RE: i have... (a medical question) (Full Version)

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Sinimint -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/18/2008 4:14:07 PM)

This may help explain it all.....

laura2161 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/18/2008 4:42:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: untndedrosegardn

Contact your doctor again and ask for Diflucan, its a 1 dose pill that usually will clear an infection in 2-3 days.  As to the over the counter stuff, if it has benzocaine in it, it should help the burning, unless of course you have a sensitivity to it, in which case it can make it that much worse.
But Diflucan is the fastest treatment I am aware of, and most effective.  If its persistent and not clearing at all, I would still suggest contacting her/him again as it may be more than yeast.

Absolutely agree with Diflucan.  I was just treated for a yeast infection this past week. Walmart will fill it generically so it only costs 4.00. To soothe the burn buy Eucerin creme.(Where the hand cremes are) You can use it inside and outside the vagina area and you can use it up to 8 times a day. (Bless my Dr's heart- She suffers from yeast infections and told me about the eucerin creme)

I was feeling 99.9 percent better 48 hours later.

PS. If it still burns REALLY bad when you pee, get back to the Dr as you most likely have a bladder infection and those hurt like hell- I remember literally crying every time I peed.

ToFindYou07 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/18/2008 6:12:53 PM)

well, unfortunately for me, it took me a week to recognize that i needed to go to the doctor to get it taken care of.  i had never had a yeast infection before, so i didn't know what i was dealing with, and initially just thought that it would heal on its own, because it just got irritated, or something. 

then when it didn't go away i was like "what is this" and the doctor told me it was a yeast infection. 

i always feel better after i shower... so i shower like 4 times a day... i thought maybe if i actually got up and did my hair and stuff that i might feel better just because i'll look cute. 

i'm going to try a sleeping pill, along with some aleive, to see if i can't medicinally remove some of the pain and sleep through the night. 

i was in bed most of the day... miserable... but i made some phone calls to get medical insurance again (unfortunately it will be 2 weeks before they can even interview me, let alone provide me the ability to go to the doctor)  so hopefully i will be able to get good care at some point soon. 

my Dr. that i was seeing, is a quack.  he wants to provide the herbal or over the counter remedy for everything, and doesn't like to write a prescription for anything. 

good news is my boyfriend decided he wants to help me get better, so i read him some of the advice and he went to the store to get some of the stuff along with laudry soap *jumps up and down excited at the idea of clean clothes* so now i don't have to go to the store on my own, which is a blessing in itself. 

so i'll just see what medications will do for tonight, apply the topical stuff, as well, as the inside thing... and pray to (insert higher power of choice) that i feel like a new and improved me in the morning. 

UnseelieCourt -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/18/2008 7:01:29 PM)



i have a yeast infection...

i'm so uncomfortable, and i smell weird, and i can hardly sleep. 

i have the yeast infection at home treatment like my doctor suggested, but it's killing me in the mean time.  i can't sleep at night, it kills me to apply the ointment to the outside like i need to, and to urinate is like... the fires of hell have set my vagina on fire.  

Are you sure it's a yeast infection?  You should not have an odor if that's what it is.  Applying the cream shouldn't hurt either.  If it does, you need to stop using it since you're likely having an allergic reaction to it. 
If it is a yeast infection, you don't need a prescription to cure it.  There are several one-dose treatments available over the counter that are very effective.  Monistat brand is available with an extra tube of cream to apply on the outside that will help with the itching and burning.  Just check the ingredients list of the kind you have to make sure you don't get something with the same active ingredient.
To help relieve the burning and itching, wash yourself frequently throughout the day with mild soap and warm water, especially after using the restroom.  Reapply the exterior cream.  Eliminate as much sugar from your diet as possible, wear only cotton underwear, and wear loose fitting clothes.  You'll be much more comfortable if your skin can breathe.  If you get a one-dose yeast infection treatment, you may still have symptoms for up to a week.  If they don't lessen in three or four days, see a different doctor and get tested for bacterial vaginosis. 

ToFindYou07 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/18/2008 11:32:35 PM)

i still don't feel good... this is my second day of the medication... i just did it a little while ago. 

i'm hoping it gets better... i'm going to see what it costs to see my doctor uninsured tomorrow (actually the nurse practicioner)... i'm not sure what will happen as far as rx costs... might be expensive... i'm gonna be in town where the doctor is tomorrow, so i will call in the morning to see if i can't make an appointment... apparently it might only cost $30 or so, to go see her...

i was reading one of the other posts, and realized that even if i get a job, i still have to go to work every day, and it will be MUCH easier to do that without a yeast infection.  i need to keep myself healthy. 

i know that as far as other symptoms, i'm suffering hot flashes, complete loss of appetite (i didn't eat anything today), nausea, but not vommitting in the mornings, extreme fatigue, and feeling like passing out... yet insomnia... i can't sleep when i try to.   maybe they have nothing to do with the yeast infection, but that's what's going on.  maybe it's stress, but i haven't had my period since September. 

can't wait to go back to the doctor tomorrow...

suhlut -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/18/2008 11:52:58 PM)



i still don't feel good... this is my second day of the medication... i just did it a little while ago. 

