RE: For men: how to find a woman here (Full Version)

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HeidiAnn -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/19/2008 3:14:49 PM)



Well, there IS a difference.

Yes, TG is a broad term and i'm sure some trans-people aswell as intersexed people define their gender in a different manner. But for the rest of us, attitudes like that are just bigotry and discrimination. If you wish to argue on the subject more, it would be better to start a new thread, because this thread has a different purpose.


Alacrity -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/19/2008 10:01:44 PM)


Would you please take this post down immediately! With the male to female ratio being what it is, I need every advantage that I can get. If others start following your advice, it seriously cuts down on my chances [:D] 

Btw, while most of the advice I already did, there were a few points that were new to me. Thanks!


khem -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/19/2008 10:37:45 PM)

Both of your posts about finding people (men for women and women for men) are right on, imo.  I'm just going to post that link to them every time I get a random loser email, mkay? [;)]

Stephann -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/19/2008 11:06:18 PM)



Both of your posts about finding people (men for women and women for men) are right on, imo.  I'm just going to post that link to them every time I get a random loser email, mkay? [;)]

Ironically, that's what charlotte's doing now too.

Thanks Khem!  (And everyone else with the kudos.)


subexploring -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/19/2008 11:11:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Alacrity


Would you please take this post down immediately! With the male to female ratio being what it is, I need every advantage that I can get. If others start following your advice, it seriously cuts down on my chances [:D] 

Damn straight! If you can't figure out the basics of good communication on your own, you don't deserve a woman. That's the law of the dating jungle. Take the post down, Stephann!

slvemike4u -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/19/2008 11:18:49 PM)

Thank you for an informative and illuminating post.As I read it I was checking off all the mistakes I've been making.Boy have i got some work to do.....

TearCollector -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 2:40:09 AM)

I read this thread when it first appeared. I thought two things right away. 1st, Wow that was well written. 2nd, Didn’t Stephann (the OP) say he only had an hour to kill? I know that would take me a day to write and a few hours of over time to spell check.

I was thinking about some of the things Stephann said as well as some of the replies. I would like to add something that I consider of some importance to my own profile. A photo or lack of one. I will contradict myself in the up coming sentences because I have opinions on both sides of the fence. Here it goes in my best layman’s terms. Although I agree 100% with Stephanns  advise on posting a photo because  many people shop profiles with  "photo only" filters on, thereby increasing your odds of contact, my concern is this. Do I (we) want more contact with someone who cares about looks, financial means or political power?   I have purposely left no photo for the same reason I do not declare my income or my status in society. If my looks matter to a woman, what will it mean when my looks change in years to come? And sadly, we all change. Well, not sad for some. (IE: The ugly duckling scenario). But if you hook a mate with your looks, aren’t you betting your future with that mate against your sustainability with those looks? Similar with financial status. Many women may find a wealthy man attractive. Do I want women contacting me because I say I have money on my profile? Is the increased contact a good thing or bad thing? Does the person who seeks a mate really want to sort through the gold diggers? What if I were to say I had tremendous political status? Wouldn’t I then have to weed out the women who are interested in moving up in status or the Barbies who wish to trade up from what they already have?

A picture is worth a 1000 words. I dont argue that. And I also wont argue it increases contact which mathematically should increase your odds of success. But doesn’t it do more than just increase your odds of contact? Doesn’t it also jeopardize the foundation of the relationship? Am I over exaggerating the impact of a photo and what it means to profile shoppers? If I am, then how do we explain the increased replies to people with a photo? Why cant my personality be faceless and make contact that way. My personality will out last my looks. Isnt that what we say we want? A great personality? So why the heavy dependence on a photo for increased contact?

Ok, now here is the contradiction I spoke of. Although I am passionate about what I say above. Im also a hypocrite because my search filter also has 'pictures only ' when I search. But that is going to change. I will either post a photo before I search again so I’m not a hypocrite, or I will change my filter to allow profiles with no photo's so I practice what I preach.

Stephann’s thread gave me a lot to think about. I don’t think that’s what he had in mind exactly when he wrote it. But if anyone ever wonders if a post like that actually can help someone, I think I will raise my hand and say yes. It helped me. It also sucked up about 2 hours of my time reading the whole thread and writing this reply. Now I have to spell check for another 30 minutes. LOLOLOL

I want to add one last thing. I used looks, wealth and status as examples. I am none of those things. Im just a simple man trying to make the most out of his life.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 3:29:37 AM)

Looks are one small component. The person does have to be physically and sexually attractive to me. That doesnt mean everyone will find them appealing,  but they should have a photo available and not worry and be insecure if they are not attractive. yes, its hypocritical that men are so visual and wouldnt consider a profile without a picture and yet want you to overlook the same thing.
To me however, a well written profile beats a picture hands down. A profile that is not filled out comes across in a suspicious manner. Also, a biggie in the turn off you'll never have a chance department is e-mails that are one sentence long. I have got e-mails that were 3to 5 words. What up with that? I am not a fish to be trolled. If you come across as never reading my profile, you dont get a look either.

