RE: Limits/No Limits (Full Version)

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Cloudz -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/8/2005 4:09:16 PM)



every sub has limits to begin with....most of them are emotional boundries that have yet to be breached...this takes time and lots of consideration.......when I met bella she had more limits than I had fingers and toes to count them all and through the time that she has belonged to me her limits have vanashed....but only through careful consideration on my part and adjusting her comfort level with different activities.........she is a slave but I allow her a voice and I listen to her fears and concerns........then I see where she is the most uncomfortable at and I work through this with she has become a limitless slave....this isnt something that happens over night..........I can understand limits but there are some that are firmly set against cfoertian activities or lifestyle changes because it causes them emotional stress....this emotional stress is a mere bump in the road and can be overcome through the guidence of a good Master

Master Six

(Applauding wildly) That was the most accurate description of limits I have read, possibly ever. Limits are simply comfort levels, as in - I am not comfortable doing that with you, I am not comfortable with that and need more information, I will never be comfortable with that, I am not comfortable yet that you will keep me safe, etc. etc.

~ Cloudz

IronBear -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/8/2005 5:54:24 PM)





every sub has limits to begin with....most of them are emotional boundries that have yet to be breached...this takes time and lots of consideration.......when I met bella she had more limits than I had fingers and toes to count them all and through the time that she has belonged to me her limits have vanashed....but only through careful consideration on my part and adjusting her comfort level with different activities.........she is a slave but I allow her a voice and I listen to her fears and concerns........then I see where she is the most uncomfortable at and I work through this with she has become a limitless slave....this isnt something that happens over night..........I can understand limits but there are some that are firmly set against cfoertian activities or lifestyle changes because it causes them emotional stress....this emotional stress is a mere bump in the road and can be overcome through the guidence of a good Master

Master Six

(Applauding wildly) That was the most accurate description of limits I have read, possibly ever. Limits are simply comfort levels, as in - I am not comfortable doing that with you, I am not comfortable with that and need more information, I will never be comfortable with that, I am not comfortable yet that you will keep me safe, etc. etc.

~ Cloudz

I too agree with this. Just to add my copper task bit's worth. In discussions on limits I see the whole lin=mit concept being lumped together. I see limits as being in two sections. the first section being to do with health and safety and the other limit being to do with BDSM activities involving the comfort zones and fears rather than safety. there always be areas especially in hard play where both sections are involved but even then, each section can be adressed seperately and logically (I'm a great believer in boolean logic).

perverseangelic -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/8/2005 10:24:30 PM)



I too agree with this. Just to add my copper task bit's worth. In discussions on limits I see the whole lin=mit concept being lumped together. I see limits as being in two sections. the first section being to do with health and safety and the other limit being to do with BDSM activities involving the comfort zones and fears rather than safety. there always be areas especially in hard play where both sections are involved but even then, each section can be adressed seperately and logically (I'm a great believer in boolean logic).

I agree as well, actually. However, I find it usefull to have two seperate words for the two seperate things, because it minimizes confusion for me.

I am a word person--what word is chosen and the way it is used is important to me.

I can't seem to see "limits" as anything other than "something that one will not do, period." which, I think falls under the health/morality section.

I definatly see what y'all are saying and the way you're defining your terms, however, this is one case where I think we would -definatly- benifite from more words.

Belladonna82 -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/9/2005 7:02:09 AM)

When Master first found me...i was a crazy submissive who was emotionaly screwed up....i made everything a limit...Through Master guideness and control i lost 90% of my my limits Match Masters for the most part...i have a few that i am slowly releasing but have let go completely.....Its a Master job to make sure the submissive/slave is comfortable enough to let go of those vanilla limits that our lifes in the past have placed there........limits=emotional unsure and not very trusting of whom u serve.
You can believe something to be taboo...or emotionaly hurtful but if the Master knows of a way to help you trust his judgement and not your own....things go smoothly....TRUST,.....ITS ALL A SLAVE/SUBMISSIVE NEEDS....without we are nothing...with is peachy keen

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/9/2005 7:09:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Belladonna82
if the Master knows of a way to help you trust his judgement and not your own....things go smoothly

Why would a master want a slave to doubt their own judgement and help them learn how to have better judgement?

KittenWithaTwist -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/9/2005 8:23:28 PM)


When Master first found me...i was a crazy submissive who was emotionaly screwed up....i made everything a limit

I'm sorry that you were emotionally "screwed up" as you put it. When I first got involved with my dominant, I had a lot of problems as well. As we grew closer, more crappy things seemed to happen to me, and by the time we lived together, I was in little pieces of scrap. I had a lot of limits-mostly on things I had very little positive experience with. People I had been extremely close to had taken advantage of me, and it had really skewed my view. I don't think that made me crazy, as you put it. But it did make things very difficult.


