RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (Full Version)

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Hanable -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:05:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss

Who ever said any of us were unhappy with the way we look naked? Sure you know that could be a primary motivation, but I honestly don't care how I look naked I desire to be skinnier so I am healthier and can do things a normal 25 year old can, like walk and exorcise an go out an be active w/ith out feeling like I am going to die.

ORIGINAL: MistressPav

One cannot get around the SCIENTIFIC
law of thermodynamics = Calories in vs. Calories out.
If people would embrace this FACT, their weight loss issues
would be solved.

No surgery of any type is a permanent weight loss solution.
The obese person MUST learn proper eating habits and
engage in enough PHYSICAL EXERTION on a daily


I got a laugh out of the email I saw of "headlines from the year 2089"
Here was the funniest one:

"$95 Billion, 100 Year Study Complete: Diet & Exercise Still Key To Weight Loss"

And, for all of you that are so ignorant and blind to scientific law;
Since you've "tried every diet in the book", why don't you actually
try to do it right by logging your food and exercise and just maybe you'll
see that it works!  DUH...

It's called "Self Discipline" and "Self Control".  To be successful at dieting
and changing your personal appearance, you must FIRST learn to love
Until you learn that, you will always be obese and unhappy
with the way you look when you're naked.

i do have to agree with u on this one YHMA.. i wouldnt say im unhappy with how i look naked.. sure i could stand to firm up a bit but thats my fault.. and only my fault.

oh and MissPav... Self Diciplin and Self Controle are not easy for some one whos been told they were "fat and stupid" for many many years. im srry but.. ur view is to narrowed for you to see the whole picture.. you are called fat stupid and ugly so ur depressed and have no self worth.. so u get depressed.. most people who r depressed eat.. u dont care any more.. so self diciplin and self controle arnt things you are going to worry about. hey ur already fat stupid and ugly.. why should u care?

telling some one to buck up and deal.. and give them "tough love" isnt they way to get people to pay attention.. im srry ive overweight.. my mother is as well.. and being yelled at and bitched at only makes us eat more.. eatting is an addiction as well as a habit.

H >:)

katie978 -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:11:14 PM)

  For so many Americans, while losing weight is incredibly simple on paper (or the computer screen), it's nearly impossible in real life. Many people who lose weight via diet and exercise immediately gain it all back, and more. Very few people who achieve significant weight loss can maintain it.

  With so many health risks caused or increased by obesity, it's not that hard to see why some people choose to have weight loss surgury. By making the choice to have a potentially deadly surgury, they are commiting themselves to a lifetime of limited eating choices. It's not really the "easy way out"...although it can produce remarkable results, it has lots of potential complications and the side effects-months of nausea and diarrhea- are not too much fun either.

   Many people who chose to have gastric bypass have other health issues that make exercise much more difficult, if not impossible. To be considering it, they must have tried and failed dieting dozens of times. They typically have other health issues such as Type 2 diabetes, heart problems, or other issues.

   To those that say dieting is easy...obviously they haven't tried it. It sounds simple, true enough, and with enough preservence and self-discipline, it can be done successfully. Use more than you take in. Sure. If it were that simple, more than half of Americans wouldn't be overweight. If it were that simple, everyone here on the forums would be perfect and skinny-not BBWs and SSBBWs who are "happy with their weight" despite it limiting their mobilty and endangering their health. Perhaps dieting is simple for you... for me, it's hard work. Oh, wait. You're happy weighing 300 pounds and only being able to shop at specialty stores. I forgot.

  However, everyone who says that morbidly obese people should just stick to a's not that hard, it's similar to saying that a smoker should just stick to gum. A depressed person should just get over it. A grieving person should just suck it up-life is simple, after all...people live, people die. Losing weight is not that easy.

I'm not advocating GB surgury (though it surely sounds like it). I do think of it as a way out, as a kind of quick fix, but I admire the people who have the cajones to do it. Personally, I think that more people should try and do it the natural way...but I'll concede that finding motivation month after month is very challenging. I should know...I'm not just the spokesperson, I'm a client! I've lost about 45 pounds since November (just hit Weight Watchers goal, woo-hoo!) Yeah, it sucks. Yeah, I slipped up sometimes. But doing it myself makes me feel way more bad-ass.

