RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (Full Version)

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LadyClaudiaVan -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 8:29:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: camille65


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan


ORIGINAL: diaperedbaby

It is amazing how some think sometimes. I am really getting the impression that one of us "girls" stole here "normal guy" at some point. Not too many other reasons one would passion that type of hatred.

Well, don't flatter yourself. I have to say any "man" into circus show sissies isn't a man. You can have all of those types till your pinky frilly panties cant take anymore. I'll keep the real men and REAL woman.

 Hey it's cool that you have your own definition of a real man.I hope that you realise though, that your own personal definition is not everyones definition. I'm not sure why you find it necessary to keep repeating your repugnance towards those that identify as sissies.

Ah, yes, I know its my opinion and yes I know some here wont agree. Who cares really though. Life is about different opinions. I come back to answer whatever I choose to and if you dont like it I would suggest you dont read or block me if you cant handle anothers viewpoint like an adult.

camille65 -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 8:31:13 AM)

Well aren't you just the most charming girl![sm=biggrin.gif] It seems that you are the one unable to deal with differing views.

Boondoggle -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 9:14:16 AM)

The problem is she loves the negative attention. She is the classic forum troll. If no one was to respond to her hate, she'll either just go away or get herself banned.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 9:20:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan

I'll keep the real men and REAL woman.

i have to wonder if i would qualify as a REAL woman ....but i doubt i would in your mind.  since i was born intersexed ..wait you probably dont even know what it means.

LadyClaudiaVan -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 9:53:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: camille65

Well aren't you just the most charming girl![sm=biggrin.gif] It seems that you are the one unable to deal with differing views.

Well now, thanks! You're charming too. And sacrastic too. Ohhh, your special.

Well, point out to me where I attacked someone for their personal opinion. You must be projecting. Here is your inability to "deal": I'm not sure why you find it necessary to keep repeating your repugnance towards those that identify as sissies.
Pot calling kettle black.

Well now, it looks like you don't like it when someone expresses their opinion on female impersonators on it isn't a positive one. Do you think everyone has to favor them. LMAO surely you dont cammie girl. I have to say to you that if you dont like others opinions maybe you shouldnt come to the boards than.

LadyClaudiaVan -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 9:57:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: faerytattoodgirl


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan

I'll keep the real men and REAL woman.

i have to wonder if i would qualify as a REAL woman ....but i doubt i would in your mind.  since i was born intersexed ..wait you probably dont even know what it means.

Qualify yourself. you dont need me. Do you?

Just because I express my opinion on them <<<IN GENERAL>>>>, you have to get PERSONAL and tell me what I dont or do know?

I just have to ask hows those hormones? Is it like having pms all the time?

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 10:13:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan


ORIGINAL: faerytattoodgirl


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan

I'll keep the real men and REAL woman.

i have to wonder if i would qualify as a REAL woman ....but i doubt i would in your mind.  since i was born intersexed ..wait you probably dont even know what it means.

Qualify yourself. you dont need me. Do you?

Just because I express my opinion on them <<<IN GENERAL>>>>, you have to get PERSONAL and tell me what I dont or do know?

I just have to ask hows those hormones? Is it like having pms all the time?

actually im past pms and into menopause.   

LadyClaudiaVan -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 10:16:29 AM)

<<<<unsp. LMAO!>>>>>

backseatbebe -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 10:21:10 AM)

im curious why does everyone say its homophobia
maybe we just dont like seeing men as sissys

undergroundsea -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 11:36:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan

Of course you have a right to your opinion. Within limits of TOS, you even have a right to state your opinion in a compassionate manner or an offensive manner. However, how you state your opinion and the content of your posts does reflect on you.

I expect if a vanilla person came into this forum and chastised a kink you enjoy, you would feel offended or think it unnecessary for that person to have said so. If so, I would find such an objection to be incongruent with your recent posts.



LadyClaudiaVan -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 12:23:58 PM)

I didn't point any personal names out. You come in here and get personal with me for my strong beliefs. I didnt point anyone out with my opinions but since you pointed me out, lets point you out. It just so happens you are just like me. But you like to stick your head in and earn some brownie points and pretend your better. You love to quantify other people. You are this, you are that. You have this pathological need to point out personal faults so you can feel you are better. So I have to ask. Whose judging who? Why do you think judging me will lead to less judging by me? You turn around and do what I do, except, I have to say, you do it passively. You like to down people too but you just do it less directly. You are a judgmental person too but just in disguise. Your bigoted against bigots and I have to add your self-rightous too. You just care about hiding it and I dont. Yaknow, your just too funny.

