What's your fantasy? (Full Version)

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AcademyForSlaves -> What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 7:47:41 PM)

If there were no limits, no worries about what others think or like...

I'll start. Mine is finding the 24-7 slave of my dreams, doesn't top from the bottom, always does what I want, never argues, never wants to leave, cooks and does dishes, and gives oral sex nightly and for hours. (Maybe I just need a robot blowup doll maid? lol)

What's your ultimate kinky fantasy?

E2Sweet -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 7:57:33 PM)

Finding the dominant woman that wants a submissive that doesn't top from the bottom, always does what she wants, never argues, never wants to leave, cooks and does dishes, and gives oral sex nightly and for hours...

Damn, why is it so hard to find compatible people these days?!! [:D]

AcademyForSlaves -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 8:11:07 PM)

Hi. That'd be me. Nice to meet you. ;)

michelle1227 -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 8:23:01 PM)

This is my fantasy.  I would like to have a collar I could wear all the time and no one knows what it is except a master. I would want him to pull me aside and ask me about who I serve and what my likes are. I would want him to find pleasure in the way I conduct myself and contact my master to let him know what a good sub I am. In return my master would praise me and reward me.

My second fantasy. He dresses me in sexy clothing and takes me to a club. He gives me orders on how to conduct myself. He sits apart from me and waits for me to attract men and follow his orders. He lets me know if I am pleasing him or not. Later I would be allowed to sit next to him and he would want to know if I was turned on or not by all the attention and he would feel me in the club around all those people to see if I was aroused.  


VampiresLair -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 8:26:35 PM)

You want to see my fantasy? Look at the avatar picture here. I already have it.

DV's Fox

Lordandmaster -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 8:28:17 PM)

Here you go.  (Well, I guess she doesn't do dishes.)

Aszhrae -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 8:37:33 PM)

My fantasy is to have mistress that girl can for when she is ill, treat my mistress as though everyday for her was like a trip to the spa, a healing massage, a bath in scented oils and salts, bathing her as though her skin was like porcelain. Preparing meals from different lands until a menu is created that mistress enjoys always.
Maintain her household so that it is always presented pristine to any that mistress would invite for a visit. A mistress that would allow me the chance to create and to build things for her pleasure.
Above all a mistress in which girl could belong, a mistress to to center my self and focus all my attentions. Treating my mistress as if she was the queen of England.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 9:00:24 PM)

Probably to be kept in a medical breeding facility.

mc1234 -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 9:02:13 PM)

hmm... Mine would be to experience 24/7 with a certain Dominant I'm fond of.  To be of service in keeping his house clean, as well as serving dinner, etc.  And the free times during the days and evenings are filled with whatever activities he desires, whether it's scening in the elaborate dungeon or snuggling in front of the fire or watching me clean the kitchen floor on hands and knees naked.  And to be chained in to his bed at night, tucked in with him and awakening the next day to care for him again.  Fantasies are lovely ...

bdaile -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 9:04:53 PM)

My fantasy would be to go out some night with my dom to a club. While there, he fakes a phone call saying he needs to leave, so that I have to find a way home. When I leave the club, he has a friend waiting to abduct me, covering my eyes and gagging me. Then together they drive me to his house and tie me up, and proceed to "rape" me....

YourhandMyAss -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 9:07:51 PM)

My ultimate fantasies aren't involving kink. They're more of everyday life fantasies, like having tons and tons and TONS of money that NEVER runs out, And Daddy having a super great job that never fucks him over, like his job is now and has been for almost 2 years, And I want a huge place to live in and I want the 5 k of debt Daddy owes me back, with out any financial burden to him.

However the one Fantasy I do have would be to get a sex slave and not loose the Daddy I have now by getting the sex slave.
and a menagerie of subs to do my bidding, and I'd go to bdsm events everyday, and we'd be able to afford going out of town weekly, and Daddy would let me play with whomever I wanted with no hurt feelings, and would let me be an objectification girl at Master's Den.

