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Depo - 8/6/2004 9:27:25 PM   

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From: Ontario, Canada
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Well I just started on Depo and I'm curious to hear from other people who have been on it or are on it.

have you found that it effects your sexual drive? or what?
have you had any side effects? if so what and how have you delt with them?
also why did you choose to go on to depo?

well take care everyone.


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RE: Depo - 8/6/2004 9:58:17 PM   

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I LOVE my Depo! No more periods! This is a glorious thing!

Seriously, I was used to getting my period 2 or 3 times/year, but with the pill I had it every damned month. I HATED it. My ob/gyn recommended Depo, and boy I'm glad I listened to him.

I haven't noticed any side effects at all, though some people at work complained that they gained weight so went off of it.


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RE: Depo - 8/7/2004 12:30:37 AM   

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i used it and gained like 30 pounds in a year so i then went off of it. The lack of periods was a wonderful thing though lol.


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RE: Depo - 8/7/2004 7:36:18 AM   

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I was on it for a year and noticed a few things, one: my moods became darker and my temper was set off more than usual. But that happens with any hormones i take such as the pill or a shot. Also i did have a lower sex drive, but that could have been due to curcumstances as well.

Since I smoke and am over 40 i decided to get my tubes tied since i dont want children. and of ocurse since i did that now i am oin peri menopause lol you cant WIN!!!!!!!! LOL




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RE: Depo - 8/7/2004 8:39:01 AM   

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ORIGINAL: theroebabe


I was on it for a year and noticed a few things, one: my moods became darker and my temper was set off more than usual. But that happens with any hormones i take such as the pill or a shot. Also i did have a lower sex drive, but that could have been due to curcumstances as well.

Since I smoke and am over 40 i decided to get my tubes tied since i dont want children. and of ocurse since i did that now i am oin peri menopause lol you cant WIN!!!!!!!! LOL



I was surgically sterilized and my ovaries removed when I was 20. I'm now 41. I've been 'peri-menopausal for over 20 years (21 years this november).

Hot flashes SUCK and you never get used to them. Or I didn't.


“The more you love, the more you can love—and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just.”
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RE: Depo - 8/7/2004 9:27:46 AM   

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when i used Depo my only side affect was the weight gain which is typical i believe in the pill also...

i didnt notice any sexual side effects and not having a period is great!

good luck with it and hope it works for you


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RE: Depo - 8/7/2004 1:11:10 PM   

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From: Ontario, Canada
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Thanks everyone,

well i know depo can effect people differently its always nice to hear how its worked or not for.

I myself was on the pill 7 years ago, and had several negative reactions to it. Then a month ago I was put on the pill, but on the third week of it I started bleeding severly and that itself only cleared up a couple days ago. The day after I got my depo shot actaully.

The idea of not have a period for 3 months, to me is irrevalent, since I've gone upwards of 1.5 years without it (my average was a peiod once to twice a year when lucky since I was about 15 y/o.

I only went on the depo because my obgyn is also my PCOS doc and one of the treatments for PCOS is to use depo to help balance out the system, if it works I'll be rather happy in that regards as everything has been skrued up far to long for me.

once again thanks for you postings, its appreachated.


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"I never said that I could spell, but I do try my darndest to get my point across" - ND

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RE: Depo - 8/7/2004 5:01:22 PM   

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I was surgically sterilized and my ovaries removed when I was 20. I'm now 41. I've been 'peri-menopausal for over 20 years (21 years this november).

Hot flashes SUCK and you never get used to them. Or I didn't.

Hi Suz!

I feel like i know you thru Lawrence, so please let me know if you mind the familiarity. Doesnt it seem like you get fixed and then you start peri menopause? wonder if there is a connection??

