why is it so hard to "go" (Full Version)

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zuki -> why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 10:37:07 AM)

Why is it so hard to pee for my Sir? he wants me to pee for him while he watches but i can't even do it on the phone. my body just shuts down and wont let me "go". Will this get easier? i want to do it for him and it doesn't bother me to let him be there but my body seems to have other ideas

Shawn1066 -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 10:42:35 AM)

As somebody who has similar problem...  I feel your pain.  Thankfully, my Owner has no desire to watch me pee.  I can do everything in front of her...but that.

It may get better with time...but I dunno.  Do you also have problems when you have to use a public restroom?  I know I have to wait until the room is empty to do anything. x_x

worththeeffort -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 10:42:43 AM)

i have a hard time peeing if he's in the same house! much less watching! eep! lucky for me, he has no desire to watch me pee.

i think it may be one of those things you have to ease into. i'd suggest, go pee with him on the phone, but the shower running. when you get comfortable with that, try just the faucet running instead. then no water running. then him standing outside the door (probably first with the faucet running and then without) and then him outside the bathroom, but with the door open, then in the bathroom, but back turned and then finally, letting him watch.

keep in mind, i've never done this, but that would be my suggestion. of course, be open and honest with him about how hard it is for you and how you need to ease into it. just my $0.02


batshalom -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 10:51:49 AM)

Try turning on the tap. The "noise" might make it less of an embarrassment. Relax and keep in mind everybody pees. It's a common issue for a lot of people.

marieToo -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 11:00:03 AM)

Drink a ton of water and wait until you have to go so badly that you feel like you're going to burst.  If you have to go badly enough, you'll let it go in front of the pope.

GhitaAmati -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 11:04:17 AM)

oh gads I have the same probelms, same with waiting for public restrooms to empty....arrgghhh....

Id say give yourself no other option, drink tons of water, some tea or coffee too....turn on the tap or something...I dont know...

BruisedTonsils -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 11:05:10 AM)

I have never understood why someone would want to see that anyway.  Someone please explain.

toservez -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 11:13:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: BruisedTonsils

I have never understood why someone would want to see that anyway.  Someone please explain.

I agree with what is being said to try. The thing is to also for both of you to be patient as sometimes it just takes time to get relaxed enough in order to do this. Do not think each time you are trying as a success or a failure but just another step on the path. I hope your dominant is patient with you as well.

As to why people like this, why do any of us like anything we do? What makes this so questionable but the things you may do that you enjoy but are not pure vanilla considered cooler?

It could be for pure enjoyment to a control thing the person enjoys exerting or some combination of both or for some completely different reason. Sorry to be mean spirited but the question is classic what I do not enjoy or get is stupid genre. Respect to each their own.

chellekitty -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 11:40:59 AM)

whether the Dominant gets off on seeing or hearing you pee or if they just feel that it is something that is holding you back from submitting more fully to them (innapropriate  vanilla social inhibitions?) i don't think it really matters...there are some great suggestions on how to let go...personally, take it back to the basics...potty training...how do we teach little ones how to go pee in the toilet... turning on the water...just sitting there till it comes out....putting your hand in water...i'm sure there are lots of other tricks...maybe you can call your mom and see what she did for you, like one of those things that is hard wired into your brain....though if you don't have little ones yourself it will be kind of difficult to explain why you are asking...

good luck

heartfeltsub -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 12:49:12 PM)

This used to be an issue for me and i found if after doing the running water thing or the water in the hand thing and all, if that still doesn't work, i have found that if i push like i have to poop, even if i don't then that sometimes releases the hold that is keeping me from peeing. i also found that drinking too much liquid didn't help, some but not tons because then i was holding off having to pee for so long to have lots to pee while "He" was watching that i couldn't go because i had been holding it for so long. Hope that helps.


RumpusParable -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 1:34:45 PM)



Why is it so hard to pee for my Sir? he wants me to pee for him while he watches but i can't even do it on the phone. my body just shuts down and wont let me "go". Will this get easier? i want to do it for him and it doesn't bother me to let him be there but my body seems to have other ideas

Yes, with practice and trying it will get easier over time if you really want it to.  I've dealt with similar... and worse.

At first I had the normal tension -try peeing in front of a drill sergeant the first few times, that's rough.  Talk about pressure and not in the good way.

Then add a particular drill sergeant harrassing you for a few months, to include during having to urinate in front of them.  For a long while after the worst of those days I had to have my bladder ready to burst to do future "pee-tests" and in daily life couldn't urinate in public restrooms when someone else was in there or when there was the possibility of someone hearing or speaking to me through my bathroom door.

