RE: health issues with scat play (Full Version)

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lipstikactivist -> RE: health issues with scat play (6/10/2009 2:50:30 PM)

I know we've discussed feces thoroughly but what about ingestion of urine?

MDSade -> RE: health issues with scat play (6/10/2009 4:31:08 PM)

Ingesting urine is pretty safe. Just make sure you're drinking enough water as well.

evilgagger -> RE: health issues with scat play (6/10/2009 7:36:25 PM)

In our world of kink there is always a risk factor involved in almost any activity we indulge in. Some activities seem sane to some and some seem too disgusting or vulgar to others. If your slave's fantasy is to consume your poo why not grant him his wish and make him happy. However, after relating the risks involved in such an activity and he is still willing to do it, I say go for it, who knows you might enjoy it as well. I know few slaves who participate in this activity and no harm has come out of it. Moderation is the key.

PyrotheClown -> RE: health issues with scat play (6/10/2009 8:49:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyMarmalade1

thank you all for your comments.  My slave is fully washed up after his "toilet time", while I'm not totally grossed out by it, its definately not a smell i want following him about the house.

I did'nt think about people who work with sewage, I guess I just assumed they wore masks but probably not.

and an off topic note to Mr Warren, I read your book and really got a lot out of it.  thanks for writing it!

I use to work on septic tanks, Not quiet sewers, but the same shit(haha).
most of the reason we feared contamination is because who's ever shit it is might be infected with what ever they have(hep, and all other sorts of parasites,deceases and other nasties that I wont mention), there's also a huge difference between "fresh" shit and shit that's been fermenting(not just bacteria at that point, but bacteria that has grown out side of the stomach, and in most cases is off gassing all sorts of nasty fumes), as for the effects of consuming shit...I wouldn't know, it's one of those things that I'm sure is bad for you some how, I'd be hard pressed to explain exactly how... then again, it is "just shit' and as disgusting and the idea of that is to most people, it's not like it's uranium type 17 or a cigarette, you're body has already processed what ever matter is in there, and while there is nothing in there that the body "wants", it has already been "pasteurized" if you would..

I've seen people do worse lets just say.

evilgagger -> RE: health issues with scat play (6/17/2009 6:50:07 PM)

I knew a mistress that made their slaves shoot up a mixture of her feces and urine and no harm has come out of it. Pretty crazy eh!

SpankU2tears -> RE: health issues with scat play (6/26/2009 12:59:39 PM)

I hate to break it to you, but we all eat feces all the time. Feces and insect fragments contaminate some step in the process harvesting and manufacturing most food products and produce. The issue is whether you are eating feces that is contaminated with a pathogenic strain of bacteria. There are good bacteria and bad ones, if the pathogenic bacteria are in the Master's feces, then the Master would be sick already. The only conceivable exception is if normally harmless bacteria can get in to a major blood vessel, in which case they will upregulate pathogenic elements in their genome to take advantage of the rare opportunity.

Cases in which  water sources were contaminated with feces involved feces that carried pathogens that are not normally in the human body e.g. cholera, yellow fever,cryptosporidiosis. That stuff should not have been in the feces' owner in the first place. The short story is that if the person is healthy, their feces should be okay to eat, in that regard.

LadyHexx -> RE: health issues with scat play (6/28/2009 4:05:16 PM)

Yikes. The whole idea is squicky to me, but everyone has something that they like...

sacagaweaschild -> RE: health issues with scat play (7/10/2009 1:24:30 PM)

My deceased husband and his girlfriend (my Domme ) used to make me eat a small portion of their shit on average once every month. Yes, the taste was disgusting but in all the years we practiced this, I never had any lasting effects from it, other than the occasional 'runny tummy' for maybe a day.

MistressNatasia -> RE: health issues with scat play (7/14/2009 6:50:28 AM)


Logged in as: MistressNatasia
My subbie whore and I have begun toilet training. I enjoy making him clean me after I void- anal and urinary. That dirty little face waiting for me to get off the toilet makes me so excited.

Scotty306134 -> RE: health issues with scat play (7/14/2009 12:35:49 PM)

Mistress explained to me how She taught Her three sons to flush when finished. { they were having  problem remembering to flush the toilet after useing it.} She explained to them that smell they were smelling was microscopic pieces of feces floating in the air...since they are breathing that air...what did they think they were breathing? Seemed to they religiously flush after each use and refuse to store their tooth brushes in the bathroom to this day!!

angelikaJ -> RE: health issues with scat play (7/14/2009 12:39:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: SpankU2tears

There are good bacteria and bad ones, if the pathogenic bacteria are in the Master's feces, then the Master would be sick already.