ORIGINAL: AcademyForSlaves

If there were no limits, no worries about what others think or like...

I'll start. Mine is finding the 24-7 slave of my dreams, doesn't top from the bottom, always does what I want, never argues, never wants to leave, cooks and does dishes, and gives oral sex nightly and for hours. (Maybe I just need a robot blowup doll maid? lol)

What's your ultimate kinky fantasy?

YourhandMyAss -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 9:30:01 PM)

Oh and another fantasy, would be that aids and diseases and pregnancy didn't exist, and there was no dangers at all in running around and fucking as many people as you could stand to fuck.

utopicus -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/19/2008 11:42:42 PM)

My ultimate fantasy should not be a mere fantasy - although even my nickname is fantastic... What I would hope for is a dominant Lady to love me for what I am, support me and bring back joy and happiness in a twisted soul. For all of these, I would throw a lasso around the Moon - similar with what James Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life", by Frank Capra, promised to do... OK, the moon think it's a bit naive, I admit it, but I also have a lonely heart to give away...
As far as what goes on behind the closed doors - well...[:)][sm=mistress.gif]

Viridana -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/20/2008 3:35:50 AM)

Going to a furry conference with both me and my partner in cute teddy bear furry costume.

favesclava -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/20/2008 5:12:05 AM)

my Master got your fantasy LOL !!!!
mine came true when i met Him. so hang in there .
like i've said before "fairytales can come true it can happen to you"
some bumps in the road but for the most part, yeah , He got your fantasy.

jstmi -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/20/2008 5:33:59 AM)

well, my fantasy is something very personal to speak about in this forum, but my deep down wish is to be owned by a Dom/me who is caring, loving and supportive whom i can please with the little things i can do for Him/Her. One that accepts me for who i am and doesn't try to change me but we compliment each other. i feel that we must be friends first and grow to love each other getting to know each other and the trust is there. to me love in a vanilla way should be a part of O/our D/s life and we would communicate with each other and really know what pleases each other. not necessarily sexually but everything, tasks, duties and kinks as well.. of course He/She would decide when my wants were taken care of but my fantasy would to find someOne to fulfill my needs. that is the Dom/mes responsibility to their submissive and when the trust and love is there i will submit fully to His/Her desires.

Feliciasub -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/20/2008 5:42:43 AM)

My fantasy is that the Dom i am seing as friend for now ( we take time to know each other before we go any further ) finaly offers me my training collar and make me is little  ***ty bitch so i can serve and honour him daily and dedicated every single seconde of my life to is pleasure and happiness [:)]

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/20/2008 6:34:50 AM)

my fantasy is to spend an uninterrupted 24hrs with my pet ...it doesn't have to be kink-related either.  just one solid day of spending time together.

daddysliloneds -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/20/2008 7:42:07 AM)

my fantasy is to be in a d/s relationship with someone that was so strong and unwaivering that nothing at all would come between us or destroy it; where we would grow old together, sitting in the rocking chairs on the front porch together at 90 and still love each other more and more each day; even moreso than the day we first decided to commit to each other...

a relationship that everyday our hearts and minds are filled with the spunk and newness of a first-born relationship; where those on the outside looking in will look at us and say, 'now that is a couple who is truly in love; i envy them.'

CFslaves2 -> RE: What's your fantasy? (12/20/2008 9:55:57 AM)

hmm, fun topic[:)]

again, this isn't kinky, but a fantasy none the less...
Master's job was blade smithing and He never had to worry about getting black lung... okay Master would use the blades, that could get kinky...
M'Lady gets to be an interior decorater with a "ppa" pet-personal-assistant... yep, this could get kinky too...
and we have dairy goats on the land. what? i like goats! they are cute...but deffinately not kinky, lol.

YourHandmyAss has the right idea here, i think. Lots of money and no sickness, but you could send all that unwanted fertility my way, i wouldn't mind some... lol, one's dream can be another's nightmare. best wishes for all-

edited a little...

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