RE: Remote Punishment (Full Version)

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Prinsexx -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/11/2008 4:36:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

Prin goes so swiftly to "Whatever my master wants" into "How on earth can you do this to your slave?"

i'm versatile, i agree.
Just because i have a Master does not mean i give up the right to have opinions.

MasterBrat -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/11/2008 4:40:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: NihilusZero

Some shock to this may come from the longtime held assumption that a 8-9 hour range of sleep is 'healthiest' when, in fact, some studies have shown positive effect towards those who sleep less (6-7).

Concerning the actions of this other Dom, I'd almost welcome them. It is a chance for reaffirmation for and by the slave to honor her submission to you. She's chosen you and has no necessity to not be clearly dismissive to him and his continued antics.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (quoting the National Sleep Foundation) the recommended amount of sleep for an adult is 7 to 9 hours.

As to a meddling dom, as long as the reason is out of genuine concern and s/he addresses the matter with the Master/Mistress first and does not deliberately abuse the trust of a prior friendship with the slave and its not for his or her own personal gain.

As to the slave, the meddling dom was seen for what he is and his motives were clear.

Prinsexx -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/11/2008 4:43:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterBrat


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx


What qualifications do you have to experiment with your slave like this?
This is not a question, in my humble opinion, about ANOTHER dominant being a threat to her. It is a question about another Dominant's concerns for your property being a threat TO YOU.

Your profile states that you have given yourself to your Master. Explain to Me what exactly that means? Does that mean as long as you like it? Does it mean as long as someone outside the dynamic that is interested in you approves what is done with you? If you benefited from the activity what difference does it matter what the passed over guy mean to you? You have given yourself to your Master, but your rant here is as long as everyone is comfy with it.

Doesn't sound like much of a giving over to another. Does it?

You demand on a forum; Explain to Me what exactly that means?
My answer is categorically NO. Go figure out how to be a Master to your own slave. It seems to me you were out of control on a number of levels. i am assuming that you feel the need to control what i reply to you here?
maybe you need some sleep?
If you want a further discussion about the issues you stumbled through they are these:
sleep deprivation and long term effects
reinforcing negative behaviour
feeling you need to control your slaves interactions with others (instead of just giving the slave instruction)
being a brat about other Dominants' behaviours.
To me this just says out of control. My opinion is that you made the pivotal point about the sleep training but i read between the lines.
Just a personal opinion....My dynamic does not deprive me of them.

MasterBrat -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/11/2008 5:46:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

You demand on a forum; Explain to Me what exactly that means?
My answer is categorically NO. Go figure out how to be a Master to your own slave. It seems to me you were out of control on a number of levels. i am assuming that you feel the need to control what i reply to you here?
maybe you need some sleep?
If you want a further discussion about the issues you stumbled through they are these:
sleep deprivation and long term effects
reinforcing negative behaviour
feeling you need to control your slaves interactions with others (instead of just giving the slave instruction)
being a brat about other Dominants' behaviours.
To me this just says out of control. My opinion is that you made the pivotal point about the sleep training but i read between the lines.
Just a personal opinion....My dynamic does not deprive me of them.

Wow..... three days of having one less hour of sleep is now long-term.... and I am out of control?

My response is simple: your profile states that you gave yourself to your Master... that means he can do what he wants.
your response to Me is: how could I do that to My slave... How can I do that to My slave... simple, she is My slave.

In other words: you are a situation of the "pot calling the kettle black".  The only one seeking to control the other is you.

If you bothered to read the whole of the thread you will note that she now sleeps twice what she was only giving herself and the one that was depriving her of the necessary sleep was, in fact, herself. It was her refusal to obey an order to get more sleep that led to this situation where just one less hour for three days got her to realise that she did in fact need more sleep. The complaints from her was that she was tired the responses from Me were that she needed more sleep. Ordering to go to bed earlier and staying there had no effect, doing other activities had no effect.

The slave is not now suffering from self-induced sleep deprivation because that practice was terminated when she relented and accepted that she did need more sleep.

It is totally laughable that you are yelling at Me when I was the one that was demanding that she get more sleep and trying to stop her self-destructive behaviour.

Read between those lines however you like.

