RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (Full Version)

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Mylee -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 9:41:12 AM)

For me personally i know 'my place' and i'm quite happy there, i dont mind being called sub, however my Master doesnt like anyone other then Him to address me other then by my name... other words, it's kind of a respect for Him kind of thing, i'm His it doesnt show respect to Him by assuming you may call me sub without first my Masters permisson..if that makes sense....


BlouLady -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 10:39:40 AM)

I know I've already read it in one of the anwsers but I have to agree

I'm a submissive,not your submissive
It's a simple matter of respect. I'm proud of being my husbands sub,but no one should call me anything that I haven't given permission for. When I know you and if I'm comfortable with you it's an entirely separate matter,then when you assume that I want to be called anything by you when we've just met. I'm an indepentant person,and I've worked hard to be someone I can be proud of.I'm submissive ONLY to my mate.

perverseangelic -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 10:52:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: EmeraldSlave2

First off, posting private emails from others on a public forum is generally bad taste and bad netiquette.

Secondly, my being a slave is not a "rank" it's an orientation. At gay bars people don't call me "Bisexual female" and the question of calling me that or not and somehow I should be proud of it and thus referred as that is simply ridiculous.

Using something other than a name given to you to use is rude, period. If they say "Hi Sirrand, I'm cumslut" then you either call her cumslut OR ask politely "Is there something else you'd prefer or that I could use instead?" Those are your only polite options.

To turn around and suggest its HER lack of pride at not wanting to be called slave or anything else is just appalling and shows a complete lack of social skills on your part.

Agreed agreed and agreed. Except for the bit about posting e-mail because that's something that's never bothered me if it's done without identifiying info.

Again, as Emerald said, my submission to my partner is my role. My desire to submit in general -isn't-. To tell the truth, I am being -more- honest about my role by telling people who aren't my partner to call me by my name. My role is as his girl, not as everyone's girl, and I am showing pride in who I am by telling others that I prefer not to be called by diminuatives by anyone that isn't him.

nenakajira -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 12:31:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirrand

I would like to ask a question. If a girl states she is a sub or a slave and then is offended by being called that what is she really? Wouldn't a true sub or slave be proud of who or what they are? I have noticed some subs act like brats and get offended if they are called, what they have declared them selves to be… are they using that as a test to see if a Dom/Master will verbally abuse them for their rudeness?

I think that you're only looking at one side of a coin. It is not just the subs/slaves that do this. In my training I was taught to refer to all men as "Master (insert name here)" and that offended plenty of people right off the bat because they werent my Master and so therefor I shouldnt use the term.
Now, I dont use the term on the boards or in the chat channels on collarme. While I dont really understand why so many disliked it I can respect that they do. I still dont use proper names often.. I avoid it unless I absolutely can't. I prefer to just kinda... point. :)

What I'm getting at, however, is that this isnt just a slave problem or a sub problem its a community choice. The majority of people seem to dislike being called by their station instead of their name for a variety of reasons ranging from considering it rude to considering it inappropriate for someone they are not involved with.

Maybe its because its harder to judge intent online? After all, theres no body language, no tone of voice, no way to judge what someone means other than words on a screen.. and that makes certain words more meaningful in certain ways.


nella -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 12:37:26 PM)

i think it has to do whit familiarity, once i spoke to somone online and he called me dear, my Dom call me deat, my mother and grand aut call me dear and my closest frinds, not some man i have just met, he do not get to call me dear.

The what to call Dominants discussion has been goin on for some time, usualy i call them by their name if they do not speificaly asks to be called somthign else.

OsideGirl -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 1:12:29 PM)

That would be like calling people by their job titles. "Excuse me, Mr. English Teacher..."

I can't say I'm surprised by the back lash. It would just tell me that you're more interested in what I am rather than who I am.

sirrand -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 1:37:07 PM)

OK I would like to reply to all who expressed opinions.

To Isolde, I would like to ask when you say “I'm a submissive, not your submissive. I only respond to that title when it's used by my dominant.” You are not looking and yes as Master it would be rude as EmeraldSlave2 pointed out to call another’s sub or slave by those names without permission.

