clit piercing (Full Version)

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mserie56 -> clit piercing (7/25/2008 5:17:11 PM)

my Master is very interested in clit piercing but has heard mixed reviews  some say it takes away the sensation completely some say it enhances the feeling are there any subs who have experienced  clit piercing and how was it afterwards 

SNoB -> RE: clit piercing (7/25/2008 10:59:30 PM)

Talking to two of my friends who are piercing artists (pro's in shops, not guys with big needles in the back of a van), they try to get people to go with the hood piercing instead.  My toy has a vertical hood piercing and loves it.

Lordandmaster -> RE: clit piercing (7/25/2008 11:29:03 PM)

SNoB's right--go with a hood piercing (and read up about the varieties before you go ahead and do it).  Many places won't even do a clit piercing because of the possible complications.

PiercednChained -> RE: clit piercing (7/26/2008 5:43:50 AM)

it depends on the actual size of your clit... i have mine  done with a large ring  and  i dont experience any loss of sence, on the contrary ....but i agree  it bares a risk

tediberri -> RE: clit piercing (7/26/2008 10:42:51 AM)

I've had my hood pierced for 9 years now and totally enjoy it.  It seems to have made my clit more sensitive and the oral sex is incredible.  Mine is horizontal, boyfriend would like a vertical one added, which can be done.  Would like to hear how a vertical piercing feels.

dodedo -> RE: clit piercing (7/26/2008 12:32:58 PM)

In response to the hood piercings:

I have a verticle hood piercing.  It is EXCELLENT.  I have a bar, not a ring.  I find that if the top part of the bar is stimulated, it rubs directly against my clit.  But, it's also out of the way enough that if I'm not looking for stimulation, it doesn't bother me.  (and yes, sometimes I'm  NOT looking for stimulation.  I do not get a kick out of being turned on with my parents, for instance)

The piercing healed with amazing speed - no discomfort after a week, and I was completely confident about it being touched and moved and toyed with after two weeks.

I think that the verticle/horizontal duo looks amazing!  In the future maybe I'd consider that, if my partner's interested, wink wink.

In response to clit piercing:

I think that most men, when they think of the clit piercing, actually are envisioning the hood piercing.  I apologize to the men in the thread, but seriously, a lot of males don't know exactly where/what the clit is, or what it looks like. 

Hood piercings are extremely stimulating, without the worry of damage that the clit piercing involves.  I urge the OP and her partner to view some photos online, and see if the hood piercing might be just as appealing = )

BootBlackBlast -> RE: clit piercing (7/26/2008 12:40:05 PM)

I for one am not willing to risk losing the sensitivity of my clit with a piercing. A hood piercing is actually more attractive in  my opinion and bears a significantly lower risk.

XaviersXian -> RE: clit piercing (7/26/2008 7:35:51 PM)

greetings to all,

OP, are you talking about a clit piercing, or a clitoral hood piercing? (I've had my hood done (by a pro piercer) in the past, and it was an....interesting say the least).  The jewellery looked amazing, and I loved it.  It made me feel awfully sexy/slutty.  It was also *very* quick to heal, and had no complications (I'd completely healed in two weeks).  Believe it or not, the more you "leave it alone" (no touching or playing with it!!!!) the quicker it heals. 

As gross as it sounds, your urine does the trick for healing it, and you don't have to aftercare in any other way.

At first, I got more than enough orgasms from the jewellery to make it well worth the money, but as time went by, I lost a lot of feeling (my hood was numb in places...and I got quite a bit of pain at times as well) and only after taking the piercing out (at my Master's request) has the feeling started to return.  I think, in time, my sensation will return to almost what it was before I had the piercing done.
I now have a tiny bit of scar tissue there (which I've taken to massaging regularly to try and break down), but it's not a huge barrier to my pleasure.

I am not all that knowledgeable on having the actual clitoris pierced, but going on my experiences with the hood piercing, I'd say do your research very carefully ( ask more than one piercer (and even medical professionals) about the risks involved, and make 100% sure that this is the right decision for you.  Make sure your Master reads the same literature, and is aware of the opinions of others, so as he is fully informed as well.

I hope this helps!

well wishes,

sasseeNshy -> RE: clit piercing (7/27/2008 12:15:16 AM)

Everyone else has offered the best, and in my humble opinion, only advice, and that is for a hood piercing only.  I have a very little captive ring.....and it by no means has decreased any fact, quite the opposite.  A hood piercing is much less painful than an earlobe or (shudders) nipples.  Healing time varies......but is rather quick compared to other piercings. 

apiercedkitty -> RE: clit piercing (7/27/2008 2:01:53 PM)

It's already been mentioned - but most men think of a "clit" piercing when they've actually seen are hood piercings. It's difficult to find someone to do a clit piercing as it does pose pretty decent risk of loss of sensation if done improperly.
i, personally, have a horizontal and a vertical hood piercing as well as a triangle (which goes UNDER the clitoral shaft). The hood piercings hurt about as much as getting your finger pricked (in my opinion anyway). i have a curved barbell in the vertical, a captive bead ring in the horizontal, and a U shaped (custom-made) in the triangle. The hood piercings heal very rapidly - usually completely within 10 days to 2 weeks. If you're looking for a bit more sensation (both during and after the piercing itself), look into the triangle. Hurt like no other for the actual piercing but well worth it in the end. Make sure you find someone who has done them before as they're quite a bit riskier than a hood since they have to get under the bundle of nerves. is a great website - they have pics as well as actual people that write in about their piercing experiences. (i think i have one or two pics there myself... lol). If you decide to pierce - any piercing - make sure you find a reputable piercer. Good luck!!!

