RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (Full Version)

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RedMagic1 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 9:45:12 AM)

If there were an intellectual snob board, I wouldn't read it.  And the OP would probably have no choice but to let me in to whatever exclusive "intellectual" club he'd like to construct. 

Hey, Linguist: I taught Latin for a year at a private school, I speak two languages fluently, I can (rustily) write and read an Asian language, and I know the etymology of the word "merkin."  (My personal fave.)

All that paper, all those brainiac accomplishments, are tiny when you compare it to somebody who actually cares about another person and goes out of their way to help them.  And despite all the drama on the CollarMe boards, there are a lot of people here who try to do just that.  That's worth far more than membership in the "we're so much cooler" club.

DMFParadox -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 10:58:04 AM)

::Tulip, or Iron, or whatev clev:  Is it appropriate to mention on a thread about intellectualism that the FIRST thing I did upon seeing your screenname last year was read it backwards, and the SECOND thing I did was edit my search for 'Orlando' to see if I guessed it right?

I swear I am not making this up.  Although I can't credit any conscious and voluntary thought processes, it was more of a, WTF does "Ironlasdf;kjscuzzyslut" mean?  And then B following from A.  But still, I think I deserve points for my inner demons pointing out that you're in my neighborhood.

DMFParadox -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 11:32:55 AM)

RedMagic: I know 'merkin' too and I didn't even have to wiki it.  ^_^

Well, because I did it last month. I was looking for a word to rhyme with 'virgin' that had connotations I'm sure you'll agree are interesting for me to be wanting it to rhyme with virgin.  But still. 

If we're gonna go around beating our chests some more, cool with me.  I know around 14 languages.  One of them human.  But if you think the rest are any less complicated or possess less metaphor than spoken languages, then I challenge you to explain mod_rewrite in a sensible way.  Or why the designers of C# and co. chose to express OOP in such a confoundingly different way than the Java camp.

Your reasoning is flawed.  The man wanted some good conversation, that was a bit more intellectually stimulating than the 'helpful' mindless flame wars and word games that go on here; really, I sympathize.  A board about art, mythology, or the latest technology but with a slightly BDSM flavor would be rather nifty.  There's a little of that going on in 'off topic,' but not really enough breadth and depth.  You reach a point where the petty B.S. drama is exactly that--petty.  There is more to life, despite the rumors to the contrary.

I'll say this much, though; for what it's worth, CollarMe is just about the best the BDSM world has to offer.  And it's good enough (read: has enough hot chicks floating around) to keep me wandering back.

MasterHermes -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 12:13:27 PM)

Lets give it a reasonable explanation. We all can see the forum titles when we come to . What I or you can see is no different than OP sees. If somebody feels like none of the current forum sections are good enough for intellectual conversation there is no need to "ASK" if there is any. Do you really believe that OP thinks there really is a forum section here we are hiding from him. One you can only reach if you know the entrance and passage word?

There is a difference between going to off-topic section and starting a thread saying "I believe there needs to be a dedicated forum section for these following subjects where we can have more focused chat" and coming to Ask a Submissive forum for asking "Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs? " .

Believe it or not intellectual conversations do not depend on the forums but people writing there. And making a statement in the form of a question about other peoples intellectual level in the Ask a Submissive forum is not an intellectual way of seeking intellect if that is the real aim here.


RedMagic1 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 12:55:13 PM)


Or why the designers of C# and co. chose to express OOP in such a confoundingly different way than the Java camp.

Dude.  Current Java is designed for evolution, not revolution.  Generics have to be backwards-compatible with non-generics, meaning defining arrays is a mess, and given Java 1.6, Array should be a deprecated type in favor of ArrayList, for 99% of applications.  C#, on the other hand, was written with no legacy code lying around, so could be revolutionary in intent, i.e., didn't have to worry about program evolution.  Hence it is much cleaner.  The differences stop being "confounding" when you consider the historical context -- and goals -- of the language designers.

Don't you think I just bored 99% of the people likely to read this thread?  Would it have been more interesting if I had sexed things up?  Or more lame?  I vote for lame.