If you are looking, on the other hand, isn’t it part of the process to try to woo the Master not the other way around. I am not trying to woo a sub/slave as much as I am looking for someone who sees the opportunity I am offering. If you are not looking then what I say has no meaning except for the part of my offering friendship. And yes Slave Emerald I did ask permission to post her replies. Before you become incensed over my use of your nick in the way I did think what you are saying, all I did was use proper English.

My mother raised me to be a southern gentleman but to be a good Dom/Master some of that training has to go out the window.

When Synocense said I don't feel my name and/or identity is being replaced when someone calls me "sub" or "slave" or "girl" - but that is because I can identify with each of those roles at some point, on some level.” I would think if you were truly looking that would be your attitude.

I agree with sultryvoice when she said “I agree here..This has always been my view. Luckily, I have only run across one Dom that addressed me like that and I told him just how I felt about it. He said he would not chage that his wayt was right and he addressed all like that..Someone like that has no respect for me or any sub/slave...that would scare me about how they would be in a relationship.” That might be a way to asses a Dom/Masters abilities but if you are truly looking are you sure he is not just observing protocol and addressing you the way you see yourself. Maybe he is trying out how you react to the reality of the role. Only true sub/slaves are proud of being called those names. That is not to say the ones in committed relationships are not subs but under the definition of a true sub/slave they have no rights except that which the Dom/Master gives them. Also think, as nella pointed out, the use of slut, bitch, cumwhore, or any other name is rude with someone you have just met, but if she was to introduce herself as EmeraldSlave2 would it not be appropriate to say slave Emerald.

When Dom/Master DesertRat said “I dunno, maybe you should talk to still more Doms to get more opinions.” I concur I hope more Doms will express their opinions.

I also thought that Dom/Master DesertRat observation was correct “If your interaction with a woman isn't going the way you would like, a discussion of semantics won't really help that. Moving on to the next one and looking for that click would be more productive, in my opinion. If the magic is there, it's almost impossible to say anything wrong. If it's not there...well, nothing is gonna make it be there. Pointing out inconsistencies or flaws in logic are a waste of time. Shrugging it off and letting it go would be better, I think.”
And normally that would be my response but it seems that owned sub/slaves have one point of view and looking sub/slaves are taking their cue from them. I would hate to think some wonderful sub/slave did not get a chance to woo me for a misplaced assumption that I was not an experienced Dom/Master.

I agree with perverseangelic "Bisexual female" is not a rank. But since I have spent quite a few hours in fem bars and well as a viewer of “The L word” the question of bi was always discussed, and after a while my sub of the evening was referred to as the bi-chick, even to her face, such as “Bi-Chick want to dance.”

The respectful nenakajira said “In my training I was taught to refer to all men as "Master (insert name here)" and that offended plenty of people right off the bat because they werent my Master and so therefor I shouldnt use the term.” She went on to say…

“What I'm getting at, however, is that this isnt just a slave problem or a sub problem its a community choice. The majority of people seem to dislike being called by their station instead of their name for a variety of reasons ranging from considering it rude to considering it inappropriate for someone they are not involved with.”

This seems that this sub/slave has learned her lessons well. I’m sure looking sub/slaves are confused by this dichotomy of the community standards. I myself prefer all but mine to address me as Sir.

She went on to say...

”Maybe its because its harder to judge intent online? After all, theres no body language, no tone of voice, no way to judge what someone means other than words on a screen.. and that makes certain words more meaningful in certain ways.”

So maybe a clear declaration of the collarme community standards like the CODE d' ODALISQUE community does would be apropos, at the very least maybe more categories to chose from.

I thank you all for your reply.
Obedience is Bless to the one who serves.
Sir Rand

EmeraldSlave2 -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 1:44:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirrand
Before you become incensed over my use of your nick in the way I did think what you are saying, all I did was use proper English.

How is Slave Emerald proper English when the NAME you have been given to use is "EmeraldSlave2"

If we were speaking in person and I said "Hello my name is Julie" you would not then say "Hello Wife Julie"

The fact that you felt a need to caveat what you said lets me know you KNEW it would likely be considered inappropriate to me. You don't consider that rude?

My mother raised me to be a southern gentleman but to be a good Dom/Master some of that training has to go out the window.

Uh no it doesn't.


