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Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 10:56:46 AM   

Posts: 4429
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This is an offshoot of an earlier discussion, but one I thought would do better in its own thread.  In that thread we discussed the ethics of sexually objectfying others without them knowing about it. 

I'm interested to hear how men feel about being sexually objectified by a woman.  Some examples:

1. You know a woman is checking you out. She's look at your ass and whispering to her friends. It's probably not unlikely that she may be fantasizing about you.
2. Women in a convertible see you on a corner and lean out to whistle at you and tell you that they think you are hot.
3. A very attractive boss seems to enjoy making you get things from the lowest filing cabinet and you catch her staring at you.
4. Your dentist or doctor seems to linger a little and give commands that seem to be on the edge of normal, seemingly to see you in various positions.

Do these, or other similar scenarios, offend you or flatter you? 
Does it make a difference if the women are "HOT" vs. very average? 



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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:07:02 AM   

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Oh yes, I absolutlely LOVE being objectified!  It's a great, healthy ego trip to know that a woman, looks at me and likes what she sees.   Once while walking accross a parking lot a woman honked her horn at me, and said her friend, in the car with her, thinks I'm cute.  That really made my day!!   I believe women also like being objectified--as long as the man is respectful.

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:07:06 AM   

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I'm interested to hear how men feel about being sexually objectified by a woman.  Some examples:

1. You know a woman is checking you out. She's look at your ass and whispering to her friends. It's probably not unlikely that she may be fantasizing about you.
2. Women in a convertible see you on a corner and lean out to whistle at you and tell you that they think you are hot.
3. A very attractive boss seems to enjoy making you get things from the lowest filing cabinet and you catch her staring at you.
4. Your dentist or doctor seems to linger a little and give commands that seem to be on the edge of normal, seemingly to see you in various positions.

Do these, or other similar scenarios, offend you or flatter you? 
Does it make a difference if the women are "HOT" vs. very average? 

It rarely happens to me, but when it does, I'm flattered. Let the woman use her wicked imagination.

Les (Purveyor of Fine, Handcrafted Kink)


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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:08:42 AM   

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I like it! Probably b/c it doesn't happen all that often (despite my extraordinary good looks). But its always nice to be reminded that your attractive. The appearance/age etc. of the other person is entirely unimportant to me. It's just nice to know your attractive.

On the other hand if it happened all the time it would probably bug me. Guess I can cure that with a steady regimen of beer and pizza!

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:16:16 AM   

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It's Unanimous!

I guess if it happened to me all the time, it would grow tiresome and/or resented.  In the meantime, objectify away!

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:18:30 AM   

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From: London, England
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Hmmm... I think, for me, it depends on the circumstances and the women. The first two scenarios would be flattering to me. I think I'd quite enjoy that - bit of a nice ego boost, really. I think most people like to know they are sexually appealing to others.

The third scenario... I don't know... again, it would depend on the women, I guess. If it was someone I personally found attractive, then I might not have as big an issue with it, as long as it was harmless. Again, might be a bit of an ego boost. However, I think I would feel very uncomfortable in the fourth scenario. People with that sort of authroity... doctors and such... I don't know... I think maybe you just expect a higher level of professionalism from them than from others? Perhaps that's just a personal opinion, but to me, knowing a doctor was doing it would probably make me slightly uncomfortable.

Although... having said that, I did find myself highly attracted to the woman doing my eye test examination. An order might not have been so bad coming from her. lol

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:20:00 AM   

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It's never really happened to me, outside of an already established relationship. Maybe it's just because women tend to hold their cards a little closer to their chests when playing the "I think you're hot" game...

As I mentioned on the other thread, the one time I had someone basically blackmail me, and I had to service them in order to keep from becoming homeless, I didn't find the experience all that erotic. (Although oddly, years after the fact, I do occasionally have fantasies based around that situation... just with a different cast.)

(in reply to NotNutsReally)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:28:35 AM   

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I don't mind. It doesn't happen very often but, when it does, it's usually when I'm least expecting it and it is a good shot for the ego.

(in reply to bipolarber)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:29:21 AM   

Posts: 618
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From: NYC
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Hello- the words 'men' and 'sex' are involved! 


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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:34:14 AM   

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Sure why not, its fun to play into, I have a young one who calls me into her room to do things a lot normally after I work out so  I play along and flex a lil more and bat my eyes (long lash's) its good fun I work mostly with women so it happens more than you would think

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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:34:44 AM   

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1. You know a woman is checking you out. She's look at your ass and whispering to her friends. It's probably not unlikely that she may be fantasizing about you.



