RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (Full Version)

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Hippiekinkster -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 3:52:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Just don't expect the rest of us not to laugh at you.

Laugh hysterically. [8D]

SugarMyChurro -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 3:55:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
...craven images...

That would be an American "edumacation," yeah?


TracyTaken -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 3:57:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Tracytaken the trouble with Bush and his cronies IMO has allways been there belief that they and they alone had the one true belief.Personally i dont care what the man in the Oval Office believes,as a matter of fact i would rather not know .His beliefs should be a private matter and he should keep them that way 'Thought that was what Mr.Jefferson and Mr. Madison had in mind,we would all be better off if we could find one canidate that would point that out to the first reporter to ask them a religous belief question .Just refuse to answer tell them you will worship in private till you leave public office ,and go inside and bow down to craven images .I know i'll sleep better

I love to see any candidate do that.  I can't see how refusing to answer could have worked though.  It might have helped if he'd made a "separation of church and state" statement the way Kennedy did, but I doubt it.  I don't think that would fly in the US of 2008.

cyberdude611 -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:10:01 PM)

I had no intention of voting for Obama and the more of his past that comes to light the more satisfied I am with my decision.

Im a concerned voter. I have a right to know these things about the people who could possibly be leading this country.

Obama's speeches dont move me. When I took political science classes in college, every one of my professors taught us to NEVER trust the words that come out of a politician's mouth. Politicians are pathological liars. They all are. The only way you can find the truth is if you look into their actions...not their words. Obama offers nothing but words. Through all my years of school, I've been educated to look well past that surface level.

So Im sorry Im not a robot or a kool-aid drinker who watches Obama rallies while chanting "Si se prede!" I look at those people and feel terribly sad for this country and how bad our education system is. Hitler could get elected in this environment. This country is about's gone. The government is getting bigger and bigger and the only thing people seem to want is more government and handouts. We will be lucky if we survive to 2020 at this rate.

slvemike4u -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:13:08 PM)

Yes sugar I must apologize for my second rate american education,you see my goverment spent most of there money building a massive military industrial thingamajig to keep democracy safe nd than on top of all that they took a good chunc of the rest of my educational funds and sent it to all these bumfuck third world countrys that couldn't feed themselves(between you and me i think they did that in the hopes that thier peeples woold stay away .oh well good intentions and all)so i apologize for any speling errors i mite make while making a counterargument to your claptrap nonsense

TracyTaken -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:14:16 PM)


This country is about's gone. The government is getting bigger and bigger and the only thing people seem to want is more government and handouts. We will be lucky if we survive to 2020 at this rate.

It depends on what you mean by "survive."  I think that the empire is going to fall.  Isn't that what empires always do eventually?

domiguy -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:18:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: cyberdude611
Obama's speeches dont move me. When I took political science classes in college, every one of my professors taught us to NEVER trust the words that come out of a politician's mouth. Politicians are pathological liars. They all are. The only way you can find the truth is if you look into their actions...not their words. Obama offers nothing but words. Through all my years of school, I've been educated to look well past that surface level.

You do seem like you know your shit.....Soooooo Einstein please enlighten us and tell us how you voted in the last two elections?.....Awaiting your precious response...This should be rich.

celticlord2112 -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:20:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Do you mean to imply we all dont have a kindly old uncle who spews hateful racist comments.

I'm not sure which is more offensive. The hate speech Obama's pastor engages in seemingly as a matter of routine, or the fact that Obama ("words do matter") dismisses the author of such vile speech as a "kindly old uncle."

There's nothing kindly in the words "God damn America."

cyberdude611 -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:25:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: TracyTaken


This country is about's gone. The government is getting bigger and bigger and the only thing people seem to want is more government and handouts. We will be lucky if we survive to 2020 at this rate.

It depends on what you mean by "survive."  I think that the empire is going to fall.  Isn't that what empires always do eventually?

We never did have an "empire." It was just for awhile we were the strongest world power that had yet to fall to pieces. Now over the past few decades, some rivals have gotten stronger (ie: China). People think that the US has gotten weaker. Not really. We just have been tredding water for many years. The world around us continues to change.

But I think for the first time since the Great Depression, we are in danger of weakening. Cost of food is going up. Cost of gas is going up. And if you make over $30,000 a year....the Democrats want you to pay more taxes so they can inflate the size of government so they can claim they are doing something.

Change? This is aint no change. It's the same old left-wing rhetoric it's always been. If there is a problem....just throw money at it. The Dems have been trying to fix education by throwing money at it for 3 decades. Now social security is in trouble....what's the liberal solution? Throw more money at it. We have a problem in the mortgage sector...solution? Throw money at it. Heathcare? Throw money at it. When it comes to Democrats, none of them have a real solution other than throwing more money at the problem. You want real change? The only way that will happen is if we elect something that offers REAL reform and REAL change. A real change in pass would be BUDGET CUTS and shrink the size of government. That would be a reverse of what we are doing now.

The Democrats are not offering any kind of change at all....

stef -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:26:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


Obama's Gave $22,500 to Racist Church in 2006

That would be the equivalent of me giving $22k to the DNC, or the current version of the RNC for that matter.

It would?  Do you consider either of those groups to be your church?  That's pretty fucked up, Merc  [;)]


So what is he, a hypocrite, or a believer?

I might be going out on a limb here, but I think that makes him a parishioner who made a donation to his church.


Alumbrado -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:26:41 PM)

So are people getting paid to flood the boards with this nonsense?