Through Master guideness and control i lost 90% of my my limits Match Masters for the most part...i have a few that i am slowly releasing but have let go completely

I went through this process as well. I am still uncomfortable with some of the limitations I have given up, but I am content that my dominant is pleased with me, and that outweighs my comfort level considerably. I'm happy for you that you are in a situation where you have given up many limits in favor of your dominant's. To me, it shows more than the trust banner that you wave but also a comfort and pleasure that you draw from it. It's great that it makes you happy. That's the most important part. If it didn't make you happy on a very personal level, I doubt you would have gone through the steps that were needed to overcome your limitations, whatever they might be.


Its a Master job to make sure the submissive/slave is comfortable enough to let go of those vanilla limits that our lifes in the past have placed there........limits=emotional unsure and not very trusting of whom u serve.

Is it the dominant's job, or the combined job of all involved? I don't know that I could have done what I did without the motivation of my partner, but I know that he couldn't have helped me if I hadn't helped myself. So, in my opinion, it was our goal, together. It wasn't a "job" or occupation. It wasn't a requirement. If my dominant had not been content from the get-go with me, just as I was when I showed up in his life, he would not have asked me to be his. It was something we both wanted to work on to make ourselves happier.
As for the second part of your sentence, I disagree. Limits are not equal to emotional insecurities. Limits encompass our physical, emotional, moral, and philosophical inabilities. There are some things I will never be able to accomplish. I will never be able to wrap my brain around some of the things my dominant has done with other partners, and they are things I will probably never do. For whatever reason, these things are improbable. They have nothing to do with my level of trust in my dominant, either. I'd prefer not to tell the entire message board my personal inabilities, but if you are truly curious for insight, you may inquire privately.


You can believe something to be taboo...or emotionaly hurtful but if the Master knows of a way to help you trust his judgement and not your own....things go smoothly

Regardless of how much I trust my dominant, I trust myself more. No one knows me better than me. I know my limitations. I know my secrets. I know my insecurities. And I know my strengths. I am the best judge of me. I will ALWAYS trust my own judgement over that of ANYONE else. And I will always get the most information possible to make the most educated judgement that I can.


TRUST,.....ITS ALL A SLAVE/SUBMISSIVE NEEDS....without we are nothing...with is peachy keen

People really tote that trust thing around. In some ways, I still don't trust or believe my dominant. I have been with him for two years, and I love him more than...anything. He means more to me than anyone in the world. It took me a very long time to work up to the level of trust I am currently at, and I still have a ways to go. I've been through some really trust-crushing crap, and people that I thought I could trust have hurt me very badly. It takes a lot to get back to the beginning again. Am I nothing without trust? Nope, certainly not. I trust me. Me is the most important person here. I'll always have me to lean on. I'll always have me to believe in. Without myself? I guess I would be nothing. But that's a whole philosophical issue, isn't it?
With trust, you say, life is peachy keen. I guess it might be, when I get there. But life is pretty great now too. So I guess it can only get better. There's more, for me at least, to being a submissive than trust. I love my partner. He stimulates me, and I him. He accepts me, and I him. He makes me happy, and he comforts me when I'm sad. He allows me to be myself, just myself, and I don't have to pretend to be anyone else.

He accepts that I have limitations and sometimes, they control me. He controls whether those limitations control him and his choices. I guess that's the best way I can explain what limits are, to us. I may always have the limitations I have on a mental plane. But if those limits don't affect him, then they're unimportant.

SirSix72 -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/9/2005 8:34:22 PM)


I hope that one day you find the trust you are yearning for in your partner. I know about having a hard time with it I think that we have all been through the wringer a time or two it is how we learn from it and not harbor resentment for others that had nothing to do with it in the first place that is important.

Master Six

KittenWithaTwist -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/9/2005 8:49:32 PM)

I don't resent my dominant for anything I have gone through in my own life before he was in it.

KittenWithaTwist -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/9/2005 8:50:43 PM)

Also, if you don't mind, please capitalize my name in the future, the way it is written.

MalevolentLyset -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/10/2005 12:33:10 AM)

Most limits are health wise. I know some people can create a healthy situation...but...most would rather stay healthy. For example, no needles, blades, electricity play, scat parties, brown showers. Those are healthy risks except for those who are an EXPERT in that field. The bodily waste ones I personally will never cross. Ever. Most other limits can be worked through unless extreme morals are involved. ( ie, Servitude Of Others post.)