Plus, natural languages are 5 gazillion times harder to master than programming languages.  And learning how to actually communicate with people you care about is waaay harder than just learning how to speak English.  Most "help me" posts are some variation of "my partner and I don't know how to communicate with each other, what should I do?"  Answering that kind of question is harder than anything I could teach in a data structures class.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 5:08:07 PM)

You guys are too egghead for me with your 14 languages. Do you have a board for cute, dumb and stacked??[sm=shake.gif]
AND can i be the mascot of the mensa board? Or maybe you intellectual giants will let me hold the door open for ya. A nerd in glasses is a fetish of mine![:D]

NeedingMore220 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 5:18:11 PM)



Don't you think I just bored 99% of the people likely to read this thread?  Would it have been more interesting if I had sexed things up?  Or more lame?  I vote for lame.

Plus, natural languages are 5 gazillion times harder to master than programming languages.  And learning how to actually communicate with people you care about is waaay harder than just learning how to speak English.  Most "help me" posts are some variation of "my partner and I don't know how to communicate with each other, what should I do?"  Answering that kind of question is harder than anything I could teach in a data structures class.

I second the vote for lame.  I had to skip the entire paragraph after a few words. 

One of the worst communicators I've ever known was a guy who came to work at my office with his Master's from MIT.  He hadn't a clue about how to interact with others, and I was young then and not of a mind to be patient.  But he was so eager to be liked it was painful.  But yes, he was brilliant.  Hmmmmm....

Leatherist -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 5:20:46 PM)

The real key to being intellectual is to engage the reader by explaining things in layman's terms that are not difficult to understand-in other words,do not assume that everyone else has the same background that you do.
 It also helps if you comment on practical and fun aspects of what you are talking about tool.

NumberSix -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 5:29:55 PM)

Java? How fuckin' rude is that?  you blow an instance of the VM (the OS the Kernel the whatever you wanna call that little virtual piece of shit...) and you are casters up, go back to neanderthal is that?

Java's main issue is that it came out only slightly before scripting languages.....but as languages go, its a fucking goner.

Now you can get some hotshot shit all hyped up on mellow yellow with bad teeth and a buzzcut that can promise you the world and (even though they only give you arpege........) most of what business will settle for is 60% of what they tell you they want.........

so you got a python script running on apache with a struts model communicating with a .net interface (and there aint one person in the whole goddamn world who doesn't understand reboot your machine under window ... so you can lay off a bunch of programming mistakes there) .......

LOL the days of high paid customized programs are going the way of oil........

except at gigabyte speeds.


Gwynvyd -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 5:38:30 PM)



If there were an intellectual snob board, I wouldn't read it.  And the OP would probably have no choice but to let me in to whatever exclusive "intellectual" club he'd like to construct. 

Hey, Linguist: I taught Latin for a year at a private school, I speak two languages fluently, I can (rustily) write and read an Asian language, and I know the etymology of the word "merkin."  (My personal fave.)

All that paper, all those brainiac accomplishments, are tiny when you compare it to somebody who actually cares about another person and goes out of their way to help them.  And despite all the drama on the CollarMe boards, there are a lot of people here who try to do just that.  That's worth far more than membership in the "we're so much cooler" club.

*chuckle snorts* out of all the words in the world.... alteration of obsolete malkin, lower-class woman, mop, from Middle English; from Malkin, diminutive of the personal name Matilda
Ya had to pick that one.
Effulgent is one of my top faves. *shrugs*

I have gone to Mensa meetings.. and the like.. and it is usualy just a bunch of snooty pricks sroking thier, and some times.. but rarely.. each others egos. Honestly not my scene. I would rather join in on discussion groups with spiritualists, or politicos... or scientists.. or a smattering of all 3, then go to some "club" that is filled with snobby jerks.

I think this whole message board is filled with intellectual types.

Thank goodness! it would be boring otherwise.


nwcutie102 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 6:13:10 PM)

i find MANY here who write with intelligence... flare also!

Griswold -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 6:23:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: nwcutie102

i find MANY here who write with intelligence... flare also!