Also think, as nella pointed out, the use of slut, bitch, cumwhore, or any other name is rude with someone you have just met, but if she was to introduce herself as EmeraldSlave2 would it not be appropriate to say slave Emerald.

Then why did you? The name you have been given to use, my screen name, is EmeraldSlave2.


I would hate to think some wonderful sub/slave did not get a chance to woo me for a misplaced assumption that I was not an experienced Dom/Master.

Perish the thought.

I agree with perverseangelic "Bisexual female" is not a rank. But since I have spent quite a few hours in fem bars and well as a viewer of “The L word” the question of bi was always discussed, and after a while my sub of the evening was referred to as the bi-chick, even to her face, such as “Bi-Chick want to dance.”

The difference being this is AFTER a specific discussion of the topic of bisexuality has taken place and a level of social comfort has been reached.


This seems that this sub/slave has learned her lessons well. I’m sure looking sub/slaves are confused by this dichotomy of the community standards. I myself prefer all but mine to address me as Sir.

That's fine, and I'm sure you make that clear when you introduce yourself. You should of course expect that plenty will say "I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable or allowed to refer to you as that in this context, is there another name I can use?"

In WIITWD, presumption of titles is pretty much ill-advised.

So maybe a clear declaration of the collarme community standards like the CODE d' ODALISQUE community does would be apropos, at the very least maybe more categories to chose from.

So we can have a good laugh and even MORE topics to hash out!

perverseangelic -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 3:15:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirrand
My mother raised me to be a southern gentleman but to be a good Dom/Master some of that training has to go out the window.

Why? Being polite and a gentleman is NOT being "undominant." Not doing something you want to do, because of what others would think -is- being "undominant" in my view. It pleases my partner to open doors for me. Does that make the opening of doors a submissive action? Nope. He did it 'cause he wanted to do it.


When Synocense said I don't feel my name and/or identity is being replaced when someone calls me "sub" or "slave" or "girl" - but that is because I can identify with each of those roles at some point, on some level.” I would think if you were truly looking that would be your attitude.

SOME people who are looking feel that way. Others, while knowing that they will eventually submit to someone, know that their submission is a personality trait, not a job. That is, they will belong to someone, they are not inherently a possession.

For example, I was recently "truly looking" for a job. I was looking to be employed by someone. So I eventually would be an employee. However, it wouldn't be correct to refer to me as "Employee." I was in the process of finding that job. I didn't have it yet. I see the serach for ownership as similar. One searches for a situation where one can submit. One will eventually submit, just as one will eventually be employeed. It still doesn't make it correct or polite to refer to someone by the job/place they eventually hope to fill.


That might be a way to asses a Dom/Masters abilities but if you are truly looking are you sure he is not just observing protocol and addressing you the way you see yourself.

But many of us DON'T see our selves as "submissives" We see ourselves as either belonging to, or hoping to belong to someone. I serve and submit, but only after I have come to know someone well enough that I know I -can- serve and submit to them.


Maybe he is trying out how you react to the reality of the role. Only true sub/slaves are proud of being called those names. That is not to say the ones in committed relationships are not subs but under the definition of a true sub/slave they have no rights except that which the Dom/Master gives them.

Oh the "true sub/slave" :) IMHO, no such thing. Only people who do things they way you like them to be done. I am proud to be called my owner's girl. Before I was my owner's girl, I was proud to be called by my name.

I am proud of who I am. My desire to belong to someoen is an innate part of who I am, but it is not -all- of who I am. I have intense pride in being open and aware of myself as I am right now, and pride in my ability to accept who I am. I want people to call me by my name, because -that- is who I am, not the role in authority transfer I play. That, really, is only one aspect of who I am.


Also think, as nella pointed out, the use of slut, bitch, cumwhore, or any other name is rude with someone you have just met, but if she was to introduce herself as EmeraldSlave2 would it not be appropriate to say slave Emerald.

no, it wouldn't, any more than it would be correct to address me as Angelic Perverse. My handle is perverseangelic, Emeralds is "EmeraldSlave." It's a proper name. You wouldn't call someone whose name was John Smith, Smith John, would you? Proper names aren't subject to gramatical rules. While Emerald is announcing her identity, she's also chosen a spesific name, and if one wants to get picky about grammatical rules, to change that name is improper.