MasterRobert1 -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/10/2005 4:36:33 AM)

EVERYONE has limits. Period. No exceptions. Except maybe for a few people incarcerated in mental institutions. There are lots of things that I wouldn't do. Starting off with necrophilia. One of the hardest things to do in this lifestyle is separating fantasy from reality. In some perfect fantasy world, yes, I can see there being no limits. The reality is, we're human beings. We are limited. Doesn't mean that limits can't be pushed, that a person can expand their limits. Think of limits as a type of reality check.

IronBear -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/10/2005 7:41:07 AM)

Trust is something which is both earned and learned. It takes time and applied effort, proven stability and commonsence as well as demonstratable experience to earn higher levels of trust. In extreme cases the highest levels of trust are earned under potentially life threatening situations. All of the above applies to the person who is learning trust as well. However in their case, past experiences as well as their natural tendencies to either trust or not to trust will become a factor. In the end, earning/learning trust is the result of a partnership of one form or another and shared experiences. It should be noted that trust is not to be confused with respect or love. They are seperate issues with different rules of engagement applying.

This is just my view and thoughts on the matter and may not apply to another persopn human or non human.

candystripper -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/10/2005 3:56:25 PM)

i have this vision of how i'd find my One. First, superficial attraction. Next, values. Then respect -- from real life experiences. Then love. Then that ultimate trust.

So far no man has made it through all the hoops, but i have hope.


fyreredsub -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/10/2005 7:21:03 PM)

master pushes away at my 'soft limits' gently... keeping my best interests in mind. i trust that he will undoubtly sometimes go slower than i may wish for but he knows what is best for me. my 'hard limits' are respected, however he knows TPE is the ultimate goal i seek. so then his limits become what mine are(which they are basically the same anyway,so no problem there).


ORIGINAL: subspaceinMD

Thank You for your attention and answers to this question. i have read several posts that say limits are something that everyone has and that it is normal to have them. My question to You is:
Would you accept certain limits and feel ok with them, or do you feel that your submissive should give complete trust in their Master to know what is best for them and therefore should not have limits. If you have a submissive with no limits how do You feel about them, do You know certain things are hot spots and stay away from them? Would You rather be told up front during negotiation what their limits are so that You know in advance? i have had several Dominants tell me that true subs don't have any limits (and by that token, how do you proceed?). Thank You for Your input.[:D]

fyreredsub -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/10/2005 7:25:26 PM)

if i used some of my past stinking thinking, i would hope my master would let me know sometimes my judgement isnt always best,lol, even you know've had to point it out to me enough times in my newness and your not my master.


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: Belladonna82
if the Master knows of a way to help you trust his judgement and not your own....things go smoothly

Why would a master want a slave to doubt their own judgement and help them learn how to have better judgement?

fyreredsub -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/10/2005 7:31:17 PM)


i agree w/ so much of what you say, i figure you are one of the wiser ones on here

but what struck me as odd when i was reading this

is how very differently so many of us think.

i have to trust before i can love.
i didnt realize it till i was reading your words that i even had an 'order' to my feelings.



ORIGINAL: KittenWithaTwist


When Master first found me...i was a crazy submissive who was emotionaly screwed up....i made everything a limit

I'm sorry that you were emotionally "screwed up" as you put it. When I first got involved with my dominant, I had a lot of problems as well. As we grew closer, more crappy things seemed to happen to me, and by the time we lived together, I was in little pieces of scrap. I had a lot of limits-mostly on things I had very little positive experience with. People I had been extremely close to had taken advantage of me, and it had really skewed my view. I don't think that made me crazy, as you put it. But it did make things very difficult.


Through Master guideness and control i lost 90% of my my limits Match Masters for the most part...i have a few that i am slowly releasing but have let go completely

I went through this process as well. I am still uncomfortable with some of the limitations I have given up, but I am content that my dominant is pleased with me, and that outweighs my comfort level considerably. I'm happy for you that you are in a situation where you have given up many limits in favor of your dominant's. To me, it shows more than the trust banner that you wave but also a comfort and pleasure that you draw from it. It's great that it makes you happy. That's the most important part. If it didn't make you happy on a very personal level, I doubt you would have gone through the steps that were needed to overcome your limitations, whatever they might be.


Its a Master job to make sure the submissive/slave is comfortable enough to let go of those vanilla limits that our lifes in the past have placed there........limits=emotional unsure and not very trusting of whom u serve.

