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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 1/27/2009 1:13:45 PM   

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Joined: 6/4/2008
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Ravensnake- That's unfortunate.
I had mine reject due to the shape of my nipples. I plan on going for it again next year, because they're less inverted now.
Going for a "3 strikes, you're out" deal, if it doesn't work after 2 re-piercings, give it up.

Edit: quote didn't quote.

you mentioned the inversion...

miss satan was born with inverted nipples.  (my adult daughter)  and after she got one done she said it totally stopped being inverted at all.

and piercing has been used for a medical reason, to re-align the nipples (correct inversion) so that the woman would be able to breastfeed easier.


(in reply to RiotDoll)
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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 1/28/2009 10:52:46 PM   

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Hi there, congratulations and good luck with your journey to get pierced nipples...
I have a horizontal piercing in each nipple.  I recommend for the initial piercing that you get a straight barbell, such as this one
or circular or capitve bead, like these.
People generally get 14 gauge holes, which is most appropriate for most people, as too small a gauge, 16-22 and beyond and such will easily rip out, especially in play, and too large, 12+ can be no good because nipples are for the most part on the small and delicate side. Pretty much the same thing could happen as with a small gauge because of the lack of flesh support with a bigger hole.  And for the mostpart a larger gauged nipple is pretty unnatractive.
I recommend a straight barbell (with extra room to account for swelling) because curved barbells catch too easily on outside things. Circular barbells and captive bead can also be good, easy to clean, actually very good to clean because you can clean the entire ring and slide the ring through the nipple to clean inside the piercing as well.  The same can be done with a straight barbell, but circular barbells actually are better to clean. BUT I mention straight barbells because I find that a straight ring heals faster, and does not leave imprints of the jewlery on your tittie.  So actually either would be appropriate, it's a matter of personal choice.  Stay away from nipple shields until you are healed, and absolutely NO CLAMPS OR WEIGHTS UNTIL YOU ARE HEALED. 
As for aftercare, a glycerin based soap, or even something like dial soap. Wash nipple area and jewlery are thoroughly twice daily, aside from showers.  Do not use a piercing solution like the ones they give at the mall for ears.  I generally use tea tree soap for piercings, but I'm pretty sure I did not for my nipples because of the sensitivity.  Defineately purchase a sea salt soak if your piercer sells it, or make your own with 2 parts water to 1 part sea salt (I think).  Do not use iodized table salt, only salt labeled SEA SALT.  Also, is a reliable website for cleaning products as well as jewlery and such
Also it is very important that you make sure you are pierced with SURGICAL GRADE STAINLESS STEEL tools and jewlery.  Everything should be packaged in sterilized plastic packaging, or something of the sort, and be new, if not autoclaved in a special autoclaving machine, made for piercers.
Shop around for a piercer.  Look up local shops online, look for reviews by other clients, ask around, and go to select piercers and as every question you can think of to make sure they are good.  Ask to look around and ask to see the tools, jewlery, and supplies they use.  A good piercer will not be annoyed, he/she should be helpful and intersted in proving their shop is clean, up to standards and appropriate for use.  Someone who is short with you and aggrivated may have something to hide.   Ask if you will be pierced by a piercer or apprentice, and what said persons experience/skill level is with nipple piercings.  Some shops do not have a piercer everyday or all day.  Call ahead when you go to explore the shop, and ask if you need to make an appointment or if you can do a walk in when  you are ready. 
A good piercer should give you all aftercare information, usually in a pamphlet, as well as the phone number to call with any questions.  Ask them to write their name on the pamphlet, especially if the shop houses more than one piercer, so if you call your problem can be traced to and addressed by the person who did the job.
As for pain, be prepared for the second one to hurt more than the first.  Seriously.  Your body will think that the trauma is over after the first hole is made, concentrating on said first nipple, and may be taken by "surprise" with the second hole.  But do not fret, the bulk of the pain is a quick, sharp pain that is reminiscant of being bit too hard.  It will most likely be a mild ache afterwards.  Be prepared to catch your loofah in the shower on it.  Ouchies.  As for sensitivity changes, I noticed no real difference after healing time was up, but when healing most things catching can give a minor twinge, and if not cared for properly, get ready for puss, blood, and pain everytime the ring moves or something touches your nipple.
Please be sure you are ready and have the time/money to care for your new piercings, as piercings can be one of the most exciting things, for body image and feeling good if they are cared for right, pierced by the right person, and allowed to heal correctly and be beautiful.
I know this is a lot of information, but it is important to be careful who pierces you and take very close care of your piercings as it is an open wound and technically a source of infection while healing.  You really don't want to screw up your nipples.
Nipple piercings are actually the only piercings I have never gotten a complaint from in a partner.  A lot of people are not interested in facial or other body piercings, but most people, at least in my experience think pierced nips are the hottness.
Woo.  That was tiring.  Lol.  That's all I can think of at this point.  Please message me here on CM with any questions you may have.
Thanks, Flesh.

