RE: i have... (a medical question) (Full Version)

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dollparts85 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:42:59 PM)

I've gone to the ER for a vaginal infection before. LOL it was embarrassing but it was a 3 day weekend and it got very bad very quickly and it was just unbarably painful.

lovingpet -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:45:44 PM)

What's to be embarrassed about?  They can happen to anyone and does not reflect on you as a person at all.  It has nothing to do with sanitation, level of sexual activity (though a bad choice in partner or specific activity... well).  It is just a medical problem like any other.


switchtosub -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:48:09 PM)

Yeast infections shouldn't smell bad (though I have had a couple that did). When it smells bad, it's usually bacterial vaginosis, which diagnosis is assisted by the "positive whiff test," meaning your crotch smells like a dead fish.

Yeast infections can be treated over the counter with Monistat. Bacterial Vaginosis needs an antibiotic like Flagyl to cure. The antibiotic will give you a yeast infection, so treat with Monistat as well. They counter each other's pH-changing capacities.

A third possibility is a concurrent bladder infection, which if it hurts that much and for that long, needs medical attention right now. Seriously.

Topical or intravaginal application of plain yogurt will change the pH of your vagina, making it less hospitable to yeasts. Slather it on the outside, stuff it up inside with a tampon applicator, there's equal anecdotal evidence for relief.

And a preggo test is a must. Especially if you have any pain that originates deep inside your abdominal tissues.

In the meantime, fill a water bottle with warm water and pour it over your pubis into the toilet while you pee. Same effect as the shower, but you don't need to get wet all over to do it. Try to wear cotton-only panties, and no nylons or tights or really tight jeans for a couple of weeks at least. Also stay away from insertables, even your bf, for a couple weeks.

Happy recuperating.


dollparts85 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 4:50:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: lovingpet

What's to be embarrassed about?  They can happen to anyone and does not reflect on you as a person at all.  It has nothing to do with sanitation, level of sexual activity (though a bad choice in partner or specific activity... well).  It is just a medical problem like any other.


yeah...I know...theres no reason to be embarrassed but I couldn't help but feel it. I was embarrassed to got to the ER for bloody diarrhea too. LOL

ToFindYou07 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 7:56:21 PM)

i spoke to the nurse practitioner on the phone and she suggested (after telling her all my symptoms) that i not come in until my monistat treatment is complete.  she said that if it's not considerably better tomorrow, i should call and make an appointment for monday (since she only works 3 days a week).  she also said that the the OTC treatment would work well enough, to reduce costs, and still treat my yeast infection. 

i remembered a LITTLE bit of spotting in the beginning of  October (after i discussed with my boyfriend when the last time was, because i tell him about that stuff) but i didn't have a full period.  and i haven't even seen a sign of a period this month at all. 

she said that my period might just be late... and that i should just test at home, to keep costs down.  she said that if i DID need to come in, they could bill me(though there's an extra $30 charge for sending a bill in the mail) and then i could pay in payments, or something.  

she responded strangely when i told her that the discharge was white, like milk... a little thick but not chunky at all. 

i've also got a rash in my rear-end-parts that just appeared thismorning, she said that could be a result of the discharge traveling in that direction when i sleep if there was any cuts back there at all (which there could be, due to shaving)... i forgot to ask her how to treat it.

it doesn't hurt when i pee anymore as long as it doesn't get down to the raw part where i scratched... so i don't think there's a urinary infection.  i ordered pregnancy tests online because i found a better deal than in the stores (even with shipping) and without a job, i need to cut costs as much as possible. 

i bought vagisil cream for "painful burning and itch" to try... and i ate a slice of pizza and drank a gatorade today. 

i think i'm getting better, but it's still weird...

i had brief pain just to the left of where i would cramp on my right side, a couple sharp stabs of pain... a couple days ago. 

thank you guys for the help so far.  i really appreciate it.  keep it comming :)

lovingpet -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 8:05:30 PM)

More water and steer clear of breads, pastas, and sweets.....keep the numbers from multiplying when you are starting to feel better.


dollparts85 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 8:06:46 PM)

If you don't have a job, you could apply for Medicaid? That is if you're in the US.