Dnomyar -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 4:46:51 AM)

Thats easy for you to say luscious bending over like that. I would pose like that but who wants to see man boobs.

Stephann -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 8:46:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: TearCollector

I was thinking about some of the things Stephann said as well as some of the replies. I would like to add something that I consider of some importance to my own profile. A photo or lack of one. I will contradict myself in the up coming sentences because I have opinions on both sides of the fence. Here it goes in my best layman’s terms. Although I agree 100% with Stephanns  advise on posting a photo because  many people shop profiles with  "photo only" filters on, thereby increasing your odds of contact, my concern is this. Do I (we) want more contact with someone who cares about looks, financial means or political power?   I have purposely left no photo for the same reason I do not declare my income or my status in society. If my looks matter to a woman, what will it mean when my looks change in years to come? And sadly, we all change. Well, not sad for some. (IE: The ugly duckling scenario). But if you hook a mate with your looks, aren’t you betting your future with that mate against your sustainability with those looks? Similar with financial status. Many women may find a wealthy man attractive. Do I want women contacting me because I say I have money on my profile? Is the increased contact a good thing or bad thing? Does the person who seeks a mate really want to sort through the gold diggers? What if I were to say I had tremendous political status? Wouldn’t I then have to weed out the women who are interested in moving up in status or the Barbies who wish to trade up from what they already have?

A picture is worth a 1000 words. I dont argue that. And I also wont argue it increases contact which mathematically should increase your odds of success. But doesn’t it do more than just increase your odds of contact? Doesn’t it also jeopardize the foundation of the relationship? Am I over exaggerating the impact of a photo and what it means to profile shoppers? If I am, then how do we explain the increased replies to people with a photo? Why cant my personality be faceless and make contact that way. My personality will out last my looks. Isnt that what we say we want? A great personality? So why the heavy dependence on a photo for increased contact?

Hiya TC,

Great questions.  First off, it inded up about an hour & twenty minutes, and I didn't have a spell checker (I used to teach English, and type 80 wpm; it's pure dumb luck that I didn't have any spelling errors.)  I did want to go back and revise (and somewhat shorten) the essay, but I didn't have time.  Second, I don't think there's anything hypocritical about searching 'photos only' without a photo.  In the dating jungle (as suggested) there's no need to apologize for what you want, expect, or enjoy.  I long ago realized there needn't be any 'quid pro quo.'  My slave doesn't want a man who does the same things she does. 

Back to photos: while I completely understand your logic, it doesn't hold up in reality.  Meeting face to face, she'll (probably) learn what you look like, assess your financial situation, and determine your social status.  If she's 'fallen for you' based on how you only presented yourself through text, she's probably a lot more desperate than you'd actually want her to be. 

Some women care about these things.  I know I care about these things; they're three elements amongst many.  I wouldn't likely own a hideously disgusting, bankrupt, homeless slave, would you?  But I don't expect her to be a rich supermodel either.  I consider the whole package, amongst which appearence and financial stability count.  In short, if she didn't care if you were 5'0", 390lbs, and missing an eye, wouldn't you wonder about her?

Your appearence is an asset.  If you choose not to use that asset to gain an advantage, you're falling behind guys who can.  In a foot race, would you hop on one foot, when everyone else uses both feet?  Once you've actually met the girl in person, you can do the same sort of filtering and observing that you should be doing with anyone you meet.  Is she materialistic?  Does she expect to be pampered?  Does she constantly fiddle with her makeup kit, lipstick, and won't let you touch her hair?  Does she coo on and on about how handsome you are, but lack in the capacity for real depth of feeling and warmth?  It's much easier to spot a materialistic, vain woman in person than it is online. 

In short, if you've got it, flaunt it!  It puts you in a position to be picky about the kind of woman you want.  I was 25 before I'd been in a position where I had more than one woman to choose from (in a real life dating situation.)  It was a bizzare experience, I gotta tell you.  But that's a topic for another thread.



