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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/19/2008 6:56:13 PM   

Posts: 429
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Oh, my! Yes, what a fun thread!

  • Eowyn of Rohan
  • Jeannie, I Dream of…
  • Spock
  • Jadis (the real test will be when they film The Magician's Nephew)
  • Clint Eastwood in Two Mules for Sister Sarah (like most of his Westerns…name? what name!)
  • Modesty Blaise
  • Willie Garvin
  • Major Kira Nerys of Bajor
  • Captain Beverly Gates
  • Kes, when she took over Voyager (hhootttt!)
  • Casey Ryback in Under Seige
  • Rutger Hauer's werewolf knight in Ladyhawk
  • Lady Heather (only her first and second appearances)
  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith
  • Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter

That'll do to go on with…
Delilah Deb

< Message edited by DelilahDeb -- 6/19/2008 6:57:52 PM >


"All acts of love & pleasure are My rituals."
--from the Charge of the Goddess, a Wiccan teaching

(in reply to Skully7000)
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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/19/2008 7:06:25 PM   

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Isn't it a fun thread!

It's amazing how many Dom/me-esque characters we see around us and

grew up watching and reading about.

Mae West rocks, imagine she was saying these things almost 100 years ago!

When I'm good I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better.
Mae West

< Message edited by MzMia -- 6/19/2008 7:09:09 PM >


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/19/2008 7:43:02 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Skully7000


ORIGINAL: bluemind80


ORIGINAL: Skully7000

5) Morpheus

Morpheus from the Matrix or from the Sandman comics?
Though either would count really.

I was not aware of the morpheus from the sandman comics. in fact the only comics I have read w/ sandman where spidey and other big hero names that he appears in.

Totally different Sandman. The Sandman referred to was written by Neil Gaiman.  Good stuff, I recommend it.


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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/19/2008 7:52:38 PM   

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And hey now, atleast for my generation, let's not forget the Red Ranger

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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/19/2008 8:07:56 PM   

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The Brain
whose loyal sub Pinky will follow Brain to the end of the earth
in the quest for world domination.
"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/19/2008 10:49:59 PM   

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Keyser Soze


Emma Peel


"Get a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live." . . . Mark Twain

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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/20/2008 8:49:29 AM   

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Rhett Butler
John Wayne as Ethan Edwards in The Searchers
Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre
Bama Dillert in Some Came Running by James Jones

< Message edited by Roselaure -- 6/20/2008 8:51:01 AM >


Once conform, once do what other people do because they do it, and lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul.
-Virginia Woolf

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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/20/2008 9:54:49 AM   

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< Message edited by UBERMUNSCHIST -- 6/20/2008 10:53:33 AM >

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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/20/2008 9:59:25 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Floggings4You

I think many of U/us are confusing individualists (like Rearden in Atlas Shrugged, The Stainless Steel Rat, and Riddick) with Dominants.  Dominants need others, work well with others, and are comfortable being in positions of authority.  (The argument can be made that Reardern, as head of his company, could be a Dom--but I think his situation relative to his family makes him--at least for most of the book--much less so; Galt is a Dom, though--as is Dominique).
Bucking authority is not necessarily a Dominant trait (having natural authority is more Domly), but it is essential for individualists, rebels, and renegades.
Darth Vader is a Dom.  So was Anthony Hopkins' character in Meet Joe Black, and Ed Harris' character in both Apoloo 13, and in The Truman Show.
The character of the Godfather is a Dom, as was the character of Gen. Patton (as played by George C. Scott).  The character of Maximus (from the Gladiator) was a Dom for the first 1/3 of the film, but was a rebel (no longer a Dom) through the last 2/3 of the movie.     

I strongly identify with individualists.


I stand for ME.

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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/20/2008 10:51:28 AM   

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Ricky Ricardo "I Love Lucy"

Jhon Wayne - "The Sons of Katie Elder"

Jigsaw -  "Saw" (1- 4)

Don Corleone -  (Marlon Brando)  "The Godfather"

Daniel Ocean -  "Ocean's 11"
Persephone(Monica Bellucci)  "The Matrix Reloaded"

Queen Gorgo (Lena Heady)  "300"

Mary Poppins -  (Julie Andrews)  "Mary Poppins"


I stand for ME.

(in reply to UBERMUNSCHIST)
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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/20/2008 10:59:55 AM   

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actually, I'm pretty dissappointed in modern charecters.  The women are always so damned independent that even if a man had dominant tendancies (thinking Brandon Frasier's role in the Mummy as coming close) they don't really shine in the movies any more.  The movies are too busy glorifying the smart, assertive woman and the main male chareter is just a prop for her.

I disagree, the James Bond movies always manage to make a total mockery of women-he talks down them, shouts at them, patronises them into bed they just lap it up.

In fact in the book "Dr. No" there's a line that says "Bond thought of women as mere recreation."

(in reply to OmegaG)
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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/20/2008 2:55:23 PM   

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i like Stan Kowalski from streetcare named desire, and Sheriff Cyrus Buelton from tank

(in reply to LuckyAlbatross)
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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/20/2008 4:49:26 PM   

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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
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As much as Sean Connery et. al. played dominant personalities and had roles in setting a good example of how to mix manners with masculine energy, they just weren’t Dom/mes in my eyes.  So I have omitted all the “Marlboro Men” and “heroes” because I don’t think being macho has that much to do with BDSM type Dominance the OP refers to. 
I know the OP said to name “someone” as a Dom/me role model.  This reply also includes movies in that don’t have a person that was a role model instead there was a method, perspective or approach I saw in movies that acted as model or inspired me as well.
-= Curse of the Golden Flower=-
Chow Yun-Fat as emperor Ping.  A very dominant role model that dealt with real power and the dirty reality that comes with it.  He maintained control over his family despite their efforts to subvert it.