Also, I do recommend wearing a bra to minimize bouncing and moving/catching.  The bra will hold them in place and the pressure does not add any pain.  Wear a bra you don't care about or ask for gauze for the minimal bleeding that may occur.  Remember to take the gauze out soon however, so it doesn't stick.  In the event that you do forget, and have sticky gauzy nipples hop in the shower and run some warm water over your breasts or take a wash cloth with warm water and squeeze the water over or hold it on your nipple to slowly release the stick.
-Saline is also appropriate for soaking if you do not want to mix your own seasalt.

< Message edited by fleshwoundkisses -- 1/28/2009 11:04:35 PM >

(in reply to bdaile)
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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 2/19/2009 4:54:28 AM   

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shorn has had shorn's pierced for years. It still make shorn hot. shorn changes what is worn regularily.



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(in reply to Lynnxz)
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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 2/22/2009 12:53:21 AM   

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M dom, 46 straight. I have pierced and been pierced since the mid 70's most of what is being said is good info. Aftercare, aftercare aftercare. sea salt, tea tree oil.You have to be diligent. A good piercer always starts with the most sensitive nipple, that way few people will back out of the second one. Always use jewelery that allows for swelling. Stainless, or Titanium. People that have Nickle allergies should use titanium. People that have had rejection issues should use titanium, to rule out nickle allergies. I have seen so many    f 'ed up piercings, even by quote professional piercers. crooked, to shallow, wrong gauge, wrong jewelery, etc. In my humble opinion bars only till they are healed. that way the holes heal straight. makes changing jewelery sooo much easier. I Love piercings on women as long as they are tastefull, same goes for tats. I think the naked female form is one of the most beautiful gifts that creator has given us. And any one who would refuse to make love to you because of a piercing, is some one whom I would not want to be with in the first place! I have heard of few people who don't love them. Increaced sensitivity, attachment points, decorative possibilities, etc. They can be frustrating when you catch one on something, it hurts for a whole 30 seconds.... wow big whoop, reminds you your human. Mak sure your piercer is clean & sterile, dirty shop, dirty piercer. walk away. talk to friends, the'll let you know whom to stay away from.


(in reply to shorn)
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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 2/28/2009 3:27:35 PM   

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i dont mind the rings showing trough the fabric --on the contrary, i do like it

(in reply to ExKat)
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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 3/3/2009 12:28:44 PM   

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I have a bit to add to this.  I have had my nipples pierced for over ten years.  

Prior to piercing them I used safety pins to pierce them.  I would then link several together til they form a tight chain.  The pain would lead me to masturbate and eventually have an intense orgasm. 

I also used straight pins with clamps, jumper cables, clover clamps, clothespins, and other things I can not wrap my memory around.  I will tell you that having them professionally pierced hurt the most.  I got a lil lightheaded and felt nice.

The pain was intense for me but was quickly over. 

Since then I have had my subs pierce their nipples.  Its a huge turn on for me.  I have also had one sub pierce their hood.

And now going on 2 years, I have also had my penis pierced with a prince albert and also a frenum piercing.  My intentions are to eventually have a ladder style piercing on the top and bottom of my penis.

(in reply to dryfsys)
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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 3/4/2009 2:47:45 PM   

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Nipple pierced at 48 and I did it to help a friend that was afraid of needles get through hers.

I have a very high pain tolerance and knew I could get through it without wincing or any facial expression.
She was less edgy with me going first, although the called me on the mind trick LOL  Hey it worked.

I have had my over a year now. Nary a problem with them, they still crust at times but I am dilligent on keeping them clean and smooth, if I feel any internal irriation I call off limits till it passes and hit the sea salt spray.

I highly suspect the lil crusties are from my milk glands as I nursed 3 babies and there is still seepage, which occured prior to any piercing...just part of maintenance.

I also love that with my nipples that already stood out a mile under clothing there is two nipple and my ring.

My Adored ones love them. :)

And I kinda preened when the piercer told me she had never seen such perfect nipples to pierce. Oh yeah...that was a huge compliment.

Those puppies can take an eye out if your not carefull, pre piercing and after.


Disclaimer:If its the wrong word or misspelled I blame on my fingers and brains refusing to interact.

(in reply to Sepiroth)
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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 3/11/2009 1:01:20 PM   

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I have 1 nipple done, it took almost 9 mths to heal before anyone could play with it, as for a turn on i dont care what anyone else thinks its my nipple i like it thats that.
Did it hurt - hell yeah - i near went through the roof.
After care is very important, sensitivity WOW my left (pierced) is very sensitive while the right (unpierced) is also sensitive in a whole different way.
A reputable piecer is the only way to go, see your local piercer/tattooist ask questions, ask to see photos of thier work.
Good luck

(in reply to bdaile)
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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 3/11/2009 4:06:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: pixidustpet



Ravensnake- That's unfortunate.
I had mine reject due to the shape of my nipples. I plan on going for it again next year, because they're less inverted now.
Going for a "3 strikes, you're out" deal, if it doesn't work after 2 re-piercings, give it up.