MzMia -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:31:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado

So are people getting paid to flood the boards with this nonsense?

NO!  we do it for free!

Level -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:32:05 PM)

Fast reply:
Do I think Obama believes the shit his pastor spews? No. And I still hope he becomes our next president.
Why does  he stay in that church though? That bugs me.

domiguy -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:37:16 PM)



Fast reply:
Do I think Obama believes the shit his pastor spews? No. And I still hope he becomes our next president.
Why does  he stay in that church though? That bugs me.

C'mon....How many Presidents have held council with some of the biggest right wing pastoral pricks to walk this Earth?

Did Reagan ever meet with Falwell of Robertson ....What about Dad Bush? When are you going to realize that spiritual leaders for the most part are complete assholes....When they finally find the spotlight how many conduct themselves in a Christian manner? Hmmmmmmm....Let me think....Oh, now the answer comes to me....NONE!!!! They are all complete God fearing fuckwads!!!

STILL AWAITING cyberdude's reply...IT SHOULD BE FASCINATING.....I see you up there...So, who did you vote for in the last two elections?

Sanity -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:38:39 PM)

So, if John McCain had been attending KKK rallies for twenty years, all he would have to do to clear his name and remain a viable candidate for president is "vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been the subject of (that) controversy..."


No offense, but I'm just not seeing all that much thinking here.  There's a whole lot of frothing at the mouth and plenty of jerking knees, but not so much thinking.

Once again, for those in the cheap seats:

“Let me say at the outset that I vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been the subject of this controversy,” he said in the statement. “I categorically denounce any statement that disparages our great country or serves to divide us from our allies. I also believe that words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue, whether it’s on the campaign stump or in the pulpit. In sum, I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue.”

Spare us the sound and fury.


cyberdude611 -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:39:13 PM)

Everyone keeps bringing up Falwell and Robertson....

But has any president actually been a member of Robertson's or Falwell's congregation?

Obama is a MEMBER of Jeremiah Wright's church!

celticlord2112 -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:40:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
Granted, however considering that he donated $22,500 to the cause of this church, I say the 'verbal' distance doesn't mirror his fiscal distance.

Obama's Gave $22,500 to Racist Church in 2006

That would be the equivalent of me giving $22k to the DNC, or the current version of the RNC for that matter.

So what is he, a hypocrite, or a believer?

Either way, although he still is the person most likely to get my vote, I'm starting to narrow down the choices of charities to benefit for the winning bets come November.

Obama was pretty clear on what happened, why he stayed with his church and what his thoughts are on Wright. I don't think he's a hypocrite at all. I think he's a man who has loved his church for a very long time, supports it both in his heart and fiscally, knew Wright was going to retire and chose to remain loyal to the church & congregation despite the words of a single man within that church.

As far as I'm concerned, this is much ado about nothing.


Jeremiah Wright is not a "single man" within the church, he is/was it's pastor. And while Obama "strongly condemned" the statements, he stood by the beliefs which birthed those statements. I have not read where Obama's church "strongly condemned" Wright's diatribe.

The pastor is the voice of the church. Obama's church speaks with a voice of hatred, arising from a belief in hatred. So far, Obama has yet to distance himself from vile, hateful beliefs.

Not much ado about nothing. Much ado about something.

mnottertail -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:40:25 PM)

Maybe like some others he believes in tradition, he grew up in it and while not a sparkling institution, or a wholesome and righteous group when you examine individuals that the standards that are enumerated are worthy of emulation.  Now, you can't tell me that every priest in the catholic church doesn't cornhole whatever they can get their hands on, or that the pope isn't the antichrist, but goddamn, there is alotta people who have a faith in the world going on, the brothers keeper in some fashion, and that the common interest is a good philosophy.  Well, fuck 'em, more power to 'em.


Oh, yeah, and I don't remember Romney taking any huge dildos up the ass over his Mormonism, turns out he is a fucking waste of a turd is all. 

domiguy -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:41:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: cyberdude611

Everyone keeps bringing up Falwell and Robertson....

But has any president actually been a member of Robertson's or Falwell's congregation?

Obama is a MEMBER of Jeremiah Wright's church!

Who did you vote for in the last two elections?

TracyTaken -> RE: Interesting Quotes from Obama's Pastor (3/14/2008 4:42:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: cyberdude611

We never did have an "empire." It was just for awhile we were the strongest world power that had yet to fall to pieces.

So powerful, that the US could boss supposedly sovereign nations around.  I think that fits the definition.


Now over the past few decades, some rivals have gotten stronger (ie: China). People think that the US has gotten weaker. Not really. We just have been tredding water for many years. The world around us continues to change.

But I think for the first time since the Great Depression, we are in danger of weakening. Cost of food is going up. Cost of gas is going up. And if you make over $30,000 a year....the Democrats want you to pay more taxes so they can inflate the size of government so they can claim they are doing something.

I think the final nail in the coffin was the loss of some 7 trillion dollars.  I don't think it much matters who the next president is because we are so very screwed anyway.  Aside from that, the world marketplace is no longer the happy stomping ground of our best and brightest.   The rest of the world caught up educationally, and then exceeded the US.  It would take years now to catch up with them.  The one thing the US has going for it is a gigantic defense complex, but that doesn't feed or educate people, so ... oh well.

It's not a tragedy, IMO.   It is a balancing out.  Get rich, flex them muscles, get complacent, someone younger and brighter kicks your ass, you get poor, you get ambitious, and so on.

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