Hot flashes i dont have too many of those thank goodness, however i do have night sweats that wake me up almost every night 2 weeks out of the month and the moodiness grrrr woof, i dont know but i seem to lose patience a lot more easily than i used to. lol,




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RE: Depo - 8/10/2004 2:06:48 PM   

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From: Massachusetts
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i began using Depo Provera immediately after the birth of my first child in April 1993. It was an ideal, convenient, effective, & safe form of birth control for me at that time in that i chose to nurse her. i continued using Depo for the following 24 months. i stopped using it simply because it suddenly upset my menstrual cycle (a cycle lasted up to 3 weeks with only a week between with no bleeding). Also, i suffered sudden & otherwise unexplainable constant bouts with severe nausea which were directly attributed with my long term use of Depo.

In December of 1999, i again began using Depo Provera immediately after the birth of my second child. i continued to use it for the next twelve months with no problems. In January of 2001 the heavy and irregular cycles (as well as the severe nausea) returned.

Whether Depo Provera use is a good choice, and how one's body may react to it truely varies from one person to another and depends on the individual (like any other form of birth control). Just because i had a less than positive experience with it does not mean that others will as well. Everyone's body responds differently.


Kind of off topic for some:

i had a Copper IUD inserted in December of 2003 (over 35, and a smoker, so the pill is out of the question, although i wouldn't consider i even so ... i just don't care to HAVE to remember my birth control THAT often). i've had no trouble with this current form of birth control. It is a choice that at present suits me well in that i have found that any forms which involve hormones effect me negatively, it is convenient, effective, affordable & safe. Of course the fact i had decided after my second child's birth that i am pretty much certain that i do not wish to have any additional children did play a role in my choosing the IUD as a method which is suitable.

Ooops. Edited to include the following:
Each time while using Depo my labido went totally hay wire (on a scale of 1-10 from a 9 to a 0), NO sex drive what so ever. Sex drive returned to 'normal' within about 2-3 months after discontinuing the use of Depo.

< Message edited by cynnacent1 -- 1/2/2005 6:00:28 AM >

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RE: Depo - 9/12/2004 11:22:35 PM   

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I will be getting my one year anniversary shot for my Depo coming up pretty soon. I loved it from the start. The day I got the shot my mensis stopped.

I didn't have problems till March when I suddenly had a 28 day period and very painful acne all over my chin. This again occured a week and a half before the next shot and the acne was on my forehead mostly.

The period was not as long, but for someone that never had acne much in the entire life, this was killing me. Plus it was extremely painful.

After trying all the expensive and harsh acne treatments, I finally bought some tea tree oil face wash and after a week of it causing my skin to break out more, I'm happy to report it's healthy and glowing again and I'm using it all the time to combat any future break-out.

They do say it takes a year for the Depo to cause the mensis to completely stop (if it does at all in some women) so I'm crossing my fingers.

Why did I go on the Depo? Well I'm only on BC for hormonal reasons, but had a tendency to always forget to take it at the same time every day. After a rape I realized that BC can also stop an unwanted birth. I didn't want that piece of control taken from me. Even though it's not 100% effective, at least I know it would play one small part. I know it's after the fact, but with roofies and other "date rape drugs" out there that anyone can slip into your drink, even a water, one can never be safe. That is why I went on Depo.

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RE: Depo - 9/13/2004 8:47:36 AM   

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From: southeast Mississippi
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I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but I believe that the waning and eventual lack of estrogen is what triggers peri-menopause and then menopause. When your ovaries are removed, periods cease and estrogen production is stopped. Hence, the immediate onset of menopause.

I have a friend who says this about menopause: Let's just face it, God meant for women to die at age 50.



My mind is no place to play alone. Anna Pigeon as written by Nevada Barr

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RE: Depo - 9/13/2004 9:26:54 AM   

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ORIGINAL: dixiedumpling


I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but I believe that the waning and eventual lack of estrogen is what triggers peri-menopause and then menopause. When your ovaries are removed, periods cease and estrogen production is stopped. Hence, the immediate onset of menopause.

I have a friend who says this about menopause: Let's just face it, God meant for women to die at age 50.

