Posts: 303
Joined: 3/23/2004 From: Middle Tennessee Status: offline
The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals (Federal) last week upheld an Alabama state law that prohibits the sale and use of sex toys. "Sex toys" are defined as items that promote or provide sexual stimulation, and/or stimulate sexual organs. The crime is a misdemeanor with a fine and possible 1 year jail term. Now some background. Very similar laws are in effect in Georgia, Mississipi, and Texas. As the 11th Circuit has jurisdiction over GA, FL and AL, this ruling automatically validates Georgia's similar law- meaning sex toys are now illegal there. This court is highly conservative, consisting of mostly Republican appointees. So what the legal landscape now? If the Supreme court passes on ruling, or upholds the 11th Circuit and the Alabama law, sex toys will be illegal and not able to be sold in ANY state which chooses to pass such a law. So, folks in Texas with a vibrator will be in violation of the law if the Supreme Court upholds this 11th Circuit ruling, and you wont be able to buy them anymore in Texas. It's really an important ruling folks, with implications that go far beyond Alabama. This is not my post. I found it at another site. I thought you all would find it interesting. Was found on I repeat, this is not my Just wanting to make sure everyone knew just in case of any issues with someone posting something which they didn't write themselves.