RE: Pope says I'm a threat to mankind (Full Version)

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UPSG -> RE: Pope says I'm a threat to mankind (2/15/2009 12:20:15 AM)



The problem of course is that this guy does carry some clout in many parts of the world. And those parts of the world are often places where education and awareness of the human condition is sorely lacking. How many homosexuals and transgender people will die in such places, as a result of his words?

And thats no overreaction; many die every year in such places, being accused of witchcraft and such other sins as we might find rather odd notions and ill justification.

But even here in what we like to think of as the educated and aware west, comments like this do not help. Rather like the racist joke - which is funny and to first glance innocent humour, adds to the problem of racism and lends support to those who fulfil its natural conclusion, comments like these merely add to homophobia and transphobia and support harassment and violence.

Although it would never happen, in theory the Pope could be arrested in the UK for comments like these, falling into the category of inspiring others to crime driven by hatred. If a prominent Muslim had so broadcasted his thoughts in this way on the matter, the police would be taking an interest I'd wager.

[sm=lol.gif] There are arguably more transsexuals in Brazil (the nation with the largest Catholic population on earth) than in any atheist society or that may reside in the UK. And let me guess... the UK is known for its annual bare bodied Carnival and not Rio de Janeiro. It is also Italy where most Brazilian transsexuals move to to seek their financial fortune (lest I forget Italy and Brazil have both elected public servants to office that were transsexuals).

UPSG -> RE: Pope says I'm a threat to mankind (2/15/2009 12:38:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: myotherself

How can you respect a man who publicly calls for mankind to love each other and help each other, and then singles out a particular group who are behaving 'unnaturally' as the exception?  Can't be bothered to target murderers, or, let's go for the soft target.

Surely it's more unnatural for a healthy male to abstain from sex?

As always, an edict from the pope is usually accompanied by a strong smell of bullshit...

Yeah, given the STD's and death by AIDS I don't think its tenable to argue celibacy has been medically linked to early deaths.

Sexual organs are primarily for sexual reproduction. Bottom line. And homosexuals are hardly a "soft target" given their political lobbying power. The Church teachings oppose murder (a legal term for unlawful killing) and pedophilia. Church teachings also oppose nuclear weapons, the use of land mines, liassez faire capitalism but ironically I don't hear the media reporting much on that. I don't recall a peep out of the U.S. media when Pope John Paul II and the Vatican were having strained relations over U.S. policy of flooding weapons into civil war torn parts of Africa or with the U.S. refusing to give up the use of land mines in combat (which maim children and adults years after wars are over).

The media tends to select Papal comments and subjects that are a source of intrigue to the easily tickled ears of the secular West - whom tends to think two men giving each other a blowjob are more important than diminishing world hunger.

offeredup -> RE: Pope says I'm a threat to mankind (3/7/2009 3:19:25 PM)

As a cardinal, of course, Rat Zinger oversaw the Vatican's policy of protecting serial-molester, pedophile priests by moving them from parish to parish where they could find fresh victims. So, he should know about a thing or two about "destruction of god's work," even though he doesn't know dick about homosexuality or any other kind of healthy sexuality (or pretends not to know anything.) 
Gee. What was it that Jesus said about gays, lesbians and transexuals?  Oh, yeah. NOTHING!

ChelseaNY -> RE: Pope says I'm a threat to mankind (3/15/2009 3:01:50 PM)

This is why many christian type faiths have broken away from the papal rule.  There are now many organized religions which embrace homosexuals.  Although I am a pagan at heart and have been for a very long time, I recently attended the baptism of my 18 year old niece, who is quite devout, and I found it to be a pleasant experience.  I spoke with the Minister, since my niece is very proud of her transgender Aunt, bless the girl.  He was pleasant, and when he said I was welcome anytime I joked with him and said "don't be so sure", and then informed him of my lifestyle.  He was great, has a gay brother, was so interested in asking me questions, I have to admit I was surprised. 
The Basic tenets of most religions are good ones, unfortunately they don't always change with thew times.  In the bible a child who was disobedient to his parents could be brought to the town square and stoned to death.  A woman who was not a virgin on her wedding night was to be brought to her fathers house and also put to death.  The church obviously sees the need for these old biblical laws to be put to rest, but does not see how society has changed for others.

So you can dislike the Papal authority, and even some of the more over zealous churches out there, but remember that it does not apply to all of them. 

GotSteel -> RE: Pope says I'm a threat to mankind (3/18/2009 3:12:59 PM)

God would respond to this bull personally but he's too busy not existing.

kazzaslave -> RE: Pope says I'm a threat to mankind (3/18/2009 5:14:23 PM)

Well DONE Lady E! And all without breaking a sweat too. *applauds loudly*


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