The 'Other' Slavery (Full Version)

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camille65 -> The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:00:57 PM) There is always talk here about slavery, human slavery. It is, for many of us a large part of our world. Most of us know the difference between BDSM slavery and illegal non consentual slavery.A couple of weeks ago I read a post on this site saying that the 'other' slavery didn' exist. A post on how it must be the persons fault or an innate weakness that permits being enslaved. I am paraphrasing with these sentences but the basic parts are true. Another post declared shock that there could possibly (yes possibly) be anything like this going on. That slavery in the US ended with the Civil War. How can it be that there are those denying this? How can it be that there are those unknowing of this?Do people not want to know? I cannot fathom that kind of ignorance but maybe someone else can and in turn explain it to me. I'm hoping that some of those people read this. I've been to one of the clubs mentioned (yah okay it was many years ago) in Detroit.

CrimsonMoan -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:14:08 PM)

I hate to say it and no I will possibly get flamed for it but these people are just like those who say the Holocuast didn't happen. Its easier to stick your head in the sand than acknowledge that there are people capable of doing things like keeping non consenting slaves. It happens in Asia every day, young girls are lured from their villages with the prmoise of a good paying job. What they find is is much worse than what they left. If they are from another country their passports are taken, they are not allowed to go anywhere alone, forced to sign contracts stating they will work for x amount of time to repay x amount of money, problem is they never make enough to get out of their contracts.

The girls are constantly moved so no one gets too nosy about whats going on. They are told they will be singers in lounges but end up as prostitues.

toservez -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:18:23 PM)

Most people unfortunately tend to only be able to or only want to filter and process information from a personal standpoint which is limited by their culture, spirituality and experiences in life.

You can actually see this type of thought pattern with almost anything. I know from living my whole life living in two distinctly different cultures how people are so dismissive or judgmental on anything they have not experienced for themselves and filter what and how other people should be by how they are. Well most of the worlds population does not live in a truly free society and have more resources and wealth then the people of these countries do. This can cause a great difference in how human beings live and behave.

camille65 -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:19:06 PM)

Everyone that knows me RT will at one time or another call me Pollyanna or comment on my rose colored lenses but I still 'see' the world and wonder how can it be easier to close your eyes against this.Keeping yourself ignorant is (to me) a very wrong thing.

Wyrd -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:19:28 PM)

Slavery still exists in the US, except they call it taxes, with the combinations of taxes we have implemented, the government takes 1/3 of your wages, and you end up paying 2 or 3 times as much for good as you should, meaning you work well over half the time to support someone other than your own self and family.

Putting a pretty name on it does not change the outcome.

camille65 -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:21:34 PM)



Slavery still exists in the US, except they call it taxes, with the combinations of taxes we have implemented, the government takes 1/3 of your wages, and you end up paying 2 or 3 times as much for good as you should, meaning you work well over half the time to support someone other than your own self and family.

Putting a pretty name on it does not change the outcome.

 Well it is a day for confusion in my brain lol, what does taxes have to do with people held against their will and abused, sometimes murdered?To me that makes light of the situation. [8|]

LadyEllen -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:33:56 PM)



Slavery still exists in the US, except they call it taxes, with the combinations of taxes we have implemented, the government takes 1/3 of your wages, and you end up paying 2 or 3 times as much for good as you should, meaning you work well over half the time to support someone other than your own self and family.

Putting a pretty name on it does not change the outcome.

As Resident Mistress Of Witty Observations I have to say that given the subject matter in hand, this singularly failed to meet the mark.


LadyHathor -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:39:15 PM)

Yep, I've been following this, there was an article on tv a few nights ago, the problem is its their OWN countrymen here in America doing it--and with it being culture based, no one dares speak out.
( always good to see you post...)

LadyHathor -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:41:28 PM)



Slavery still exists in the US, except they call it taxes, with the combinations of taxes we have implemented, the government takes 1/3 of your wages, and you end up paying 2 or 3 times as much for good as you should, meaning you work well over half the time to support someone other than your own self and family.

Putting a pretty name on it does not change the outcome.

no but reading the OP and responding to the post Does!
hands him a copy of CollarMe for dummies.

kittinSol -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:47:22 PM)

I know which thread you're talking about, and I studiously avoided it. Slavery, and sexual slavery, are alive and well, the latter better than ever, thanks to an evergrowing sex market and increasing demand.

Some people on these boards seem to be oblivious to the realities of the world outside of our cosy comfort, and cannot get their heads around the fact that slavery is never a matter of choice, but an all too frequent occurrence.