It sounds like it is getting better. Make sure you get enough fluids to delute your urine so it's not as strong b/c they will increase the irritation. Hopefully the cream is working. It will take a while for the sores to heal completely. Don't scratch! And don't wipe too roughly. I find blotting with the tissue instead of wipping reduces irritation. A good quality toilet paper helps a great deal as well. Cheap stuff irritates my urethra. And if you have a shower head that you can move down there and rinse off the discharge, that helps with the irritation on the outside. When I have an infection, or symptoms of one, I shower 3-4 times a day just to rinse water over the area and then I lay infront of a fan with my legs spread to dry the area off. It helps quite a bit.

ToFindYou07 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 8:09:13 PM)

i have an appointment to get medical insurance in the beginning of december... it's just going to take some time. 

they said that i could go to the local hospital in the mean time if i needed something, but it would cost minimum $140. 

and goodness knows i shower enough right now... 3-4, sometimes 6 times a day... whenever i feel icky...

suhlut -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 8:18:15 PM)


Well hun.. glad things seem to be getting a bit better, but in regards to the possibly being preg..well... womens bodies are strange and nobody is the same... but lots of women notice "spotting" even while being preg..

Implantation (when a fertalized egg settles into the final area where it begins to start growing, well it can cause bleeding or a small amount of spotting.. because it is "connecting" itself to your body to get access to your blood supply)

If i was a betting person, i would be willing to bet that you are preg.

Preg tests.. not sure why youd need to buy em on the internet.. at most dollar type stores ( You have those stores in Canada.,.right?) will sell them for a buck each.

Lockit -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 8:30:56 PM)

If this happens again with the urgency to urinate all the time, you can get an over the counter product called AZO that is like peridium and is very good.  It cleans out the urinary tract, but can mess up some test for the infection, but I have never had a problem with it doing so.

It doesn't sound like just a yeast infection to me and if the symptoms don't go totally away, I would be finding a different doctor to see as this one doesn't seem to be really interested in helping 'when' you have some very serious discomfort.  Don't be that uncomfortable and let them pass it off as something that will pass or couldn't be as bad as you say.  That kind of discomfort shouldn't be ignored and a bit more should be done for you.  Doc's like that I am tempted to want to share things with.  Funny how a man who has never had the problem can easily dismiss it!

When you get into some of this, one thing.. the med or the one can lead to other things from my experience.  Been there, done that an my heart goes out to you!  I hope you are feeling lots better and can get things sorted out.  These things alone can cause you to be tired and such, but a pregnancy test would be a very good idea.  Hang in there!

RumpusParable -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 8:49:53 PM)

ice pack on your vulva (with panties or a cloth between you and it, of course).  seriously.

ToFindYou07 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 9:23:03 PM)

omg i never even thought of that...

excellent idea... thank you

kiyari -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/19/2008 10:45:00 PM)

What ever your underlying issue may be, here is a remedy for the external burning
...might want to wear a sanitary pad, and yer gonna smell a tad fishy...


Yanno, that white cod-oil goo made for babies' diaper rash.

Just a suggestion, for the external discomfort.

mystickoolaid -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/20/2008 5:43:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: lovingpet

I also considered the possibility of severe infection accounting for the other symptoms (except for the lack of a period).  This sounds like a severe vaginal infection and may be compounded with any degree of urinary tract infection.  It is very easy for the infection to spread from one to the other, as can well be imagined. 

It is time to step up to a good doctor and get a thorough evaluation.  Have you considered going to an emergency department?  Severe infections are just as serious as any other health condition.  In many cases there is assistance or other means of taking care of the bill and, as a last resort, if you can't pay it, then don't.  They will take urine and should evaluate it for the presence of infection as well as doing a pregnancy test.  They can write a proper prescription and get you on your way to feeling better.  Your health is worth the money and even a slight ping to your credit if needed.


I know this is TOTALLY dishonest, but if you need your 'pink bits' looked at, if you tell them you got raped at the emergency room its always free to get examined. Just say hey it happened like a week ago now I am itchy and sore, I dont want to press charges. They might even wash and wax it for ya ;). I NEVER condone lying, but I hate that the medical field is so much about the money and so little about the patients these days. And if money is an issue... it's an option.

note: edited to correct typo

mystickoolaid -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/20/2008 5:46:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: kiyari

What ever your underlying issue may be, here is a remedy for the external burning
...might want to wear a sanitary pad, and yer gonna smell a tad fishy...


Yanno, that white cod-oil goo made for babies' diaper rash.

Just a suggestion, for the external discomfort.