But it got better through effort.  Normal tension can be, too.

Just takes time :)

Littlepita -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 1:36:28 PM)

I had to do this once because it was something he wanted me to do for him. Thankfully, I haven't been asked to do it again.

What helped me be able to finally go in front of my Sir, was to drink so much water and hold my pee until I thought I was going to bust. Even then he had to turn around and not look at me. [:D]

chiaThePet -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 3:50:57 PM)

Ohhhh, I thought this was going to be one of those break-up tissue issues.


Gotta pee, laters.

chia* (the pet)

Gwynvyd -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 4:11:49 PM)

I bottom occasionaly.. and a certain someone in my life *loves* this.

I have the most shy bladder in the world. In public toliets I wait until the coast is clear to go... I hate them! For Wiz Quiz's ( pee tests for work) I have the hardest time knowing someone is out there waiting... listening.. pondering my every move.. It simply creeps me out. I sat today in the office for over an hour trying to talk my bladder into the idea it had to go. ( after 2 liters of water too! ) I did the absolute minimum to "pass" LOL They should feel damn happy to have gotten that.

My dear friend who has this thing with hearing and watching me tinkle has the most off putting way of going about it.
We are talking flop down on the bathroom floor, hold your hand talk to you sweetly.. but it isnt really.. kinda irksome thing. Take my hand and swish it in the water and try to be a funny guy while doing it kinda thing and crack jokes as well.

It is any wonder why I have issues?! LOL

I did go once... It was amazing. I was soo proud. *chuckles* I think that is all he is gonna get out of me.

Now for my Domme side how in the heck with my one sub I can give goldenshowers, and do all of that fairly quickly and with muchogusto I havent the foggiest. He loves it, it is his thing.. not realy mine.. but I guess since I am calling the shots I find it easier. *shrugs*

Gods give me the strength to not slap him the next time he asks...

batshalom -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 4:47:32 PM)

My slave days de-shy'd me from peeing. I get pipi urges walking down the kitty litter aisle.

Gwynvyd -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 5:22:21 PM)

*chuckles* I have got to get over it.. or I feel he will just get more annoying... he is of that sort.. and we know with my personality how that will go.

I was going the right way for a smart bottom the last time... and I took my lumps when I got snotty... I cant say pissy because well.... LOL

I just need to learn. *sighs* Switching to Green tea has helped.. it is a mild diruetic.. I drink about 2 quarts of it a day now. ( it has all sorts of health benifits.. so why not right? )

I guess we shall see...

Luckily next go round is his turn to bottom so he is in for it.

Isnt life a bitch? Muahahahaha


batshalom -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 5:31:32 PM)

Take his pictures (and friends' pictures) in the bathroom with you, facing you, so they're kind of watching. I know it sounds disturbing, but it can be a very effective training strategy.

hejira92 -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 5:44:47 PM)

Oh this is hard! I had a dom (small 'd' on purpose- but that's another story....) who decided I should pee in front of him. I didn't know what he was planning. He had me drink glasses and glasses of water until I was begging to go. When he finally allowed me, he followed me into the bathroom, much to my surprise. I couldn't go, even though I had just been begging. Then, just to make things interesting, he stood in front of me and put his cock in my mouth.
I was crying and begging and embarrassed and finally a few drops came out -  more from my sobs than anything else really. When he heard the sound, he backed off and let me go.
This was actually the most interesting thing this man ever did. He was more of a top than a dom.

slaverosebeauty -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 8:24:53 PM)

It doesn't bother me; I can't remember a time when it did, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  I have used the restroom while on the phone with my sister or females friends, not a big deal, they do the same; its a comfort issue for most people.  I gave birth, and like I told a girl friend after that, after you have a bunch of people poking around between your legs, your comfort zone [excuse the pun] bursts wide open.
I have peed in front of past partners I keep my legs closed, its not like they see anything, it took some time, but for me, the more comfortable I was with the man the easier it was.  A past partner hand an 'open door rule' I could ONLY close the bathrom door if I was on my period or going number 2.  That was it, the door was to remain unlocked though.  He said some things he didn't need to see, lol.  A few times, he came in while I was going pee and he would get what he needed to get and leave, not really paying much attention.  It became such a 'casual' thing that it wasn't stressfull; he didn't make a big deal out of it. 
Try to relax and take your time.  The more emphasis you put on it, the more your body will want to 'hold it' and you can do damage.   

RRafe -> RE: why is it so hard to "go" (11/2/2007 8:35:40 PM)

I dunno. If your top binds your hands so you can't use them-and takes the bathroom door off the hinges-you learn. Tickling helps too.

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