Slavery continues to blight the lives of many millions around the world. Although officially abolished in some countries two centuries ago, people trafficking, bonded labour and child labour still exist.

Slavery in Niger is not an obscure thing, nor a curious relic of the past, it is an intrinsic part of society today.

A Nigerian study has found that almost 8% of the population are slaves.

You wonder how this can be in the 21st Century and why people do not know about it?

We began a journey to find out more.

LadyEllen -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:50:17 PM)

Jenny - is it referred to as "people trafficking" over there too?

I really wonder why we use this term - OK, the people are trafficked, but I think if it was called what it is - A SLAVE TRADE then we might serve the victims, the survivors and our own aims at stamping it out much more?

Over here, we get a lot of E European girls - (really, girls 15-20) who are offered secretarial jobs and the like in the west - and end up being sold on pub car parks out of the backs of vans to scumbag pimps. 


slaveboyforyou -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:53:11 PM)

It definitely is sad that this goes on.  It's a travesty that it happens in wealthy, western countries.  When they catch these pricks, they should send them to prison with PUNK tattooed on their asses, and force them to wear makeup, dresses, and styled hair.  Let them see how it feels to be treated like an object. 

kittinSol -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 1:53:25 PM)



Over here, we get a lot of E European girls - (really, girls 15-20) who are offered secretarial jobs and the like in the west - and end up being sold on pub car parks out of the backs of vans to scumbag pimps. 

Yes, and some collarme residents seem to think the above is part of some kind of natural law, or that they made that choice for themselves [8|] .

LadyHathor -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 2:04:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: slaveboyforyou

It definitely is sad that this goes on.  It's a travesty that it happens in wealthy, western countries.  When they catch these pricks, they should send them to prison with PUNK tattooed on their asses, and force them to wear makeup, dresses, and styled hair.  Let them see how it feels to be treated like an object. 

There is an easier way, leak it inside that they traffic in minors--that alone will ensure a slow and painful sentence.

camille65 -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 2:04:36 PM)

Yes LE it is, that and human trafficking. Sometimes 'white slavery' which kind of ticks me off because it usually is not the whites that are enslaved. Usually but not always. Every once in a while there will be a television expose, or a group of articles done on it then once again it fades into the background.

slaveboyforyou -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 2:20:42 PM)


There is an easier way, leak it inside that they traffic in minors--that alone will ensure a slow and painful sentence.

LadyHathor, I don't agree.  My brother did a year and half in prison for a drug offense.  He said they kept guys like that in protective custody.  They would have been killed within 24 hours of arriving if they hadn't been.  I really think guys like that should be forced to understand what it feels like to be in that position.  Let them go to bed crying every night with a feeling of unbelievable hopelessness.  Let the most disgusting human beings that the world has to offer trade them off for a carton of cigarettes.  I don't think death is a hard enough punishment for people like this.   

slvemike4u -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 2:26:28 PM)

I won't bother remarking on the earlier post comparing paying taxes to being subject to illegal traficking,it speaks for itself.Anybody who thinks that these are isolated incidents or exclusive to third world victims ,there is a 13 year old girl in Queens NEW YORK who has a story to tell you.As we speak a NEW YORK city detective and his girlfriend are awaiting trial on a host of charges stemming from this childs ordeal.Basically they bought this runaway for 500 dollars and put her to work servicing men at the cut rate of 40 for oral and 80 for intercourse.Luckily for this victim she managed to escape her captors and get help,most are not so fortunate.The system that will address the wrong done to this child is coincidently financed by tax revenues probably the only connection taxes have to this thread

awmslave -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 2:40:49 PM)

One thing to consider when reading these stories about sex slaves is that these women often lie and exaggerate about their experiences. The reason for lying is that if they "qualify" as "sex slaves" they become eligible for US residency after being cought by officials. Logically, it is extremly difficult for a private party to imprison and sell for sex somebody against their will for prolonged period of time. Many of them may in reality work and share profits voluntarily.

kittinSol -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 2:46:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: awmslave

One thing to consider when reading these stories about sex slaves is that these women often lie and exaggerate about their experiences.


Alumbrado -> RE: The 'Other' Slavery (2/19/2008 2:51:52 PM)

I've been posting on this for quite a while (as well as engaging in other activities), to either a deafening silence, or outright ridicule and denial, such as some of the above posts.

If it takes an Oprah special or an MSNBC expose to get people to even address it, I suppose that will have to do for progress.

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