Dee Snider as Carleton Hendricks.  Not Domly but a sadistic role model to a degree.  His sadistic passion, lust, spirituality and interest in the history of torture were rather admirable even if his technique was crappy.  After all, he did brake or kill a lot of his playmates and rarely got a repeat session.  LOL

-=Nine 1/2 Weeks=-
Mickey Rourke as John.  He seemed like the stereotypical loving Dom type to me.  Although his long range relationship skills were lacking the emotional capacity needed, the passion and intensity of the connections he did manage to make were portrayed admirably. 

Elizabeth: How did you know? How did you know I'd respond to you the way I have?

John: I saw myself in you.
-=Last Tango in Paris=-
Marlin Brando as Paul.  I almost didn’t list this one because I can’t recall any one scene being truly BDSM.  However, it had very comfortable D/s kind of feel to the relationship and his ability to lead his girl into kink, the way he unfolded her personality and made her face up to and confess to her own inner slut.  That seems like a Domly type of thing to.  He molded her.  He made her see ‘dirty sex’ as a good thing when she had previously been in self denial. 

Jeanne: Why do you hate women?
Paul: Either they always pretend to know who I am, or they pretend I don't know who they are, and that's very boring.
[Paul and Jeanne are talking in bed about Jeanne's past experiences with men]

Paul: You started grabbing his joint?
Jeanne: Your crazy!
Paul: Well, he touched you, didn't he?
Jeanne: I never let him! Never!
Paul: Ugh! Liar, liar, pants on fire, nose as long as a telephone wire.
[slight pause]
Paul: You mean to tell me he didn't touch you? Look at me straight in the face and say, 'He didn't touch me.'
Jeanne: No, he touched me, but the way he did it.
Paul: Aha! The *way* he did it.
[Jeanne is telling Paul about her first love]

Jeanne: I fell in love with him when I first heard him play piano.
Paul: You mean the first time he got inside your knickers.
Jeanne: He was a child prodigy; he was playing with both hands.
Paul: I bet he was!

-=In My Skin=-

The perspectives on objectification in this move set an example not any one Domly type of person.  The story is about a girl who accidentally injures herself. Through the injury she begins to see her herself as merely meat, an object.  Meat can not suffer, has no emotions, has no ambitions, is immune to the pressures and pettiness of everyday life. She finds this release increasingly more fascinating and attractive. This is not something she can communicate to anyone around her so she explores it in secret attempting to finally exist as a mere object devoid of all humanity.
-=La Femme Nikita=-
The training technique and the fact they forced her to choose to submit.  I’m not talking about the awful series or the Hollywood remake Point of No Return (aka The Assassin) but Luc Besson's original Nikita.  The technique used to train her created a radical transformation in her.  Her trainer molded her.

-=Fash Gordon=-
Max von Sydow as the Emperor Ming.  Hell, if “it’s good to be king” then it’s great to emperor!
Klytus: Should we stop the torture?

The Emperor Ming: No
The Emperor Ming: Klytus, I'm bored. What play thing can you offer me today?
Klytus: Most effective, Your Majesty. Will you destroy this Earth?
The Emperor Ming: Later. I like to play with things a while before annihilation.
Zarkov: We are only interested in friendship. Why do you attack us?
The Emperor Ming: Why not?
-=Silence of the Lambs=-
Although Hannibal Lector was only on screen for 16 minutes in that movie, Anthony Hopkins was very perceptive and much in control as a Dominant.  His interactions with Starling were .. well, hell, he Dommed her despite his own incarceration.

-= Hannibal=-
Anthony Hopkins continues to exercise his intellect to remain in control yet he follows his passion into dangerous waters pursuing Staling.  Great love story and in the book, unlike the movie, he captures the heart of the girl he pursues and they get hitched in the end.

Hannibal Lecter: Would you ever say to me "Stop. If you love me, stop?"
Clarice Starling: Not in a thousand years.
Hannibal Lecter: "Not in a thousand years"... That's my girl.
Hannibal Lecter: Dear Clarice, I have followed with enthusiasm the course of your disgrace and public shaming. My own never bothered me, except for the inconvenience of being incarcerated. But you may lack perspective.
Allegra Pazzi: Dr. Fell, do you believe a man could become so obsessed with a woman, from a single encounter?
Hannibal Lecter: Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for her and find nourishment in the very sight of her? I think so. But would she see through the bars of his plight and ache for him?
-=The Collector=-
This is not about Terrence Stamp who played Freddie Clegg in the 1965 movie The Collector.  This is not the actual guy… he has serious self esteem issues.   But his method was a “role model”.  He used a situation of captivity to create Stockholm syndrome.  There is a saying in my house when referring to attitude adjutment, “it’s nothing that 3 weeks in a cage won’t fix.”

The story line - Freddie has a hobby collecting butterflies.  He comes into some money and buys a country house.  He is lonely and has personal power issues so he prepares the cellar of the house to be a collecting jar.  He stalks this girl for a few days and finally collects (kidnaps) her and keeps her prisoner.  While captive, he gives her the best of everything and asks her to try and fall in love with him.


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

(in reply to PAPet00)
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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/20/2008 6:09:25 PM   

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(in reply to LuckyAlbatross)
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RE: Who's your favorite fictional Dom/me-esque character? - 6/20/2008 6:43:41 PM   

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Mmmm, The Collector.  I've never seen the film version but the novel is wonderfully disturbing.


Once conform, once do what other people do because they do it, and lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul.
-Virginia Woolf

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