I agree with perverseangelic "Bisexual female" is not a rank. But since I have spent quite a few hours in fem bars and well as a viewer of “The L word” the question of bi was always discussed, and after a while my sub of the evening was referred to as the bi-chick, even to her face, such as “Bi-Chick want to dance.”

Sure, if you know the person. I call one of my friends Bi-girl. I've also known her for about 10 years. If someone I just met called me "pansexual girl" I'd be quite irritated. Ditto "sub."


The respectful nenakajira said “In my training I was taught to refer to all men as "Master (insert name here)" and that offended plenty of people right off the bat because they werent my Master and so therefor I shouldnt use the term.” She went on to say…

“What I'm getting at, however, is that this isnt just a slave problem or a sub problem its a community choice. The majority of people seem to dislike being called by their station instead of their name for a variety of reasons ranging from considering it rude to considering it inappropriate for someone they are not involved with.”

This seems that this sub/slave has learned her lessons well. I’m sure looking sub/slaves are confused by this dichotomy of the community standards. I myself prefer all but mine to address me as Sir.

I don't think the problem here is in innitial address. I wouldn't get mad if someone, upon first contact, called me "sub" or "slave" or "girl" or "lil one." I -would- get offended if they continued to call me by that name.

I think that first contacts are always iffy. I'd prefer somoene just called me by my name, but I can accept not everyone does that. What frutsrates me is many's unwillingness to =stop= with names that bother me. I think it boils down to politeness. When someone says "please don't call me that, I prefer being called X" one should address that person as X. REGARDLESS of the roles of either party.

It is -not- "masterful" to continue to refer to someone by a name they dislike. It's simply impolite.

Similarly, to expect someone to use a title for you, after they've told you they'd prefer not to, is -also- impolite.

Again, I have no problem if someone tells me they'd prefer to be called "Sir" "Ma'am" "Lord" etc. I simply tell them that I prefer to address only the person I belong to by a title, and would appreciate another name I could use. (Even before I belonged t my partner, I said this.) It was only when the individual refused ot accept that that it became rude.

When someone insists I use a title for them, I politely discontinue contact. Again, it isn't "dom-ly" it's just impolite to expect someone to use deference for you, when they aren't yours.

Again with a real-world example-- it would be very impolite for a woman I had just met to expect me to call her "Mom" I would politely refuse and ask for another name. To insist on a spesific title, in -any- situation, where that title in inappropriate or makes anothe rindividual uncomfortable is, IMHO, impolite.

OsideGirl -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 4:43:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirrand

I myself prefer all but mine to address me as Sir.

To me "Sir" is a sign or respect. Respect is earned, not demanded. Just because you have proclaimed yourself a "Sir" does not mean that I will think that you are one. Just like every Dominant doesn't think of me as submissive.

Beyond that, calling someone slave or submissive instead of their name would be like calling you by the name "Dominant" not "Sir" or "Master".

Niran -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 7:33:57 PM)


First of all, you stated


My position is I write it down at the top so the recipient understands I have read at least that much of their profile. Since they also object to my sending an introduction letter, and carp about me not reading their profile when they didn't even write much of anything. I feel I am acknowledging their wishes.

At least that much? If you have not read the whole profile, then why bother contacting them in the first place? I know when a submissive contacts me, and they are looking for a domme, that they have not read my profile. It states three times that I am not looking for another sub. That speaks of laziness to not read the profile of the person you are initiating contact with. How do you know they are even looking?



but if she was to introduce herself as EmeraldSlave2 would it not be appropriate to say slave Emerald.

You spoke of proper English. Grammatically speaking, this is a question, not a statement, and the answer is still no. Her name is EmeraldSlave2. It would have been one thing had you abbreviated it, as I have been known to do. There is a difference between abbreviation and butchery.

Next, I noticed that any submissive reply that took a different opinion was subjected to condescension, and the suggestion that they are not "true submissives." Just because they do not submit to you, me and Joe Schmoe Dominant does not mean that they are not proud of who they are. It means that they know who and what they are, and the who comes before the what. Self-identity is not always an easy task.


My mother raised me to be a southern gentleman but to be a good Dom/Master some of that training has to go out the window

Why? I live in the south. I'm from old Confederate blood, am still a lady, and still a Dominant. A good one.

