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RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Survival

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RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 5:12:02 PM   

Posts: 1061
Joined: 7/25/2007
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i have only 2 cows.  you have 4 cows and uncle sam is coming to take one of yours for me and all i have to do is sit on my lazy ass and wait!  uncle sam is even gonna give me the extra feed to get all my cows fat..hehehehe!.....yipppeeeeeee!!!!!!


"A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me" Abraham Lincoln
"Choose Life, your mother did!"

(in reply to cjan)
Profile   Post #: 21
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 5:20:53 PM   

Posts: 3513
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ORIGINAL: bestbabync


i have only 2 cows.  you have 4 cows and uncle sam is coming to take one of yours for me and all i have to do is sit on my lazy ass and wait!  uncle sam is even gonna give me the extra feed to get all my cows fat..hehehehe!.....yipppeeeeeee!!!!!!

Thanks for that insightful, well informed, and pastoral analogy, baby.Now even an idiot like me can understand Obama's diabolical scheme to "redistribute the wealth". Gosh !

< Message edited by cjan -- 10/30/2008 5:24:35 PM >


"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall ,frozen , dead, from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."- D.H. L

" When you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks in to you"- Frank Nitti

(in reply to bestbabync)
Profile   Post #: 22
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 5:30:00 PM   

Posts: 11766
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"Red Herring" is that to be accepted as a response to an Obama apologist for unable to address the issue?

Who will organize the rebuilding of the infrastructure? If not the government and more taxes what corporations? Where's the motivation? And won't the people taking those "good paying jobs" come from businesses who have had to compress or close when no longer operating as they are now?

You not only didn't provide any specifics, but don't address the most basic question of who will pay for it. Magically they will appear because Obama says so?

Glad you didn't cry - and also glad you like the idea of Obama following Bush's economic policies. I hope you'll give him the credit he deserves for that idea.

In your 'gobbling' analogy - did you consider how much is "gobbled" by the 40% of Americans who don't pay any federal tax and yet get the lions share of current entitlements? I know, I know - another "red herring"- right?

(in reply to cjan)
Profile   Post #: 23
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 5:37:10 PM   

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ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

Who else is on the "bailout" list?
Obviously any family who has an income less than $250k 

Yay us !
Yes Kittin,and their are far more of us....then them!!!!!


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to kittinSol)
Profile   Post #: 24
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 5:40:57 PM   

Posts: 1061
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at a Obama rally today:

Barack asked, who here makes less than $25,000 a year?  hands flew up!  Barack stated, "almost everyone here!" 

that is a representation of the 40% that does not pay taxes!  Obama is buying votes!  how much will their checks be?  $1000, $2000 or maybe even $3000!  wow...they will almost reach just above the poverty line!  they can start a business now, or buy a house.....those lucky devils!

it is chicken feed!

< Message edited by bestbabync -- 10/30/2008 5:41:50 PM >


"A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me" Abraham Lincoln
"Choose Life, your mother did!"

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 25
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 5:57:27 PM   

Posts: 17896
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From: United States
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BestBaby who should all those people vote for.Should they vote against their own best say their votes have been bought.How is their voting in their own best interest any different then the wealthy voting Republican in furtherance of their own interest's.One vote,one man means those that vote choose the man they deem best suited to insure the future prosperity of both Country and each arrives at that decision or the prism they peer thru to reach that decision is none of your business.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to bestbabync)
Profile   Post #: 26
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 5:59:49 PM   

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 Merc n baby, talking with y'all is like pissing into the wind. I'm not gonna change my mind and neither are you. Sling mud if ya want to, Merc, it's in your tradition. However, none are so blind as those who will not see.

So, stock up on canned goods and lots of ammo and hunker down because, something is happening here but you don't know what it is. Do you, Mr Jones ?


"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall ,frozen , dead, from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."- D.H. L

" When you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks in to you"- Frank Nitti

(in reply to bestbabync)
Profile   Post #: 27
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 6:04:23 PM   

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i have been one of those non-taxpayers i mentioned.  a measely few hundred or couple of thousand dollar a year hand-out would not earn my vote.  i used those kool-aide drinkers as an example.  i could care less if they have no desire or drive to do better for themselves!


