RE: Nipple Peircing (Full Version)

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sting516 -> RE: Nipple Peircing (9/24/2004 10:54:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: proudsub


i used to have a bunch of cock piercings too...took 'em out for the same reason...and i'd do that again if someone wanted me to have them.

Hmmmmmm wondering what kind of work you do LOL, who at work would see those?, it wasn't that...i was doing a lot of flying for my old job, and didn't want to set off the metal detector...the PA was at a 2g at that point...and doing a lot of work on military bases, so i decided discretion was the better part of valor.


sting516 -> RE: Nipple Peircing (9/24/2004 10:56:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: newflowers

Me too!!! I really want to get my nipples pierced. I think sometimes I'd prefer to do it when I have a dominant partner. Sometimes, I think I'd rather do it now so they will be completely healed are can be played with by that time. I go back and forth. I try not too think of the pain too much, but it is a factor in my indecision - not the pain of the initial piercing, but the pain of having them played with after the fact. It seems that everyone's piercings are different in terms of pain and healing time.

But - don't laugh at me - I think I have lovely nipples and stainless or titanium rings would be simply beautiful.


i was seeing someone when i got mine...and the fact that She was there when i got my nips pierced made it mean a helluva lot more...and that She played with them when we both knew we shouldn't was fun too...i do fear She got a taste for blood then though lol


sbmssvkitten -> RE: Nipple Peircing (9/24/2004 3:32:29 PM)

my master pierced my clit hood in march, it was healed within 3 days, a month later or so we stretched it to put a thicker ring though which left it quite sore for a week and was more painfull than the piercing itself.
4 weeks ago he pierced my nipples, both times he used needles, same type as for playing really, about 2mm thick or so, i rather called them canal pipes not needles when i saw them[&:].
played a bit with them after two weeks, i mean a tiny bit. now they are fine, no more crispy crunchy nipples and stuff. look all healed but accidentally catching them is quite painfull. can pull on them fine but by accident makes me jump through the roof (funny at work, i wonder what my collegues think when i suddenly jump very startled [:o]).
people might be shocked that i let my master do the piercing but i couldn't imagine someone else touching me or seeing parts they are not supposed to see sort of [8|]. me shy ya know... but i trust him and i know he wouldn't damage me and he took care to keep them clean. who gets daily aftercare at a piercing studio?
i showered just before the piercing and keep them clean with hibyscrub, surgical skin cleanser, while i have my shower in the morning, sort of twist the soap into the nipple by moving the bars. when they were a tiny bit infected last week i just put a bit of savlon cream on them which fixed that fast.
I put piercing them off for months as all i heard was horrorstorries about them not healing and being sore for at least 6 months. so i thought first i like nipple play far too much to leave them alone that long and even though i like pain i don't want to be constantly sore, that's not fun just annoying. but they were fine. i think it's all keeping them clean and no problems what so ever[:D].

proudsub -> RE: Nipple Peircing (9/24/2004 5:09:27 PM)

quote:, it wasn't that...i was doing a lot of flying for my old job, and didn't want to set off the metal detector...the PA was at a 2g at that point...and doing a lot of work on military bases, so i decided discretion was the better part of valor.

Thank you for the explanation. I guess that could be a little hard to explain if you set off the detector.[;)]

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