RE: health issues with scat play (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: health issues with scat play (9/25/2009 2:42:38 PM)

so, lets say hubby bubby or mommy or whatever has cholera, you don't eat his/her shit, you are allie allie in free right? you won't catch it?


xoxkittenxox -> RE: health issues with scat play (9/26/2009 1:58:17 PM)

Some, there are other ways of transfering them to loved ones. Tape worms and other such are fecal related.   

See? A lot of them are DIRECTLY caused by consumption of fecal matter. You only have to thumb through it to see such.

Yes, there is a bit of fecal matter in all foods. Of course, it is tightly government controlled and tested for all parasites. Your shit is not. You can contract tape worms and begin laying its eggs without any symptoms at first. By then, its too late and you're passing it to someone.

porcelaine -> RE: health issues with scat play (9/26/2009 8:41:40 PM)

i don't see scat on the menu for me. i'll stick to watersports instead.


Aswad -> RE: health issues with scat play (9/28/2009 11:08:53 PM)



Thanks Aswad - your post was awesome. 

You're welcome. I try to be informative.


ORIGINAL: xoxkittenxox

Also, I don't know how in the world someone justifies eating shit as a fetish. I mean, I understand getting to know someone intimately, but re-eating what they had in their digestive system from a few days ago? Kind of drawing a line there, isn't it? Please, help me find logic in this. I'm very curious.

It's a taboo. Breaking taboos can be sexy, and specific taboos often become fetishes. In Japan, where the taboos on sexuality are less extensive, but where purity and its pragmatic incarnation as cleanliness is important, it is more common than in the west. Also, it can be a humiliating thing, and it can probably appeal to the same ideas that make some enjoy the notion of being "dirty." And it came from someone's body, and was in a sense part of that body for a time, which also has further connotations that tend to be eroticized.

Compared to being tied up with a specific type of wool stockings for vanilla sex, or being rolled up in black garbage bags and having darts thrown at you, both of which are fetishes I know for a fact there are people who have pursued, I've no problem seeing some of the logic behind this one. For me, though, the appeal disappeared when I rid myself of social constructs like taboos and the like. I can still use it as part of something else, and have enough detachment from it to engage in it with a bottom that really, really wants it, but I don't see any intrinsic appeal anymore.

As for the health aspects, they are of minimal concern if you don't eat raw fish that has been caught in the wild. I have outlined a lot of this in a post on page 2. You can contract intestinal parasites, yes. That just doubles the chance of this being discovered, since there are two people in which it can be discovered by chance or by symptoms, and treatment of non-obvious intestinal parasites is trivial. Those parasites that are not trivial to treat, are not asymptomatic. Take it from someone with parasitophobia: transmission of parasites by way of feces among otherwise healthy, fluid bonded partners in the western hemisphere is of very, very limited concern.

You can transmit the yeast that gives atopic eczema while having sex, too...

... given the limited risk and limited likelihood, who cares, though?


sissyshoefetish -> RE: health issues with scat play (12/23/2009 2:23:48 AM)


LadyMarmalade, I think you are right to be concerned.  Human waste and failure to dispose of it in a sanitary manner has been linked to chloera, typhoid fever and yellow fever, just to name a few diseases.

With respect, those diseases need to be present for them to be passed on and they are not present in Western cultures in general.
i think the point is that if you are going to play such games you need to be reasonably sure about the health of the person you are receiving from. Of course that doesn't mean its a clean sanitary process lol - but the whole point of it is to be subject to an unclean and disgusting humiliation.

Acer49 -> RE: health issues with scat play (12/23/2009 2:43:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyMarmalade1

My slave has been interested in scat for a while, but i've hesititated for health concerns.  in my opinion if the body doesn't want to keep it inside, it must not be good for you.  however i used to have the same feelings for urine, but have come to think differently towards it. 

i don't think there will be a time when i let my slave eat my poop, i just can't see it getting very far.  but i have started letting my slave sit with his head in the toilet bowl to smell, look at and generally appreciate my creations.

however, the health freak that i am, is still concerned that the fumes could be dangerous in some way.  İm sure im just over reacting or else it would be dangerous to sit in a bathroom for a long time without flushing.

Anyone have any ideas about the health risks or other ways to make it interesting that you know are safe?

thanks in advance,
Lady Marmalade

Some in the medical profession have said that urine is not unhealthy to digest, however it is not something that I am comfortable with. No one to my knowledge, has said the same for feeces. While I do not think you can be physically harmed by it smell, I believe ingesting would cause some problems

Justme696 -> RE: health issues with scat play (12/23/2009 2:50:26 AM)

aaswqs -> RE: health issues with scat play (12/24/2009 2:50:32 PM)

If he able to eat your shit or smell it just encourage him ...

Aswad -> RE: health issues with scat play (12/24/2009 3:43:14 PM)

Wasn't this thread done ages ago?

It's not perfectly safe, but it's hardly worth losing sleep over.

If anyone is worried, have the top send in a fecal sample to a medical lab, and have the bottom get a quick round of bloodwork to check kidney and liver function. Avoid contact with the eyes, uretha, vaginal canal, cuts, scrapes and blood. Make sure there's no medications being used that might be excreted in the feces that the bottom can't tolerate. Ask a gastrointestinologist or somesuch to give advice on the best precautions. People have been doing it with far less precautions than that for ages, and incidents are comparatively rare, even so.

It's no different than anything else in that regard.

It just triggers people's knee jerk reflexes more readily.


DreamGoddesscn -> RE: health issues with scat play (1/2/2010 3:41:41 AM)

I feel that any of the games and projects should be based on the premise of health and safety! Undermines the safety and health is very dangerous!

sissyshoefetish -> RE: health issues with scat play (1/2/2010 4:05:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: sexyccbitch

it can cause seriouse health issues and or hospitalisation

Thats fairly alarmist. Many things can cause serious health issues...
The situation is roughly this:

Scat contains bodily waste and gut detritus. If the donor has an infectious ailment that can be transmitted viabodily fluids there is the risk of infection. If they do not have such an ailment (or are a carrier of such) then the risk of disease is removed. However, there would be a risk associated with infection near wounds and sensitive tissues like eyes.
Otherwise the recipient might experience nausea but thats about it.

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