torch7777777777 -> RE: clit piercing (7/29/2008 4:03:11 AM)

Elayne Angel is a master body piercer. She is very good. Angel moved to Mexico, but she still works. She bought a bed and breakfast a few years ago. She worked at the Gauntlet in West Hollywood for several years and then at The Rings of Desire in New Orleans. Good luck to you.

apiercedkitty -> RE: clit piercing (7/29/2008 2:18:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: torch7777777777

Elayne Angel is a master body piercer. She is very good. Angel moved to Mexico, but she still works. She bought a bed and breakfast a few years ago. She worked at the Gauntlet in West Hollywood for several years and then at The Rings of Desire in New Orleans. Good luck to you.

i actually chatted with her via email a few times when i was in the market for another piercing (this was before Katrina) and was trying to work out a visit to her to have it done... alas, it wasn't in the finances and now Mexico is a lil too far for me at this point... maybe someday.

badlilthang -> RE: clit piercing (7/29/2008 6:14:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: XaviersXian

As gross as it sounds, your urine does the trick for healing it, and you don't have to aftercare in any other way

well wishes,

where i get my hood ring , they also adviced against a clit piercing, because of all the nerves there. After my piercing i was told to be very caeful with the cleaning of the piercing. Antibacterial poured over every day - and absolutely o oral sex for 6 weeks. i chose a vertical ring - now i have a barbell with a diamond at the my advice is - clean i properly every day for those 6 weeks,and You should be home free.Insane Ink ouside DC did the work.Clean studio - excellent people.

LotusSong -> RE: clit piercing (7/29/2008 9:18:46 PM)

I had it done.. it was fun at first but it did desensitize me.  I removed it after 3 months.  It also interferes with oral sex (receiving)  I had the horizontal hood piercing.

Leatherist -> RE: clit piercing (7/29/2008 10:27:57 PM)

I had a sub with inner labial piercings once. They were a pain in the ass to try to play around, and I hated how they felt when I was fucking her. I also had to have her take them out when I was fisting her-because they snagged on the gloves. And they were horrendously difficult to put back in after.
 Same shit with nipples. I'd never allow another girl of mine to have anything pierced but her ears.

opposingtwilight -> RE: clit piercing (7/29/2008 10:42:28 PM)

LotusSong -> RE: clit piercing (7/30/2008 8:19:25 AM)



I had it done.. it was fun at first but it did desensitize me.  I removed it after 3 months.  It also interferes with oral sex (receiving)  I had the horizontal hood piercing.

... just wanted to add.. that when I removed the ring, my normal sensitivity returned.  Steve Hayworth  did my piercing (11 yrs ago), when he was at  HTC .  He mentioned that one side of my hood was thicker than the other side and the ring would not be perfictly that may have been the issue.

Snyegurochka -> RE: clit piercing (8/1/2008 3:16:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: tediberri

I've had my hood pierced for 9 years now and totally enjoy it.  It seems to have made my clit more sensitive and the oral sex is incredible.  Mine is horizontal, boyfriend would like a vertical one added, which can be done.  Would like to hear how a vertical piercing feels.

Well, I have a vertical hood.
Took me a long time to choose, but now I have it is GREAT. As Dodedo says, the sensation is great when you need it to be.
Mine healed *no kidding* in a week and looks gorgeous. I truly recomend it!!!

My piercer had her clit pierced by a Master Piercer and she says it's to mucho for most of people. She told me once the pain being done was almost unendurable and she herself have never done one, because there are many  risks related. On the other hand, she says the pleasure worth it....

Here you can find info

briarrosethorne -> RE: clit piercing (8/2/2008 11:22:04 AM)

Okies... my 2 cents. i have a horizontal hood piercing and i LOVE it...
it doesnt stimulate me unless i want it to. so its great! and its kinda cute!
It healed SUPER fast and easy. im glad i did it.

BootBlackBlast -> RE: clit piercing (8/3/2008 10:58:05 PM)

I have to say after having had my ears, up and down, my tongue, eyebrow, nipple attempted once, and my septum pierced, I can't imagine any pain worse than the septum. I've also had various surface piercings done a few years back. The septum piercing I had today was mega intense. 8 hours later I'm still on a head rush and it's the only piercing I've ever popped a Tylenol for. The pain went straight to my skull and has stayed there ever since.

I can't wait to get my hood done but I think I'm going to wait a bit. My body needs a bit of a rest after the last 3 weeks. We've put a second set of 10 gauge holes in my ear, attempted my nipple with a 12 gauge, eyebrow with a 16, and septum with a 12. This is absolutely enough for a bit. My body needs to heal now. I never used to believe my friends when they told me this was how they felt but honestly it's pretty amazing.

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