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To anyone regarding mail

Yes, appropriate to say thanks but no thanks
  67% (51)
Not really necessary to say thanks but no thanks
  23% (18)
yes I have found out I missed compliments
  2% (2)
No, I Mostly get complaints or rude replies
  6% (5)

Total Votes : 76

(last vote on : 10/28/2012 9:29:28 AM)
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To anyone regarding mail - 7/8/2004 7:33:15 PM   

Posts: 14
Joined: 1/28/2004
From: the left coast
Status: offline
Do you feel that it is appropriate to at least answer an email with a polite thanks but no thanks?
Have you ever found out after you deleted mail unread, that it was nothing more than someone complimenting you on your pic or profile, or offering some other kind words?
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/8/2004 8:33:23 PM   

Posts: 865
Joined: 2/4/2004
From: Scotland/Tennessee
Status: offline
I don't delete mail unread from collarme because it doesn't have the benefit of a message "subject" by which to set a "subject requirement". I read each email I receive. At least to a point to which I determine whether or not I am going to read any further or delete it at that time. If it was polite, I will respond to it in kind. If it was not, I will simply move on to the next email.


Lady Beckett


"Submissive boys yearn to fall into their proper place, so the rest of their life will." ~ Lady Beckett

(in reply to dagawdfather)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/8/2004 11:20:56 PM   

Posts: 3314
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Being a male Dom, I don't get that many emails. I read any I do get, and as far as I can remember, have answered them all.

(in reply to dagawdfather)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/9/2004 10:56:23 AM   

Posts: 456
Joined: 5/10/2004
From: southeast Mississippi
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You sure about that?

(in reply to Estring)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/9/2004 1:58:50 PM   

Posts: 6142
Joined: 1/31/2004
From: Washington
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Being a male Dom, I don't get that many emails. I read any I do get, and as far as I can remember, have answered them all.

AHHHHH poor Estring, want me to send you some mail?



"Without goals you become what you were. With goals you become what you wish." .

"You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts"--Alan Greenspan

(in reply to Estring)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/9/2004 4:46:19 PM   

Posts: 1633
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As a male sub I used to reply to all emails because I got so few. Since the advent of "Little piggie, you may serve me finacially" that has changed.

Oh, I forgot. They fixed it, but I used to get blanket emails from alledged Doms commanding me to kneel and pray they serviced my pussy. I never responded to them either after a while. (After a few messages about flat chested hairy chicks with penises, of course.)

< Message edited by iwillserveu -- 7/10/2004 11:18:19 AM >


When the Lady smiles i can't resist her call. As a matter of fact, i don't resist at all. Well that depends if it is a smile or a grimmace.

(in reply to dagawdfather)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/9/2004 9:53:05 PM   

Posts: 1881
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ORIGINAL: dagawdfather

Do you feel that it is appropriate to at least answer an email with a polite thanks but no thanks?
Have you ever found out after you deleted mail unread, that it was nothing more than someone complimenting you on your pic or profile, or offering some other kind words?

It depends on the email. If I've made it abundantly clear that I'm not looking and I get "mistress, I'm a 35 yr old male into dildo training and forced fem can we chat?" then not only do I not respond, but I block the sender.

If it's a polite letter that doesn't seem to have any agenda other than to say hello or to send a compliment then I respond politely.

I don't feel compelled to go out of my way to be polite to people who aren't polite enough to respect my clearly stated boundaries.

The only time I delete mail unread is if it's from a sender I have no interest in hearing from.


“The more you love, the more you can love—and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just.”
- Robert Heinlein

(in reply to dagawdfather)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/10/2004 7:21:29 AM   

Posts: 865
Joined: 2/4/2004
From: Scotland/Tennessee
Status: offline
psssst iwill, you have mail


Lady Beckett


"Submissive boys yearn to fall into their proper place, so the rest of their life will." ~ Lady Beckett

(in reply to iwillserveu)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/10/2004 11:21:04 AM   

Posts: 1633
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If it's a polite letter that doesn't seem to have any agenda other than to say hello or to send a compliment then I respond politely.

Poor, poor, deluded woman,

Do you honestly think any senders do not have an "agenda"?


When the Lady smiles i can't resist her call. As a matter of fact, i don't resist at all. Well that depends if it is a smile or a grimmace.

(in reply to MizSuz)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/10/2004 6:57:49 PM   

Posts: 6142
Joined: 1/31/2004
From: Washington
Status: offline


If it's a polite letter that doesn't seem to have any agenda other than to say hello or to send a compliment then I respond politely.

Poor, poor, deluded woman,

Do you honestly think any senders do not have an "agenda"?

I often send a message with no agenda. If i enjoy someone's profile i will tell them, or sometimes i will welcome a new member from my state and tell them how cool the message forums are. So far i have always gotten a nice response.



"Without goals you become what you were. With goals you become what you wish." .

