RE: Men I want to hear... (Full Version)

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kend70 -> RE: Men I want to hear... (3/10/2008 2:08:35 PM)

Ok, I'll "bite"

To me, women are the "fragile" ones like you said, emotionally sensitive, needing of security, affection, essentially being made to feel like a woman (and that is more of an individual thing).  I don't see women as sub standard, or beneath men, just that they are different.  Those differences should complement each other.  I think the interesting part of your question is, are people to be treated like people or are they treated like their titles or lables or roles.

Be well


variation30 -> RE: Men I want to hear... (3/11/2008 2:19:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol At my advanced age, a chick will have encountered this kind of BS often, and she will be more than apt at deciphering the Freudian pain behind the dialectic [:(]. Men like that are suffering because a woman in their lives (usually, the Mother, with a capital "M") did something to shatter their ego. Usually, this trauma occurred in childhood.

Nothing a good bout of psychoanalysis can't expose rofl .

being a bit of a young whipper snapper, I am used to what the internet does to people and their arguments. there are even certain laws that predict the outcomes of internet conversations. for instance, give me a TI-89 graphing calculator and I can show you the relationship between the length of the argument and the probability someone will claim the other debater is a 'nazi' (it increases rather exponentially). in essence, they give up on what the kids on the street call 'logic' and declare that the other person is obviously wrong by the virtue of them being some synonym for a heretic (nazi, bigot, misogynist, racist, liberal, commie, pervert, etc.). my favorite of these techniques is the good ol' arm chair psychoanalysis. you see, freud's use of psychoanalysis was the same as yours. it is not is stigmatization. in some cases (see Karl Kraus), it was outright character assassination. as opposed to approaching and destroying the actual argument, the analysist fabricates a realm in which he, or in this instance, she, has a de jure superiority to the other person because of her insight and wisdom. she knows things about human psyche (without any objective reason to think such things, might I add) and can utterly invalidate any opposing argument by declaring that the person making the argument is...abnormal. this man does not think what he thinks for legitimate reasons, he thinks what he thinks because of a malfunction in his mind (in this case, a hypothetical inability to make up for a hypothetical occurance in his childhood) that perverts his thinking into the argument he makes...he is, in other words, incapable of coming to the 'normal' conclusion. incidentally enough, there is a high correlation between the 'normal' ("correct") opinion and the one the analysist holds to be true. it's mere coincidence, I'm sure.

the sad truth is that as humans, you either define or be defined (I feel obligated at this point to say that I am paraphrasing Szasz). because of this fact, your attack is generally accepted as a legitimate assessment of the situation. but I find it rather unfortunate that in the end you are hiding behind an (albeit very refined) ad hominem attack to pretend another individual's opinion is either invalid or of poor quality because they have, as you diagnose (i.e. pull out of your ass), a problem that forces them to think in this abhorrent way...that they simply don't have the faculties that you and other normal people (people with your opinion) possess.

but then again, with you being older than me, this is all probably just an act of rebellion in an attempt to usurp your role as a parent figure and validate my insecurities about my maturity, potency, penis size, self-worth, etc. against such a domineering and wise figure such as yourself...right?

variation30 -> RE: Men I want to hear... (3/11/2008 2:30:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: CalifChick

I feel like I should turn in my girlie card. Can I move over to the guys team?


sorry. for millennia there have been sacred rules regarding the guys team. you can find them posted on any and every 9 year old boy's tree house:

No Girls Allowed!

variation30 -> RE: Men I want to hear... (3/11/2008 2:37:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse
Last I knew, most(most not all) guys on here are here specifically for the purpose of, ultimately getting pussy.

that's true. but then again, this statement is true in more instances than this. that is to say, I wake up in the morning ultimately to get pussy. I am being educated so that I can prosper ultimately so that I can get pussy. we're very simple creatures.


Call it whatever else you want to fluff it up, nasty it down, whatever. Now, extreme emotional masochists aside, not many women are going to go panting after a guy that says alot of negative shit about women right up front like. Regardless of what they really think. Cuz,'s all about reeling in the pussy.

then consider me an 'extreme emotional masochist' as I intend to be honest (once I've caught up on this thread).