"A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me" Abraham Lincoln
"Choose Life, your mother did!"

(in reply to slvemike4u)
Profile   Post #: 28
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 6:22:22 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

 No disincentive just an artificial ceiling at best. Once I'm at my quota why work to be penalized? 

So you're saying that once you reach an income level of $250k that the increased taxes would cause you to quit trying to earn more.

Now I didn't verify this, but if memory serves, Obama's proposal raises the tax in that bracket 3.6%.

Which means that if you earn an extra $10k above that $250K limit you would be paying a whopping $360 in additional taxes over the current rates.

And this would be enough of a disincentive for you not to want to earn that extra $10k? 

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 29
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 6:51:16 PM   

Posts: 22039
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From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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If you're unaware that Barack Obama is a life-long Marxist, you almost have to be living in a cave on Mars or something, by this point in time.


Red herring. Many like you try to scare the uninformed into believing that "wealth will be redistibuted" through welfare and government agencies. Obama has never said anything like that. His economic plan and plan to rebuild the US infracstructure and invest in green energy technologies will create many good paying jobs that , by their nature, can't be exported. His plan to penalize ( read not give tax breaks ) to corporations that export jobs and industries will also help. His plan to provide quality education to all children will prepare them to get good paying jobs. No need for trickle down. These workers will spend on goods and services, of course, stimulate local economies and pay taxes.


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to cjan)
Profile   Post #: 30
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 7:02:25 PM   

Posts: 1817
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Oh good grief-

I for one, would rather pay more taxes and have a chance at making more money.

If we ignore all the red herrings posted above, what's happened in the last several decades has been pretty clear-

1)  The role of gov't has to be to provide an infrastructure to let an economy flourish.  There are plenty of unregulated economies out there- look at most of the countries in Africa as an example.  Neither democrats nor republicans have done a good job of building infrastructure- Clinton did a better job of maintaining what we had, but all the republican administrations from (and including that vile SOB Reagan) have done a great job of dismantling the regulations and structures that were built during the 30s-60s.
2)  Specific examples-
a) the FDA is a mess- it takes way too long to get drugs through the pipeline. 
b) The patent office is a mess- there are tons of overlapping patents which means that VC people won't invest in new companies- patents are often a significant part of a company's valuation. 
c) Health care costs are crippling both citizens (if one more @#$%@$#% politician calls me a consumer, I'm going to feed him/her various body parts, very, very, slowly.....) and businesses. 
d) Essentially our legal system has run amok. 
e) Defense is a mess.  We have a navy that could take on the rest of the world and defeat all countries handily  (probably the same for our air force), but we don't have good body armor for our troops on the ground.  We also haven't used our technology to spot and defuse roudside bombs without rolling our troop carriers over them- a tactic which must have Zhukov chuckling in his grave.  (He just marched his troops over minefields and accepted the casualties.)  We've spent billions on idiotic weapons systems which are only useful at night and during bad weather (B-2) and the COTS program (commercial off the shelf technology) has meant that all that defense spending hasn't had much success creating commercial spin offs. 
f)  Our highways are a mess- they were designed in the 50s and we've got 50% more traffic since then.  Our bridges are collapsing and there are potholes in major traffic arteries that limit speeds and damage vehicles.
g)  Our free press is collapsing- we've got corporate censorship because we've thrown away the regulations that prevented the formation of oligopolies.
h)  Our science and engineering institutions are crumbling.  We used to get a steady supply of students from China because US students knew that a career in science sucked.  Well, now the Chinese students in our schools are returning to China when they graduate because there are better opportunities there.  (India's a bit different, but the far eastern students made up a larger percentage of our grad students IIRC.)  However, lawyers and finance majors are not in short supply.
3)  The end result of this republican assault on brainpower has been a dismantling of our meritocracy.  We've had a system where for the past decade certainly, the lack of wealth mobility has meant that our best and brightest people are picking up the trash of rich morons who were either born wealthy or got lucky.  (Anybody see the piece in the NYTimes on the guy who isolated the green fluorescent protein that two other guys got the Nobel for?  He's driving a courtesy minivan at a Toyota dealership.)
4)  Anybody who bellyaches about the redistribution of wealth and ignores social security/medicare has managed to tiptoe around the elephant in the living room.  The biggest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen has gone to the elderly getting social security- not means tested because that would make it welfare, but the folks that are collecting it often never put in the amount they're getting out.  Never mind that its a rob Peter to pay Paul system.
5)  The end result of taxing the wealthy will be a renewed chance for a meritocracy- bright people who work hard may actually be able to make a decent living again, instead of watching McMansions get built.  It doesn't translate to government handouts- it does translate to a chance to build wealth instead of allowing the rich to get richer- which is what's been happening for decades.
6)  Old, rich money is useless money.  It's risk averse, it wants guaranteed rates of return with no risk.  That doesn't exist, but led to the nonsense of believing that financial companies could actually deliver it.  Anybody wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn.  Financial companies may accumulate money, but they certainly don't build wealth- wealth comes from an educated work force and manufacturing goods.  This is why China is rapidly becoming a wealthy country and we're going downhill- fast.  Money is a lousy way to measure wealth.
7)  Good investment money comes from pensions of the working class- money that has a long time horizon and isn't risk averse.

