RE: Going dutch (Full Version)

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laurell3 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:20:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: kingbeef31

Can I do the tying?  I used to be a girl scout...............oops, I mean a boy scout.

Baby you can tie me up anyday! 

But be careful I might actually be "unworthy" or "not acting submissive" for having a brain. [8D]

bandit25 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:21:27 PM)

LOL!  Are you kidding me?  Not "himthing".  Just s/he or him/her.  What I said was "DO the him/her thing" not CALL someone a himthing.

PlayfulGoddess -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:24:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: MystressDream


ORIGINAL: masterlink65

so a sub is just to walk out if something doesnt go the way a sub planned? over a drink?

so does this mean if the dom or master doesnt flush the toilet properly, the sub will just walk out? maybe i bought the post instead if the daily news, the sub should walk out without a word to its dom. any self respecting sub should be able to speak for itself in time of need. dont just turn your back. i wouldnt see that as an act of submission.

doesnt sound like she was doing very much submitting to this dom of hers, other than her own selfishness of feeling the dom owed her for her making dinner. wrong for a sub or slave to expect anything owed other than its needs met, and a drink at the bar isnt a need, its a want. if i take my slave to a bar, it is my choice if slave has a drink, or wether slave stands in the corner.

the sub is worthy of conversation, yes.... but to just walk away like that? would you really expect a dom to go wow, what an obedient sub,, after all,,,,, she did get me the drink i wanted.?!?

so its BS when i write, and opinion when you write. ?!.

You just MIGHT take into account that this is NOT an M/s or even a D/s relationship.  Or, at least, there is no collar here.  The OP states they are just play partners.  You are trying to inflict strict standards and protocol on a casual relationship as you would on an ownership.  Just doesn't fly.
(I can't believe I actually responded to one of this guy's posts.... <sigh>... I must have a touch of masochist in me after all.  LOL)

(LOL at MystressDream)
OMG, what ever happened to gracious hospitality? LMAO
I've "played" with a Pleasure Dom as well (even tho I consider myself Domme)
He invited me to meet him at a bar after originally inviting me to dinner/drinks (I had another previous dinner event I had commited to)
Not ONLY did he PAY FOR MY DRINK, but he bothered to remember from our earlier conversations, what type of wine I typically like, and had that pre-ordered for my arrival.
I dunno, maybe it's the "played with" standard which is different to the "owned" standard...
...maybe it was the fact that he was a "Pleasure" Dom instead of a stingy-ass Dom LOL   But, seriously, what happened to good and genteel manners?
I always bring money / credit card with me, but I am of the opinion if someone "INVITES ME OUT" it is indeed REASONABLE to expect them to pick up the tab.
I have even invited men out for a meal/drink and they STILL OFFERED to pay. (It was a birthday dinner invitation, so I stuck to my guns on paying after a couple vollies of "no, sweetie, I'll pick it up, it was nice of you to offer in the first place") LOL
If invited to someone's home for a cooked meal, I ask if there is anything I can bring/contribute to the meal. (dessert, a side dish, etc)
If they say no, I remember what the entree they plan on preparing and generally select / chill a bottle of wine that would compliment that meal, and show up with it in hand.
I think if the event is/can be viewed as a "dating" situation, then the person inviting/setting up the plans should reasonably be expected to pay for the event --unless they have already mentioned, UPFRONT BEFORE the other person ACCEPTS, that it's a dutch treat meal.
If the "gentleman" (and I use that term LOOSELY) who she is speaking of hadn't offered/paid for my drink/meal when he initiated the outing, I would probably just have paid my "portion" and never saw him again.
Just my two cents... (OH WAIT, not even--cuz the Gent covered it!) LOL

masterlink65 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:25:01 PM)

you wouldnt consider it rude if someone walked out of your life without a word?

Jeffff -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:25:25 PM)

Ok Mlink?...this is satire right?..........really?.....right?


kingbeef31 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:25:59 PM)

Hey, if I tie you up, can I leave without paying for the drinks?