"You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts"--Alan Greenspan

(in reply to iwillserveu)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/10/2004 9:57:10 PM   

Posts: 457
Joined: 2/6/2004
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I try to reply to each email. I am sure I have slipped up a time or two. BUT I have never deleted any mail. I find that I cannot send that type of message to anyone. I do on occassion refer them back to my profile for my response of "good luck in your search". Which I truly do mean. No matter if the sender is not a sub or slave, each is searching for some form of contact. I am not saying I enjoy the emails from cyberland searchers. But it only takes a minute to reply so they can go on with their quest. As I would expect a civil reply if I sent them an email. Best and oldest quote "do unto others". Sundew


~~~~~Enjoy the ride, the landing could get painful~~~~

(in reply to dagawdfather)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/11/2004 7:13:51 AM   

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poor poor deluded woman,

Do you honestly think MEN have no agenda?


When the Lady smiles i can't resist her call. As a matter of fact, i don't resist at all. Well that depends if it is a smile or a grimmace.

(in reply to proudsub)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/11/2004 7:18:17 AM   

Posts: 1633
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Most guys who have not read your profile sent a general letter to any woman that could be a target. They are not waiting for your reply to continue their search.

Of course their are exceptions. Who will post now.


When the Lady smiles i can't resist her call. As a matter of fact, i don't resist at all. Well that depends if it is a smile or a grimmace.

(in reply to Sundew02)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/11/2004 11:58:52 AM   

Posts: 1101
Joined: 2/23/2004
From: CA
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I usually try and answer all messages. I say usually, because there are messages that just don't warrent an answer. Either because of content or lack of.

When I first came on here, I deleted a bunch of message by mistake. Which probably offended a lot of people. And if "you" are still out there, sorry.

If I get message were it is apparent they haven't read my profile, I will suggest that they go back and read it, and then get back to me.

I do grow tired of receiving the "blanket" messages as iwill talks about.

What I really find amusing is when a sub contacts me asking me to Domme them. LOL

Take care,

Attachment (1)


Variety is the soul of pleasure.
~Aphra Behn~

(in reply to dagawdfather)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/11/2004 2:10:37 PM   

Posts: 2625
Joined: 2/2/2004
From: Davis, Ca
Status: offline
You know, I honestly -hate- unsolicited, mean, mail. I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but I can't seem to help it.
A few days ago I got a nasty mail from a couple about my profile. It was unfounded, but it bothered me enough to send a response.

So, I respond to mean mail too, I guess. I know it only feeds 'em, but I can't seem to help it, as I want to say something back to people who insult me. Especially when the insult is proved wrong by the third sentence in my profile.

(in reply to feline)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/11/2004 4:54:05 PM   

Posts: 1881
Joined: 1/1/2004
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ORIGINAL: iwillserveu


If it's a polite letter that doesn't seem to have any agenda other than to say hello or to send a compliment then I respond politely.

Poor, poor, deluded woman,

Do you honestly think any senders do not have an "agenda"?

HEY! Don't go screwing with my reality with your facts!

It's ok with me if they have an agenda, as long as they don't try to interact with me as if they want it to be MY agenda too!


“The more you love, the more you can love—and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just.”
- Robert Heinlein

(in reply to iwillserveu)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/12/2004 12:51:57 AM   

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Joined: 6/21/2004
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i think that if someone is trying to be a Master to me over mail or that has obviously not read my profile then i ssay no thanks unless they really tick me off then they get none now there have been a few i have deleted on accident but i try to answer all
Slave Dee


Only when the body is bound, can the soul truly be free to soar.

(in reply to MizSuz)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/15/2004 6:04:02 PM   

Posts: 51
Joined: 6/29/2004
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ORIGINAL: dagawdfather

Do you feel that it is appropriate to at least answer an email with a polite thanks but no thanks?
Have you ever found out after you deleted mail unread, that it was nothing more than someone complimenting you on your pic or profile, or offering some other kind words?

I read every message I get, here and on other sites. I always try to respond to emails that are more than just 'i want to be your master' or 'you're pretty.. let's chat'.. If the sender can't put more than a few words together then why do they need a reply? Even if it is someone who obviously didn't read my profile, I will at least try to send along a polite 'thank you, i'm not interested' if they have come across as someone who has put some thought and effort into what they have sent me.


(in reply to dagawdfather)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/15/2004 8:05:02 PM   

Posts: 544
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ORIGINAL: dagawdfather

Do you feel that it is appropriate to at least answer an email with a polite thanks but no thanks?

Appropriate? Perhaps. But appropriate is genearlly a personal definition. I don't feel at all obligated to respond to anything that I don't want to respond to. I didn't ask for the interaction and I owe the person on the other end of it nothing. If i choose to respond, then great, but it's my choice.


ORIGINAL: dagawdfather
Have you ever found out after you deleted mail unread, that it was nothing more than someone complimenting you on your pic or profile, or offering some other kind words?

I don't generally delete email without reading it, unless it's from someone I've had a negative interaction with in the past. Sometimes it takes me awhile to get to it, but I usually read anything that's not obvious spam.


-- Sherri

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

(in reply to dagawdfather)
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RE: To anyone regarding mail - 7/16/2004 6:26:14 PM   

Posts: 949
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Believe it or not... I get the emails as well, under my Moderator account.

I get several about support, I try to answer them.. but there are many. I usually try to fix the problem or pass it to a department that can.

I was completely unaware that Joan Rivers was a member of this board, but I'll be damned if I don't get several

"can we talk"

emails. Sometimes I write back and say "about?", and sometimes I ignore it.

I have had a few that were a little brighter, well ok they were mensa material compared to the countless "hi's" I get.

They say "kneeling before you", while I would love to write back, get your ass up and mow the lawn! I don't.

Then there are those that write and tell me all kinds of things I really do not want to know, and since I am a Moderator I have to read through them to see if there is somewhere in there an issue they need help with.

My profile clearly states why I am here, if they cannot read that far then they don't get a response.


(in reply to SherriA)
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