CalifChick -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 9:42:42 AM)

If you said this, I missed it. I would stress being HONEST.  It does no good to go on and on in your journal or wherever, about how much you love romance and kissing and holding hands if that's not really who you are, but what you think women want.  (just using those things as an example)

Sometimes it's quite amusing, sometimes quite disturbing, after you've met someone, when you compare who they really are to how they portray themselves. You have to wonder if they really think they ARE that way, or if they know they're pulling a bait and switch.


LadyHibiscus -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 10:10:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: CalifChick

Sometimes it's quite amusing, sometimes quite disturbing, after you've met someone, when you compare who they really are to how they portray themselves. You have to wonder if they really think they ARE that way, or if they know they're pulling a bait and switch.


And which is worse, the lie or the delusion?

Stephann -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 10:18:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: CalifChick

If you said this, I missed it. I would stress being HONEST.  It does no good to go on and on in your journal or wherever, about how much you love romance and kissing and holding hands if that's not really who you are, but what you think women want.  (just using those things as an example)

Sometimes it's quite amusing, sometimes quite disturbing, after you've met someone, when you compare who they really are to how they portray themselves. You have to wonder if they really think they ARE that way, or if they know they're pulling a bait and switch.


While entirely true, I doubt advising people to be honest works.  It's like telling an adult that showering is a good idea; if they haven't figured it out by now, there's really not much hope for them.


CalifChick -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 10:20:15 AM)

I wish I knew, LadyH.  I do know that there are certain things, while they are not basic necessities of life, that I really do need in my life to do more than just exist. And when someone professes to need those things too, or enjoy providing them, but then it's not really true, well, that just sucks in that not-so-good-and-slutty way.


CalifChick -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 10:26:20 AM)

Stephan, I guess I meant instead of a simple "be honest", to really take a hard look at yourself and who you really are, and not just go with what you've been presenting to the world.  For instance, my ex loves to portray himself as an easy-going, fun-loving guy.  HAH!  That is how he wants to be known, but some soul-searching would tell him that he is really high-maintenance (he is the epitome of Meg Ryan ordering food at a restaurant in "When Harry Met Sally"). 

Or there's the former roommate who used to love to make proclamations about herself that were not true, stuff like being a night owl (she was asleep every night by 9 pm), or being obsessive about having a clean house (she was a slob), etc.  She stopped doing it around me after I started pointing out the truth, but she resumed her old ways after I left. Now if someone she was interested in was a night owl themself, where was it ever going to go when the truth finally comes out??


Stephann -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 10:36:36 AM)

Again, while I fully agree and understand your position, the fact is most people don't care to do this sort of self-exploration.  You might as well tell someone in the KKK that they're racist.  It just won't matter.

I did mention early on, that before you start you should take a good honest look at yourself, and try to decide what you really want.  That does take a certain amount of self-awareness, but frankly while I think the best time to fix yourself is when you're single, many people dont' feel motivated to change their lives (or self-perceptions) until they're in a relationship.


lusciouslips19 -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 11:53:38 AM)



Thats easy for you to say luscious bending over like that. I would pose like that but who wants to see man boobs.

I rest my case. Dnomyar would not be so fixated on me if it wasnt for my picture.[:D]

Bottom line guys. Think of yourself as being a can on a shelf. You are selling a product. The product is you. You have to think about your target audience. Not only give them what they want but express what you have to offer to them. Why should they buy you (product A) over another(product B). Then sell, sell, sell.

Your audience is women. Women do not think like men. You can't get most by a 5 word sentence. You cant get them by sending them vulgar picks or smut. Men think about what turns them on and then they treat women the same way . When really they have to analyze what a woman wants and needs to be interested. Unless you are looking for a man in a dress (not a transgendered that has a womans mind). Think about it then go forth and impress us with your intelligence, sweetness and witt.

KatyLied -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 11:56:35 AM)


Then sell, sell, sell.

Yes, and keep in mind that if your target audience is everyone then you won't seem very attractive.  There isn't much value in something that anyone can pick up.  Some of us enjoy specialty shops.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 12:05:15 PM)




Then sell, sell, sell.

Yes, and keep in mind that if your target audience is everyone then you won't seem very attractive.  There isn't much value in something that anyone can pick up.  Some of us enjoy specialty shops.

Good point! True, how true.

warrenwriter -> RE: For men: how to find a woman here (3/20/2008 12:14:31 PM)

Great post Stephan. Three things I'd emphasize:

1) Read the profiles. Completely. And twice on Sunday!

2) Take the time to actually write an intro letter. Compliment her interests and find common ground. Not just in BDSM parts, either. Don't start a letter with, "So, I noticed you're into wearing masks...?" Major turn off.

3) Be sure you fill in your profile as well as to what you're looking for, not just in a sex partner but also in a life partner.

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