RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (Full Version)

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xxblushesxx -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 6:09:21 PM)

Many of us so-called 'fluffy' types have a lot to say and a lot to offer; *I* personally, however, try to enjoy life as much as I can.
I believe it is one gift that I can offer my creator; enjoying what He has given me.
When I am intrigued by a serious subject, I give it serious concern. (but not ALWAYS a serious opinion.) If you want to know my *serious* opinion, contact me, and we can discuss it.
I come here for entertainment mostly, but my IQ is quite high, as, I would venture to guess, are the majority of people who post here regularly. (with a few obvious exceptions!)
If someone can't see through the 'fluff' to what is underneath, then we're probably both (or all) missing out.
I will say one thing though; both of the doms I have been associated with are tops in their (very competitive) fields. HoneyMaster was in college at an age when most of us were in middle school.
I can beat Him at Scrabble (and He fricking HATES it!...especially if I've been drinking on top of it!)
There are a lot of people who have a lot of wisdom here. Not everyone is a genious, but, many can teach you something if you are willing to learn.

subtee -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 6:55:28 PM)

De do do do de da da da
Is all I want to say to you

-da po-leece

DMFParadox -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 9:45:19 PM)


Go here:  There's another forum that's quite a bit more exclusive, maybe you'll find it if you start there.

A lot of these people think they're above average; maybe they are.  No, they really are, I'll vouch for that.  But there's 'above average', and then there's a level most people won't ever reach.  Mention it and you will seriously piss people off, because as they say the higher a monkey climbs... and we're all monkeys, no matter how 'intellectual' we may see ourselves.  Plus, 'cause they're proud of what they've accomplished compared to their peers... they have no idea what's possible.  Btw, Hai! Ceiling Cat sez 'Hemicellulose Extract' iz gud on Pancake!  Wanna pancake?'

If you think that's you, then don't settle... keep striving and pushing the boundaries.  At whatever age, if you're unsatisfied with the fat on the meat here, then you're not wrong in feeling that way.  Peace.

darkpassenger434 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 10:42:04 PM)

Sure there are intellectuals on here. Do you need us to post a copy of our mensa cards or something?

GreedyTop -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/17/2008 10:42:04 PM)


Hai! Ceiling Cat sez 'Hemicellulose Extract' iz gud on Pancake!  Wanna pancake?'


ok, that was funny ;)

MasterHermes -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/18/2008 7:53:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyPhoenixRisen

Just admit it. 

You know that deep down all you want is someone that will have their holes open for your man-rod 24/7.

This is all just a ruse to get the fluff kittens to come out of the woodwork protesting about how intellectual they are.  It's much easier to find them when their fur is on end.

Seriously, there are tons of intelligent people around the boards.  I would say though your chances of actually getting one of them to write you with this post is about five million to....  You get the idea.


and I was wondering why his thread was posted "Ask a sub" section.


LaTigresse -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/18/2008 7:54:38 AM)

It's another version of the "Look at ME! Aren't I special??" type of thread. 

atursvcMaam -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/18/2008 9:02:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterHermes


ORIGINAL: LadyPhoenixRisen

Just admit it. 

You know that deep down all you want is someone that will have their holes open for your man-rod 24/7.

This is all just a ruse to get the fluff kittens to come out of the woodwork protesting about how intellectual they are.  It's much easier to find them when their fur is on end.

Seriously, there are tons of intelligent people around the boards.  I would say though your chances of actually getting one of them to write you with this post is about five million to....  You get the idea.


and I was wondering why his thread was posted "Ask a sub" section.


it bekuz subs is smart rite doun to the bottom.  did you ever hear of a dumb ass sub?

