RE: Semi-public task part 2! (Full Version)

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sexyred1 -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 5:51:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania


you can't stop them.. no one knows who they are.. yadda yadda yadda

I may not be able to stop people, but I can say they are wrong, and that is exactly what I am saying

I wanted to throw my opinion in. I totally agree with julia. It is complete bullshit to expose others to your sexual behavior, I don't care if it is vanilla or kink. You can rationalize your behaviors all you want and it comes down to disrespect and selfishness, no one wants to see your stuff, unless it is agreed upon. Do not assume that everyone around you must be a closet voyeur. If you think that, go peddle your stuff at a peep show and you will get plenty of peepers.

The only time it is cool to be public, is at a specified venue for such; a play party, a BDSM or swingers club, etc.

NOT A MOVIE THEATER, NOT A MALL, NOT AN AMUSEMENT PARK, NOT A RESTAURANT, NOT A THEATER, NOT A get my drift? I go to those places to deal with other aspects of my life, not to unexpectedly see some gross people getting off.

The fact that adults try to justify this behavior as PDA or some other nonsense cracks me up to no end.

Do what you want people, but be assured, if I ever see anything like this, you will hear my big mouth saying something very cutting to you; but you probably would like it since you are probably hoping to elicit some sort of negative response anyway.

sexyred1 -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 5:55:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: Darcyandthedark

What I am trying to explain is that you do things offensive to others too.  You may not know it or think it is as important or as big as making out in the back of a movie - but to someone else it may be very offensive and non consensual to them.

one more comment on the above. whatever she may do that might offend others, she has already stated she does not perform sexually in public for others to view, therefore your point makes no sense. if she does something offensive sexually and it is done privately who would know?

unless you are talking about her eating with her mouth full at a restaurant? then that is a different story.

RCdc -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 6:09:36 AM)

Sexy - I do love your posts to pieces... but we do disagree on this issue.
Apart from anything else, the OP was about public tasks.  Not sexual public tasks - and just because the OP posted a thread about a sexual act in a movie does not mean she was asking about it here.  In fact, I get the impression she kind of understands the implications now and is asking people for examples of other public tasks that could be done.  That is number one.
Number two - I find your post confusing, as you openly admited on another thread you have participated in sexual acts in a public setting.  So how can you insist it is 'wrong' when you have done such a thing and tell others?
I understand that people think that public tasks aren't great.  Fine, don't do them and be as vocal as you like about not commiting them or be cutting.  But expect the privacy of the person you are invading to be cutting back and I still stick to the OP and I am regarding public tasks - collar wearing, kneeling, feeding, going without underwear - and they don't always have to be sexual and they still touch other peoples lives, and to think that anything one does - doesn't touch another - then I feel that is naive and a double standard because one act isn't better than another, it simply is all subjective.
Again red, I do think you rock, because you do speak your mind, I simply disagree with you on this.

juliaoceania -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 7:48:18 AM)

Actually there was another thread just like this and it was never pulled, I have never posted with the intention of getting a thread pulled, and that behavior leads to people being put on moderation...

Now we have passed the area of civilized debate and I am being accused of nefarious motivations...

Of course you do not want to draw a line at what you find to be a taboo form of nonconsensual kink... because to do so would mean that there are some forms of nonconsensual kink that you do not approve of, or would be off limits to you. To state that would mean that there is veracity to my opinion that for me, and in my opinion doing public sex acts is wrong, and one reason is that it could include people off limits according to the TOS (if you like that way of saying it better, I think you should report me and get me put on moderation if I have violated the TOS so terribly, which in my opinion I haven't, let the mods decide, they can publically spank me).

I have continually just responded to people asking me questions and engaging me in debate after I stated my original opinion... you are still doing the same by debating me on this topic... don't want to debate me, don't address me.

This thread is a continuation of the other thread... hence "semi public task part 2" . She could clarify what she meant by this, but she didn't really do so, and when I stated that sex in public is wrong, she just flamed me... now she could have said "I have no interest in doing public sex acts, and that is why I started this part 2 thread" but she didn't. Therefore the other thread is relevant to this one. I noted how you just pointed out sexyred's posting history, but now all of the sudden I am not supposed to do the same on this thread with the OP, when she states this is PART TWO???? Nice hypocrisy there.

RCdc -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 8:13:49 AM)

The OP - to me - did clarify her position.


Ok, so many of you helped me realize mine and my masters plan was not thought out as well as it should be.  I want to thank you all for that!

Now, to me that indicates that she saw that the other post was negative in it's responses and that maybe a sexual act in public wasn;t the way to go.


But now I have a new question... What semi public tasks have you been made to do, or would like to try.  I am looking for new ideas.  Hope to hear from everyone soon!

In other words - what are other semipublic tasks - unlike the one she asked about before ie a sexual one - that would and can be suggested.
I believe she clarified her question quite soundly. You are the one who mentioned sexual activities and your loathing of them. You are the one who mentioned kink in your initial response.  Not once was kink mentioned in the OP.  To me it was a discipline and control question - not a sexual or kink one - but I guess we all individually read questions as we would be asking them.  She never mentioned about 'getting off' or the 'thrill' - it was not in any way the same as the first question she asked - there is only one person who started down that road and assumed the worst.
It was I who disagreed that there was no such thing as a consensual relationship.
I simply disagreed with you on that issue.
When did I ever say you couldn't point out anything - please clarify.

juliaoceania -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 8:25:11 AM)


Julia, you have pulled up a thread from the achives from MONTHS ago - way after the mods have had to tighten up on this issue just to 'prove a point'?