McCain seems to promise more of the same.  Obama's prescription of replacing fossil fuels, tackling tort reform, education etc, means that he's at least identified a bunch of the major problems and has offered some solutions.  They may not be the best solutions- but it's a better start than anything I've heard from anyone else.  If we get our economy growing (for real this time, instead of the paper growth of the past 8 years) we might have a chance of earning more money.  Yes, we'll have to pay more for the infrastructure for this chance, but in my book, that's money invested wisely.


< Message edited by samboct -- 10/30/2008 7:23:26 PM >

(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 31
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 7:26:57 PM   

Posts: 3457
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Trickle up as you put it Merc....if 95% of the people in the USA have money would they spend more?...add to the growth of our economy?
GM closes you will add at least one million more to the unemployment roles....If GM went, chances are Ford and Chrysler are already gone so therefore in all the suppliers etc. the number would be closer to 2 maybe even 3 million in total....and we all drive Toyotas? If we drive at all at that point.(I hope we never have to bail out any company)
Health Care...let's bring it closer to home....a family member has a chronic catastrophic illness...hits maximum more insurance...does that person deserve some type of coverage? The working Single Mom....waits tables...has a benefits available through work...she doesn't deserve coverage? Within a few years at the rate most public hospitals are going they will be bankrupt...there must be a plan to deal with the issue no matter if we wish to pay for it we are going to in time, should we not plan for it?
I make less than 250K....I will receive less than $500.00 not much and certainly not enough to make too much of a difference yet GWB gave me a tax cut and a rebate didn't make a difference to my life....but, I am able to buy pretty much what I wish....and I am a small business man with gross sales above 3 million dollars a year..Through investments pre tax, some donations to things I am involved in I am able to do well and until recently add to my workforce and will if things straighten out continue...If we were to cut our spending in Iraq even down to half we would free up 60 billion a year as a country to help in many ways. If we were to stop some of the more asinine spending in government through diligent leadership there is enough waste that we could do many things.
I have no crystal ball ,and although I really enjoy your posts, if you have one to project the future...I wouldn't trust make valid points but, I doubt anything along the lines of nationalization of industry or means of production...agriculture etc.will take place, Socialism as it is defined by most in the most real way of economic policy...I doubt that we will all assimilate and I question the ability of anyone else to make things work aside from Obama....time will tell....

(in reply to cjan)
Profile   Post #: 32
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 8:06:36 PM   

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From: Central Pennsylvania
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good post Sam.      Tho I am thinking- I dont want the federal govt to solve any more problems.   not when it is bought and paid for by lawyers.

Popeye and I going to do some drive bys- hitting as many lawyers as we can.   Look out K street.

(in reply to SilverMark)
Profile   Post #: 33
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 8:41:31 PM   

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We've kind of been duped into thinking that gov't is the source of all our problems.  It's not true- bad gov't has certainly been responsible for some stupid decisions- but in a democracy- the gov't is us.  So saying the gov't can't solve any problems is like saying we can't- and I certainly don't believe that.  Heck, we managed to put a bunch of guys on the moon to pick up rocks and hit golf balls close to 40 years ago.  OK, so we've been sitting on our fat asses since then.....