2. Women in a convertible see you on a corner and lean out to whistle at you and tell you that they think you are hot.

Smile and say "thanks." Check her out if she's hot, too.


3. A very attractive boss seems to enjoy making you get things from the lowest filing cabinet and you catch her staring at you.

If it's obvious, I'd reposition myself and jokingly comment something along the lines of "how's the view?"


4. Your dentist or doctor seems to linger a little and give commands that seem to be on the edge of normal, seemingly to see you in various positions.

I'd inquire about it. I'm a hassle as a patient. If the doc or dentist likes to look, I've no problem with that, as long as it doesn't get in the way of doing their job. I'd prefer for them not to be shy or covert about it, however. Frankly, it's flattering that they would take an interest. Being seen as a tasty morsel doesn't trouble me one bit.

Someone trying to help themselves to a serving had better ask first, though, or I might bite back.


Do these, or other similar scenarios, offend you or flatter you?

Generally, I'd see it as flattering, but I'd be uncomfortable about people hiding it.
That makes it so much harder to tell when it's appropriate to reciprocate in this litigacious era.
(A woman can go very far in this regard with no consequences; a man can be fired for saying "hi".)


Does it make a difference if the women are "HOT" vs. very average?

The only difference is the extent to which I reciprocate.
We're all potential sex objects; it's only natural.
If I minded it, I would wear a hajib...



"If God saw what any of us did that night, he didn't seem to mind.
From then on I knew: God doesn't make the world this way.
We do.
" -- Rorschack, Watchmen.

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:35:58 AM   

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1. You know a woman is checking you out. She's look at your ass and whispering to her friends. It's probably not unlikely that she may be fantasizing about you.
2. Women in a convertible see you on a corner and lean out to whistle at you and tell you that they think you are hot.
3. A very attractive boss seems to enjoy making you get things from the lowest filing cabinet and you catch her staring at you.
4. Your dentist or doctor seems to linger a little and give commands that seem to be on the edge of normal, seemingly to see you in various positions.

Of the the four scenarios given, the only one I'm comfortable with are 1 and 2, and even then 2 makes me a bit uneasy.

In the first one, I wouldn't feel intimidated or inappropriate trying to respond to the objectification and try to flirt with the woman/women.
The second situation...That brings back bad memories from my younger days and instinctively sends me into Admiral Ackbar mode ("It's a trap!"). I might try to start something though, who knows? Depends on what day you catch me on.

Third...Hmmmm...If she's not going to take that to another level, I'd probably get uncomfortable with it real quick. Fourth, I'm switching doctors. That's a very professional get-in, how's-the-kids, do-your-thing, here's-my-card, get-out relationship. The idea of my doctor flirting with me is off-putting.

I wouldn't mind being objectified a little by somebody...not even in a "relationship", but just casual play/what-have-you, but I'm no dancing monkey.


Do what now?

"I aim to misbehave."
-Mal Reynolds

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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:39:30 AM   

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it doesnt matter if they are authority figures for me they way I see it if they are attracted just keep and hold their gaze and take a flirty pose they will look down if not flush and loose their mind set

(in reply to Rushemery)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 11:54:05 AM   

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Works for me.  Especially if they're hot.

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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 12:01:54 PM   

Posts: 1743
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From: The Land of Voodoo
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Oh, hell yeah...I love it!  Of course, it all depends on who is objectifying me and the context.  Of the scenarios, only the last one would possibly bother me.  If a woman wants to check out my ass and look at me like a pork chop, I'm all for it.  If women in a passing car whistle at me and make catcalls, I'm all for it.  Heck, even if my attractive female boss does things like in the scenario, I'm fine with it.  But I've rarely been one to be ogled before, at least from what I'm aware of.  For me, I take it as a very nice ego boost.  The woman ogling me doesn't have to be a knockout to for me to enjoy it. 

All I know is Mistress objectifies me as often as possible and dammit, I love it!!!  Lewd comments, statements of how She wants to use me, visions of tight latex and cages, and being told how sexy I'd look all encased in red latex and hogtied under Her tree for Her to open (and play with) on Christmas morning all bring a smile to my face and make me blush...which is not easy to do, by the way.  I look at Her as being able to have any guy She'd want, yet She chose me.  That is a triple-shot of ego if I've ever seen it!  What (straight) guy doesn't want to be the object of lust to a goddess???  Objectify away!!!


Collared and devoted property of Mistress Lorelei (vampchick88) as of 3/26/08.

Rubberpet - The Resident Anti-Subby and mysterious shadowy figure known as Voodoo, proud hitman and wiseguy for the Subby Mafia.

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 1:07:04 PM   

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Hello- the words 'men' and 'sex' are involved! 