Is it the dominant's job, or the combined job of all involved? I don't know that I could have done what I did without the motivation of my partner, but I know that he couldn't have helped me if I hadn't helped myself. So, in my opinion, it was our goal, together. It wasn't a "job" or occupation. It wasn't a requirement. If my dominant had not been content from the get-go with me, just as I was when I showed up in his life, he would not have asked me to be his. It was something we both wanted to work on to make ourselves happier.
As for the second part of your sentence, I disagree. Limits are not equal to emotional insecurities. Limits encompass our physical, emotional, moral, and philosophical inabilities. There are some things I will never be able to accomplish. I will never be able to wrap my brain around some of the things my dominant has done with other partners, and they are things I will probably never do. For whatever reason, these things are improbable. They have nothing to do with my level of trust in my dominant, either. I'd prefer not to tell the entire message board my personal inabilities, but if you are truly curious for insight, you may inquire privately.


You can believe something to be taboo...or emotionaly hurtful but if the Master knows of a way to help you trust his judgement and not your own....things go smoothly

Regardless of how much I trust my dominant, I trust myself more. No one knows me better than me. I know my limitations. I know my secrets. I know my insecurities. And I know my strengths. I am the best judge of me. I will ALWAYS trust my own judgement over that of ANYONE else. And I will always get the most information possible to make the most educated judgement that I can.


TRUST,.....ITS ALL A SLAVE/SUBMISSIVE NEEDS....without we are nothing...with is peachy keen

People really tote that trust thing around. In some ways, I still don't trust or believe my dominant. I have been with him for two years, and I love him more than...anything. He means more to me than anyone in the world. It took me a very long time to work up to the level of trust I am currently at, and I still have a ways to go. I've been through some really trust-crushing crap, and people that I thought I could trust have hurt me very badly. It takes a lot to get back to the beginning again. Am I nothing without trust? Nope, certainly not. I trust me. Me is the most important person here. I'll always have me to lean on. I'll always have me to believe in. Without myself? I guess I would be nothing. But that's a whole philosophical issue, isn't it?
With trust, you say, life is peachy keen. I guess it might be, when I get there. But life is pretty great now too. So I guess it can only get better. There's more, for me at least, to being a submissive than trust. I love my partner. He stimulates me, and I him. He accepts me, and I him. He makes me happy, and he comforts me when I'm sad. He allows me to be myself, just myself, and I don't have to pretend to be anyone else.

He accepts that I have limitations and sometimes, they control me. He controls whether those limitations control him and his choices. I guess that's the best way I can explain what limits are, to us. I may always have the limitations I have on a mental plane. But if those limits don't affect him, then they're unimportant.

Sunshine119 -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/10/2005 7:46:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: candystripper

ibut i have hope.


Hold on to that hope. Where there is hope.....there is life

KittenWithaTwist -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/10/2005 9:24:29 PM)


Thank you for the compliment. I really appreciate it. I don't know that I live up to your view of me, but I appreciate the sentiment a lot.

As far as loving and trusting goes, I fell in love first. The trusting will follow in due time.

Umbrella -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/11/2005 12:10:33 AM)

This is in general response to the pushing/not pushing limits responses. First, in case you don’t read my profile I am a 24-year-old, switch, bi, male. Most of that is relevant to my views on this. At the moment I am in a relationship with a dominant, older, male. We do not live together. I am not his slave. We chat quite a bit and are able to meet off and on. We chatted for months before our schedules matched up so that we could actually meet. During all of this chatting, our mutual trust was built and it was confirmed once we met. I have had a few other relationships in the past that didn’t last long, but they taught me very important lessons. One of them is that I cannot at this point in my life (and possibly ever) be someone’s slave. I have to be able to set some conditions and have some kind of voice in what happens. On the flip side I don’t believe I could accept someone as my complete slave. At least not in the manner in which I see it described here and elsewhere. I believe that most of this is important to my views on this, so I thought I would include it to better explain myself.

