Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (Full Version)

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DedicatedDom40 -> Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/21/2008 8:31:35 PM)

For those of you who fancy having that daddy/daughter profile on here, this should make you think twice... or lose your lunch. [sm=eeew.gif]

Yea, I know its not the sissified roleplay typically seen on sites like this, but it does make you wonder just how many of these cases
started out with roleplay fantasies like people on here exhibit.

midgetmafiosa -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/21/2008 8:44:52 PM)

oh gross. i can't believe i clicked on that.

SwitchyRooWitchy -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/21/2008 8:50:44 PM)

It's a damn shame 2 consenting adults can not live their lives w/o government interference... can you imagine life in prison if you ever had sex w/ your love again!! I would move to a different country.

Lynnxz -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/21/2008 9:00:24 PM)

There's a reason inbreeding is illegal Switchy. >.>

Usako -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/21/2008 9:37:32 PM)

More power to them, though I don't see why they would tell the world. Just causes trouble.

Luciferica -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/21/2008 9:44:22 PM)



More power to them, though I don't see why they would tell the world. Just causes trouble.

BoundDown -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/21/2008 11:24:30 PM)

and what is that reason....because society says so? less than 200 years ago interbreeding among families was the only way to ensure a "pure" blood line. I agree that immediate families members can face genetic abnomolies (sp?) but there is no reason 1st or 2nd cousins can't breed. The real issues appear after several genertions of interbreeding a gene pool, just look at historic royal familes. besides breeding isn't the issue here, it is love.

MissHarlet -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/21/2008 11:52:14 PM)

They were all adults who consented to this ... I dont agree with it ... but its there right ... HOWEVER ... I do not believe it is right to involve anyone other than adults in the relationships in any way ... not even by living in the same household .. never mind by procreation......that is my line in the sand ....

That said ... it would not be something I could ever imagine being involved in but then <wink> I dont really like my brothers ..........

Suzykeu -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 12:08:10 AM)

As long as parents/children, brothers/sisters, and double first cousins don't breed together i think it's fine and repressing those thoughts (when they're mutual of course) might even be a strain on trying to have a platonic relationship. If my Mom and i had that kind of relationship, i wouldn't want to have to keep my love for her secret.

loverly -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 12:30:14 AM)

OF COURSE  "they" say that what we do and how we choose to live our lives is wrong and BAD... and .. against the law in alot of places... weather we agree or approve isnt really the issue.. its that there is someone telling us we can or cant do something we wish to when it is concerning our hearts and bodies and certinaly then involving our minds, just because they do not approve.

sunshinemiss -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 1:25:25 AM)

Hello Miss H - i agree with you...

and hello everybody,

this reminds me of an old Jeff Foxworthy joke... if your family tree doesn't have any branches, you might be a redneck.

peace, sunshine

aphrodite5 -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 1:40:48 AM)


I do not believe it is right to involve anyone other than adults in the relationships in any way ... not even by living in the same household .. never mind by procreation

Is this just a line you draw for incestuous relationships, or is it any relationship you don't agree with?

I tend to agree that certain people shouldn't procreate. Close blood relatives being number one on that list. The odds of harming -- unintentionally, certainly, but the road to hell and all that jazz -- an innocent are way too high. But really, just use your head and practice a little responsibility for your actions, people. I wanted to smack the father/daughter couple not because they were together, but because they were so indifferent to the risks involved when the brought a child into the world. "Well, she's fine, so who cares?" BAH!

And that's about it, because I'm pretty sure this is nudging waayyyy too close to the line drawn in the TOS. If I remember the rules correctly, that is.

lilabbotsfordgrl -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 2:08:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: loverly

OF COURSE  "they" say that what we do and how we choose to live our lives is wrong and BAD... and .. against the law in alot of places... weather we agree or approve isnt really the issue.. its that there is someone telling us we can or cant do something we wish to when it is concerning our hearts and bodies and certinaly then involving our minds, just because they do not approve.

Very much agreed, thank you for saying it!
If the laws don't reflect the will of the people then they should be removed!

And it's unfortunate that this thread and/or post might get the axe due to it having something to do with incest.

hopelessfool -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 2:22:00 AM)

With the Father and Daughter, He didnt raise her. If he had raised her I might think it a bit squicky.

I never knew my father and for all I know Ive not only slept with him but ingaged in D/s with him. For all I know every man I date might be my half brother. Even knowing those ties with out being raised with moral Im your father your my daughter squickyness. You cant really say Oh my gods this is wrong. Its like saying meeting someone online and then moving to play with them real life and having them spank your bottom. Thats illegal in many states still...So is taking it in your bum...

DMFParadox -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 3:15:26 AM)

You know, my cousins are some effing GORGEOUS amazon blondes.  I wouldn't mind being trapped on an island with any of them...

But then, I'm pretty damned hot myself.  One good gene deserves another ^_^


DedicatedDom40 -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 5:01:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: loverly
someone telling us we can or cant do something we wish to when it is concerning our hearts and bodies and certinaly then involving our minds, just because they do not approve.


ORIGINAL: lilabbotsfordgrl
If the laws don't reflect the will of the people then they should be removed!

The laws that restrict this arent driven by approval or will of the people.  Its about science, where the penalty for ignoring such has real social and financial costs.

KMsAngel -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 6:07:49 AM)

haven't clicked the link.but as it's in adelaide, i've heard a bit about it. the mother disputes the fact that they hadn't known each other for 30 odd years. and they had another child who died of birth defects.

OmegaG -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 7:15:22 AM)


From what I've read in the past-- the reason for the increase in birth defects in inbreeding is that the child is getting double the dose of any defective genes the family may have.  Two people who are not related but carry the same defect have just as much of an increased chance of passing on the defects.  So if you want to go with the scientific reasonings against inbreeding should people have genetic tests done before the can procreate and then it would follow that there will be un-related people who will be banned from having relationships with each other and there might just be people who don't have defects and inbreeding would be a way to ensure that their kids don't pick up bad genes.

Pyrrsefanie -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 8:33:26 AM)

Part of me is a little disturbed based on my own very horrible childhood experiences with my father...

But the other part is absolutely fascinated.  I'm a believer in reincarnation and also believe that each soul in this universe is made with a match before being scattered across the Earth, hopefully to find one another again once they find physical bodies.  If the entire process is totally random, then who's to say a matching pair isn't going to land in a very difficult match-up, like father/daughter, or cousins?

Who knows, in a previous life they may have been unrelated and just gotten a poor draw of the cards this time around.  When it comes to a soul-based attraction, though, it's very hard to deny feelings, no matter the situation.

So while it's not MY thing... more power to them, as long as they are both happy, in love, and consenting adults.  I know it's just a TV clip, but I honestly don't get creepy vibes off of any of them.

Daddyslilpookie -> RE: Daddy/Daughter on 60 minutes (4/22/2008 8:34:16 AM)

That is just fucking nasty[sm=beatdeadhorse.gif] Fucking inbreeds[:@]

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