i'm hoping it gets better... i'm going to see what it costs to see my doctor uninsured tomorrow (actually the nurse practicioner)... i'm not sure what will happen as far as rx costs... might be expensive... i'm gonna be in town where the doctor is tomorrow, so i will call in the morning to see if i can't make an appointment... apparently it might only cost $30 or so, to go see her...

i was reading one of the other posts, and realized that even if i get a job, i still have to go to work every day, and it will be MUCH easier to do that without a yeast infection.  i need to keep myself healthy. 

i know that as far as other symptoms, i'm suffering hot flashes, complete loss of appetite (i didn't eat anything today), nausea, but not vommitting in the mornings, extreme fatigue, and feeling like passing out... yet insomnia... i can't sleep when i try to.   maybe they have nothing to do with the yeast infection, but that's what's going on.  maybe it's stress, but i haven't had my period since September. 

can't wait to go back to the doctor tomorrow...

You havent had a period since September? Sounds to me, like you could be preg.
Get tested for that also.. as early Doctor visits help with having a healthy baby. And if you ARE preg... it is equally important to have time to get rid of whatever infection you have, before you are due. OBGYN's will be great help in finding stuff that will clear ya up, as they want you as healthy as can be, for a normal delivery.

RainydayNE -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 1:47:03 AM)

oh wow
could definitely be a preg issue
that can cause a slight difference in smell; shouldn't be bad, though
DEFINITELY get a test for that.

angelikaJ -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 9:43:05 AM)


Here is a good link to explain about the similarities and differences in various vaginal infections:

And yes, please follow up with your regular Dr. or perhaps go to a local health clinic or Planned Parenthood... including asking them to check for pregnancy?

monywildcat -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 1:08:57 PM)

If by chance you are pregnant, that could explain this wide array of symptoms.  Babies can wreak all sorts of medical havoc, inside and out.  I don't know what sort of government based healthcare is available for Canada, but that would be worth checking into. 

Maya2001 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 1:46:13 PM)


as a result, i'm sure i'm not drinking enough liquids, in order to make going to the bathroom less frequent. yet, it seems like i pee more than i ever have, anyway...

The frequency of having to pee more often may be the tip off there a burning sensation when you feel like you have to go pee....making it feel very urgent to go ???    I am wondering if you don't  have a bladder and kidney infection on top of  the yeast infection ..   and have the Nurse practitioner  check for a urinary infection.. that could explain  some of the problem  and while at it mention the delayed period .. they can use the urine sample to check for pregnancy at the same time.... any possibility a tampon may have got jambed up inside you???  that can also create a nightmare of problem that would make you extremely  ill  and can become a serious medical emergency including possible death should also be checked out by a medical professional

I have had yeast infections several times caused by antibiotics   and though I may feel extremely itchy/uncomfortable with ..I was never sick from and still went about my day as normal including going to work

DavanKael -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 3:08:07 PM)

Aaaargh, you need to pee on a stick and see if youre pregnant.  The hormonal shift with pregnancy can cause yeast infections, and if you're going to continue the pregnancy (If that's what it is), early prenatal care (Especially things like folic acid to prevent neural tube defects) is important.  Call Planned Parenthood; they have a sliding fee scale, call your local health department.  Do not wait. 

mystickoolaid -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:02:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl


sounds like you have a very bad yeast infection and will probably need more than one treatment of the over the counter stuff.  call your Dr back and ask for diflucan as rosegandin suggested.

other than that, the creme you have in the pack, and yogurt, which doesnt need to be frozen and can be spread topically as well to help with the itching,  only time can help.  i never leave any Dr's office with a prescription for antibiotics without one for diflucan too.

good luck to you


Yes you can use the yogurt topically, but it isn't recommended. If you do decide that you are desperate enough to try this, make sure you get PLAIN not flavored, not even vanilla, no fruit yogurt. The actual truth about the yogurt trick is EATING it, it has good cultures in it that will help your body replace the bacteria "down-there", which are what control things like yeast from overpopulating and resulting in a yeast infection.

Also, I don't know if this has been mentioned as I didn't read the whole thread, but don't stick random things up there that aren't sterile, and never douche, to avoid this happening in the future. If you like yogurt, I suggest eating it regularly to help keep yourself "balanced". I get very bad yeast infections and have to take diflucan an eat a ton of yogurt myself periodically. But you would have to be stupid or desperate to put it up inside you. Yogurt spoils like anything else. Do you really want spoiled yogurt drawing fruit flies up inside your vagina? I didn't think so.

mystickoolaid -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:05:39 PM)

(quote) i've been trying to send my boyfriend to the store for me, but he's being uncooperative.  it's because he's not the one with the yeast infection.  when he had a cold, and then i had a cold right after, he came over to bring me all sorts of stuff to get over it. (endquote)

-it put the wrong quote in there.