That is not true.
People can be carriers of illness and yet not show outward signs of having it.

Aswad -> RE: health issues with scat play (7/15/2009 9:42:19 PM)

This used to be an interest of mine, way back when...

If this person lives with you, then your intestinal flora is almost certainly identical to his.

Most of the microorganisms that are found in the solid stool of a healthy adult are little cause for concern between healthy, fluid bonded partners or people who have lived together for a time. Avoid fecal contact with open wounds or damaged skin. Avoid the eyes and ears. Don't get solid or liquid matter into the nose. If it is ingested, don't brush before doing it, and if you're going to brush after, use a mouth rinse because brushing causes small cuts and abrasions to the gums. Avoid stools that are not solid. Stay well hydrated. Keep an eye out for anything that might indicate a complication. Stomach upset and/or diahrrea of brief duration is to be expected the first time around, but should rapidly diminish in intensity. Avoid activities when either one has impaired health status of any kind. Drink yoghurt with a probiotic flora in it, both of you. If you're on any medications, find out if they affect the stool.

You're pretty adamant that consumption won't be involved. That's probably the activity of least concern.

In my experience, most of the advice you will get regarding feces will be slanted according to how people feel about feces in general. In short, a knee jerk reaction, rather than well researched- or even well thought out- advice. There's lots of faux common sense going around, and little awareness of the resillience of the human digestive system, or the symbiosis with intestinal microorganisms that allows us to digest such a wide range of foods. Bear in mind that, in fact, our bodies contain a higher mass of bacteria and fungi than actual human cells, and that's not just in the intestine. That should make it obvious that the common sense is more common- I dare say pedestrian- than sensible as far as this topic is concerned.

Exposure to other parts of the body is the main concern with feces. Consuming it is comparatively harmless.

The penis and the vagina are both sensitive to it. Urinary tract infections are going to occur with sufficient exposure to fecal matter. Broken or damaged skin is sensitive to it. Inflammation will occur, and possibly cellulitis, which can grow into a real problem. Hair sacs are a hassle to deal with, so just avoid non-glabrous skin. The nose is sensitive to the stool itself, but not the odor. Colonization can easily occur with stool contact. The ears are essentially the same. The eyes are generally sensitive, and not just to feces, but odor contact isn't likely to pose a problem, as the tear fluid rinses the surface quite effectively. The lips are sensitive if cracked or when the skin is thinner than usual. Regular use of lip balm and cleaning the lips after exposure should avoid problems. The mouth is fairly insensitive, with gingivitis or foul breath as the most likely problem. Both are easily treated or prevented by using an ordinary mouthwash agent during routine brushing or after contact. Nail beds are sensitive, particularly if the cuticles are compromised, but basic hygiene should be adequate. Did I miss anything?

Whatever you do, don't involve any disinfectants and the like in your play, except in the form of mouthwash and alcohol wipes without additives and perfumes. Disinfectants drive the resistance curve of unrelated microorganisms and tend to do little good when dealing with the native flora of our bodies. The wipes are meant for accidental exposure, primarily the skin. They will dry out the skin, so attention to routine skin care is a good idea. Never apply wipes to the eyes, the ears or sensitive skin (drying and cracking of sensitive skin can cause inflammation).

As for play advice not involving consumption, he will probably enjoy licking the opening and the area around it.

You'll probably either enjoy it, or find it intensely uncomfortable, depending on your frame of mind, the sensitivity of your skin to touch, and the texture of his tongue. If he has "atlas tongue," don't do it if you're a health freak; google or wikipedia will provide pictures if you're not sure or don't know what atlas tongue means. You'll want him to use a mouthwash before he gets near your intimate parts after that activity. Brushing, however, is more of a mental floss thing than anything else. If more than the tongue gets in contact with the opening or the area immediately around it, then you'll likely want him to wash his face. Alcohol wipes aren't necessary, but may be good mental floss.

Penetration with the tongue is, again, likely to be either enjoyable or intensely uncomfortable, depending on the same factors. Attention to not moving on to the vagina without proper hygiene is more critical in this case, but it is otherwise much the same thing. For most who try licking the exterior and like it, this is a natural progression that doesn't raise the mental hackles too much.

Personally, while the interest in scat is gone, I do still find it rather hot to use a slave for "toilet paper."