ModeratorEleven -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 12:31:33 PM)

Ok kids, enough.


irishjoe -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 1:59:53 PM)

as a submissive manly male this is quite worrying. i have spoken to a wonderful Domme who says that she wants to sissify those who serve Her. i have never really been into sissification as such and just thought it was not for me but when you think of the dynamic and symbolism in the act of giving up your masculine identity and taking a new one as deemed appropriate by your Mistress as a sissy surely it is a great act of submission and show of devotion for your owner.

This Domme requires that all male subs must check their masculinity at the door and become Her servant, maid and sissy. Also if you think of sissy panties they are the most ridiculous things i have seen and no self-respecting Lady would wear them yet a sissy is made to wear them, this only adds to their submission. It used to be a limit for me but any act where i am bringing happiness to my Domme, well i don't come into the equation, if She wishes to sissify me and call me Her bitch then so be it...does this make me a wanna be woman, no but an obedient servant.
anyways just my opinion...

undergroundsea -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 2:22:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan
I didn't point any personal names out. You come in here and get personal with me for my strong beliefs.

Yes, I did address my post to you by quoting you as you have quoted others. First, to do so is fair. Second, your objection is inconsistent with your past actions.


You are a judgmental person too but just in disguise. Your bigoted against bigots and I have to add your self-rightous too. You just care about hiding it and I dont. Yaknow, your just too funny.

This statement above is an admission of sorts by you. You seem to acknowledge what you are doing and are saying that I am doing it too.

First, the defense that I am also doing what you are doing does not validate what you are doing.

Second, I disagree with your countercharge. I will readily acknowledge I am judging you. I am judging you based on your conduct and how you are treating others, not on what you enjoy or not enjoy as a kink. And, yes, I do disapprove of bigots. For sake of precise language, my disapproval does not qualify as bigotry. From Merrian Webster dictionary, bigotry is:


a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Intolerance towards a group due to sexuality related matters or gender identification fits that definition, disapproval of offensive statements or of attacking others for their kink does not. Therefore, your attempt to defend your behavior by saying I am also engaging in it is further invalid.

Here is a post from you in the other thread about sissies:


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan
Scuse me but be a man and please stop looking ridiculous because its really not erotic one bit.

In my prior post, I pointed out that your conduct has consequences and reflects on you. If it is inappropriate for me to as much as say your conduct reflects on you, why is it appropriate for you to slam those who crossdress in that manner?

And let's address the other point from my prior post. How would you feel if a vanilla person came and slammed you for your kink? Based on how you are responding to those who are questioning how you are treating others, I think it is fair to expect you would respond even more strongly when someone attacks you for your kink. I don't think you can claim you would not care. If you would not want such comments directed at you, why is it alright for you to do so to others? 

If you are willing to intelligently discuss your rationale, I will gladly continue this discussion. Otherwise, I am uninterested.



iwearpanties -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 2:23:43 PM)

Irish Joe

i thnik you summed it up pretty good im like you in the  fact if it makes the Domme/ Mistress happy .Yes your also rite aboput the sissy type panties ive never seen nor ever dated a woman that even would put on a pair of ruffled panties ..yet some of us male who are willing too explore and enjoy will and would .....   i guess i stopped post on this since it got so much hatered told the male whos got a fetish and likeing for wearing ....

DiannaVesta -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 4:23:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: faerytattoodgirl

   les women think im straight because i dont present the "lesbian look".

lol- whats the lesbian look? Just curious. I think I know what you mean but today I don't think there is a look.

DiannaVesta -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 4:25:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: DominaJayde

I admit from the outset that I adore sissyboys, I think they are wonderful, but the one thing that distresses me greatly is the attitude towards a lot of sissyboys from other subs and indeed from a lot of  male dominants.  I have been shown messages from male dominants and from other male subs that have been sent to my boys, above and beyond the usual stupid message/troll type things.

With phrases such as 'hate' and 'die' along with suggestions that the world would be a better place if they just removed themselves from it, is this attitude prevalent in real life, or is this just a nasty online phenomena?

I tell my boys to report them if they are truly foul ones,  the feelings they have are often hard enough to come to terms with without the unnecessary added burden of others deciding that they don't deserve to find any kind of fulfillment.


