put themselves up on this site and advertise themselves as financial Dommes."

Now...everyone who wishes to can post their interpretation as to the point of making such a statement to the other members of this community. i tried to explain my own reaction and elaborated as best i could. i believe it's been clearly stated. It's not about my preferences, it's not about my standards, it's not about who attracts's simply rude (here or on any other board, even if the board is focusing on how to make pot holders).



"It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain

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(in reply to LadyBeckett)
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RE: It is Sad - 7/6/2004 3:02:56 PM   

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From: Washington
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"It cracks me up when these homely, overweight women put themselves up on this site and advertise themselves as financial Dommes."

Someone with that attitude is someone i want nothing to do with.



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(in reply to anthrosub)
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RE: It is Sad - 7/6/2004 5:38:35 PM   

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I would particularly take offense to that but, hey, free speech, right?

*wonders what the author of those words looks like*

In response to anthro...I would have done the same far as reading someone's profile and not being attracted to them anymore.


Rule #1 - Goddess is Always Right. Rule #2 - When Goddess is Wrong, refer to Rule #1.

(in reply to proudsub)
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