RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (Full Version)

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lostlass -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (2/25/2006 6:09:32 PM)

and there is the new honda commercial......."it isnt vanilla"

i still say "phantom of the opera " is the best movie with bdsm in it

ChainedExistence -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (2/26/2006 1:08:43 PM)

Tom Hanks is producing a new series for HBO called Big Love, starring Bill Paxton as a the head of a Utah Polygamist family. Wonder if it's going to have any BDSM elements?

DragonNphoenix -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (2/28/2006 7:57:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Manawyddan



anyone remember seeing the horror movie 'Waxworks'? Some beautiful scenes with the gal being whipped by the Marquis De Sade and not wanting it to stop. Interesting stuff for a camp mainstream flick. Also good is the old website (for whippings scenes in movies). may be defunct now though, as the site got sold.

'Waxworks' is one of my favorite cinematic depictions of kink. I'm quite familiar with the wsimd site, a shame to see it's no longer around.

I love that movie too. I almost died the first time I saw it. It was before I understood the lifestyle... I only knew that I wished that I was the girl being whipped.

1st Girl Phoenix

truesub123 -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (3/10/2006 10:51:59 AM)

Didn't anyone think of Sybil, the 1970-something movie about a little girl abused by her crazy grandmother and ends up with multiple personality disorder? There is a scene where her grandmother ties her legs up, spread with a broomstick, suspended under a hot light, and fills her bladder with water held in an enema bag, then makes her hold it in while she's tied under the piano while her grandmother plays some loud, menacing classical on the piano like Tchaikovsky. I saw it when I was 12, and it made me think long and hard about bdsm before I even knew it existed among sane people, while I was still a virgin. All my life I've been interested in bladder play because of that scene.


defiant -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (3/13/2006 9:06:01 PM)

I'm so in love with the novel Exit to Eden. Ann Rice wrote it under another pen name...can't remember what that name is at the moment. The book is not a comedy. The film massacred an extremely hot piece of BDSM erotica.....I thought....

CERCKL -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (3/14/2006 12:46:15 AM)


I'm so in love with the novel Exit to Eden. Ann Rice wrote it under another pen name...can't remember what that name is at the moment.

Anne Rampling


SubChris2 -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (3/14/2006 5:57:18 PM)

Not going to read every post to see if it was included but Caged Heat 3000 is a women-in-prison-in-the-future flick which has some thoroughly pauseable SM in it and is also one of those movies you simply cannot believe was ever made.

scratchingpost -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (3/16/2006 11:44:51 PM)

it would be wonderful for so many who feel repressed or as if they need to hide thier kink in the woodwork to be able to finally come out of the perverbial closet 9or is it in our case the dungeon) anway...i hope that this is a beginning of wonderful things for our community.

Sinergy -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/16/2007 7:41:26 AM)

Viggo Mortenson and Maria Bello fighting and then screwing on the stairs in the movie A History Of Violence.

Of course, I got set up by Maria Bello in her cheerleader outfit.

It is all good...


DommeHannah -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/16/2007 2:59:39 PM)

Has anyone seen the movie "The Secretary" I heard it's really good, and true BDSM flick!

Canesable -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/17/2007 7:07:33 AM)

V for Vendetta!! Definitely D/s stuff there. 'tis my personal favorite!!

Phin -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/17/2007 1:03:37 PM)

Can you say Necropost? I thought you could

Canesable -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/20/2007 2:20:31 PM)

Can you say asshole? I knew you were.

subrob1967 -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/21/2007 6:00:52 AM)

A few Bond flicks have been mentioned already, but how could you miss Daniel Craig's CBT in Casino Royale at the hands of Mads Mikkelsen, or Pierce Brosnan getting tortured by Sophie Marceau in The world is not enough.

The Kids in the Hall had Manservant Heccubus calling E Simon Milligan "Master"

Reservoir Dogs, Michael Madsen tortures a cop
From Dusk til Dawn, Salma Hyaek as a Dominatrix Vampire

YesMistressIrish -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/21/2007 11:14:48 AM)


Thanks so much for that long list! I c and p'ed it to a doc. I am a real movie lover, so that will be a favorite list and save me a lot of time.

I  saw Jackie Chan's new movie Rush Hour 3 yesterday with a man-sub, and it was filled with BDSM goodies, vanilla style. His movies keep getting better and better.

re: The Secretary. Great movie, although they are not both 'winners' in the end.

I long to see a movie where D/s and kink are shown as a healthy, happy, WINNING way to live.

On that day, our society will be liberated from the shackles of Vanilla.

AtlantisKing111 -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/21/2007 8:16:24 PM)

Amen .. er, agreed.  I read that one reviewer called it a two-hour long re-telling of a one-hour long whipping, and I'd say that's about right.  I have it on my video shelf and can only watch it about once a year.  Very difficult to watch, especially since I'm not into seeing men in bondage/pain.  But I'm Christian so I watch it every so often to remind myself of His sacrifice.  Very cathartic.

AtlantisKing111 -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/21/2007 8:21:53 PM)

I have that on my dvd shelf to, and for that reason only really.  It not as good as the original Friday (but light years better than Friday After Next), but that scene alone is worth it.  Not many mainstream movies have consentual African-American kinky bondage in it (a fave topic of mine).

VicenteValtieri -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/21/2007 8:49:51 PM)

how about the club in the beginning of The Matrix? Some interesting folks there.

WickedDungeon -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/24/2007 6:51:41 PM)

How about the Underdog movie trailer?? The guy says "at least humans don't smell each others butts"  I'm think....your not hanging out in the fun places!!

MistressDREAD -> RE: BDSM in the vanilla MOVIES * news flash * (8/30/2007 2:53:28 AM)

When it comes to the cartoon version of movies
Nothing takes the cake to ME like the pinoccio
in diapers. Who knew Disney could be so kinkie!

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