This stuff works, but what's even better and isnt made of cod anything, is boudreax's butt paste for babies. My twins get AWFUL diaper rash and it clears up usually within  1 diaper change for them. And you don't have to goop it on like the desitin.

mystickoolaid -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/20/2008 5:51:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: dollparts85

If you don't have a job, you could apply for Medicaid? That is if you're in the US.

It sounds like it is getting better. Make sure you get enough fluids to delute your urine so it's not as strong b/c they will increase the irritation. Hopefully the cream is working. It will take a while for the sores to heal completely. Don't scratch! And don't wipe too roughly. I find blotting with the tissue instead of wipping reduces irritation. A good quality toilet paper helps a great deal as well. Cheap stuff irritates my urethra. And if you have a shower head that you can move down there and rinse off the discharge, that helps with the irritation on the outside. When I have an infection, or symptoms of one, I shower 3-4 times a day just to rinse water over the area and then I lay infront of a fan with my legs spread to dry the area off. It helps quite a bit.

Thanks for the visual

Lockit -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/20/2008 6:01:28 AM)

Most emergency rooms in America will have to see you if you walk in the door.  Claiming you have been raped isn't the way to go.  I don't like the medical system, but I do understand some of the issues of medical personal and believe me, just like anyone else, they can become jaded, or hardened to the lies and stupid they see on a daily basis.  When a woman cries foul, rape and the like and she lies, those that hear it harden and are less likely to believe the next one that comes in with a similar look to the situation.  Don't make it harder for those who have a true story and need to be believed.

I've seen it happen in hospitals and courts where someone didn't believe because someone or a few someone's cried foul when there was nothing to cry about.  Bad idea.  There is always another way to get medical treatment.

dollparts85 -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/20/2008 6:12:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: mystickoolaid


ORIGINAL: dollparts85

If you don't have a job, you could apply for Medicaid? That is if you're in the US.

It sounds like it is getting better. Make sure you get enough fluids to delute your urine so it's not as strong b/c they will increase the irritation. Hopefully the cream is working. It will take a while for the sores to heal completely. Don't scratch! And don't wipe too roughly. I find blotting with the tissue instead of wipping reduces irritation. A good quality toilet paper helps a great deal as well. Cheap stuff irritates my urethra. And if you have a shower head that you can move down there and rinse off the discharge, that helps with the irritation on the outside. When I have an infection, or symptoms of one, I shower 3-4 times a day just to rinse water over the area and then I lay infront of a fan with my legs spread to dry the area off. It helps quite a bit.

Thanks for the visual

LOL sorry. *embarrassed*

mystickoolaid -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/20/2008 6:14:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: dollparts85


ORIGINAL: mystickoolaid


ORIGINAL: dollparts85

If you don't have a job, you could apply for Medicaid? That is if you're in the US.

It sounds like it is getting better. Make sure you get enough fluids to delute your urine so it's not as strong b/c they will increase the irritation. Hopefully the cream is working. It will take a while for the sores to heal completely. Don't scratch! And don't wipe too roughly. I find blotting with the tissue instead of wipping reduces irritation. A good quality toilet paper helps a great deal as well. Cheap stuff irritates my urethra. And if you have a shower head that you can move down there and rinse off the discharge, that helps with the irritation on the outside. When I have an infection, or symptoms of one, I shower 3-4 times a day just to rinse water over the area and then I lay infront of a fan with my legs spread to dry the area off. It helps quite a bit.

Thanks for the visual

LOL sorry. *embarrassed*

Don't be embarrassed hon, it made my day. [:)]

mystickoolaid -> RE: i have... (a medical question) (11/20/2008 6:15:53 AM)



Most emergency rooms in America will have to see you if you walk in the door.  Claiming you have been raped isn't the way to go.  I don't like the medical system, but I do understand some of the issues of medical personal and believe me, just like anyone else, they can become jaded, or hardened to the lies and stupid they see on a daily basis.  When a woman cries foul, rape and the like and she lies, those that hear it harden and are less likely to believe the next one that comes in with a similar look to the situation.  Don't make it harder for those who have a true story and need to be believed.

I've seen it happen in hospitals and courts where someone didn't believe because someone or a few someone's cried foul when there was nothing to cry about.  Bad idea.  There is always another way to get medical treatment.

That actually happened to me, with a real rape situation... that is how I know they don't charge. I said to make it clear that you didnt want any investigation or charges, because that would take it way too far on crying 'wolf'. Just figured if she was desperate and needed an exam that lying was better than having her vagina fall out.

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