Edit: quote didn't quote.

you mentioned the inversion...

miss satan was born with inverted nipples.  (my adult daughter)  and after she got one done she said it totally stopped being inverted at all.

and piercing has been used for a medical reason, to re-align the nipples (correct inversion) so that the woman would be able to breastfeed easier.


Yup. After my surgery one was kinda inverted for some reason. Now they at least look aroused all the time.


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(in reply to pixidustpet)
Profile   Post #: 49
RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 3/29/2009 3:24:55 AM   

Posts: 5521
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From: Chico, Nor-Cali
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What I have to offer to this discussion:

I got mine done because my nipples had lost an enormous amount of sensitivity . . . . Breast fed 3 children for a year plus each, that pretty much numbed them out. Got them done when the kidlets were middle-school age, so, many years later -- still very numb nips . . . . . But there is a real risk of losing sensitivity, which would be more of an issue for women who's nips are currently plenty sensitive . .. . . .

For what it's worth, I have large dangly tits, D cups, large nipples, large areolas . . . . .

Over all, I'm very satisfied with my choice, some 10 years later . . . . . It did indeed make my nips nearly as sensitive as they were pre-breast-feeding . . . . . I prefer to stretch to bigger jewelry, for the sensation, for the heaviness of the jewelry, for the ability to get rougher with bigger piercings, it's easier to change out jewelry as the holes get larger, & most especially, because my experience has been that the finer the gauge the more problems with inflammation & infection, whether it's ears or nips . . . . . . . .

There are some strong caveats, tho', the biggest one being that I cannot allow mouths on my nipples anymore . . . . . . No amount of cleaning will keep bacteria out, & I know from experience that if mouths suck on my nips I will get puss-y discharge from the piercings, & if I keep the body-fluids away, the pierces clear right up . . . . . & yes, this means that, for me, having my nipples sucked may no longer be safer sex without a barrier . . . . . .

Another consideration is interacting with medical care . . . . For instance, last year I had an emergency -- kidney infection -- & ended up in the hospital for a coupla days, getting a CAT scan in the process. I removed all my body jewelry before I left for the hospital & considered myself lucky to be able to . . . . . I've heard that emergency room docs don't always know the intricacies of how to get body jewelry off of unconscious patients & occasionally it has to get cut out . . . . . Depending on one's state of health, this kind of thing may be more or less of an issue . . . . .

(A piercing side note about my adventure in the hospital is that I had my nipple jewelry out for a coupla weeks . . . . Prior to the hospitalization I was wearing 8 gauge jewelry in my nips; the holes had shrunk when I finally felt up to putting jewelry back in, I think the ones that fit the shrunken holes were 14 gauges . . . . I've accumulated an assortment of surgical-steel rings & barbells in sizes from 16 gauge up to 8 gaugeover the years . . . . . )

Just as with kink or queer issues, medical personnel can be weird & / or lacking in accurate knowledge about piercing issues . . . . . .

Anyone considering any kind of body piercing should do plenty of research . . . . . While it's hard to know in advance whether one will have migration / rejection issues, for instance, it's important to give careful consideration to as much info as one can lay hands on . . . . .

Also, to me, body modification is similar to plastic surgery in that I'd prefer to have really experienced practitioners muckin' around with my bod . . . . . Ask how many nips any given piercer has poked, for instance; I'd rather have someone who's done thousands of pairs, tens of thousands, or more, as opposed to someone who's done dozens or hundreds . . . . . . In part because the more they've done the more problems they've seen, the better their skills at both avoiding & coping with problems, in general . .. . . .. Ask, what kind of problems have you seen with nipple piercings you've done? of the practitioners you're considering; I'd never trust someone who'd never had problems crop up, or at least won't admit it . . . . . .

Oh, & the number one reaction I've had from men, & women, is that my nipple piercings are sexy as hell . . . . . & more importantly, I like the way they look, I think they make my tits look sexier, & they definitely feel sexier . . .. . .


(in reply to AquaticSub)
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RE: Nipple Piercings.... - 3/29/2009 3:31:03 AM   

Posts: 119
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i had mine done a couple of years ago and they never healed properly. no amount of care would help them settle and as well as not increasing the sensitivity of my nipples post-piercing we found that their not-quite-ever-healed status seriously compromised one of our fave areas of play.

They're out now, have been for about 3 months, and as much as i absolutely loved the *idea* and the aesthetic, the negatives -sadly- outweighed the positives for me.


~~ scene but not herd ~~

(in reply to DemonKia)
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