I personally believe that unless the parties involved have agreed to it, pushing limits is a bad idea. I keep seeing it listed as a trust issue. That is also how I view it. I am trusting another person to not kill or seriously injure me after they have me tied up. All I have asked in return is that certain things not be done and that if I use my safe word that it is honored. Now, if they can’t abide by not pushing my limits, how am I to trust them to not harm me or honor my safe word? I can’t. It’s that simple. Once someone has proven to me that they will lie to my face, it is near impossible for me to trust them again. Considering the possible severity of what could happen if that trust is broken, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think this way. I don’t look to a dominant person to help me become a better or more complete person or provide emotional growth. So far, life seems to be doing a pretty good job of challenging me and providing me with this emotional growth that everyone here is singing praises about. I really don’t need or want someone to make it their goal in life to do the same. I know that growth is usually a natural by product of a relationship, and that I am fine with. It’s the need to push that I am not fine with. I have my limits for specific reasons. Some of them I have considered compromising or I have compromised. I have done this of my own free will, not at someone else’s command or manipulation. I did this at the last meeting with my partner in fact. I knew that it was something that he wanted to do and that I did not want to do it for a few reasons. I put those aside to make him happy, because that makes me happy. After doing it, I told him I would likely not be able to do it again. I normally have very good control of my emotions, but doing this for him has caused me many conflicting emotions and I don’t like it at all. It is causing me emotional pain that I can’t figure out how I feel about it or how to sort it out. Does this make me less emotionally evolved than some people? Sure. I don’t deny that. I also see what it has done with me actively consenting to it. Read the next paragraph if you want an idea of how I believe I would likely react if I didn’t consent to it. As I explained to him, trusting someone with my life is different than trusting them with my emotions. If I am wrong on the first part, I don’t have to live with the consequences because I won’t be living with much of anything. I will, however, have to live with being emotionally screwed up by someone I thought I could trust. So I view it primarily as a trust issue. How can I trust someone who has decided to do one of the very few things I said I would not do?

I do have another personal reason. As I said, I can normally control my emotions quite well. They have, however, been pushed beyond the breaking point before and I tend to react violently to something that pushes my anger past the line. Someone breaking my trust in so severe a way would quite possibly do that. Coupled with the physical pain I would likely be feeling (because most of my limits revolve around pain) and that would be more than enough to push me over. There is a good chance I would severely injure or possibly kill the other person once I was released. At that point the person would have made it clear that I have made a terible error in my judgements of them and that they don't place the same value on my life as I do. As such, my percieved value of their life would become next to nothing. If they left me bound for a while, that would only serve to turn my burning anger at their betrayal to cold resolution to get some form of revenge. Now, I know this makes me sound like a violent person and I can safely say that I am not. I am just applying what I have learned from the very few times that I have been pushed beyond the breaking point. So, in my particular case it is also in my partner’s best interest to not cross the line. Sorry, “push the emotional boundaries to cause growth” I fully explain this to my potential partners and the ones I have had have never pushed my limits or even hinted at it. By the way, before anyone thinks I beat people on a regular basis or anything like that, I have been in one real fight in my life and I was around 14 at the time. It was one of the few times that someone pushed me past my limit. They were trying to fight me and I was trying to get them to calm down. They finally hit me with a very heavy object that I blocked and I couldn’t feel my hand after I did. I had had enough at that point and knocked them out. I could have ended the conflict by doing that at any point but I tried to end it peacefully. I only mention this so that you can get an idea of what it has taken to push me over the line in the past and don’t think that I just go down the street fighting with everyone who looks at me wrong.

Knowing how I would likely react to it as a submissive, I would never do it to someone submitting to me. I will ask them why they have those limits. If it is based in pure ignorance on the topic, I will offer to share what I know about it. If they are still not at all interested, then that’s the end of that. If at a later date they want to change their mind about what they will or won’t do, that’s fine with me too and the relationship will go on if our interests still reasonably match. I expect someone I submit to to treat the situation the same with me. I am fine with talking about my limits and why I have them. If I am wrong about my ideas of one or more of them, I will listen to what they have to say and may even change my mind about it. If I don’t, then that’s that and it’s still a hard limit. Also, just to be clear, when I say pushing someone’s limits, I am talking about going ahead and doing something they have said they would not do, not simply discussing it. These are my opinions based on my admittedly limited experience with BDSM and my current situation in life and I accept that some (or all) will very likely disagree with it and they are perfectly entitled to just I am to disagree with them.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Limits/No Limits (11/11/2005 5:41:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: fyreredsub

if i used some of my past stinking thinking, i would hope my master would let me know sometimes my judgement isnt always best,lol, even you know've had to point it out to me enough times in my newness and your not my master.

Yes but that's why he helps you make your judgement BETTER and helps you gain the skills so you can trust your judgement.

After all, he can't send you out in the world to follow his orders unless he can be sure you have good judgement to be able to do so. Otherwise you're just kind of a lump he has to always watch out for.

Personally I think you got into this relationship too deep too fast. Last week you were posting questions about training and what to do with a guy you never met offline. This week he's your master. You obviously feel you can trust your judgement in this case.

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