So, to create a thread inviting less than stellar reviews of said pussy.....knowing that most guys......even those that are slightly pussy reeling challenged, are gonna know, being too verbose in a negative light, is a really bad idea. Well, it seems that either the OP just wants to stir shit to draw in a bunch of irrate pussy to confirm her already admitted, low opinion or afore mentioned pussy,  and make herself feel better.....ORRRRRR...........yeahhhhhh, not too bright.

We in the biz call them trolls. most are advised not to feed them. I tend not to listen to that particular bit of advice. I usually do it for fun, but in this instance I'm interested in the outcome. My opinion of women is closely tied to why I am interested in pursuing this particular lifestyle. I would like to here your(plural) thoughts as to why I'm doing what I'm doing - it probably won't change much, but I am curious nontheless.

variation30 -> RE: Men I want to hear... (3/11/2008 2:39:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: SailingBum
Hates to disagree with such a fine looking post.  Im here looking for wank material cuz all the hot fuckmeat is taken.


or they expressly state on their profile: NO MEN NO MEN NO MEN NO MEN NO MEN NO MEN.

variation30 -> RE: Men I want to hear... (3/11/2008 7:18:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: variation30


ORIGINAL: kittinSol At my advanced age, a chick will have encountered this kind of BS often, and she will be more than apt at deciphering the Freudian pain behind the dialectic [:(]. Men like that are suffering because a woman in their lives (usually, the Mother, with a capital "M") did something to shatter their ego. Usually, this trauma occurred in childhood.

Nothing a good bout of psychoanalysis can't expose rofl .

being a bit of a young whipper snapper, I am used to what the internet does to people and their arguments. there are even certain laws that predict the outcomes of internet conversations. for instance, give me a TI-89 graphing calculator and I can show you the relationship between the length of the argument and the probability someone will claim the other debater is a 'nazi' (it increases rather exponentially). in essence, they give up on what the kids on the street call 'logic' and declare that the other person is obviously wrong by the virtue of them being some synonym for a heretic (nazi, bigot, misogynist, racist, liberal, commie, pervert, etc.). my favorite of these techniques is the good ol' arm chair psychoanalysis. you see, freud's use of psychoanalysis was the same as yours. it is not is stigmatization. in some cases (see Karl Kraus), it was outright character assassination. as opposed to approaching and destroying the actual argument, the analysist fabricates a realm in which he, or in this instance, she, has a de jure superiority to the other person because of her insight and wisdom. she knows things about human psyche (without any objective reason to think such things, might I add) and can utterly invalidate any opposing argument by declaring that the person making the argument is...abnormal. this man does not think what he thinks for legitimate reasons, he thinks what he thinks because of a malfunction in his mind (in this case, a hypothetical inability to make up for a hypothetical occurance in his childhood) that perverts his thinking into the argument he makes...he is, in other words, incapable of coming to the 'normal' conclusion. incidentally enough, there is a high correlation between the 'normal' ("correct") opinion and the one the analysist holds to be true. it's mere coincidence, I'm sure.

the sad truth is that as humans, you either define or be defined (I feel obligated at this point to say that I am paraphrasing Szasz). because of this fact, your attack is generally accepted as a legitimate assessment of the situation. but I find it rather unfortunate that in the end you are hiding behind an (albeit very refined) ad hominem attack to pretend another individual's opinion is either invalid or of poor quality because they have, as you diagnose (i.e. pull out of your ass), a problem that forces them to think in this abhorrent way...that they simply don't have the faculties that you and other normal people (people with your opinion) possess.

but then again, with you being older than me, this is all probably just an act of rebellion in an attempt to usurp your role as a parent figure and validate my insecurities about my maturity, potency, penis size, self-worth, etc. against such a domineering and wise figure such as yourself...right?

p.s. rofl .

masterfixer -> RE: Men I want to hear... (3/11/2008 8:47:58 PM)


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