I have only recently started posting here again, if the mods have tightened up, I am unaware of it... you are assuming I know things that I do not... and accusing me of having motivations I do not... you are free to do that, this is just a forum to me, your opinion of my motivations means absolutely nothing to me.
You can do whatever you like, and if you are willing to pay the piper so to speak, it is no skin off my nose. I have my opinion, it hasn't changed. I know that it is an opinion shared by my Daddy... so all is well in the universe.

RCdc -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 8:41:29 AM)

I find it amusing when people claim they don't care what people think or believe.  In which case, no ones voice means anything - no ones opinion is worth the words on the screen.  Why bother?
As for the TOS- you can find them on the main board - you may decide to re-read them - and then not 'offend' people on the rules you break on a public forum - much like that which you so condenm.
I haven't said you were wrong or shouldn't voice your opinions julia, I simply disagree with you. Comfortably so, with Darcy's approval and that is all I need.

RCdc -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 8:47:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania

I will reiterate, people addressed me, I responded, and they open the door to a debate of nonconsensuality, yet they do not want to continue the debate when I bring up rape... yes, I am familiar with the plot points of this thread.. .thanks for the cliff notes

And I will reiterate.  Begin a thread about rape and non consent, and I will respond.  But rape has nothing to do with this particular thread.

RCdc -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 8:59:05 AM)

Again, start a post on rape and non consent, I will reply.
Rape and tasks are different subjects and although you have pulled me into your hijack of the thread, which I do apologise to the OP for most sincerely - I am not going to continue with a hijack.

This is my last statement on this as I have already hijacked this thread enough with your assistance, If you really want to ask a post and genuine question on rape and non consent please do and I will respond, but not here on this thread and not to a rhetorical statement on rape and non consent - which you originaly posted.


I am sure you would not argue that rape is ok because all relationships are nonconsensual. It isn't ok to rape people, and it is not ok to use other people discovering you to get your rocks off. The line has to be drawn some place.. I drew my boundary, and others draw their own.

I believe you have an injury, and that you may not be feeling your best julia and I do wish you better, but really - this is just being silly now?

ModeratorEleven -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 9:02:17 AM)

Folks, please leave the discussion of  minors out of this.  Now excuse me while I have to go delete posts that never should have been here in the first place.


ghitaPVH -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 9:44:05 AM)

uhm...ok then.

I just now read this thread for the first time, and apparently I missed some excitement. Anyway. Ok, so from what I can gather, the OP at some point wanted to give a bj in a movie theater and lots of people said it was bad (I agree, actualy) she wants to know if there are other things she can do in a public or semi public environment that we dont think are bad. Did I get that right?

Ok. semi public acts. I generally wear jeans, sneakers, and tshirts. Just more pratical when I have to chase UMs all day. Occasionally my Sir will tell me to wear heels out to dinner. Ok, pretty damn tame right? But, the fact that he told me to do it, and its not my norm, makes me constantly everytime I take a step think about him. See, theres an aspect of our kink that I just forced on every single on of those non consenting resteraunt patrons. Golly me.

Once, he had me wear a chain around my waist. hidden by my clothes. but the metal felt weird and everytime I moved it reminded me of him. yep, lots of non consensual people were involved that day was Disney.

Sure those things are "sexual" in nature. but they make me feel sexual. but they arent effecting anyone but me and him. there are lots of things like that. hell, even some "sexual" things like wearing nipple clamps under your bra and shirt, or a butt plug, or anything that turns you on that is kept hidden from veiw. Sometimes at a resteraunt my Sir will reach over and pinch me on the arm. Everyone in the resteraunt could have seen it but none of them realized that my pants just got damp cause it really turns me on. Im not going to sit in a resteraunt and stick my tounge down my Sirs throat, but no one arounds going to know that him pinching me is his way of saying "damn I want to bend you over this table and fuck you but I cant so I just want you to know it".

DesFIP -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 9:47:01 AM)


you can't stop them.. no one knows who they are.. yadda yadda yadda

I vote with Julia. But it isn't my job to stop you, that's just one of the many services the local law enforcement agencies provide.  And if you're doing this in an area where my ums might see, you can bet on finding out just how easily the local authorities will be stopping you. Enjoy your sex offender status.

juliaoceania -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 12:13:03 PM)

Many of the things I have said in response to you have been removed, even though no mention of anything against the TOS was in them...

I will only write one point that was erased that I made which is not against the TOS

I do not care what people think of my motivations, this is just a forum, and if they are going to write garbage about my motivations.. no, I do not care what they think

There are people here who have opinions I do care about, but those who would ascribe bad motivations to me when they have done the same actions in the past as myself, well I find a bit of hypocrisy in this all,

I will only state this once... you were the one that brought up "no such things as consenting relationships", not me, so if there was a hijack that occurred perhaps you have more responsibility than you claim to have in that... you were the one that started down that road.. not me...