Dnomyar -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/18/2008 9:32:00 AM)

Tigresse I did not post this thread but I am special.

stella41b -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/18/2008 9:59:23 AM)

There's a geezer who's sure
That we're all having it off
And he seeks his one with passions smouldering
When he finds her he knows
Through philosophy and prose
With the words of Aristotle he will find who he's looking for

Ooooh oooh
And he seeks his one with passions smouldering

There's more threads on the boards
But he wants to be sure
Cause you know words do have double meanings
And if you care to take a look
Some of the posters will write
Sometimes all of your thoughts are misgiven

Ooooooh it makes us wonder
Ooooooh makes us wonder

There's a feeling we get
When we read this OP
That the author might actually be joking
Through these words we have seen
Those on and off the scene
And yet we conclude that some of us are thinking

Ooooh it makes us wonder
Oooooh really makes us wonder

And it's whispered that in time
If we all quote Einstein
Then the OP will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn
Though it may still be long
That these song parodies will somehow cause laughter

Oh oh oh oh oh

If there's some wise words in these threads now
Don't be alarmed now
It's just meaning that we posters are thinking
Yes there are two ways you can read posts
But in the long run
There's still time to change the way you look at us

And it makes me wonder

Your head is humming
And it won't go in case you don't know
Your snobbery is making it much bigger
Dear OP does it now clearly show
And did you know
Your answer lies in the light you see others in

And as we're reading through these posts
Through the trolls, daft questions and the boasts
We read the postings from those we already know
Who share their intelligence and want to show
How BDSM isn't just about sex
If you can overcome your own complex
The truth will come to you at last
That the guys aren't just playing with their knobs
To get to know us and not be a snob

And he seeks his one with passions smouldering

- with apologies to Led Zeppelin

supplier of cheese for the whine

SimplyMichael -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/18/2008 4:34:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Linguist

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

Of course there is...we enjoy it immensely.

kiwisub12 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/18/2008 4:57:00 PM)

I always thought this was a forum for "smart" people 'cause we were smart enough to figure out how to turn the 'puter on.
And most of us can use words longer than wheelbarrow appropriately.

and if you have to ask where the forum for intellectual snobs is - you aren't one of the select few that is allowed to participate.   i would tell you , but then they would kill me with eradition.                             would rather be beaten to death with a single tail by my Sir. [:D]

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/18/2008 4:58:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Linguist

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

You arent the only Cunning-Linguist here ya know. [8D]

xxblushesxx -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/18/2008 6:25:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19


ORIGINAL: Linguist

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

You arent the only Cunning-Linguist here ya know. [8D]

[sm=LMAO.gif]  I knew there was a joke in there somewhere!

OsideGirl -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/19/2008 6:40:16 AM)

Nope. But, I can direct you to a group in North San Diego County that is elitist and believes that they're better than the people that are using food stamps to buy their dinner tonight. They think they're "wordly".

OsideGirl -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/19/2008 6:42:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: kiwisub12

And most of us can use words longer than wheelbarrow appropriately.

Oh hell, I use "exsanguination" I get a gold star on my forehead? [:D][:D]

lronitulstahp -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/19/2008 6:44:33 AM)



Nope. But, I can direct you to a group in North San Diego County that is elitist and believes that they're better than the people that are using food stamps to buy their dinner tonight. They think they're "wordly".
Ouch! i had a thing with a guy that lives in San Marcos for some time...and he was a bit of a snob.  Dangerous though, a girl can get used to being flown places and staying at the Hyatt...good thing my grassroots sluttiness remained unsullied[;)]

DMFParadox -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 7:47:06 AM)

Whoa there!  You are TOTALLY confusing intellectual snobbery with economic snobbery.  Sometimes the two come together, and when they do the result shines in a snobgasm of beautiful, epic upper-crustyness.  But the vast majority of those that demand homage to their skull meats are far too busy proving that they are right about something to swindle enough cash for jetting around.

GreedyTop -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 8:59:51 AM)

nicely said, DMF

and Tulip.. I love that grassroot scent about you ;) *grope*

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 9:08:42 AM)

I think we scared the OP away

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