I agree with what most said about this but I also want to add that I love sissy boys. For the most part I think it takes a lot of strenght to take that journey and not only know who you are but enjoy that very special dynamic.

faerytattoodgirl -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 4:36:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: DiannaVesta


ORIGINAL: faerytattoodgirl

   les women think im straight because i dont present the "lesbian look".

lol- whats the lesbian look? Just curious. I think I know what you mean but today I don't think there is a look.

if i knew what it was i wouldnt have the problem! this is just what ive been told.

LadyClaudiaVan -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 4:38:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan
I didn't point any personal names out. You come in here and get personal with me for my strong beliefs.

Yes, I did address my post to you by quoting you as you have quoted others. First, to do so is fair. Second, your objection is inconsistent with your past actions.


You are a judgmental person too but just in disguise. Your bigoted against bigots and I have to add your self-rightous too. You just care about hiding it and I dont. Yaknow, your just too funny.

Here is a post from you in the other thread about sissies:


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan
Scuse me but be a man and please stop looking ridiculous because its really not erotic one bit.

In my prior post, I pointed out that your conduct has consequences and reflects on you. If it is inappropriate for me to as much as say your conduct reflects on you, why is it appropriate for you to slam those who crossdress in that manner?

And let's address the other point from my prior post. How would you feel if a vanilla person came and slammed you for your kink? Based on how you are responding to those who are questioning how you are treating others, I think it is fair to expect you would respond even more strongly when someone attacks you for your kink. I don't think you can claim you would not care. If you would not want such comments directed at you, why is it alright for you to do so to others? 

If you are willing to intelligently discuss your rationale, I will gladly continue this discussion. Otherwise, I am uninterested.



You are just like me so stop pretending like your not. You came in here and made a personal judgment on me yet I came in here to discuss my opinions on those types in <<<general>>>, without getting individually personal with anyone. So you pop your head in and complain that you don't like my behavior. Well, too bad. Too damn bad. Ohhh, sea doesn't approve of my behavior. lol. I have a right to express my opinions anyway I see fit. Like you don't do that yourself? Yay, okay. Deal with it or don't read my opinions. I'm not going to conform to your personal standards, pal. You're out of your freaking mind. lol ps. try staying on topic like I did. Or start your own thread with a personal judgment on me if it makes you feel any better. I know how much you need to level yourself UP. lol

LadyClaudiaVan -> RE: attitudes in general towards sissyboys (1/21/2008 4:43:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan


ORIGINAL: undergroundsea


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan
I didn't point any personal names out. You come in here and get personal with me for my strong beliefs.

Yes, I did address my post to you by quoting you as you have quoted others. First, to do so is fair. Second, your objection is inconsistent with your past actions.


You are a judgmental person too but just in disguise. Your bigoted against bigots and I have to add your self-rightous too. You just care about hiding it and I dont. Yaknow, your just too funny. You love to quantify other people. You are this, you are that. You have this pathological need to point out personal faults so you can feel you are better.

Here is a post from you in the other thread about sissies:


ORIGINAL: LadyClaudiaVan
Scuse me but be a man and please stop looking ridiculous because its really not erotic one bit.

In my prior post, I pointed out that your conduct has consequences and reflects on you. If it is inappropriate for me to as much as say your conduct reflects on you, why is it appropriate for you to slam those who crossdress in that manner?

And let's address the other point from my prior post. How would you feel if a vanilla person came and slammed you for your kink? Based on how you are responding to those who are questioning how you are treating others, I think it is fair to expect you would respond even more strongly when someone attacks you for your kink. I don't think you can claim you would not care. If you would not want such comments directed at you, why is it alright for you to do so to others? 

If you are willing to intelligently discuss your rationale, I will gladly continue this discussion. Otherwise, I am uninterested.



You are just like me so stop pretending like your not. You came in here and made a personal judgment on me yet I came in here to discuss my opinions on those types in <<<general>>>, without getting individually personal with anyone. So you pop your head in and complain that you don't like my behavior. Well, too bad. Too damn bad. Ohhh, sea doesn't approve of my behavior. lol. I have a right to express my opinions anyway I see fit. Like you don't do that yourself? Yay, okay. Deal with it or don't read my opinions. I'm not going to conform to your personal standards, pal. You're out of your freaking mind. lol ps. try staying on topic like I did. Or start your own thread with a personal judgment on me if it makes you feel any better. I know how much you need to level yourself UP. lol You're too full of yourself. But you're just like me with your opinions and judgments on certain things and you know it. Only I'm big enough to admit it. lol.

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