Ps. hopelessfool, many of the diets you've listed sound ridiculously unsafe. If you're only eating 500 calories a day, your body goes into starvation mode, hence the weight gain. Your body still needs calories to work...just not so many as usual. Find a healthy, non-fad diet, and stick to it. I imagine your results might be better sticking to a moderate diet than trying to adhere to a super-severe one. I did the 1,000 calories a day thing for months...felt fatigued all the time. Not so healthy.

PPS. "Exorcising" probably won't help people lose weight...I don't believe the extra pounds I'm carry around were caused by the demon Fazuzuu. They were caused by the demon Dunkin' Donuts. But I don't think that can be exorcized.

HutchGarahl -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:16:03 PM) one in consideration for Gastric Bypass.....

Diet and excersize doesn't always work. I've been overweight most of my life. I have been working with doctors and nutritionists for over 8 years now to try and loose weight. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my thyroids, yet I am unable to loose weight. I am constantly gaining. Sometimes, I swear I just look at food and I gain weight. I barely eat, so in some cases, it's not the amount of food going in that's causing weight gain. I am now standing at 300+. Over the period of these past eight years, I have develope health issues such as High blood pressure, low iron and high colesterol and am being monitored for diabetes. I am now loosing my ablility to walk. The doctors have put me in a wheelchair because my legs can no longer hold the wieght for long periods of time. I can walk for short distances, but need the use of crutches. So, you can see...getting this surgery is pretty much a life or death thing for me. Although I may still die..if I have this surgery, there's a chacnce on prlonging my life because of it.

Hanable -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:22:06 PM)

srry katie978.. i knew it didnt look correct but i couldnt think of how to spell it.. thank you. and i dont know any preiost that can exorsice the demons we need exorsiced. [:D]

H >:)

YourhandMyAss -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:23:11 PM)

I was watching the show big medicin and there was a woman on there, who said before when it was done she could only eat a very little bit, like maybe one tiny piece of say fruit, but now she can eat like 4 pieces of pizza in one sitting. If that's not the pouch streatching is that just you getting used to eating more again?

ORIGINAL: porcelain26

"GBPS isn't permanant by the way you can indeed streach your pouch out and have to have the surgury done again"

This is not true. The problem isn't that you have 'stretched out your pouch", the problem is it was never small enough to begin with. People can (and do) eat through their procedures, the not so technical clinical term is "grazing". Meaning they eat small amounts of not very healthy food allllllll day long. By the end of the day, they have no idea that they've managed to ingest over 2500 calories. This is why, as I said before, reprogramming yourself and your relationship to food is essential for success.

hopelessfool -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:24:35 PM)

Katie, I didnt put myself on the liquid diet, medical professionals did when they told me I was full of shit that i couldnt loose weight by diet and exercise.  And It had all the things the body physcially needed calorie wise, and iv fluids for the rest. Its specially made to drop 2 to 7 pounds a week. No one who they have put on it has gained... minus the moi. 

MistressPav -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:32:08 PM)




ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss

Who ever said any of us were unhappy with the way we look naked? Sure you know that could be a primary motivation, but I honestly don't care how I look naked I desire to be skinnier so I am healthier and can do things a normal 25 year old can, like walk and exorcise an go out an be active w/ith out feeling like I am going to die.

ORIGINAL: MistressPav

One cannot get around the SCIENTIFIC
law of thermodynamics = Calories in vs. Calories out.
If people would embrace this FACT, their weight loss issues
would be solved.

No surgery of any type is a permanent weight loss solution.
The obese person MUST learn proper eating habits and
engage in enough PHYSICAL EXERTION on a daily


I got a laugh out of the email I saw of "headlines from the year 2089"
Here was the funniest one:

"$95 Billion, 100 Year Study Complete: Diet & Exercise Still Key To Weight Loss"

And, for all of you that are so ignorant and blind to scientific law;
Since you've "tried every diet in the book", why don't you actually
try to do it right by logging your food and exercise and just maybe you'll
see that it works!  DUH...