Well my ovaries werent removed the tubes were severed so the egg will not drop into the uterus. As far as God being a woman, we women know it cant be true or biology would be a LOT different! LOL Roe

< Message edited by theroebabe -- 9/13/2004 9:27:09 AM >



People always ask me why I do these things . . .
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RE: Depo - 12/31/2004 6:26:09 AM   

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I was on Depo for a year I gained 50lb from it. and my hair started to fall out. everytime I would washe it globs would come off and just running my hands through it would reveal another handfull lucky for me I have thick long hair. Some months I wouldlnt have a period the other months it was really dark in color and resembled clots. So for me it didnt work . I now use the NuvaRing and couldnt be happier.



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RE: Depo - 12/31/2004 9:09:54 AM   

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Umm, I'm curious on how putting you on Depo can help your PCOS. I have it myself and even regular birthcontrol didn't help. I really don't think Depo was the right solution for the PCOS. If your homones are messed up and you have no period, how is something that also gives you no period (In many cases) gonna help?? Were you just recently told you have PCOS? Yes the most common fix for it is birthcontrol, but they are starting to see that might not always be the best solution.
As far a Depo. I have known three people on it. All three almost completely lost thier sex drive (One was almost a nempho before) and one was unable to get pregnant 5 years after the shot (She'd had a child no problem before the shot). Of course your doctor is the 'expert', but saddly with PCOS you really have to watch what you're told. Do a LOT of research, you'll learn more that way.

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RE: Depo - 12/31/2004 3:46:48 PM   

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i was on Depo for seven years, up until a few months ago when they released the warning about bone loss. :( It is too bad, i loved it! No periods, no having to remember my pill, etc. i have gone to the Patch, which is easy to use, but i am having those stereotypical PMS symptoms much more now (cramps, food cravings, crying over stupid stuff, etc).

Too bad.... i know others had different experiences, but for me Depo was like a pass from all the sucky stuff about being a girl.

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RE: Depo - 1/2/2005 3:11:05 PM   

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like everything different drugs react to people in unique ways - Depo has great advantages esp getting rid of that pesky time of the month - but it is good for putting on weight (which is not a good side effect for me - that I can do without Depo) :-) If it does seem to be causing your body some unwanted side effects get them checked out to be on the safe side.....


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RE: Depo - 1/4/2005 9:00:33 PM   

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- I found that it did lower my sex drive a bit.
- I got a bit weepy and hormonal. For instance, I'd get teary eyed watching Kodak commercials. By the time I was on my second shot, I didn't have this problem anymore.
- I chose to go on it because for awhile I was in a swinging relationship. I also didn't want to worry about remembering a pill every day, and I CERTAINLY love not having my period.

however, the effects are different for everyone.
I think its worth a shot though.

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RE: Depo - 1/13/2005 5:58:35 AM   

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OMG you are a year younger than i am.This can't be right, ok i'd been wondering in the back of my mind somewhere if this isn't the start of that evil M word menopause. i'd not researched it because well hell i still feel young or did until now ~sighs~


ORIGINAL: theroebabe

Since I smoke and am over 40 i decided to get my tubes tied since i dont want children. and of ocurse since i did that now i am oin peri menopause lol you cant WIN!!!!!!!! LOL


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RE: Depo - 1/14/2005 3:56:55 PM   

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I tried it briefly, maybe too briefly (twice). I didn't like it because I had my period for like 2 out of 4 weeks at a time , so got rid of it..
My sister told me that she experienced the same initially, but then, no period for months at a time. M

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RE: Depo - 1/20/2005 9:49:38 PM   

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I tried the Depo shot and my body chemistry reacted quite violently to it. I started my period and wouldn't stop...

The first time I got the shot my period started up. I mentioned it to my doctor and she said that sometimes it just took a while to get used to it.

So I tried it a second time, getting the shot again - hoping my system would level out. Instead I wound up with an almost year-long period. I became anemic and informed my doctor that I would not be using the shot any longer.

I'm glad to hear that it hasn't affected everyone in such a negative way.

I'm now on the Ortho Evra patch and it seems to work rather well. I don't have cramps any more (which was why I tried the pill... and then the shot) and I'm fairly regular. Sometimes I screw up and forget to switch patches during a particularly hectic month so I've taken to scribbling madly all over the calendar.

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