RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (Full Version)

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leadership527 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:10:20 AM)

In my experience, as soon as any word in this space becomes "valuable" as a tag to stick on your name, then everyone is that thing and the definition will just get twisted and turned to the point where it fits everyone.  Why the words attain this perceived value is a lot more interesting than chasing down dictionary definitions that don't exist.  I'm going to guess here that "24/7" became a "valuable" tag to indicate "seriousness" in some way.  I'm guessing to distinguish from "play scenes". 

So I do believe we've gotten to the place where someone who has never had a relationship with a dominant that she has seen face to face could tell me that she is a 24/7 real life slave and think that she was communicating honestly and truthfully.  I would misunderstand  all three parts of that... "24/7", "real life", and "slave".

catize -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:10:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: KnightofMists



You can't serve someone 24/7 if it takes you a day to get to their house or if the next plane won't leave till Sunday. I agree with kiwi though, you can call it what you want. I call a duck a goose on occasion.

service comes in alot of different forms......... it can be direct or indirect... it can be active or passive

I would agree that Direct Active Service must be in the presence of their Dominant....

But.. well... I can't have her on the end of my dick 24/7 nor can anyone else... so if you want to delude yourself thinking that 24/7 is always Direct and Active... then rock on with your deluded self.

Laughing at the picture:
KOM:  Bring Me a drink
kyra or alandra:  Will You come along while I fetch it?

Icarys -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:17:42 AM)

I don't equate her being on the end of my dick with service..If i need something from her and she's not here to help me with it, i wouldn't call it 24/7..Let's do the math..24/7 means what?24 hours a day and 7 days a week..if she's only here 2 days a week..shall i do the math? Now what you said about many forms of service..that's true. I will continue to delude myself then..24/7 is exactly what i think it was intended to be..a full time live in slave..

If people want to justify things so they can fit into what ever category they like..i could care less in the end..but i will tell you your full of shit if i think it.

peppermint -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:27:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Darcyandthedark


Leaving aside the whole assumption that just because you do not live together, you have never met, which we know isn't true for all relationships - the.dark.

I did not make the assumption that if a couple did not live together, they have never met.  I said that I know of a couple who have never met and consider themselves to be 24/7. 

TreasureKY -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:27:58 AM)

Fast reply:

For me, 24/7 has always meant living together.   I can see where some people prefer the term be applied to mindset or position; to me that indicates they are using 24/7 to convey commitment or dedication, and that is fine for them.  But for me, that does not cover the scope of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Yes, I am always Firm's submissive, no matter where I am or what I'm doing.  Yes, our relationship always exists... there is never a time when he does not have authority over me.  But until we began living together, that position and relationship could not be of benefit to either of us around the clock. 

24/7, for me, relates to action, access and opportunity.

I am always a mother, even when my children are not around... but I cannot effectively "mother" them when they are hundreds of miles away.  If I were a nurse, I would always be a nurse... but I couldn't actively "nurse" someone around the clock if I wasn't physically with them.  With either of these examples, I might be able to utilize portions of my abilities within the confines of my distance limitations, but I would not have access or opportunity to employ all of the skills available to me.  I could comfort my son with words, but I could not reassure him with a hug.  I could advise a patient on techniques for relieving their discomfort, but I could not hold their hand or wipe their brow with a cool cloth.

Of course, 24/7 isn't a perfect term... even living together there are times when I am not available for Firm, or he is not there for me.  But those times are few and far between.  What 24/7 does imply is that we do not go our separate ways at the end of a phone call, at the end of an internet session, or at the end of a day.

If he wishes me to prepare him a feast at 3am when I am sound asleep, it does not require time and travel for me to do so.  If I wake in the middle of the night feeling chilly, I simply snuggle closer to his warmth.  If he desires to watch me take a shower, or vacuum the living room, or dance for him... or if he wants to show me a newspaper article that he's reading, or a computer program he's installing, or a cut on his finger... or if he desires to kiss me, or spank me, or fuck me, I am right there.  It doesn't require picking up a phone, logging into instant messenger, writing an email, hooking up a webcam, planning time away from work, or making any kind of travel arrangements. 

That doesn't make our relationship any more "real" than anyone else's, but it does make it 24/7 for us.  [;)]

Icarys -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:33:17 AM)

Very good post.
I tend to be more of a brute.[:D]

KnightofMists -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:35:18 AM)



I don't equate her being on the end of my dick with service..If i need something from her and she's not here to help me with it, i wouldn't call it 24/7..Let's do the math..24/7 means what?24 hours a day and 7 days a week..if she's only here 2 days a week..shall i do the math? Now what you said about many forms of service..that's true. I will continue to delude myself then..24/7 is exactly what i think it was intended to be..a full time live in slave..