Prinsexx -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/13/2008 8:49:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterBrat


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

You demand on a forum; Explain to Me what exactly that means?
My answer is categorically NO. Go figure out how to be a Master to your own slave. It seems to me you were out of control on a number of levels. i am assuming that you feel the need to control what i reply to you here?
maybe you need some sleep?
If you want a further discussion about the issues you stumbled through they are these:
sleep deprivation and long term effects
reinforcing negative behaviour
feeling you need to control your slaves interactions with others (instead of just giving the slave instruction)
being a brat about other Dominants' behaviours.
To me this just says out of control. My opinion is that you made the pivotal point about the sleep training but i read between the lines.
Just a personal opinion....My dynamic does not deprive me of them.

Wow..... three days of having one less hour of sleep is now long-term.... and I am out of control?

My response is simple: your profile states that you gave yourself to your Master... that means he can do what he wants.
your response to Me is: how could I do that to My slave... How can I do that to My slave... simple, she is My slave.

In other words: you are a situation of the "pot calling the kettle black".  The only one seeking to control the other is you.

If you bothered to read the whole of the thread you will note that she now sleeps twice what she was only giving herself and the one that was depriving her of the necessary sleep was, in fact, herself. It was her refusal to obey an order to get more sleep that led to this situation where just one less hour for three days got her to realise that she did in fact need more sleep. The complaints from her was that she was tired the responses from Me were that she needed more sleep. Ordering to go to bed earlier and staying there had no effect, doing other activities had no effect.

The slave is not now suffering from self-induced sleep deprivation because that practice was terminated when she relented and accepted that she did need more sleep.

It is totally laughable that you are yelling at Me when I was the one that was demanding that she get more sleep and trying to stop her self-destructive behaviour.

Read between those lines however you like.

Your exceptionally rude email to me here on collarme simply proved my feelings about you. Your mail was aggressive, crude and self-defensive.
As you do not have an active profile so i coud not respond to you by mail. i sincerely hope that your slave does not experience the aggression in real life. Screaming at me to stuff it! by mail is not behaviour becoming of a Master in my humble opinion.

NihilusZero -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/13/2008 9:11:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterBrat

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (quoting the National Sleep Foundation) the recommended amount of sleep for an adult is 7 to 9 hours

While still the predominantly held notion, numerous studies and analyses (like here and here) point to adverse health effect tied to sleeping to long (towards the 9 hour spectrum).

A drastically low amount of sleep certainly isn't all that great either, as mentioned here, in relation to the propensity for diabetes...but the whole presupposed "8-9" bracket (save perhaps in the case of children and adolescents, it seems) is more just accepted fluff.

My point in mentioning it, though, was that I thought some people may have reacted harshly to your exercise because of presuming a 'safe' sleep amount to be higher than is actually the case.

sfdrew -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/14/2008 5:07:22 PM)

There is a lot of attacks on this thread about it being dangerous to be deprived of sleep that much. Speaking from a military background I can say that three hours of sleep a night is maintainable forever. The Army runs on a policy of four hours a night being the standard amount with anything extra being just that... extra. You actually function better on six hours than on eight or more, and people who sleep less typically live longer, and all that is based on controlled studies.

SlaveIndigochild -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/14/2008 5:47:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: sfdrew

There is a lot of attacks on this thread about it being dangerous to be deprived of sleep that much. Speaking from a military background I can say that three hours of sleep a night is maintainable forever. The Army runs on a policy of four hours a night being the standard amount with anything extra being just that... extra. You actually function better on six hours than on eight or more, and people who sleep less typically live longer, and all that is based on controlled studies.

i attacked i realise that. but i was not attacking the issue of sleep deprivation wholly. i was attacking an attitude and also what i pervceived to be an unfortunate lack of control. as a slave i can assure you that a lack of containment is the most anxiety creating experience (in my opinion and experience0. running around worrying what another dominant might have said. Running around asking a mental health expert what they thought. Running around checking out what others thnk of me and my personal opinions. slamming me in private email. it just spiralled and i had an instinct that perhaps it would.
i thank you for your comments on sleep and also have had insights into the training of the RAF (as it happens). i aware fo the rigorous training and the shaping of all behaviors in the military and very grateful for it.

mztresn0w -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/14/2008 6:48:22 PM)

I understand the sleep issue and can see what you did wasn't anything that endangered her. You will have to deal with the Dominants that try to steal your girl. It happens in life. That doesn't make it right but it happens. I tend to just laugh at the ones that approach My lil one. I trust her and she trust me. In the end that is really all that matters.

Deliena -> RE: Remote Punishment (9/15/2008 6:56:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: mztresn0w
I trust her and she trust me. In the end that is really all that matters.

Yep - that sounds like the most important element :) 

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