However, if you're going out shooting lawyers- I'll spring for the ammo.  And it'll be good stuff....


(in reply to pahunkboy)
Profile   Post #: 34
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 8:51:04 PM   

Posts: 5333
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ORIGINAL: samboct

Oh good grief-

I for one, would rather pay more taxes and have a chance at making more money.

If we ignore all the red herrings posted above, what's happened in the last several decades has been pretty clear-

1)  The role of gov't has to be to provide an infrastructure to let an economy flourish.  There are plenty of unregulated economies out there- look at most of the countries in Africa as an example.  Neither democrats nor republicans have done a good job of building infrastructure- Clinton did a better job of maintaining what we had, but all the republican administrations from (and including that vile SOB Reagan) have done a great job of dismantling the regulations and structures that were built during the 30s-60s.
2)  Specific examples-
a) the FDA is a mess- it takes way too long to get drugs through the pipeline. 
b) The patent office is a mess- there are tons of overlapping patents which means that VC people won't invest in new companies- patents are often a significant part of a company's valuation. 
c) Health care costs are crippling both citizens (if one more @#$%@$#% politician calls me a consumer, I'm going to feed him/her various body parts, very, very, slowly.....) and businesses. 
d) Essentially our legal system has run amok. 
e) Defense is a mess.  We have a navy that could take on the rest of the world and defeat all countries handily  (probably the same for our air force), but we don't have good body armor for our troops on the ground.  We also haven't used our technology to spot and defuse roudside bombs without rolling our troop carriers over them- a tactic which must have Zhukov chuckling in his grave.  (He just marched his troops over minefields and accepted the casualties.)  We've spent billions on idiotic weapons systems which are only useful at night and during bad weather (B-2) and the COTS program (commercial off the shelf technology) has meant that all that defense spending hasn't had much success creating commercial spin offs. 
f)  Our highways are a mess- they were designed in the 50s and we've got 50% more traffic since then.  Our bridges are collapsing and there are potholes in major traffic arteries that limit speeds and damage vehicles.
g)  Our free press is collapsing- we've got corporate censorship because we've thrown away the regulations that prevented the formation of oligopolies.
h)  Our science and engineering institutions are crumbling.  We used to get a steady supply of students from China because US students knew that a career in science sucked.  Well, now the Chinese students in our schools are returning to China when they graduate because there are better opportunities there.  (India's a bit different, but the far eastern students made up a larger percentage of our grad students IIRC.)  However, lawyers and finance majors are not in short supply.
3)  The end result of this republican assault on brainpower has been a dismantling of our meritocracy.  We've had a system where for the past decade certainly, the lack of wealth mobility has meant that our best and brightest people are picking up the trash of rich morons who were either born wealthy or got lucky.  (Anybody see the piece in the NYTimes on the guy who isolated the green fluorescent protein that two other guys got the Nobel for?  He's driving a courtesy minivan at a Toyota dealership.)
4)  Anybody who bellyaches about the redistribution of wealth and ignores social security/medicare has managed to tiptoe around the elephant in the living room.  The biggest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen has gone to the elderly getting social security- not means tested because that would make it welfare, but the folks that are collecting it often never put in the amount they're getting out.  Never mind that its a rob Peter to pay Paul system.
5)  The end result of taxing the wealthy will be a renewed chance for a meritocracy- bright people who work hard may actually be able to make a decent living again, instead of watching McMansions get built.  It doesn't translate to government handouts- it does translate to a chance to build wealth instead of allowing the rich to get richer- which is what's been happening for decades.
6)  Old, rich money is useless money.  It's risk averse, it wants guaranteed rates of return with no risk.  That doesn't exist, but led to the nonsense of believing that financial companies could actually deliver it.  Anybody wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn.  Financial companies may accumulate money, but they certainly don't build wealth- wealth comes from an educated work force and manufacturing goods.  This is why China is rapidly becoming a wealthy country and we're going downhill- fast.  Money is a lousy way to measure wealth.
7)  Good investment money comes from pensions of the working class- money that has a long time horizon and isn't risk averse.