My Daddy would not want a submissive that was into fucking in public, so as I said in another post that was erased... you and yours are well suited, as are me and mine.

I just responded to the points addressed to me regarding my opinion...

People do not like my opinion, I am really ok with that, I do not expect people to agree with me...

And to mod 11, I will adhere strictly to the TOS here on out...

RCdc -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 12:23:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania

Many of the things I have said in response to you have been removed, even though no mention of anything against the TOS was in them...

The whole part of the hijack was that I was trying assist you by warning you were going against the TOS - which mod 11 has now removed.  Which people are still ignoring. [&:]Not, as I have repeatedly acknoledged, about non consensuality.  And I am still awaiting your thread on rape and non consent with a real question, should you really want to know my and others opinons as you insisted as long as it stays within TOS. That said julia, I have nothing to add that will benefit this thread.
Have a great day.

juliaoceania -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 12:28:57 PM)

I have no intention of starting that thread because I was not the one that opened up that line of thought on this one... so why would I?

/shrugs shoulders, perplexed.

SmokingGun82 -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 12:40:15 PM)

While I might disagree with your opinion in several ways, Julia, you had my support for a logical argument until you said (paraphrased) "It's wrong because it's illegal." I consider that a variation on Godwin's law- it negates your good points, because it's so glaringly wrong.

In some states sex in any position other than missionary is illegal. In some states it's illegal for two men to have sex. Sex outside of marriage is illegal in quite a few states. There's a battle going on right now in Manchester because the way a law is worded makes it illegal to take pictures of your kid in a park.

Being illegal doesn't make something wrong, evil, or unmoral. There's sometimes correlation, but not every time.

juliaoceania -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 12:43:36 PM)


It's wrong because it's illegal."

You paraphrased because I did not say it was wrong because it is illegal.... I did say that it is illegal, that is a fact... it is wrong for many reasons, but the law does not make it wrong. The law exists to keep people from engaging in behavior that harms others, and it is actually a healh related law. We do not need people's fluids everywhere... I know that is gross, but it is true

LadyLynx -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 2:16:47 PM)

AquaticSub, nobody was in the car or around us, made sure of that. from dashing out of his truck to the car next to us, and back again took maybe 5 seconds.  I usually prefer indulging my public play interests at parties, though conventions can be a good place too. (after the kiddies have gone to bed.) and even then something relatively mild.

MasterofScyn -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 5:53:04 PM)

I never said I did these thing in where everyone and anyone can see it. I will not get arrested, I will not be charged as a sex offender. Because I do not play where the public eye can see. I'm extremly careful as to what is around me. Most of what I've done is in the middle of night where parks are closed, the streets are dead, and no or camping.
When I said that statement.. I wasn't talking about myself. I was talking about the ones that do get caught. All I ever said was it is possible to have a little adventure w/out it being known. I asked in a post that was deleted.. Have you actully ever seen anyone (I will be clear on this) having sex, or expsosing themselves in such way in the middle of a crowd? Such as a mall, in a theme park, or anywhere that is full of people... If so.. I bet you watched as they got arrested... If not, then well.. What you don't know won't hurt you.. I have never seen anyone in such a fashon.
the op clearly stated that the theatre would be empty.. it was an old movie that no one is going to anymore. You wouldn't know it was happening.. You wouldn't know when or where.. Hell not even know what theatre it was.. so therefore how can it be offensive? If they get caught, the most would happen is they would probly be escorted out of the theatre... But in clear veiw of public.. I agree with everything that is being said on that. No where did the op mention that they were going to be doing things in clear view... There is a big fuss over nothing here imo..
Scyn ~




you can't stop them.. no one knows who they are.. yadda yadda yadda

I vote with Julia. But it isn't my job to stop you, that's just one of the many services the local law enforcement agencies provide.  And if you're doing this in an area where my ums might see, you can bet on finding out just how easily the local authorities will be stopping you. Enjoy your sex offender status.

sexyred1 -> RE: Semi-public task part 2! (12/13/2007 7:03:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Darcyandthedark

Sexy - I do love your posts to pieces... but we do disagree on this issue.
Number two - I find your post confusing, as you openly admited on another thread you have participated in sexual acts in a public setting.  So how can you insist it is 'wrong' when you have done such a thing and tell others?
Again red, I do think you rock, because you do speak your mind, I simply disagree with you on this.

Hi dark. I think you rock too. I just wanted to respond to this. I cannot locate the thread you are citing, but as I recall, I believe that I said I was with my college boyfriend alone at night in the woods while we were camping. We started having a scene and towards the end heard the sounds of some people watching; we did not solicit them and we quickly covered up and stopped.
The other time I believe I was at a private place for the specific purposes of public play.
In neither case or at any other time in my life, unless I have amnesia, would I purposely behave sexually in any public setting.
Perhaps you misread my post or I did not articulate correctly, but I would certainly not be hypocritical and I stand by my statement.
And no prob on disagreeing; we can't agree on everything, ya know? [:D]

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