PlayfulGoddess -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:26:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: MrSpectacular

To the OP - I would not expect my sub to buy or even go dutch when we go out. Call me old fashioned - that is just the way it is for me.

That's why he's called MrSPECTACULAR!!! [&:]

laurell3 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:27:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: masterlink65

you wouldnt consider it rude if someone walked out of your life without a word?

Is english hard for you?  Rude? yes. Unworthy or Unsubmissive. No.  Nor do I think it's unsubmissive to expect things from your Dom.

bandit25 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:28:23 PM)

And you don't consider it rude to expect someone to feed you but you never reciprocate?  Hello? 

laurell3 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:29:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: kingbeef31

Hey, if I tie you up, can I leave without paying for the drinks?

Aw I'm sorry sweetie, you know I actually have expectations of you to act like a rational, polite human being which you accomplish quite well. However, since you pay for everything anyway, I'd be happy to buy you a round of drinks.

masterlink65 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:29:25 PM)

i have been telling you how that makes bad sub behavior. i have one for you...
can you tell me how this was in anyway GOOD behavior on said subs part?

kingbeef31 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:32:59 PM)

Wow...........I get free drinks and I get to tie you up.  It must be close to my birthday.  [:D] 

masterlink65 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:35:19 PM)

now this i did not say.... OP said her dom said lets go to the pub... she did not say dom said let go to the pub, i am buying. now if the dom said that and didnt come through, thats another story... and .....
if you would have read what i wrote earlier about me going out with my slave you would know better than to ask me that question. i pay most the time, even though my slave makes way more money than i do. i do not tax my slaves income, and it offers what it can when it can. we have a business and two homes together, and there has been plenty of dutch treat, i treat, you treat. this perfect world that everyone tries to make for themselves gets cumbersome at times doesnt it?

Jeffff -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:36:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: masterlink65

i have been telling you how that makes bad sub behavior. i have one for you...
can you tell me how this was in anyway GOOD behavior on said subs part?

and all this time you are ignoreing good HUMAN behaivior..

Margret Mead

PlayfulGoddess -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:36:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: kingbeef31

Hey, if I tie you up, can I leave without paying for the drinks?

LOL Something to PONDER!

laurell3 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:37:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: kingbeef31

Wow...........I get free drinks and I get to tie you up.  It must be close to my birthday.  [:D] 

Why yes it is, although you don't need a birthday for that. 

masterlink65 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:40:05 PM)


I purchase the drink, take it over to him, give him his 5 cents change, turn around, leave the pub and do the 1 1/2 hour walk home. He states later that he does not believe paying for my drink is part of D/s

did anyone bother to leave a tip?

bandit25 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:40:28 PM)

OK, I understand about half of what you are saying.  No, he didn't say let's go to the pub, I am buying.  But it is reasonable for ANYONE to assume that if someone invites you to a place, that someone will most likely pay if no prior arrangements have been made.  Dom or sub, if I am invited to a movie, I more or less ASSUME the person inviting me is going to pay for me.  I don't see that as trying to make a perfect world. 

And like so many have said, this isn't D/'s common courtesy.  And everyone has the right to EXPECT that.  Whether or not they get it is another matter.

masterlink65 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:52:05 PM)

it was not an invite according to kails, it was an order.

if i was interviewing a sub for a potential slave position and we went to the pub and sub acted out like that. i would want nothing to do with that rude sub again. if you were a dom,,, how would you feel about that? regardless if you would have bought the drink or not, regardless of human behavior pattern. in a dom and sub relation, how would you as a dom respond?

and as a dom would you see it as a sub with a brain, or would you see it as an act of selfishness, in regards to this lifestyle? and apparently the reason she asked the question in the first place. she must have known she had done something wrong in her own action, otherwise why is she here looking for opinion?

masterlink65 -> RE: Going dutch (12/4/2007 8:53:20 PM)

did i miss something or did someone answer my question about how was this a sign of good behavior on part of sub.?

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