If people want to justify things so they can fit into what ever category they like..i could care less in the end..but i will tell you your full of shit if i think it.

ok........lets do the math...............

24 means 24 hours in the presence of the Dominant.............mmmmmmmmmm so when the dominant goes to work.......oh..well they better have subby with them... cause otherwise that isn't 24 hours.

or Dominant better be in the bathroom at the mall when subby needs to go... otherwise it's not 24 hours. 

Because we all know  Subby has to be there for the Dommy 24 hours... shit.. God... how the hell did I survive when I needed my Ass scratched.

yeah... keep on deluding yourself..... and your incredible lack of ability to Dominant anything behind our physical reach.... which is why you need to narrow 24/7 to such a ridicules level.

KatyLied -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:36:33 AM)

I see 24/7 as meaning living together, cohabitating, sharing a common physical address.

KnightofMists -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:38:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: catize

Laughing at the picture:
KOM:  Bring Me a drink
kyra or alandra:  Will You come along while I fetch it?

DAMN... If I want to be 24/7  I guess I would have to go!!!!!!!!!! Shit.. this is to much work for me

Icarys -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:47:03 AM)

I think Treasure put it best but it's sweet of you to write anyway.

It means to me that she is available and at my beck and call. It doesn't mean we are up each others ass as i assume you are trying to relay.

I rather enjoy my narrow idea of what 24/7 is.if you enjoy yours so be it. I still stand behind what i said. I can understand why your upset..that's how you start with your females i guess..maybe you keep them at a distance for a long period of time before you make the actual commitment to move them in?

As for deluding myself..i don't do that. I tell the truth to me and those i come in contact with. Your the one who's muddying the water when it comes to the issue. If what i say offends you. Tough

KnightofMists -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:47:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: peppermint

I did not make the assumption that if a couple did not live together, they have never met.  I said that I know of a couple who have never met and consider themselves to be 24/7. 

I don't have an issue with it in the sense that it isn't a 24/7 dynamic... what I have concern with is the ability to prove authentic nature of the statement....   How do people that have never met Know that what is there is accurate and true (maybe its a leap of faith for them).  I have no doubt that many that have never met do have a 24/7 dynamic... but it is possible and maybe more likely that it is a big con for one or even both towards each other.. and they still use the words 24/7.  I also feel that people that live together are very capable of living a 24/7 dynamic... but you know what... it is just as possible, but not as likely that there big 24/7 is a big lie as well.  God... how many times have you heard a couple getting divorced... and hear.. but they seem so happy!!!  mmmmmmm guess they were not so happy as they put out there for everyone to see.

KnightofMists -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:51:09 AM)



I rather enjoy my narrow idea of what 24/7 is

it good that you understand your limitations and keep things narrow enough so you can stay within them and not exceed what you not capable of.

robertolapiedra -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:52:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: colouredin


ORIGINAL: robertolapiedra

To me it's like saying ''I am married to someone full time'' but in the common understanding of these things the person would be ''engaged'' and living apart most of the time. Does not bother me, but don't tell me it is the same as in my 24/7.

So does this mean that if a married couple live apart they are no longer married? And if they describe themselves as 24/7 but dont live together then they are the equivilant of being engaged why because they are all aspiring to 'your 24/7' because 'your 24/7' is the holy grail? Or maybe the point is that is YOUR 27/7 its no more or less valid than anyone elses, and if the relationship is fullfilling who cares what words you use to describe it yours isnt the architype no ones is.

Hello coloureden. Ok, I'll make it simple. I live ''with'' my submissive wife full time. I call that 24 hours a day, seven times a week for seven years or so. When someone tells me he/she is 24/7, I think full time. For me it is relationship + full time =  24/7, not part time.

As for the ''more valid'' part of your reply, I was mentioning it was not ''the same'' not commenting qualitatively. I mentioned that my full time relationship is different than part time. Some people have the opinion that it is the same, that full time or part time does not matter. I disagree. If for you that's being ''Holy Grail''? I guess that's tough bananas. Thank you for your reply. RL.

kyraofMists -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:55:41 AM)


For me, 24/7 has always meant living together.  

What of the people who live together, but the dominant/submissive aspect of their relationship is not 24/7.  Meaning that they have decided that the dominant does not have ability to exercise their authority at any time during the day?  They have limited the dominants authority to only certain aspects or certain times of the day?  An example could be while the submissive is at work or sleeping or spending time with their friends or family.

How does 24/7 fit there?  They are living together, but there is no potential for the dominant to exercise authority 24/7.

Knight's Kyra

Icarys -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:56:31 AM)

I understand that your trying to get something out of me but that stuff doesn't work on me. It's kind of childish that you would try.