Just saw this... make sure bf knows HE TOO can catch your yeast infection. That should send him running to the store for you. Graphically describe to him all your symptoms (the burning, itching, weird ooze, bad smell, EVERYTHING) but tell him it will be his penis if he gets this thing. And yes, it is very true, men can get them fairly easily from an infected partner.

mystickoolaid -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:12:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: UnseelieCourt



i have a yeast infection...

i'm so uncomfortable, and i smell weird, and i can hardly sleep. 

i have the yeast infection at home treatment like my doctor suggested, but it's killing me in the mean time.  i can't sleep at night, it kills me to apply the ointment to the outside like i need to, and to urinate is like... the fires of hell have set my vagina on fire.  

Are you sure it's a yeast infection?  You should not have an odor if that's what it is.  Applying the cream shouldn't hurt either.  If it does, you need to stop using it since you're likely having an allergic reaction to it. 
If it is a yeast infection, you don't need a prescription to cure it.  There are several one-dose treatments available over the counter that are very effective.  Monistat brand is available with an extra tube of cream to apply on the outside that will help with the itching and burning.  Just check the ingredients list of the kind you have to make sure you don't get something with the same active ingredient.
To help relieve the burning and itching, wash yourself frequently throughout the day with mild soap and warm water, especially after using the restroom.  Reapply the exterior cream.  Eliminate as much sugar from your diet as possible, wear only cotton underwear, and wear loose fitting clothes.  You'll be much more comfortable if your skin can breathe.  If you get a one-dose yeast infection treatment, you may still have symptoms for up to a week.  If they don't lessen in three or four days, see a different doctor and get tested for bacterial vaginosis. 

This is also inaccurate, when you get a bad yeast infection, you can SMELL the yeast. And if she is preggers like she thought, your sense of smell heightens by about tenfold when all the hormones come in. The cream also burns to pretty much everyone I have every talked to, especially if they have been scratching down there or wiping excessively when they pee. It's an open wound, wiping anti-fungal into it is going to burn. And those are sensitive "parts".

Sorry to sound like a know it all, but geez there is some bad info out there. And I get very frequent yeast infections due to an immune disorder. Bacterial vaginosis smells so bad that it would make you want to vomit just smelling it from the normal distance from your crotch to your face.

Maya2001 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:16:27 PM)


Aaaargh, you need to pee on a stick and see if youre pregnant.

maybe they have changed medical lab testing methods since I was pregnant last but I have never had to pee on a stick  instead it was in a sterile container

SageFemmexx -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:21:13 PM)

I didn't see any mention of a cool bath with a cup of baking soda in the water. You can also use a spray bottle when you pee to dilute the urine. You need to evalute your diet and lifestyle and figure out what is giving the yeast the upper hand in your vaginal garden. You should have a balance of both plants and animals--yeast and bacteria--when this gets off--then you have an infection.

Read, educate yourself, don't be at the mercy of the medical profession for all your information. It is your body, be proactive and take care of yourself.


mystickoolaid -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:21:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Maya2001


Aaaargh, you need to pee on a stick and see if youre pregnant.

maybe they have changed medical lab testing methods since I was pregnant last but I have never had to pee on a stick  instead it was in a sterile container

If done in a lab, they will draw blood right off the bat now. It can detect pregnancy a few days after it happens. "Peeing on a stick" refers to an at-home test, which can be bought at a local grocery store or pharmacy.

dollparts85 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:33:13 PM)

I've had several yeast infections, bacterial infections and UTIs. What you're describing doesn't really sound like a yeast infection with the smell. I've never noticed a smell with yeast infections but I have with bacterial and UTIs. All those infections hurt to pee when they are bad. I don't really know why your doctor suggested using the cream b/c they're more expensive and not as effective as Diflucan. Diflucan works really fast and you usually only need to take one or two pills. If it is a yeast infection. For bacterial it's more complicated...if it's that, I wouldn't suggest the Metrogel they prescribe b/c it is going to burn to apply like the OTC creams for yeast infection (my first yeast infection was horrible and it burned like acid when inserting the cream, now I try to not let it get that bad LOL) Flagyl would most likely work tastes HORRIBLE...and swallowing it makes me gag and it often results in a yeast infection...LOL it's never ending.

I hope you feel better. I know what you're going through. I have these symptoms sevearl times a year.

dollparts85 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:35:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: Maya2001


Aaaargh, you need to pee on a stick and see if youre pregnant.

maybe they have changed medical lab testing methods since I was pregnant last but I have never had to pee on a stick  instead it was in a sterile container

thats how they do it at the doctors. pee in the cup and then the nurse takes a couple drops of it and put it on the stick...or you could just buy the at home test and do it yourself.

lovingpet -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:36:19 PM)

I also considered the possibility of severe infection accounting for the other symptoms (except for the lack of a period).  This sounds like a severe vaginal infection and may be compounded with any degree of urinary tract infection.  It is very easy for the infection to spread from one to the other, as can well be imagined. 

It is time to step up to a good doctor and get a thorough evaluation.  Have you considered going to an emergency department?  Severe infections are just as serious as any other health condition.  In many cases there is assistance or other means of taking care of the bill and, as a last resort, if you can't pay it, then don't.  They will take urine and should evaluate it for the presence of infection as well as doing a pregnancy test.  They can write a proper prescription and get you on your way to feeling better.  Your health is worth the money and even a slight ping to your credit if needed.


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