You have mentioned rank and title a few times. This is not a monarchy. The only rank and title we have are that which we give ourselves. Therefore, I want to be Countess Naked-As-A-Jaybird. In the aristocracy, a Countess outranks a mere Sir. See? Self-given titles mean little to those who do not recognize them.

Finally, you stated that you wanted the opinions and thoughts of other Dominants. This is mine. If they are not your submissive, call them by thier names. As a relationship develops, that title may change. I also know this-Were you to address my submissive in such a condescending manner, not only would he pointedly ignore your request, he may become a little obnoxious. Just because he is submissive doesnt make him yours. Thus he is human first, and should be treated as such.

This is all, of course, my opinion. However, my opinion was asked freely, thus given freely. In a nutshell, you have not given respect, therefore you will not recieve respect. Just because someone takes a submissive place in life does not preclude them.


stevepops -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/7/2005 9:03:24 PM)

You asked for more Dom's views so I'll just throw this in here. For me a big part of the BD dynamic is respect - and that is a two way street in my world. So until a close relationship has been established I will call a sub/slave by his/her name, nick or what ever they prefer. I don't expect or want to directed by Sir, Master or whatever by anyone else than my subbies.

But again this is no big deal unless you want to make it one.


sweetpettjenny -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/8/2005 4:54:15 PM)

to me i love being called slave or pet...its the bi*ch or sl*t that gets to me

MstrHellsFury -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/8/2005 6:58:45 PM)

I've waited on this as I was watching the responses from all the you all believe me when I say...for most to addres you that way on first contact is not with disrespect...but if you feel uncomfortable and express that..and this continues then that's another story...most if responded to in not so much a snotty way..but one of firm resolve will call you what you wish them to...although I do find that with experience a Dom/Master won't make these errors often...(been around long enough to know it's not titles but people becoming closer friends etc.)...


OsideGirl -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/8/2005 7:06:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: sweetpettjenny

to me i love being called slave or pet...its the bi*ch or sl*t that gets to me

You like it when a complete stranger calls you slut or bitch? I'm very particular about who calls me that.

imtempting -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/8/2005 7:17:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: sweetpettjenny

to me i love being called slave or pet...its the bi*ch or sl*t that gets to me


Where were you when Lam was copping crap about bitchs

IronBear -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/8/2005 8:41:24 PM)


My mother raised me to be a southern gentleman but to be a good Dom/Master some of that training has to go out the window.

It may seem strange for an Aussie to know what a “Southern Gentleman” means, with the culture and etiquette etc. I’d have to say that no bloody way mate does all that training go out of the window! I was brought up and trained as a Gentleman on European and British aristocratic standards and I have found nothing which conflicts with that in the lifestyle. I’m inclined to be a tad formal with people until I get to know them and when I do meet sub/slaves, I could never refer to their status in my address to them. I usually know if they are a sub or a slave and if they are collared and to whom, very soon after I meet them. (Someone usually tells me.) When we do get to know each other more I will usually call them lass, unless they find that to familiar. It’s a matter of good manners and common sense really.

Sasy -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/8/2005 8:46:27 PM)

Before you chew him up any more I am the submissive ....... or what EVER someone wants to call me ....... and I knew he was posting it

My position still is I prefer to be addressed by my name till I get to know some one ....... To know someones name when you speak to them and can address them as such shows you pay attention to detail and that is a positive point from any angle

sirrand -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/8/2005 11:07:44 PM)

Thanxs Sassy. I need to write more but will have to wait.


MstrssPassion -> RE: Why do sub/slaves not want to be called what they have declared they are? (8/9/2005 5:26:58 AM)

Hurt feelings because of using wrong names, terms, or honorifics take place because of one simple thing not happening, proper introduction.

Hi, my name is _____ what is yours?
Hello, please call me _____, how should I address you?

Assuming that anyone should be 'all right' with whatever name or term you prefer seems a bit forward if not arrogant.

I have read through this thread... it seems that the identifying subs & slaves are just as guilty. Often I see a dominant referred to as Master/Mistress or Dom/Domme-- etc.

Regardless of how you are or what your position is, make it known how you wish to be addressed. If the person you are speaking with disregards this request, they obviously do not respect this simple request. This would be a good sign that they may not offer respect in many other areas as well.


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