Maybe we should just make the box big enough that the whole of mainstream America can fit into it. Not everyone fits into my ideas of what is true nor do i expect them to. Regardless of what you think i respect your point of view but i whole heartedly disagree with your definition of it.

littlewonder -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 8:57:17 AM)

I personally don't like the term because a slave is just that...24/7. There is no separation of when she isn't his slave.

Even though we don't live together I am still his slave. It's always in my mind. I never forget that. I do what I do all day knowing that who I am pleases him, what I'm doing pleases him. I keep in mind that my actions, words, etc..all day even when we're apart reflect on him and would be a deciding factor on how he views me.

I am what I am to him whether we are together or apart.

tsatske -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 9:07:26 AM)

The part of this answer I am deeply passionate about pisses some people off, and others ignore it as thoughtless easy-speak.

But I take it you were simply asking, out of curisoty, how others define or use the words themselves, so I will first answer that.

For me, 24/7 means living together full time and having a D/s dynamic which is all the time - not perfection. I do not serve him every minute of every day. He told me to quit my job and move here, he told me not to plan to have a job (when we were pregnant), then he told me to get a job (because we are no longer expecting - and, yes, he waited a few months between those to let me grieve).
So, logically, I could say that when I am at work teaching kids to play 'jump the river' I am serving him. That when I am telling a child to look at me and say 'yes, Ma'am', I am demanding that someone respect His slave. That when I am at home, alone, I am serving Him - cleaning His house, cooking His dinner, ect. But, that is not what is always in my head. When I am saying, 'Line up strait', i am thinking of serving my boss, who wants a well behaved class, of serving these kids, who deserve to know how to behave, of serving their parents - ect, ect. And, though when cleaning I am usually thinking 'approprately' - who am I serving when I sit here, on the computer, (which he thinks i do a bit too much of?) Who am I serving when I take myself out to lunch, or have lunch with friends? Who am i serving when he goes out of town on buisness and i joyously take advantage of the oppertunity to go have sushi? I would have to say, - ME.

The prhase 24/7 came from the military. The whole range of possibilties is used in the military, but only 24/7 got commonly adapted by civilains. For instance, my favorite consighnment shop (which sells lots of lovely hats and heels) is open 4/1. (yes, it is challenging to get there to shop, but that doesn't keep me from writing nice fat checks there.) The daycare where I work is a 2 shift daycare, open 20/5. Now, they could claim to be 24/7 because, after all, they are 20/5 based on their client load, have had more hours in the past and would be willing to again. But, right now, they are open 20 hours a day, five days a week.

So, that is me. The part I am passionate about, however, is that I do not define other peoples self labels for them. It is rude and disrespectful, and is an attempt at a very serious type of non-consentual domination. (If I can make you think the way I tell you to, that is pretty decent control.) So, you chose the labels that resonate with you, and they mean to you what they mean to you. It is good and enlightening to ask other people what they mean to them - but, in the end, all that matters for YOU is what you and He decide they mean to the two of you. GL.

littlekitten1 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 9:08:23 AM)

Man... I'm starting to think that now we need differen't categories of 24/7 too... Just like bottoms are divided in Bottom, sub, slave :-/

Ok..  So I guess for now we'd have 2 categories:

Direct interactive 24/7 relationship(living together)

Direct/indirect interactive 24/7 (not being with each other physically the whole time, but the top will have the authority through all times)


There, now people wont have to argue anymore :)

... Man I hate labels.

colouredin -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 9:11:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: robertolapiedra

Hello coloureden. Ok, I'll make it simple. I live ''with'' my submissive wife full time. I call that 24 hours a day, seven times a week for seven years or so. When someone tells me he/she is 24/7, I think full time. For me it is relationship + full time =  24/7, not part time.

But then doesnt that relate back to the.darkness's point that if she goes to the shops suddenly she isnt with you 24/7? and just because you dont live with someone doesnt make the relationship part time, you dont start refering to yourself as single just because you are back home.

TreasureKY -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (9/1/2008 9:15:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: kyraofMists

What of the people who live together, but the dominant/submissive aspect of their relationship is not 24/7.  Meaning that they have decided that the dominant does not have ability to exercise their authority at any time during the day?  They have limited the dominants authority to only certain aspects or certain times of the day?  An example could be while the submissive is at work or sleeping or spending time with their friends or family.

How does 24/7 fit there?  They are living together, but there is no potential for the dominant to exercise authority 24/7.

Well... if I have to put my own definition to it, I'd say they have a limited D/s relationship in a 24/7 setting.  Thing is, in the situation you've outlined, they have 24/7 access and opportunity... they've just chosen not to act on it.

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