That's a humiliation/objectification thing, however; no idea if the thought works for you.

Others will prolly have other suggestions.


Aswad -> RE: health issues with scat play (7/15/2009 9:46:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: lipstikactivist

I know we've discussed feces thoroughly but what about ingestion of urine?

Search the archives. Some slaves have replaced the urinal for their owners for months at a time.

It's low-risk, with a few exceptions to look out for. Those are in the archives.


Aswad -> RE: health issues with scat play (7/15/2009 10:24:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: SpankU2tears

I hate to break it to you, but we all eat feces all the time. Feces and insect fragments contaminate some step in the process harvesting and manufacturing most food products and produce.

Bingo. A fluorescence spectrum test on random food samples will freak a lot of people if you explain the results.

It doesn't take a very sophisticated piece of gear, but it's a very enlightening demonstration.


The only conceivable exception is if normally harmless bacteria can get in to a major blood vessel, in which case they will upregulate pathogenic elements in their genome to take advantage of the rare opportunity.

Actually, that's where it's important to point out that access to major blood vessels is unlikely via the oral route, but is quite plausible for exposure to cuts, broken skin and so forth. In the mouth, the access is going to be limited to narrow blood vessels and capillaries that may well get infected, but where the logistics of white cell transport favor the body, since the infection has limited access to systemic circulation. Nobody is going to eat shit with visible bleeding in their mouth, and anyone with significant bleeding in the esophagus is already in deep shit (pardon the pun). That leaves all major blood vessels where nature put them- away from the immense exposure to an environment that is trying to adapt to avoid being eaten by us. With cuts and skin breaks that reach vascularized layers, there isn't just the problem of dissemination, but also of access to tissue (both directly and via extravasation) that can become severely inflamed and then necrotize, quickly favoring anaerobic organisms over the body's defensive and regenerative mechanisms.


Cases in which  water sources were contaminated with feces involved feces that carried pathogens that are not normally in the human body e.g. cholera, yellow fever,cryptosporidiosis. That stuff should not have been in the feces' owner in the first place. The short story is that if the person is healthy, their feces should be okay to eat, in that regard.

Not quite, but almost. Giardia, clostridium and a number of other pathogens can remain latent or asymptomatic for a while. That gives you a window of time in which to be infected. As such, it is a bad idea to go eating turds in public restrooms, as some have done, or to do so with complete strangers. Not a horribly bad idea, but rather on par with unprotected sex. Doing it with a partner that one is fluid bonded to, however, means that if they've got one of those pathogens that can be dormant, then you've almost certainly got it yourself already, and probably from the same source.

If one is okay with body fluid exposure, then eating feces is a negligible added risk between healthy adults.


Aswad -> RE: health issues with scat play (7/15/2009 10:36:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelikaJ

People can be carriers of illness and yet not show outward signs of having it.

Strictly speaking, that is true.

But we're not talking about random strangers, so you must postulate the following:

- Host unaware of infection or deceiving other party.
- Serious consequences or difficulty in treating.
- No other viable vectors to the other party.
- Readily colonizes a healthy individual.
- The other party isn't already a host.
- No outward sign of poor health.
- Fecal matter as viable vector.
- Adequate fecal exposure.

Overall, the risk ranks right up there with whipping, doesn't it?



irishtom -> RE: health issues with scat play (7/18/2009 2:51:54 PM)

i am 63 years old now and i have eaten scat a lot of times over the years and never had so much as a tummy upset from it
as for urine i know of a few people that drink their own urine every morning , it's supposed to be good for you . i have no problem drinking it

LunaGrrl -> RE: health issues with scat play (9/25/2009 12:49:32 PM)

Thanks Aswad - your post was awesome. 

xoxkittenxox -> RE: health issues with scat play (9/25/2009 2:34:17 PM)

Fecal matter in the eye causes pink eye. Also, I don't know how in the world someone justifies eating shit as a fetish. I mean, I understand getting to know someone intimately, but re-eating what they had in their digestive system from a few days ago? Kind of drawing a line there, isn't it?

Please, help me find logic in this. I'm very curious.

mnottertail -> RE: health issues with scat play (9/25/2009 2:35:40 PM)

Well, your food's been chewed for you hasn't it?

xoxkittenxox -> RE: health issues with scat play (9/25/2009 2:39:42 PM)

A lot of different parasites transfer primarily through consumption of stool. Eat a few eggs, they hatch in your tummy and you can have some pretty nasty shit going on.... Literally!

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