It's called "Self Discipline" and "Self Control".  To be successful at dieting
and changing your personal appearance, you must FIRST learn to love
Until you learn that, you will always be obese and unhappy
with the way you look when you're naked.

i do have to agree with u on this one YHMA.. i wouldnt say im unhappy with how i look naked.. sure i could stand to firm up a bit but thats my fault.. and only my fault.

oh and MissPav... Self Diciplin and Self Controle are not easy for some one whos been told they were "fat and stupid" for many many years. im srry but.. ur view is to narrowed for you to see the whole picture.. you are called fat stupid and ugly so ur depressed and have no self worth.. so u get depressed.. most people who r depressed eat.. u dont care any more.. so self diciplin and self controle arnt things you are going to worry about. hey ur already fat stupid and ugly.. why should u care?

telling some one to buck up and deal.. and give them "tough love" isnt they way to get people to pay attention.. im srry ive overweight.. my mother is as well.. and being yelled at and bitched at only makes us eat more.. eatting is an addiction as well as a habit.

H >:)

Do you always believe what someone else says about you? Why?  Do you believe everyone? Well, believe this:
I am telling you that your worth is immesurable.  I'm telling you that you ARE a beautiful person and you deserve
a healthy as well as happy life.  Take charge and make those changes.

What I'm telling you about yourself, is that you ARE worth taking care of.  You ARE worth health and well being.
No matter what someone else has said to you, believe in yourself. 

YourhandMyAss -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:33:40 PM)

It sure makes for a funny little typo though doesn't it?

ORIGINAL: katie978

PPS. "Exorcising" probably won't help people lose weight...I don't believe the extra pounds I'm carry around were caused by the demon Fazuzuu. They were caused by the demon Dunkin' Donuts. But I don't think that can be exorcized.

porcelain26 -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:36:51 PM)

That's exactly what it is, YHMA.

When the pouch is first created, it will hold, at aboslute maximum capacity (meaning if you took one more DROP you would vomit) 1oz. The capacity of that pouch remains incredibly small for approximately 1yr after surgery due to swelling and scarring. The end result is suppose to be a pouch that will barely hold 1c. Unfortunately, many surgeons who aren't as experienced at the procedure (or who, and I hate to say it, just aren't good at it), create the pouch too large to begin with. While the inital period when the pouch is still swollen and trying to heal will cause the person to loose weight, by the time the pouch heals, not only does it hold more than 1c., but the hunger signal hasn't been shut off, so the person is still constantly hungry just like they were before, and they can eat almost like normal.

Hanable -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:37:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: MistressPav
Do you always believe what someone else says about you? Why?  Do you believe everyone? Well, believe this:
I am telling you that your worth is immesurable.  I'm telling you that you ARE a beautiful person and you deserve
a healthy as well as happy life.  Take charge and make those changes.

What I'm telling you about yourself, is that you ARE worth taking care of.  You ARE worth health and well being.
No matter what someone else has said to you, believe in yourself. 

i try not to MissPav.. but when youve been told something so many times by so many people even the strongest person is going to start believeing it.

i know i NEED to take care of my self but sometimes i just get to the point of why does it matter.. no one cares.. its hard to explain to a person who has self worth and self esteem.. someone who hasnt been told they were fat and ugly and stupid.. i wish i could explain it to you better.

H >:)

MistressPav -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:41:24 PM)




ORIGINAL: MistressPav
Do you always believe what someone else says about you? Why?  Do you believe everyone? Well, believe this:
I am telling you that your worth is immesurable.  I'm telling you that you ARE a beautiful person and you deserve
a healthy as well as happy life.  Take charge and make those changes.

What I'm telling you about yourself, is that you ARE worth taking care of.  You ARE worth health and well being.
No matter what someone else has said to you, believe in yourself. 

i try not to MissPav.. but when youve been told something so many times by so many people even the strongest person is going to start believeing it.

i know i NEED to take care of my self but sometimes i just get to the point of why does it matter.. no one cares.. its hard to explain to a person who has self worth and self esteem.. someone who hasnt been told they were fat and ugly and stupid.. i wish i could explain it to you better.