Kind of says it all...LOL


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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 1:19:53 PM   

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From: S.E. London U.K.
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Many desire to be objects but intelligence isn’t something you can just turn off, so few succeed. In fact desiring to be an object is the very proof you can never truly be one. I’m O.K. looking but I have never had women objectify me in the ways mentioned. I think if it happened it would be fun but if it happened all the time it would be tedious. It’s just a case of liking something new I suppose. The woman doesn’t have to be attractive just hold some kind of power over me.
Case 1: I’d prefer her to be confident enough to approach me rather than talking with her friends.
Case 2: Yes I like confident women that know what they like and the scenario would therefore turn me on.
Case 3: I wouldn’t hold much respect for a boss that acted this way and I could probably take advantage of that persons weakness for needing to see me perform in such a manor.
Case 4: Like someone else said: I’d hope a medical professional would show some professionalism but I’ve heard of misconduct cases where these people have crossed the line so I’m sure it goes on. If I’m at the doctors suffering chest pains my sex life is the last thing I’m thinking about.

(edited for readability)

< Message edited by SL4V3M4YB3 -- 12/24/2007 1:42:14 PM >


Memory Lane...been there done that.

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 1:27:46 PM   

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This is an offshoot of an earlier discussion, but one I thought would do better in its own thread.  In that thread we discussed the ethics of sexually objectfying others without them knowing about it. 

I'm interested to hear how men feel about being sexually objectified by a woman.  Some examples:

1. You know a woman is checking you out. She's look at your ass and whispering to her friends. It's probably not unlikely that she may be fantasizing about you.
2. Women in a convertible see you on a corner and lean out to whistle at you and tell you that they think you are hot.
3. A very attractive boss seems to enjoy making you get things from the lowest filing cabinet and you catch her staring at you.
4. Your dentist or doctor seems to linger a little and give commands that seem to be on the edge of normal, seemingly to see you in various positions.

Do these, or other similar scenarios, offend you or flatter you? 
Does it make a difference if the women are "HOT" vs. very average? 


It's a shame that people have a problem understanding how things work in "the real world."

Being that I am 100% eye candy, I believe that I possess the expertise in this department to give an informed view point.

But first, back to reality....I don't know where you folks hang out....Maybe this shit happens on Gor or some other fictitious place.

1) Chicks don't hang out of convertibles and whistle....Unless they are gross or have one Hell of a sense of humor.

2) I've been approached by women before...It's called flirting...Everyone does it.

3) In most working situations for some reason sexually objectifying someone is no longer considered to be en vogue....I don't know why. Why would a few million dollar law-suits effect one's conduct in the work place? People are soooo fucking touchy nowadays.

4) I never had a doctor or a dentist make lewd or inappropriate suggestions....(See #3) However, once when having my prostate checked I suggested to my doctor that it might be easier to find what he was looking for if he used three fingers...He was not amused...He also was a little pissed when I tried to "lean back" on to his finger....No fucking sense of humor.

Another enlightening thread.


(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 1:44:59 PM   

Posts: 805
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This is an offshoot of an earlier discussion, but one I thought would do better in its own thread.  In that thread we discussed the ethics of sexually objectfying others without them knowing about it. 

I'm interested to hear how men feel about being sexually objectified by a woman.  Some examples:

1. You know a woman is checking you out. She's look at your ass and whispering to her friends. It's probably not unlikely that she may be fantasizing about you.
2. Women in a convertible see you on a corner and lean out to whistle at you and tell you that they think you are hot.
3. A very attractive boss seems to enjoy making you get things from the lowest filing cabinet and you catch her staring at you.
4. Your dentist or doctor seems to linger a little and give commands that seem to be on the edge of normal, seemingly to see you in various positions.

Do these, or other similar scenarios, offend you or flatter you? 
Does it make a difference if the women are "HOT" vs. very average? 


Sometimes I enjoy it.  Being a DJ, patrons check me out all the time but I don't take it seriously, they do it because I'm the DJ.  So it doesn't mean much it's part of the job.

But when I am shopping at Safeway and I notice someone checking me out now that's hot and when it's someone that I'm not physically attracted to then it's flattering.  When it's a nice big butt girl or BBW then it's down right hot.

Happy Holidays and Good Cocoa to all!


"Flirting is part of the job description." DJ Jesus (Lucy Daughter Of The Devil)

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(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Men: Do you enjoy being sexually objectified? - 12/24/2007 2:26:00 PM   

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Hee hee.  It was fun visiting the profiles of all the men who answered this thread and peeeeeerving their pictures.  Love those male objects! 

(in reply to DarkDaddyZ)
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