McCain seems to promise more of the same.  Obama's prescription of replacing fossil fuels, tackling tort reform, education etc, means that he's at least identified a bunch of the major problems and has offered some solutions.  They may not be the best solutions- but it's a better start than anything I've heard from anyone else.  If we get our economy growing (for real this time, instead of the paper growth of the past 8 years) we might have a chance of earning more money.  Yes, we'll have to pay more for the infrastructure for this chance, but in my book, that's money invested wisely.


Thank you so much for a thoughtful post Sam.
This post is long, but it hits so many nails on the head.
Our country is spiraling downhill into an abyss as I read your words.
The Republicans have had 8 years to steer the wheel and help drive
the country into almost total ruin.
Why is it that President Bush gets a pass from so many people?
President Bush surely will go down in history as one of the worse Presidents, ever.

Let the people decide and vote for who they want to help dig us out of the shit hole we
are sinking deeper into every day.
I have had to endure 8 years of a President that I never liked and did not vote for.
The good news is Senator Obama can not be worse than President Bush, that would
be almost damn near impossible!

I am sure those that dislike Senator Obama will survive.
I was always told that if I did not like President Bush and his policies that I could leave
the country.
Anyone that does not like our next President and his policies can also surely leave the

< Message edited by MzMia -- 10/30/2008 9:03:53 PM >


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to samboct)
Profile   Post #: 35
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 9:05:08 PM   

Posts: 3032
Joined: 4/10/2007
From: Kentucky
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ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

... The hell with working trying and failing; the polls seem to show a desire to penalize success and reward failure. Housing, food, medical care, are no longer something to be worked for to obtain, but given by a benevolent nanny government ...

Excellent post, Merc.  In what it appears to have become of late... this free-for-all of giddy and jubilant Obama followers that is CollarChat's Off-Topic section... it's a pleasure to read something reasonable. 



... Have you bothered to inform yourself on where Obama stands on the issues, or do you just insist on regurgitating Rush and such ?

Lord knows I've tried, but it isn't exactly an easy process at times.

I found it interesting that when I requested from Obama's website a copy of his "Plan For America"... a link to which I was promised if I provided my email address... I never received any such link.  I did, however, immediately receive a request for a donation and have been bombarded daily with similar requests for money and support. 

lol... Like I really want to put an Obama magnet on my car.

To be honest, I've found Obama's website to be highly suspicious.  I've visited it a few times in the past month... each time it is different.  The first time, I was greeted with a page where, in order to even access the site, I was asked to register with my name, address, phone number and email. 

Ha!  Like I had any intention of doing that.  Fortunately I'm not a novice web-user and found a way around it.

Then, a few days later when searching for biographical information on him, the initial page offered me the opportunity to read his plan in exchange for my email address.  Thankfully I know enough to use a throw-away address.  At any rate, I relayed the results of that endeavor above, and interestingly enough, I can find nowhere on his site now where that document is offered or available... if it ever existed.

Anyway, this evening I once again ventured to his site... and was presented with a donation request right off the bat.  


(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 36
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 9:17:29 PM   

Posts: 578
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*stocks up on beer and steak*

In the end, nothing will be done about anything. Thats the way of things, its been the way of things for almost 30 years. Democrats, Republicans, Hot dog stand vendors, used car salesman. Its all their fault. Well maybe not hot dog man and car salesman. I think if a business is failing it should be allowed to fail. If an animal is dying in the wild, it dies and is either eaten or becomes the earth and tree grows on it. Obama may be a nice man and great speaker and all the jazz, but I can throw random numbers out and ignore the frickin bottomless pit of the defiect. It will never go away, basically the government needs to quit spending money on b.s. and get some shovels to fill the hole. Both McCain and Obama want to send people to make the hole deeper. Thats the sad fact. Even with the money from ending the Iraq war, its like a few shovels of dirt every year. Anyhow, I've read both economic plans and got out the pen and paper and it doesnt add up, but of course I am not running for president. My ass would be in jail for digging such a hole and to propose keep spending would  get my ass kicker by the judge. Plus, where is the money for these marvelous things promised by both hombres going to come from? The magic money making, inflation machine?
Anyways, I am tired and feel old even though I am not. Plus remeber this the rambling of a sleep deprived crazy person. Be nice to each other please.