I dont no wat yer saing...i cen tawk an I cen sae what youw twking abot.

Das rit bby

thishereboi -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 8:21:03 PM)

Yes there is, but they took a vote and they are not going to let you sorry.


Madame4a -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 8:24:37 PM)

hah.. I adore anyone who knows what a merkin is... I knew I loved you... now.. if you were only a woman...



If there were an intellectual snob board, I wouldn't read it.  And the OP would probably have no choice but to let me in to whatever exclusive "intellectual" club he'd like to construct. 

Hey, Linguist: I taught Latin for a year at a private school, I speak two languages fluently, I can (rustily) write and read an Asian language, and I know the etymology of the word "merkin."  (My personal fave.)

All that paper, all those brainiac accomplishments, are tiny when you compare it to somebody who actually cares about another person and goes out of their way to help them.  And despite all the drama on the CollarMe boards, there are a lot of people here who try to do just that.  That's worth far more than membership in the "we're so much cooler" club.

littlesarbonn -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/20/2008 11:11:39 PM)

Sometimes intellectual snobbery sneaks up on you, and you don't even see it coming. I was talking with a friend of mine from the university, and in the context of a conversation, I told her that I tended to dislike intellectuals. She then pointed out I have a Ph.D., two MAs, and several BAs and BSs. Therefore, I had to dislike myself.

So now I am filled with self-hate. sniffle

favesclava -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/21/2008 5:42:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: BRNaughtyAngel

Personally, I don't like snobby people.  I like kind, interesting people who have something to share.

And they don't have to be an "intellectual type" to have interesting things to share.

But to each his own.

working with the elderly i would often answer yes or no ma'm to my clients. i saw this as a sign of respect to my elders. many did not like to be called that. i complied and took it as a preference.
not long ago i took care of a client with dementia.  as usual i answered with the ma'm. she looked at me and told me not to call her that. then she went on to tell me how when  she was young that was the owner of the loose women homes. she was kind about it and did not make me feel bad about having called her what was an obvious insult to her . i couldnt have an intellectual conversation with her. but here i learned something that will improve my career. imagine that!

pinkieplum -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/21/2008 5:50:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: Linguist

Is there a Forum for intellectual types anywhere? Intellectual Snobs?  I ask because in the kind of relationship I want, the BDSM bond would lie beneath the surface - smoulder even, but since the bulk of our lives are not spent having sex, I do need to be with people who are curious, worldly and/or informed.....

What interests You, Linquist?
Crime?  History?  Politics?  The Environment?  Science?
If You email me on the other side and tell me, i'll look through my bookmarks for You.
Best wishes.

RedMagic1 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/21/2008 6:36:10 AM)

Aw, shucks, ladies.

Moral of the story: if you know shit and aren't a pompous ass about it, the town lesbos will develop mancrushes on you.  Something all straight men should aspire to!

See, back in the Middle Ages there were a lot of wars.  And the armies pushed around cannons.  The way the cannons were loaded was with a big mop-like looking thing that you used to push the cannonball into the cannon.  That mop-like thing was called a "merkin."

These Middle Age armies had a lot of "camp followers" -- prostitutes.  Many of the camp followers had venereal diseases, and there was no treatment of course, so their genitalia started looking pretty gross.  As a result, a lot of camp followers would wear wigs over their vaginal areas, to cover up a multitude of sins.  These wigs looked oddly like the cannon-pushing-mop thing.  Add the cannon pushing together with the human pushing, and, well....

By Shakespeare's time, the word merkin had taken on its current meaning: pubic wig.

Sesame Street was never this cool.

GreedyTop -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/21/2008 6:51:36 AM)

7 hours :) *happy dances*

That's cool, Red.. I love learning new words :) (now, if I could just figure out a way to work it into conversation...)

RedMagic1 -> RE: Is there a Forum for intellectual types? (6/21/2008 7:01:03 AM)



I love learning new words :) (now, if I could just figure out a way to work it into conversation...)

"Damn, girl.  That's the worst merkin I've ever seen!"

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