H >:)

Well, guess what?  I care, so Imma get busy and keep telling you how awesome you are and how much you're worth it.
So maybe when I beat the "negative comment" number, you'll be feeling good about yourself and ready for the transformation.

Hanable -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 10:47:06 PM)

i gotta tell u MissPav.. that "negitive comment" number is pretty big.. so.. idk if u can beat it.

H >:)

L8bloomer -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/31/2008 12:44:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: hopelessfool
I hardly eat, I still gain weight, why, eating small amounts at times your body thinks its a time of litle food stores all of it as fat...

Don't mean to jack the thread, but I have to ask...if you know that eating so little will 'cause your body to hang on to every calorie, why wouldn't you eat more? A dietician/nutritionist would be able to provide you with a balanced eating plan where your body is getting what it needs and isn't in starvation mode.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/31/2008 1:37:54 AM)

It sounds odd but it just doesn't occure to me to eat untill I realize hey you know it's been all day. I am hungry.

Yup I know that not eating much makes your body hoard every little calorie yo eat an eating more is something I am trying to get into the habbit to do.

ORIGINAL: L8bloomer


ORIGINAL: hopelessfool
I hardly eat, I still gain weight, why, eating small amounts at times your body thinks its a time of litle food stores all of it as fat...

Don't mean to jack the thread, but I have to ask...if you know that eating so little will 'cause your body to hang on to every calorie, why wouldn't you eat more? A dietician/nutritionist would be able to provide you with a balanced eating plan where your body is getting what it needs and isn't in starvation mode.

camille65 -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/31/2008 1:44:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: YourhandMyAss

I am honestly curious about this,  why do people need gastric bypass surgury an all those others to loose weight. What's wrong with eating right and exorcising? You know these people can loose weight because, some of them had to loose over 100 pounds or something to be considered for the procedure, so why is GP even nessisary.

Now I know, there's some people for whom eating right and exorcising isn't enough alone, and maybe for them I'd understand, but if you can loose weight, and have prooved you can, by controlling what you eat, why not just continue doing that.

If it were just a matter of saying 'I'm going to eat right and exercise' then there wouldn't be any obese people. If it were that easy you wouldn't be asking so many threads on how to eat right.

I know a few people who have had this surgery done and believe me, it is not easy. The long prep before the surgery and then to undergo the surgery itself is not 'easy'. Some people think it is going to be easy and end up gaining weight even after the gastric bypass because they put no effort into it afterward. I've been told that it is incredibly frustrating being able to only eat teaspoons of food at a time.

Surgery for obesity is almost always the last resort, a drastic measure.

It is a way to (hopefully) change the persons lifestyle forever.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/31/2008 9:26:26 AM)

What i ment and didn't put in the op, if you can loose weight to prepare for the gbs, by following their strict diet, then why can't it be done in other situations. Ie, eating right.

ORIGINAL: camille65

If it were just a matter of saying 'I'm going to eat right and exercise' then there wouldn't be any obese people.

hopelessfool -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/31/2008 9:31:47 AM)

because most people use a crash diet or starve themselves to get to that goal weight.

sirsholly -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/31/2008 9:35:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: hopelessfool

because most people use a crash diet or starve themselves to get to that goal weight.

and if wasn't for the bypass they would gain it all back

KyttynTheMynx -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/31/2008 9:37:28 AM)

YHMA, diets are well and fine, but some people DO hit a plateau when doing them.  After a while of doing everything harder, faster, stronger, better, they are still stuck with those same numbers, no results, they need a little something to boost them from where they were.  

sirsholly -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/31/2008 9:39:43 AM)



i gotta tell u MissPav.. that "negitive comment" number is pretty big.. so.. idk if u can beat it.

H >:)

if i might make a comment here...

Darlin...there is nothing you can do to erase the words others have said to you. What you CAN do is to stop allowing the words of others to control you.
You, and you alone have the power to realize your self worth. You DO have that power within yourself.

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