when all you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like nails

“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

Genghis Khan

(in reply to MzMia)
Profile   Post #: 37
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/30/2008 9:23:52 PM   

Posts: 5333
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ORIGINAL: rexrgisformidoni

*stocks up on beer and steak*

In the end, nothing will be done about anything. Thats the way of things, its been the way of things for almost 30 years. Democrats, Republicans, Hot dog stand vendors, used car salesman. Its all their fault. Well maybe not hot dog man and car salesman. I think if a business is failing it should be allowed to fail. If an animal is dying in the wild, it dies and is either eaten or becomes the earth and tree grows on it. Obama may be a nice man and great speaker and all the jazz, but I can throw random numbers out and ignore the frickin bottomless pit of the defiect. It will never go away, basically the government needs to quit spending money on b.s. and get some shovels to fill the hole. Both McCain and Obama want to send people to make the hole deeper. Thats the sad fact. Even with the money from ending the Iraq war, its like a few shovels of dirt every year. Anyhow, I've read both economic plans and got out the pen and paper and it doesnt add up, but of course I am not running for president. My ass would be in jail for digging such a hole and to propose keep spending would  get my ass kicker by the judge. Plus, where is the money for these marvelous things promised by both hombres going to come from? The magic money making, inflation machine?
Anyways, I am tired and feel old even though I am not. Plus remeber this the rambling of a sleep deprived crazy person. Be nice to each other please.

I totally agree!
Even if Senator McCain wins, we are all going to have to work together,

sacrifice and dig deep to get out of the mess we are in.
There is NO easy, simple or quick fix to solving the myrid of situations we are facing.


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to rexrgisformidoni)
Profile   Post #: 38
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/31/2008 1:46:41 AM   

Posts: 9030
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General point

I'm failing to see any disincentive in Obama's plans or plans he is accused of having, unless Americans are uniquely sensitive to perceived rather than actual disincentives. As far as I can tell the tax burden on US businesses even with the proposals Obama wants to make or is accused of wanting to make would be far less than what are on German small and medium size businesses which are the bedrock of the German economy, which incidently as I have previously pointed out, exports more manufactured goods than America.

However, there have been many reports over the years in Europe that a healthy educated population is far more efficient and cheaper for the state and hence business and taxpayers(as though they are different creatures), than an undereducated, unhealthy, stressed out workforce that is uncertain about employment prospects. Thatcher took Britain in a rightwing capitalist direction, giving out tax incentives to the affluent and using the metaphorical whip to get the work shy poor out of their beds to earn a living. The result was a country with a broken infrastructure, an inefficient and resentful workforce, more expensive social problems and companies that looked for short term profits rather than having a long term strategy. Overall, Britain was expensive country to live in and still is, where the wealth divide grows and its social problems proportionally increase and become a burden on the tax payers. Compare Britain to its European neighbours that believe in social justice and it is a third world country in many respects and shares many social problems with America as well as having a deteriorating infrastructure which adds expensive costs to businessesses.

Well planned use of tax money is cheaper for a country in the long run. Like anything, you have to make the investment to get the rewards.


There are fascists who consider themselves humanitarians, like cannibals on a health kick, eating only vegetarians.

(in reply to cjan)
Profile   Post #: 39
RE: Surrendering Opportunity for Success by Pursuing Su... - 10/31/2008 2:02:04 AM   

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Joined: 6/21/2007
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it's a pleasure to read something reasonable
We're not giddy; mostly I think we are apprehensive about the real potential of a continuation of the current worldwide disastrous situation, so we are desperaly hoping for a change.  Trust me when I tell you that our position is driven entirely by reason, not emotions.   If all things were equal between McCain and Obama, I'd vote for McCain because it would be safer to McCain's life to win.

Hey there TreasureKY, since I've never seen you spew unsupported preconceived BS, I'll take you at your word that you don't know his positions, and give you the links I've found with information on Obama......
I hope these links help; additionally, he's written two books which might be helpful.  The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream


< Message edited by FullfigRIMaam -- 10/31/2008 2:06:56 AM >


"touching was and still is and will always be the true revolution" Nikki Giovanni
"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence." Erich Fromm

(in reply to TreasureKY)
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